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Issue 12.00



Process Engineering and
Contracting Division

Orig.: CAM, Martynez Checked: CAM, Schreyer Appr.: CMN, Hentschel Total 18 Pages

LS-Class: Replaces
Descriptors: Insulation, Acoustic Insulation, Hot Insulation, Cold Insulation Issue


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4.1 Relevant Documents and Standards .............................2

4.2 Identification Types for Acoustic Insulation....................3
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5.1 Single Layer Acoustic Insulation ( S, SD, SE) ...............3

5.2 Double Layer Acoustic Insulation ( SS ) ........................3
5.3 Acoustic Insulation for Components with Cold Insulation
(C...S40 and C...S80).....................................................4
5.4 Acoustic Insulation for Components with Cold Insulation
and with Enhanced Requirements for Acoustic
Insulation ( S100C...) .....................................................4
5.5 Hot Insulation in Combination with the Function of
Acoustic Insulation (WS)................................................4
5.6 Hot Insulation for Steam Heat Traced Components in
Combination with Acoustic Insulation (WSD) ................5
5.7 Hot Insulation for Electrical Heat Traced Components in
Combination with Acoustic Insulation (WSE).................5
5.8 Acoustic Insulation for Intermittent Service (SDI, SEI,
WSI) ...............................................................................5
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6.1 Mineral Fiber Insulation Materials ..................................5

6.2 Jacketing ........................................................................5
6.3 Anti-boom Material.........................................................6
6.4 Elastomer .......................................................................6
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7.1 General ..........................................................................6

7.2 Acoustic Insulation for Valves, Drains and Vents ..........7
7.3 Insulation Thickness for Acoustic Insulation of Valves ..8
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C. Varela 2018/11/08

LINDE AG - P00001 LS 151-45 (EN) 1


Salalah 1000 T/D Ammonia Plant

C. Varela
2018/10/29 645295-P56790A-0154 01
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 2


This specification shall apply to acoustic insulation of process plants with or without hot or cold insulation.

This specification shall apply to contracts, if Linde is charged with Detail Engineering. Prior to the start of the
engineering work it shall be proved by means of the contract, if this Standard can be applied without any
changes. This standard is valid, if DIN-/DIN EN Standards and AGI guidelines are taken as design basis for the
acoustic insulation. Clients‘ specific limitations or extensions shall be considered during performance of the
insulation work. The more stringent requirements shall apply.

This specification does not apply to the insulation of oxygen-carrying components.


This specification shall apply:

· to the execution of acoustic insulation

· to minimum requirements for materials to be used
· as basis for cost evaluation, preparation of proposals
· as basis for quality assurance

This specification does not relieve the contractor of the obligation to install an insulation corresponding to the
actual state of art. In case the contractor can offer insulation systems which are better than the specified ones,
corresponding proposals shall be submitted in writing. Such proposals shall include the following:

· description of the insulation systems;

· designation of materials for acoustic insulation;
· design and performance of acoustic insulation systems;
· comparison of costs;

The requirements of the present Standard and engineering as well as the requirements of the Client and the
construction shall be coordinated in due time. In case of differences in the requirements, the present Standard
shall be complemented or a projectrelated Specification shall be established.


Special plastic materials with a high inner dissipation (comparable with dissipation factor), to be applied to the
the metal jacketing to reinforce acoustic insulation.

Springiness of an intermediate layer between double-walled structures (e.g. pipewall / steel jacketing) under
dynamic load.
Flexible elastomeric foams of cross-linked elastomers are mainly highly flexible closed cell plastics, made of
synthetic or natural caoutchouc, or also possible in compound among each other or with other polymers.
Reduction of noise which is expanded in air, emitted by the surfaces of piping, equipment, machines or

Ratio of the converted energy into heat per oscillation period to the vibration energy in accordance with
VDI 2062, p. 1.



Unless other installation details are determined in the present Specification, the Linde Standards for Hot and
Cold Insulation, last issue, shall be applied.
· LS 151 – 40 Detail Standard for Cold Insulation with PUR In-Situ Foam
· LS 151 – 41 Detail Standard for Cold Insulation with Rigid-Foam Pre-Shaped Pieces
· LS 151 – 42 Detail Standard for Changing Temperatures with Cellular Glass Insulation
· LS 151 – 43 Detail Standard for Hot Insulation

The standards, guidelines and regulations given in the above listed Linde-Standards shall apply in addition.
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 3


Acoustic insulation systems, identification type for acoustic insulation and insulation thickness in mm shall be
identified in the PID, isometrical drawings, pipe rack arrangement plans, piping lists and data sheets for
The insulation types are defined as follows:


S Acoustic insulation (single layer) with or without function of hot insulation.

