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Name : Al Fatkhu Firramadhani

Student’s Number :204180004

No Component Description
1 Background Most of Indonesian English learners find words or vocabularies to be
their main hindrance. It is not surprising because the English
language is still a foreign language in Indonesia and it is one of the
fastest and most vivid languages in the world. It is made up of over
1.5 million words. Over and above that, the same word can have a
variety of different meanings depending on the context it is put intwo
(or more) words can have the exact same spelling but are pronounced
differently, depending on their meanings. Common or general words
are hard to learn, what to say idiomatic expressions whose meanings
cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up.

In spite of its hardness, idiomatic expressions are very important

because they are used in everyday English conversation. They are a
natural part of language and are used by native speakers not only on
special occasions... but in every and each occasion!!

The seventh graders of SMP Negeri 87 Jakarta are fond of English.

They sometimes communicate in Englsih. In the classroom, when
they have to present something before class in English, they tend to
be active and like to talk in English. The English they use, however,
is very limited to some bookish words that sound so awkard.
2 Research The research questions in this research is as a follow:
Questions 1. To what extent do the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 87
Jakarta learn the basic two-word verb idiomatic expressions?

2. Is there any possible influence of two-word verb idiomatic

expression learning on the speaking skill?
3 Research Whether there is any effect of two-word verb idiomatic expression
Objectives mastery on the speaking skill of the seventh grade students of SMP
Negeri 87 Jakarta
4 Significance Accordingly the writer wishes this to be significant from both
of the Study theoretical and practical point of view.
1. Theoretically:
a. The primary purpose of basic two-word verb idiomatic expression
learning research is to get any information needed by both teachers
and students so that they may make the best effort to enhance any
progress or improve any shortcomings they might find.
b. Idiomatic—two-word verb—expressions are inseparable in English
study the learning to the natural mastery of which will hopefully
enhance the speaking skill required or set in the teaching-learning
target within the curriculum. In addition, speaking skill is one of the
skills English learners are supposed to command. Without this skill, a
learner of English would be considered as nothing but a passive
English speaker.
c. By using more and more two-word verb expressions, one can
express their opinions in more various ways in accordance with their
feelings or mood in a proper and right way that is going to be
naturally and beautifully understood and appreciated as normal or
standard English communication.

2. Practically
a. Speaking is maybe the hardest skill students need to learn and
master. However, its mastery is a must, because it is one of the skills
an English learner must master.
b. Two-word verb idiomatic expressions are part of English words or
vocabulary that one should learn and command so that they can
understand English, especially spoken or informal one better. Spoken
English modes will make both interlocutors more familiar to each
other faster. It is also a common practice to use these kinds of words.
5 Theorical Speaking
Background There are many experts explaining definition of speaking. Speaking
is a productive language skill. It means that speaking is a person‘s
skills to produce sounds that can be understood by other people, so
that he or she is able to create good communication. It is a mental
concept processed by someone in such a way to form a meaning
when uttered.
Wendy and Listbeth state that speaking is perhaps the demanding
skill for the teacher to teach. In their own language children are able
to express emotions, communicate intonations and reactions, explore
the language and make fun of it, so they expect to be able to do the
same in English.
Speaking in Heaton‘s words has five elements:
1. Pronunciation. Harmer, in this case, states that if students want to
be able to speak English fluently, they need to be able to pronounce
phonemes correctly, use appropriate stress and intonation pattern and
and speak in connected speech.
2. Grammar. According to Bygate, to be able speak foreign language,
it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary.
3. Vocabulary. Folse defines vocabulary as single words, set phrases,
verbs, and idioms.
4. Fluency. In the words of Riddel, fluency is the ability to talk freely
without too much stopping or hasitating.
5. Comprehension. Heaton defines comprehension as the ability to
understand something of what a situation is really like.
Speaking Skill
This is the productive skill a learner must possess so that he can
express his ideas in a spoken mode. Harmer says, ―While listening
and reading involve the ability to correctly receive messages and are
therefore referred to as receptive skills, speaking and writing, on the
other hand, involve language production and are referred to as
productive skills.
This skilll has often meant a difficulty and an obstacle for English
learners. There might arise a question why. The answer is obvious. In
the natural spoken language students are required to be aware of
characteristics of fluent speech, such as reduced forms, fixed phrases,
collocations and most importantly the pace of speech and use of slang
or idiom. All of these have to be taken into consideration while
practising conversation in class. Without these, our spoken language
would sound bookish and unnatural. To avoid this, it is essential to
introduce and practise ―real‖ communication with our students
within the learning process. If it is neglected, it may be a reason why
students are often shocked and disappointed when using a foreign
language for the first time whilst interacting in foreign environment.
They have not been prepared for spontaneous communication and
could not cope with all of its simultaneous demands.

