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Computed relationship values between the level of homophobic bullying and level of self-
Null Hypothesis Pearson r value Significance Interpretation Decision
There is no -0.186 0.025 There is a Reject the null
significant negligible negative hypothesis
relationship correlation
between the level between the level
of homophobic of homophobic
bullying and level bullying and level
of self-esteem of self-esteem

In this study, the researcher tried to determine if there is a significant relationship values between

the level of homophobic bullying and level of self-esteem. In order to answer the research

problem, pearson product moment correlation was utilized. The results revealed that the

significance value is .0105 which is found to be lower than 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the

null hypothesis is accepted. It implies that there a significant relationship between the level of

homophobic bullying and level of self-esteem. The result also showed the pearson r value which

is equal to -0.186 in which it describes as negligible negative correlation. A negative correlation

means that the higher level of homophobic bullying, the lower the self-esteem. However, the

result showed a negligible correlation.

Table for the level of homophobic bullying
Mean score Description Interpretation
3.41 Please see interpretation in Please see interpretation in
chapter 3 measures
chapter 3 measures

Table for the level of self-esteem

Mean score Description Interpretation
87.87 Please see interpretation in Please see interpretation in
chapter 3 measures
chapter 3 measures

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