SS Acoustic insulation (double layer) with or without function of hot insulation

S100C... Acoustic insulation for components with cold insulation and reinforced acoustic insulation (e.g. S100C40,

two stage insulation , acoustic insulation beyond cold insulation)

C...S40 Acoustic insulation for components with cold insulation (e.g. C100S40, two stage insulation , acoustic

insulation above cold insulation)

C...S80 Acoustic insulation for components with cold insulation (e.g. C120S80, two stage insulation , acoustic

insulation above cold insulation)

SD Acoustic insulation combined with the function of hot insulation at steam heat traced components

SDI Acoustic insulation combined with the function of hot insulation at steam heat traced components for
intermittent service

SE Acoustic insulation combined with the function of hot insulation at electrical heat traced components

SEI Acoustic insulation combined with the function of hot insulation at electrical heat traced components for
intermittent service

WS Hot insulation (single layer) combined with the function of acoustic insulation for components, if the hot

insulation is thicker than the required acoustic insulation

WSI Hot insulation (single layer) combined with the function of acoustic insulation for components, if the hot

insulation is thicker than the required acoustic insulation for intermittent service

WSD Hot insulation (single layer) combined with the function of acoustic insulation for steam heat traced

components, if the hot insulation is thicker than the required acoustic insulation.

WSE Hot insulation (single layer) combined with the function of acoustic insulation for electrical heat traced

components, if the hot insulation is thicker than the required acoustic insulation.


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The single layer acoustic insulation system shall be made of one layer insulant material and an anti-booming
coated steel metal jacketing. It shall be applied for component surfaces for which a hot insulation is not required,
and for component surfaces for which a hot insulation is required.


The double layer acoustic insulation shall be made of a two layer steel metal jacketing, external jacketing coated
with anti-boom material, and the inner layer situated between both the installed insulation layers. The standard
design for double layer acoustic insulation is 100 mm for insulation thickness (inner layer 60 mm, external layer
40 mm). The inner steel metal jacketing is 1 mm thick; here, the welds are not sealed and the jacketing is
installed without swages.
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 4

The double layer acoustic insulation shall be applied to components for which a hot insulation is not required,
and also to components for which a hot insulation is required.
If the required hot insulation thickness is > 100 mm, a double layer acoustic insulation shall be installed, too.
The ratio for the insulation thickness of the inner layer to the external layer shall be determined by 60 to 40.
Maximum insulation thickness of one layer is 90 mm.


For components with an operating temperature below the ambient temperature a double layer insulation shall
be performed. The external layer shall be an acoustic insulation and the inner layer a cold insulation or dewpoint
insulation. The inner layer shall be performed in accordance with LS 151-40 or LS 151-41.

5.3.1 Design of the Acoustic Insulation (external layer), Insulation Type C...S40

The external layer shall be performed with an elastomer 19 mm thick, that is allover glued onto the steel metal
jacketing of the inner stage. Performance in accordance with installation manual of the manufacturer of the
elastomer, e.g. Armacell, 48153 Münster, Germany.
The flexible supporting structure, thickness 38 mm and width 50 mm, shall be radially glued all 450 mm onto the
all over glued elastomer layer. A gap of 10 mm to 20 mm in the lower vertex shall be observed (even for vertical
The insulation type C..S40 shall get for horizontal traced components an additional flexible supporting structure,
thickness 38 mm and width 50 mm, placed on the upper vertex, between the radial supporting structure.
The external and ventilated steel metal jacketing is the final cover for the insulation (performance and sheet
thickness in accordance with Linde Standard 151-43).

5.3.2 Design of the Acoustic Insulation (external layer), Insulation Type C...S80

The external layer shall be performed with an elastomer 19 mm thick, that is allover glued onto the steel metal
jacketing of the inner stage. Performance in accordance with installation manual of the manufacturer of the
elastomer, e.g. Armacell, 48153 Münster, Germany.
The flexible supporting structure, thickness 76 mm and width 50 mm, shall be glued radially all 450 mm onto the
all over glued elastomer layer. A gap of 10 mm to 20 mm in the lower vertex shall be observed (even for vertical

The insulation type C..S80 shall get between the radially flexible supporting structures an additional mineral
fiber stripe, thickness 80 mm and width 250 mm, also performed with a required gap of 10 mm to 20 mm in the
lower vertex.
The external and ventilated steel metal jacketing, additionally coated with an anti- boom material is the final
cover for the insulation (performance and sheet thickness in accordance with Linde Standard 151-43).

