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Interviewing Process/Prep/Mock Interviews Reflection

The interviewing process/prep/mock interview, helped me practice the core

competencies of; Collaboration, Fostering Independence in Others, and Initiative.
I got to practice the competency of Collaboration, by giving my feedback to the other
members of my lab group, who were being interviewed. I was also able to gain the
feedback of my peers, after I had been interviewed, and use their input to create future
plans for myself, for when I am going to be on the job search soon. (CAQ, 2009)
I got to practice the competency of Fostering Independence in Others, by giving my
feedback, to the people who were just interviewed, so they could use that feedback to
help improve their interview skills. (CAQ, 2009)
I got to practice my competency of Initiative, as well, during these mock interviews.
Since I had not prepared for the mock interview much at all, I needed to constantly
make time critical decisions in my answers, without having any clue what the best
answers would be. (CAQ, 2009)
HayGroup Competency Dictionary. (October 1, 2009) Core Competencies Project.

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