Idiomatic Expression
Dixon says that Idiomatic expressions have long played an important
role in the English language. In fact, the use of idioms is so
widespread that an understanding of these expressions is essential to
successful communication, whether in listening, speaking, reading, or
6 Research Approach This research is a descriptive-qualitative research, which means it is
and Design intended to find out the descriptive outcome of the collected data and
the interpretation of which as the conclusion. According to Arikunto,
the data are the result of documenting a certain activity by a
researcher through observing, interviewing, experimenting, and
testing. The data of this research were collected from the seventh
grade students of SMP Negeri 87 Jakarta.
7 Previous Study Nama : Gadis Rizky Kurnia

NIM : 1110114000089

Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Jakarta, 24 Januari 1992

Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Judul : The Students’ Abillity of Using Idiomatic Expression in

Speaking Skills


In the previous study, the writer should show the differences of the
existing relevant studies (it is better for you if you mention their
focus), and then the focus of your study.

8 Research Setting This research take place at SMP Negeri 87 Jakarta the location is at
Kebayoran Lama Sub-district. The study is conducted from May 12 –
18, 2014
9 Data and Source of Source of this matrix is from Gadis Rizky Kurnia of Departement of
Data English Education of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta 2016

Data: words, phrases derived from the students’ speaking

Source of Data:
1.Secondary data; students’ previous performances in speaking,
diary class in speaking
2.Primary data; giving pretest and posttest, doing observation.

10 Research Creswell points out that data collection procedure in qualitative

Instrument research involves four basic types: observations, interviews,
documents, and visual images.37 According to Arikunto, there are
four methods of collecting data commonly used in a research. They
are a test, questionnaire, interview, and observation.38 Observation
and questionnaire are chosen as the writer‘s instruments of data
11 Data Collection As stated above, the instruments of the research are observation and
questionnaire. Therefore, the writer applis the following steps:
a. Observation
1. An assignment of 10 basic two-word verbs is given to the all
respondents to be memorized, then put them into simple sentences,
and finally put them into daily-activity paragraph. The idiomatic
expressions are taken from Essential Idioms in English by Robert J.
Dixson for elementary level.
2. All respondents are to state the memorized words and put them
simple sentences and paragraph at the appointed time of observation.
3. The result of above instruction is then put into the table of score

1. A questionnaire consists of 10 multiple-choice question items will
be distributed among the correspondents to answer. The purpose is to
know how many respondents understand or know the basic two-word
verb idiomatic expressions.
2. The answer was compiled and converted to percentage of how
many respondents are very good, good, fair, and poor.
3. The result of which was put into percentage
12 Data Analysis The findings clearly denote a few students out of thirty-six (36) who
took part in as respondents excel others in their learning of the basic
two-word idiomatic expressions. They are much better than others. A
few students (of the fair category) are also inferior to others, even
though not that significant. It can be said there is a only a small gap
among those who stay in scale 4 and those who stay in scale 2. This
means this difference or variance is not very significant. The above
condition is still conducive to a much better achievement. It is a kind
of a challenging condition whenever in a group there are only quite a
number of who are excellent, a great number of who are very good,
and only a few who are in between. Finally, the conclusion of the
findings is:
1. The Students‘ ability of Using Idiomatic Expression in Speaking
Skills in the academic year of 2014/2015 can be put into the
following achievement:
a. Very Good. Five or 13.89% respondents (students) come into the
very good category. These respondents can express themselves using
the basic two-word idiomatic expressions in their speech quite
b. Good. 28 or 77.78% respondents come into the good category.
These respondents have a bit problem in formulating their English
communication using the basic two-word idiomatic expressions. c.
Fair. Three or 8.33% respondents come into the fair category.
Respondents with this category express or use less the basic twoword
idiomatic expressions in their speech compared to the other groups.

e.g Interactive Analysis
(display reduce draw conclusion)

Thematic Analysis
(the researcher gets the data to answer
the research questions)

The research questions in this research is as a follow:

1. To what extent do the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri
87 Jakarta learn the basic two-word verb idiomatic

a.The researcher wants to get information of:

(1) students’learning process
(2) the students’ acquisition of basic two-word verb
idiomatic expressions?