5.3.3 Effect of Acoustic Insulation to Cold Insulation

The inner layer requires no vapour barrier for the area with an acoustic insulation, since the elastomer is glued
allover onto the inner layer, and therefore the elastomer performs the function of a vapour barrier
(µ > 7000). Due to the insulation result of the allover bonded elastomer, the insulation thickness of the inner
layer willl be reduced by 20 mm.

This type will be used as double layer insulation for components with an operating temperature below the
ambient temperature and enhanced acoustic insulation requirements. The inner layer shall be an acoustic
insulation and the external layer a cold insulation or a dewpoint insulation.
The inner layer is made of 100 mm thick mineral fiber sections or 100 mm thick mineral fiber mats, which shall
be installed onto the component to be insulated, jacketing by galvanized steel sheet (performance and sheeting
thickness according to LS 151-43).
The external layer is made of a cold insulation according to LS 151-40 or LS 151-41.
A soaking of the insulation shall be avoided in any case. Consequently the vapour barrier shall be installed very
carefully, particularly in the areas of branches, connections etc.

The insulation type WS shall be applied to components for which a hot insulation and an acoustic insulation in
addition is required. The required insulation thickness for hot insulation shall considerably exceed the insulation
thickness for the acoustic insulation.
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 5

Compared to the insulation Type S the insulation type WS does not require an anti-boom coating.

The design of the insulation is corresponding to the insulation type WS (see section 5.5) with the difference that
additionally a radiation sheeting shall be installed above the steam heat tracing pipe (performance according to
LS 151-43).

The design of the insulation is corresponding to the insulation type WS (see section 5.5) with the difference, that
additionally an aluminum foil shall be installed above the electrical heat tracing system (performance according
to LS 151-43).

The insulation shall be installed in accordance with insulation type SD, SE and/or WS (see section 5.1) with the
difference, that an air gap ³10 mm shall be provided for, in addition, between the insulation material and the
steel metal jacketing (performance according to LS 151-43, section 6.7.4, intermittent service).


Unless otherwise specified in this Standard i.e. deviating requirements or additional requirements for the
materials, the materials in accordance with Linde Standard (LS 151-43) shall be used.


Properties and identification codes for the mineral fiber mats, ceramic fiber mats or mineral fiber sections in
accordance with Linde Standard for Hot Insulation LS 151-43.

Additional requirements:
· Mineral fiber sections shall be manufactured of tangentially flowing fibers (no upright standing fibers)

· For components with diameters > DN 500 and insulation thickness > 90 mm, quilted mats shall be permitted

· Insulation materials shall not exceed a maximum apparent density of 120 kg/m³ (in built-in condition)

· The dynamic stiffness shall be > 4 N/cm³ (measurement in accordance with EN 29052, specimens in
accordance with DIN 18165, nominal thickness of the specimens = 50 mm)

Due to acoustic insulation requirements (more weight) galvanized steel sheet shall be installed as standard
jacketing. Properties and codes in accordance with LS 151-43.

The following sheeting thickness shall be provided for the insulation types S, SS, SD, SE:

Insulation Thickness for Acoustic Insulation Sheeting Thickness for Acoustic Insulation

£ 30 mm 0,8 mm

> 30 mm 1,0 mm

Sheeting thickness for the insulation types WS, WSD, WSE and WSI shall be determined according to
requirements for hot insulation, LS 151-43, table 9 and 11.
Sheeting thickness for the insulation types C...S40 and C...S80 and S100C... shall be determined in accordance
with the corresponding Linde Standards LS 151-40 and/or LS 151-41.
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 6


The external jacketing of all acoustic insulation types, with the exception of the insulation types WS, WSD,
WSE, WSI and C...S40, S100C..., shall be coated with self-adhesive anti-boom material (standard installation
with anti-boom board) onto the inner side of the jacketing. This is, however, only necessary 1 m before and 1 m
behind control valves, and before end discs. The anti-boom material shall meet the following physical

· Weight per unit area > 2,0 kg/m²

· Loss factor > 10%

6.3.1 Anti-boom board (standard installation)

· e.g. Terodem 2002 or equivalent material: Material thickness ³ 2,4 mm.

Manufacturer: Fa Teroson GmbH, 69123 Heidelberg

6.3.2 Anti-boom coating

· e.g. Terofon 112 DB or equivalent material: Thickness of coat ³ 3 mm.

Manufacturer: Fa Teroson GmbH, 69123 Heidelberg.


