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Question number 2

Based on the analysis data that were stated by the reporter of The New Straits Times in its
article, it is about a number or statistic of suicide cases. Most of the victims that have been
recorded are these teenagers. Besides, Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among
adolescents or teenagers after homicide and accidents. According to WHO, a suicide occurs
every 40 seconds and commit is made every 3 seconds. We might not conscious of teenager
activities that could be the reason for them to commit suicide. There might be something that
could be the spark of suicidal ideation among those they interact. We need to look thoroughly at
the surrounding, the environment that they are staying and those friends that the teenagers

So the question right now is why those teenagers commit suicide, and what is it that
encourages them to do so?. There are several factors that can be highlighted for the reason
based on the report. The first thing that can be pointed out is depression, which is can be
related to mental illness, it can contribute to a teenagers’ decision to take his or her own life. As
we live in advanced life, teenagers nowadays will be facing quite different from those faced by
teenagers from previous generations. When relating depression most of the causes are from the
stress of academic studies, which is teenagers cannot accept the teacher keep scolding them,
even they already try their best to prove to their parents and teacher that they can achieve a
good result but in the opposite is what they get at the end. They will feel reluctant and give up
because it is useless for them to try it in the future. So, they may believe that suicide is a better
option than life as they experience it

In other cases, teenagers in this era very active in social media. Naturally, most
teenagers today, every each of them will have access to a smartphone, computer or any device
that can be used to connect to the internet and view a countless number of social websites.
Increasing use of social media among youth was also seen as contributing to depression and
loneliness.They will share their feelings and post it on social media, it is because social media
can be an entertaining and fun place to share all things included their personal information.
Simply by putting their personal information is to help those that wanted to contact them and
social media also is the fastest way for the teenagers to connect with their friends and family,
but, it also has its own disadvantage because teenagers can easily be influenced by those that
they interact via the social media. In social media there will be no controls over those people
that using it, its all up to the user to use it for a good or bad thing. So, when those bad people
approach these teenagers they will condemn and harass them until they feel down, give up and
feels empty and the ideation of suicide sparked in their mind. This can be described in poignant
terms, their constant vacillation between their suicide impulses and their drive to continue living.
So, they will commit suicide when there is no one trying to reach them properly.

Next, cases that frequently are related to teenagers are bullying, there were two types of
bully which is physical and emotional. In the past paragraph, it was an example of emotional
bullying, the teenagers were tormented in the internal side only which is usually happening and
can relate to cyberbullying. For cyberbullying, it has been sighted as a factor in several
published teen suicides or attempted suicides. Those bullies usually post their personal contact
information for a purpose to recruit those are interested to join them evildoing such as sending
embarrassing pictures or video through E-mail or post it on social networking sites to blackmail
the victims. So, for physical bullying, some parents often put an extreme amount of pressure on
their teen regarding his or her work or athletic abilities. In other cases, parents can verbally or
physically abuse their child, creating feelings of worthlessness. Most teenagers will be tortured
by parents due to the divorce of their parents. When all the pressure holds up too long it will
start to erupt this is where a warning sign of suicidal ideation sparked, it is because these
teenagers lost their purpose and forgot the value of life, they do not know what they should do
to solve their problems. They feel like they at the edge of pitfall and their sanity eradicate little by
little, day by day when the teenagers started to be insane, it would lead to escalating levels of
self-hatred and self-destructive behavior.

So, for the community it can be related to the social influence that they living in right
now, nowadays most of the teenagers at the age of twenty to thirty are seeking for a job to
apply, but most of them been rejected thus, they started to think absurdly exaggerate many
things in their lives. Furthermore, we individually will feel insecure when we did not complete our
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Which is when we look at the hierarchy pyramid in basic needs, it
contains physiological needs and safety needs, while in psychological needs it contains
belongingness and love needs and esteem needs, and at the top of the pyramid is self-
fulfillment needs which is self-actualization. Then, when we studied the pyramid carefully, all
that was written in the pyramid needed to be fulfilled by the teenagers to gain their confidence
and encourage them with the self-important motivation for them and lead them to be a
successful people. But, community nowadays all have a bad perception toward the teenagers
because there will be many problems to face when they approach teenagers. Sometimes, these
teenagers who are influenced by the contagious effect commit suicide using the same method
as the one used in the event they were affected by. For example, they might hang themselves
by leaning on a noose until unconscious and dying from anoxia.

After that, they intend to lighten their worries and problems by taking the drug. The teens
may believe that substance abuse will bring them relief from surrounding difficulties, but it only
worsens the problems. Drug abuse, which is the excess uses of drugs without following the
quantity that was underlined by the authority. They incapable to control over their mind and will
become insanity without having conscious about what they doing, while in this condition they
might do anything beyond the bounds of sane people could think of, it is because of side effect
that affected the user when it is used excessively without following the right dose. While alcohol
also had a similarity with drugs it will make the user become insanity. Thus, substance abuse
and alcohol play prominent roles in a majority of suicides.

Then lastly, unstable families which are caused by divorce or the one that had authority
passed away which is the father. The father holds a big responsibility in generating income &
wealth for the family for them to live in happiness. All the wealth is to fulfill the obligation from
Allah toward his family. So, when the main role went it is hard for the wife to make a decision so
the teenagers lose cannons and run freely because there is a lack of authority within the
household. Furthermore, women cannot discipline their children as harsh as the father did
because they will run over her. Furthermore, disharmony in the family which involve fights in the
family and divorce of parents can emotionally drain the teenagers. Hence, suicide may appear
to be the only solution to their problems.

As a wrap for all the reason that I have listed, I can conclude that teenagers are a group
that easily influenced by its surroundings, they had to adapt the surrounding environment and
hard for them to accept the truth of life. As we can see, the teenagers commit suicide not
because of a desire to die, but, rather, in an attempt to escape a bad situation and/or painful
feelings. In addition, most of the teenagers are still at a cliff hanged situation where they are still
searching the purpose and value of their life. Thus, other than school education program today
like “Stop a Suicide”, we need to guide and approach them properly with a nice sequence of the
word, so these teenagers can take as an encouraging word for them to be a successful person
in the future. Besides, as a parents, it is important to identify signs of substance use and mental
illness in their son or daughter to prevent an exacerbation of existing health problems that can
also commit suicide. By realizing that, commit suicide can be reduce among teenagers.

American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Adolescence. (1988) Suicide and suicide

attempts in adolescents and young adults. Pediatrics 81:322–324
Chelminski. R. (2000, April). Tennis’s Court Jester. Reader’s Digest, 75-80.
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Hawton K. Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Children and Adolescents. Beverly Hills, CA:
Sage Publications; 1986
Husain, S.A. Current perspective on the role of psychological factors in adolescent
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Rozana Sani. (2018, September 12). Are double degrees worth it? New Straits Times. Retrieved

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