2. Is there any possible influence of two-word verb idiomatic

expression learning on the speaking skill?
a. The researcher wants to get information of two-word
verb idiomatic expression learning on the speaking skill


Improving the First Year Students’ Speaking Ability throughOral Approach and
Situational Language Teaching(A Classroom Action Research of Class VII.C
of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng Barat)

By: Susi Linda Riani

Name :Andan Meindra

Students Number : 204180006
Class : TBI.A

Background 1. Students cannot say something perfectly in English.

2. Students do not know what they must say and how to say the
3. Students look confuse to express the idea on their mind.
4. Speaking became the most difficult lesson to be understood by
the students.
Research Question 1. How is the improvement of students’ speaking accuracy at the
first year students of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng Barat through Oral
Approach and Situational Language Teaching?
2. How is the improvement of students’ speaking fluency at the first
year students of SMP Negeri 1 Bajeng Barat through Oral
Approach and Situational Language Teaching?
Research Objective 1. To find out the improvement of students’ speaking accuracy by
using Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
2. To find out the improvement of students’ speaking fluency by
using Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
Significance of the 1. For the teacher. The concept of Oral approach and SLT can be
Study implemented in the real situation as well as an alternative
approach in teaching speaking in the classroom.
2. For the students. The concept of oral approach can improve the
students’ pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and smoothness in
3. For the next researcher. This research is useful information and
contribution for the nextresearcher who wants to conduct more
complex research especially for pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary, and smoothness in speaking.
Theoretical 1. Definition of Speaking
Background 2. Teaching Speaking
3. Students’ Need in Speaking
Previous Study 1. A research about the use of thematic simulation in improving the
speaking abilitywritten by Khafifah.
2. A research about knowing the increasing of students’
speaking ability through asking and answering techniquewritten
by Muhaimin.
3. A thesis about students speaking skill improvement by sustaining
self-determination approach written by Alam.
4. A research about the role of Oral Production test in
improving the students speaking ability written by Pitriani.
Research Approach &
Design The researcher used Class Action Research by using Lewin’s
model. This model was chosen by researcher because the steps
continuously from planning the activities, action, observing and
reflecting the action (as the design in CAR).

Research Setting This Classroom Action Research project conducted in SMP Negeri
1 Bajeng Barat.
Data & Source of Data 1. Data; information of the implementation process derived from
observationand speaking test.
2. Source of Data; a. primary data: students’ test result.
b. secondary data: observation and evaluation.
Research Instrument 1. Observation
2. Speaking test
Data Collection 1. Observation; the researcher helped by the teacher in observing
what happen in the class during the lesson from opening until
2. Speaking test; the researcher gave pre-cycle test before doing
action, and then the researcher gave oral test in each
cycle that consist of 40 items covering to find out the
improvement of students’speaking proficiency.
Data Analysis Layman (1972:219) has pointed out in scoring the result of
students’ test that will be evaluated based on two aspects of
speaking: students’ speaking accuracy and students’ speaking

1.Quantitative Analysis (students’ speaking accuracy)
2.Qualitative Analysis, it uses interactive analysis
(students’ speaking fluency)


An Analysis of Character Educational Value in ‘Aquaman’ Movie

by KhamimMufidah

Name : ErlindaNurLaili
NIM : 204180090
Class : Tbi C

An Analysis of Character Educational Value in ‘Aquaman’ Movie

by KhamimMufidah
1. Background The people have different purposes in watching movie such
as for refreshing, spending time, getting information and
perspective, learning foreign language and trying to
understand other cultures.
2. Research Questions 1. What type of values character education are found in
‘aquaman’ movie?
2. How are the character educational values reflected in
the ‘aquaman’ movie?

3. Research Objectives 1. This research focused to recognize the types of

character educational values found in the ‘Aquaman’
2. Recognize the character educational values are
reflected in the ‘Aquaman’ movie.
4. Significance of the study 1. For the teacher: This study is aimed to be an
inspiration and also to help teacher in teaching
his/her students.
2. For the students: This study is aimed to make them a
valuable lesson that students must be always respect
to the teacher although the teacher is not as students
3. For the other researchers: This study can be an
inspiration and secondary data to the other researcher
who interest to conduct study about character
educational values in others movie, so there will be
many movies analyzed and many values gotten and