The material properties of the elastomer shall be in accordance with the basic requirements of AGI 143 and the
properties of the proposed material.
Proposed material: Armaflex /AF, manufacturer Armacell, 48153 Münster, Germany, or equivalent material.

The surfaces of the components to be insulated are provided with a corrosion protection coating according to
LS 148-06.

If mineral fiber mats (cf., point 6.1) are used, all seams shall be sewn with galvanized wire (in accordance with
LS 151-43 Hot Insulation).

If mineral fiber sections are applied, they shall be fastened with galvanized wire.

All acoustic insulation systems shall in principle be installed in such a way that no rigid connections between
components and/or supports of components to the jacketing will occur.

In particular, end discs at insulation ends shall not have a direct contact to the component (an intermediate layer
made of glass fiber fabric or similar material shall be provided for).

All circumferential and longitudinal seams as well as penetrations in the jacketing shall be sealed with sealing
tape (Terostat tape or equivalent).

Care shall be taken that cutouts in the jacketing are hold as small as possible.

The acoustic insulation ends in such a distance to flanges and valves that the assembly and disassembly of
flange connections are possible without dismantling or damaging the insulation on piping or equipment.

The overlapping of longitudinal seams of anti-boom coated jacketing with an insulation circumference
> 2,5 m only, shall be 100 mm and shall be screwed with 12 screws (2 screw lines) per m seam.
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 7




Valves, globe valves Drains and vents

gate valves, cocks/ball up to DN 50
Control valves valves, strainers, flange (including pipes)
connections, instrument

S < 50 mm No insulation 1) No insulation 1) No insulation 1)

50 mm Acoustic insulation No insulation 1) No insulation 1)

> 60 mm Acoustic insulation Acoustic insulation Acoustic
insulation 5)6)

SS All insulation Acoustic insulation Acoustic insulation Acoustic

thicknesses one layer one layer insulation 5)6)

C...S40 All insulation Cold insulation 4) Cold insulation 4) Cold insulation 4)


C...S80 All insulation Cold insulation Cold insulation Cold insulation


S100C... All insulation Acoustic and cold Acoustic and cold Cold insulation
thicknesses insulation insulation

< 50 mm Hot insulation Hot insulation Hot insulation 2)

50 mm Acoustic insulation Hot insulation Hot insulation 2)
> 60 mm Acoustic insulation Acoustic insulation Hot insulation 2)

WS All insulation Hot insulation, Hot insulation, No insulation 1)

WSI 7) thicknesses if required 3) if required 3)

WSD All insulation Hot insulation Hot insulation Hot insulation

WSE thicknesses

1) If the acoustic insulation shall also serve for hot insulation, valves shall be insulated in accordance with
Linde Standard for Hot Insulation (LS 151-43)

2) If valves with heat- tracing system shall be insulated, a further insulation is not required.

3) In accordance with Linde Standard for Hot Insulation (LS 151-43)

4) Performance see figure 7 and figure 8 of this specification

5) Insulation thickness is 30 mm

6) Valves used as vents and drains need no insulation

7) Performance as SD/SE and/or WS, but in addition with an air gap in accordance with LS 151-43 for
intermittent service.
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 8



S, SD, SE As for pipes, but not more than 50 mm

SS 100 mm

WS, WSD, No acoustic insulation

WSE Hot insulation in accordance with Linde-Standard LS 151-43

S100C... Insulation thickness for mineral fiber mats 50 mm for the acoustic insulation,
total insulation thickness (cold insulation included) corresponding to adjacent piping

C...S40 No acoustic insulation,

cold insulation in accordance with Linde-Standard LS 151-40 and/or LS 151-41 only

C...S80 No acoustic insulation,

cold insulation in accordance with Linde-Standard LS 151-40 and/or LS 151-41 only

7.3.1 Execution of Insulation of the Caps and/or Hoods

Insulation of caps and hoods shall be performed in accordance with LS 151-40 up to LS 151-43. The following
deviations shall be considered additionally:

· The sheeting thickness is in general 1 mm.

· The inside of jacketing shall be coated with anti-boom material. For insulation types WS, WSD and WSE no
anti-boom coating is necessary.
· All seams (circumferential and longitudinal seams, connection with swages, cutouts etc. ) shall be sealed
completely with sealing tape. The sealing tape shall be performed in such a way that, after installation, the
tape position is either flush with the swage, or even protrudes the swage, in order to enable a visual
· The overlapping of longitudinal seams of anti-boom coated jacketing with an insulation circumference
> 2,5 m only, shall be 100 mm and shall be screwed with 12 screws (2 screw lines) per m seam.
· For the insulation type C...S40 the external metal jacketing will in addition be provided with an anti-boom
material 1 m upstream and 1 m downstream the control valves.


