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Acute Triangle Trigonometry

August 4, 2020 1:26 PM

- Skills
Title of Unit: Radicals Students will be able to:
- Apply sine law to solve problems
General Outcomes - Apply cosine law to solve problems
- Develop spatial sense - Create diagrams to represent word problems
- Determine solutions to word problems
Specific Outcomes
G3: Solve problems that involve the cosine law and the sine law, excluding the ambiguous case
Big Mathematical Ideas Students will know:
- Numbers - Where the sine law comes from
- Shapes and solids - Where the cosine law comes from
- Measurement - How to determine when they need to use the sine law vs the cosine law
- Geometry

Essential Questions
- What situations require which of the two laws to solve?

Learning outcomes Title Discussion Textbook Exit slips Exam

Type formative formative formative summative
Weight 100%
Solve Problems that involve the cosine law and the sine law, excluding the ambiguous case x x x x

Assessment Brief Description Assessment FOR Assessment OF

Tool Learning Learning
Discussion Discussion will be used in class to determine how students are x
feeling about the material. It will also be used to determine their
ability to explain their understanding

Textbook Textbook questions and worksheets will be used to give students x

Questions/ ample practice for questions they may experience of the exam as
worksheets well as give them practice applying their knowledge
Exit slips Exit slips are given at the end of every class on teams, there are x
1-2 questions from the topics covered for students to answer and
submit to me some time before the end of the day. This allows me
to give them feedback between classes and to see what areas
might need to be covered more in depth in the following class.
Unit Exam This unit test covers all the topics in the unit. It takes place at the x
end of the unit, preceded by a review session to help clear up any

# Lesson Title Lesson activities

1 Review of SOHCAHTOA Overview:
1. See what students remember about trig ratios
3. Practice trig ratios
4. Review how to solve for missing side lengths
5. Review how to solve for missing angles using inverse functions
6. Review solving word problems

Teaching and/or learning strategies: direct instruction, discussion, exploration


Resources: notes, hand out, iPad

2 Intro Sine law Overview:
G1 1. Split triangle into 2 right angle triangles
2. Solve for side length using SOHCAHTOA
3. Show how the two steps used for this, actually form the sine law
4. Solve side lengths using sine law
5. Solve angles using sine law and inverse functions
6. Solve word problems using sine law
7. Hand out worksheet for practice
8. Exit slip

Teaching and/or learning strategies: direct instruction, discussion, exploration


Resources: notes, hand out, iPad

3 Cosine Law Overview:
G1 1. Compare sine law to cosine law
2. How to know when to use cosine law over sine law
3. Show where cosine law comes from
4. Solve side lengths using cosine law
5. Solve angles using cosine law and inverse functions
6. Solve word problems
7. worksheet
8. Exit slip

Teaching and/or learning strategies: direct instruction, discussion, exploration


Resources: notes, hand out, iPad

4 Differentiating between cosine and sine Overview:
law 1. Review sine law and cosine law

Ch3 Trigonometry Page 1

law 1. Review sine law and cosine law
G1 2. Review when to use the two
3. Do few examples and have students tell you which law to use
4. Give hand out to practice which law to use
5. Exit slip

Teaching and/or learning strategies: direct instruction, discussion, exploration


Resources: notes, hand out, iPad

5 Word Problems Overview:
G1 1. Review creating diagrams to represent word problems
2. After creating picture which law to use
3. Practice solving word problems using laws
4. Exit slip

Teaching and/or learning strategies: direct instruction, discussion, exploration


Resources: notes, hand out, iPad

6 Review Overview:
G1 1. Review of topics covered and how/when to use them
2. Hand out review book
3. Answer questions and give clarifications

Teaching and/or learning strategies: practice questions


Resources: review book

Exam Overview:
G1 1. Class period for exam

Teaching and/or learning strategies:


Resources: exam

Ch3 Trigonometry Page 2

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