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Career Lab

Brag Sheet Email

Submitted by:

Maha Rasheed

Registration number:


Submitted to:

Prof. Khadija Chaudhry




16th April; 2020




SUBJECT: Lett er to yourself

Hi there!! I am talking to you my past self. These previous years have taught you a
lot of lessons. There are moments when you were happy and there are some
moments when you were sad. The happy moments are the moments when you
were proud of yourself and some sad moments gave you a lot of pain but taught
you that nothing is forever just thought about your happy moments that how you
struggle to achieve them and then live your life to fullest. Today, I am again going
through my tough time that’s why I want to remind you of your achievements.

Back in 2017 do you remember when you were constantly trying to learn playing
piano but almost for 2 to 3 months you were failing to learn just the basics of that
instrument and your piano teacher was like “you are just wasting your time”. Just
because you die heartedly wanted to learn playing piano a little courage by your
mom “that you can do everything. Just focus” brought your confidence up and
within few months you learned to play it. After that you took part in your college
Farwell party and success fully played it in front of your whole college. Well, this
achievement was not that big but it taught you a great lesson that don’t listen to
others negative comments.
Oh I just remember the time when you were struggling to get full marks in your
mathematics subject because you never scored full marks in that subject in your
entire life 1 or 2 marks were always deducted and guess what in your entire school
life there was no record when you scored full in math but at the time of your matric
final papers you luckily manage to take 75 out of 75 marks and I was surprised to
see that. God is always waiting for a perfect time to give you reward of your hard
How can you forget this? Recently, a year ago you manage to lose your weight and
your weight is consistent since then. Oh yes!!! another big achievement is that you
successfully volunteered for thalassemia patients and you were also awarded for
your contribution
I think these memories are enough to boost your confidence up and to face this
difficult situation calmly. Dear me, you just need to keep in mind that this time will
pass away and then light of hope will come and you will again make some good
memories in your life of which you will be proud of.

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