Shall be performed in accordance with LS 151-40 and/or LS 151-41 and/or LS 151-43

1 Design for Insulation Type S, SS, SD, SE

2 Design for Insulation Type WS, W, WSD, WSE

3 Design for Insulation Type WSI, SDI, SEI

4 Design for Insulation Type C...S40

5 Design for Insulation Type C...S80

6 Example for the Design of a Spacer Construction for Insulation type S, SS, SD, SE, WS, WSD,

7 Example for the Design of a Supporting Structure for Insulation Type S, SS, SD, SE, WS, WSD,

8 Acoustic Insulation of piping and valves for Insulation Type C...S40 with rigid- foam pre- shaped
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 9

9 Acoustic Insulation of piping and valves for Insulation Type C...S40 with PUR In- Situ Foam

1 1
9 9
3 3

6 66

8 2

1 1
9 9
6' 6(
3 3
4 6
5 7


1 Jacketing (external)
2 Jacketing (inner)
3 Mineral fiber insulant
4 Radiation sheeting
5 Steam heat traced pipe
6 Aluminum foil
7 Electrical tracer heating cable
8 Component
9 Anti-boom layer
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 10

2 2

:6 :

1 1
:6' :6(
2 2
3 5
4 6


1 Jacketing (external)
2 Mineral fiber insulant
3 Radiation sheeting
4 Steam heat traced pipe
5 Aluminum foil
6 Electrical tracer heating cable
7 Component
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 11

1 10

:6, :6,

1 1
9 9
6', 6(,
3 3
4 6
5 7
2 2


1 Jacketing (external)
2 Ventilation air gap (in accordance with LS 151-43)
3 Mineral fiber insulant
4 Radiation sheeting
5 Steam heat traced pipe
6 Aluminum foil
7 Electrical tracer heating cable
8 Component
9 Anti-boom layer
10 Elastic spacer part (for details see figure 6)
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 12

5 6 7


50 400 50

5 6 7


- 20

1 2 3 4


1 Component
2 Cold insulation with rigid-foam pre-shaped pieces
3 Jacketing (inner)
4 Elastomer 19 mm thick, all over glued
5 Radially elastic spacer construction made of stripes of elastomer, thickness 38 mm, width 50 mm
6 Axially elastic spacer construction made of stripes of elastomer, thickness 38 mm, width 50 mm
7 Jacketing (external)
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 13

5 6 7


75 250 75

50 400 50

5 7

1 2 3 4 6
- 20
- 20


1 Component
2 Cold insulation with rigid-foam pre-shaped pieces
3 Jacketing (inner)
4 Elastomer 19 mm thick, all over glued
5 Radially elastic spacer construction made of stripes of elastomer, thickness 76 mm, width 50 mm
6 Mineral fiber insulant, thickness 80 mm, width 250 mm
7 Jacketing (external) coated with anti-boom material
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 14

Detail X




1 External supporting-ring
2 IT- disk (insulation interface)
3 Rivet
4 Omega-type clamp
5 Spacer part
6 Strain screwing
7 Component
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 15

Detail X

7 4



1 External supporting-ring
2 Inner supporting-ring
3 Rivet
4 Omega-type clamp
5 Spacer part
6 Strain screw
7 IT- disk (insulation interface)
8 Component
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 16







1 Branch and/or drain (without acoustic insulation)

2 Valve (without acoustic insulation)
3 Control valve (without acoustic insulation)
4 Rigid-foam pre-shaped piece
5 Jacketing (inner) not sealed
6 Elastomer 19 mm thick, all over glued
7 Elastic spacer construction, thickness 38 mm, width 50 mm
8 Mineral fiber insulant used for lining of valves
9 Jacketing (inner) sealed
10 Jacketing (external) ventilated by air gap
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 17







1 Branch and/or drain (without acoustic insulation)

2 Valve (without acoustic insulation)
3 Control valve (without acoustic insulation)
4 Plastic foil between valve and PUR in-situ foam
5 Jacketing (inner) not sealed
6 Elastomer 19 mm thick, allover glued
7 Elastic spacer construction, thickness 38 mm, width 50 mm
8 Jacketing (inner) sealed
9 Jacketing (external) ventilated by air gap

Revision: -
Previous Issues: -
LINDE AG Process Engineering and Contracting Division Issue 12.00 LS 151-45 Page 18

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