5. TheoriticalBckground 1. Character
2. Education value
3. Aquanman movie

6. Previous Study 1. A thesis about character educational values in

‘zootopi’ movie script by SitiMukarromah
2. A thesis about an analysis of educational values in
‘life of PI’ movie by SilvyDwiSuryati
7. Research Approach & The researcher uses the library research and the approach
Design that is used by the writer is descriptive qualitative.
8. Research Setting Analyze the character educational values in the “Aquaman”
9. Data & Source of Data There are two data sources for the analysis, the ‘Aquanman’
movie video and sutitle file.
10. Research Instrument Documentary
11. Data Collection To collecting the data as follows:
1) Downloading the movie script.
2) Watching the movie more than once.
3) Reading and observing the dialogue from the script.
4) Collecting the data by watching the movie and trying to
understand it deeply and looking for all utterances.
5) Classifying them into categories of character educational
values based on KEMENDIKNAS’s formulation.
6) Selecting the every utterance in the movie into character
educational values.
12. Data Analysis Waching and understanding the movie, reading the movie,
finding the data in the form of conversational fragments of
the characters, marking the utterances uttered by the
characters, analyzing and describing, and giving conclusion.

e.g interactive analysis (analyzing and describing,

and giving conclusion)


BY : Rina Wafirotur Rosyda

Name : Sandrina Maulani

NIM : 204180065
Class : TBI C
The researcher is interested to find the language
1. Background
style in “Wonder” movie.
a. How many types of language style are used in
“Wonder” movie ?

b. What is the most dominant type of language style

2. Research Question
in “Wonder” movie ?

c. What are the factors that affect all characters in

“Wonder” movie to speak in different style?
a. To analyze the type of language style used in
“Wonder” movie.

b. To identify the dominant type of language style in

3. Research Objective
“Wonder” movie.

c. To describe the factors that affect all characters in

Frozen movie to speak in different style.
4 Significance of the study a. Theoretically, the result of this research is suppose
to give some significant contributions to the readers
in some ways to enrich their knowledge about the
type of language style used in the “Wonder”movie.
However, the researcher hopes that the readers have
quite understanding about how to use a language
style in other text.

b. Practically, this research hopefully has some

benefit for all students, especially at English
Department students who are interest in
sociolinguistics and be able to apply their knowledge
and comprehend language style in the appropriate
daily conversation, especially in formal situation and
in several different conditions.
1. Sociolinguistic
Sociolinguistics can refer to data usage language and
analyze to in the other sciences concerning social
life, and on the contrary, it refers to data society and
analyze to in linguistics
2. Language Style
Language is a very important means of
5 Theoritical Background communication for the community. Language is the
most characteristic feature of human which is able to
distinguish from other creatures.
3. Wonder Movie
The reason for choosing a “Wonder” movie is
because the movie contains many moral value and
educational value, this movie is very suitable to
provide motivation for students especially for
English learners.
1. Baeza Hapsah, State Islamic University ”Syarif
Hidayatullah” Jakarta (2008) entitled The Analysis
Of Language Style In Headline Of English
Magazine’s Advertisement.
2. Hayati Yusti Karina, State Islamic University
6 Previous Study
Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (2019) entitled
Language Styles Used In The Kite Runner Novel
Written By Khaled Hosseini: In Sociolinguistics.
3. “A Study Of Language Style Used By Characters
In Frozen Movie” by Rhike Resty Abidin (2018).
7 Research Approach & Design In this research, the researcher uses the library
research to learn the type of language style used in
“Wonder” movie ?
This is a library research, and in this proposal didn’t
8 Research Setting containt the setting.
The data in this research is in the form of words
from the script of “Wonder” movie utterances or
conversation taken from the movie that released in
2017 and directed by  Stephen Chbosky and written
by Jack Thorne, Steven Conrad, and Chbosky.
Source of Data
1. The Primary Data Sources The primary data are
taken from “Wonder” movie that released in 2017
and directed by Stephen Chbosky and written by
Jack Thorne, Steven Conrad, and Chbosky.
9 Data & source of data
Primary data are derived by the researcher from
the results of data collection.

2. The Secondary Data Sources The secondary data

are including the references and also materials relate
to the study by selection up whether from textbooks,
internet, articles, papers, dissertations, author’s
biography, journals or article and other significant
In this proposal I didn’t find any instrument use

10 Research Instrument FROM BU TINTIN

Sheets for collecting data
11 Data Collection In conducting this research, the writer uses
documentary technique to collect the data by getting
the data from reading the movie script and watching
the picture of “Wonder” movie by  Stephen
The technique of the data analysis in this study is
descriptive technique procedures in which the
12 Data Analysis
researcher interprets understands the text and
content analysis.

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