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Individual Oral Presentation Reflection

The individual oral presentation allowed me to practice the core competencies of;
Initiative, and Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making.
I got to practice the competency of Initiative, when realising, that the oral presentation
needed to benefit the audience in someway. I had already come up with the concept,
format, and found multiple visual aids for the topic I was going to use, before I clued in
to, the fact that my presentation would not work. I promptly looked around my room for
something that I was interested in, and knowledgeable about. (CAQ, 2009)
I also got to practice the competency of Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making.
Like with my Initiative example, I had to be open minded, when I realised that I had the
instructions of the assignment wrong, and understand that, it was my mistake, and that I
needed to find a solution quickly. (CAQ, 2009)
Overall, I think my oral presentation went well, despite my need to quickly create a new
concept, format, as well as find new visual aids.
HayGroup Competency Dictionary. (October 1, 2009) Core Competencies Project.

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