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Angelin Nasser


Advocacy project

2 October 2020

Early education is a necessity to provide a strong base for a successful individual and can

act as a backbone for lifelong learning. Thus, every child should be provided with education as

early as possible. Providing every child with education is very important because everyone

deserves to be cared for and educated. There were many reasons for my choosing of this issue.

But, the main reason was the fact that I came from a poor country where many kids didn’t have

the opportunity to attend school. I was fortunate enough to get an education that I will forever be

grateful for, and I recall many kids who were not. Some kids aged ten and older would be seen in

the streets, standing by traffic lights trying to sell chewing gum or offer to clean cars’ windows

for money. I do not want any kid to experience that ever. Kids should be provided with the best

education so they can provide for themselves and their families in the future instead of being out

in the streets to earn money. Additionally, children are the future of our society and in order to

have a good future, we must protect and educate them. volunteering our time and effort into

educating our children now will strongly benefit us in the future.

I intend to continue advocating for children by starting small with my community. I plan

on going around in my neighborhood and informing people about ways where they can advocate

for education for kids. The more people I get involved, the more letters we can send to our

legislators and the more action we can take to advocate to other parts of the state too. I aim to

raise awareness by joining the school district to outreach and help with enrolling kids in school.

One letter to a legislator is not enough to grab their attention to the cause, we need to get as
many people as we can to help advocate and send more letters to the legislator. By sending more

letters, it will help bring attention to support our state with a high-quality education and create a

safe and supportive environment for the children who need it. I intend to propose a plan where

we can start with small group sessions where we can provide a sort of early education plan to

help children who need the extra help like English language learners and children with

disabilities. Any action we can implement helps greatly in our cause to provide children with


Children’s defense funds. (2020, May 5). Education.

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