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1. Choose two related problems related psycholinguistics aspect in the teaching and learning English.

personality and learning style

2. Write a five page essay, which contains introduction, body, and conclusion. Remember to put the problem statements at the last line
of the last paragraph in the introduction. Write your introduction in one page.

3. Elaborate the solution of the problems in the body of essay in three and a half pages,

4. Write your conclusion based on the discussion in the body, and then give suggestion to your readers related to your solution.

Extrovert dan introvert

judul Yg diteliti Treat by object of r Suggest by researcher

LEARNING STYLES OF investigate kinesthetic and auditory are the The writer
learning style preferred by most suggested that the students
INTROVERT AND Introvert and Extrovert students frequently preferred learning should be aware of their
EXTROVERT STUDENTS and to examine the style of Introvert students and learning styles because it is
most frequently preferred auditory is the most important in learning process
learning style of Introvert and frequently preferred learning and career development, for the
LEARNING Extrovert students style of Extrovert students. teacher, they should
PROCESS treat their students well based
on their preferred learning
Extroversion - Introversion this study was to investigate the extrovert personality does not like the writer should have used
relationship, studying alone independent variables such as
in the Context of Foreign if any, between learner personality they prefer to do a project with writing course grades or
Language Learning type and his success in language their classmates through speaking course grades which are
learning discussing their opinions the courses in which the introverts
to discover the relationship and extroverts are more
between the students’ successes The introverts, successful respectively
and their personality type: however, prefer to talk to one
extroversion vs. introversion. person at a time since they do not
like being in the centre of
Extrovert versus Introvert to investigate what Introvert: They were (1) it was recommended that
language learning strategies English teachers at senior high
Students: What EFL introvert and extrovert students
learning from mistakes, (2)
school use
Learning Strategy do They used highly frequently. from teacher, (3) using McCroskey’s Introversion
Scale to recognize their
Use? dictionary, (4) listening songs
in English and (5) keeping a students’ personality and use
language learning notebook. ELLSI to find out what
Extrovert: strategies their students
(1) learning from mistakes, (2) frequently used. By
learning recognizing what
from the teacher, (3) watching personality the students had
TV in English, (4) using a and what strategy the students
dictionary, (5) consciously frequently used, the teacher
learning new vocabulary, (6) was expected to be able to
keeping a language learning design an effective way to
notebook, (7) not worrying improve students’ English
about mistakes, and (8) proficiency.
Watching movies in English.
Extroversion Versus investigate if there is any positive Extro: cooperative strategy
correlation between personality types
Introversion, Instructional (extrovert and Intro: applied individual Instruction
introvert), instructional strategies
Strategies, and Reading (cooperative and individual
learning), and the success of
Performance in performance in reading
Multilingual EFL Classroom
Analysis On The to examine, whether there is there is no significant
correlation between correlation between
Relationship Of Extrovert-
extrovert-introvert extrovert personality and
Introvert personality and students’ speaking
Personality And Students’ speaking performance (0,575 > 0,05)
performance or not and also and also there is no
Speaking Performance In to know which personalities
have better achievement in
between introvert
speaking performance. personality and speaking
Study Program Of Halu performance
Oleo University (0,505 > 0,05). Then, other
result shows that introvert
students have better
achievement in speaking
extrovert students,
ANALYSIS ON THE to investigate the probable roles The result of t-test revealed that
of extrovertintrovert there is
RELATIONSHIP OF personality towards speaking statistically significant
EXTROVERT – performance difference between the
personality types of the
participants’ speaking
AND STUDENTS’ performance. There is also a
SPEAKING different learning style
between the introvert and
PERFORMANCE extrovert students, introvert
students prefer to study
alone while the extroverts
prefer to participate and study
in group.

Psycholinguistic is a combination of two discipline, they are the study of mind and behavior or known as psychology and study

of language that known as Linguistic. Psycholinguistics is the scientific discipline that aims to understand all aspects of the use of

human language, including how language is comprehended, how language is produced, and how language is acquired.
in how language acquired, there many topics are explained. Some of them are personality and learning style. Personality is

More or less stable internal factors that make one person’s behavior consistent from one time to another and different from the

behavior other people would manifest in comparable situations (Crozier, 2013).while learning style is in broad terms to the

preferences that an individual has of obtaining, processing, and retaining information (susan. M. Gass & Larry Silinker, 2008).

Personality has significant with learning style because they are intertwined.

It is not only cognitive ability to reach Academic achievement of the learner. As the research found, such as (Faisal, 2019);

cognitive ability is not solely adequate for student to succeed in academics. further, to get students achieve academic achievement,

the students need to be supported by understanding their personality (Y FITRIA M, 2017). Also, there are many researcher

researches about personality and learning style. From those some result, the writer interest in identifying the role of personality and

learning style in achieving academic achievement.

In brain processing, studies show that brain of extrovert and introvert operate differently. he introverts‟ brain pathways are longer


more complicated than those of extroverts (Laney in Zainuddin, 2016). He also said the behavioral differences between introverts and

extroverts result

from using different brain pathways that influence where we direct our focus internally or externally. Extroverts work better under
stressful situations than introverts. Stress releases additional dopamine, which impairs optimal stimulation in the dorsolateral

prefrontal cortex and weakens the Working Memory (WM) and intentional processes

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