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LAB # 3

To display and manipulate the output of arithmetic instructions using emu8086 software tool.

• To display and manipulate the output of ADD, SUB, MUL, and DIV Instruction using emu8086 software tool.
• To display and manipulate the output of INC, DEC, and NEG Instruction using emu8086 software tool.


In this lab we are learn about most important commands of the assembly language. For example, (1) add instruction, (2)
div instruction, (3) increment instruction, (4) subtract with borrow, (5) Neg-instruction, (6) mul instruction. The writhing
format of the instructions is give follow.

1) ADD CX, DX, 2) ADC SI, DI, 3)SBB operand1, operand2, 4)NEG AX, 5)DEC DI


In pre lab task1, in which we pass the values to AX, BX, CX and DX registers with 1254, B812, 9067, ADC3
respectively and adds AX, BX, CX and DX. Store the sum in DI register.

In pre lab task2, write an assembly language program in which find the square of a number existing in AH. After that
answer must be stored in DX register.

In pre lab task3, write an assembly language program that divides the number in BL by the number in CL and then
multiplies the result by 2. The final answer must be a 16-bit number stored in the DX register.

In lab task1, write an assembly language program for storing 8-bit no. Initialized DL with 7 and make sure that your
result is a 16-bit number.

In lab task2, write an assembly language program that finds the area of a triangle

In lab task3, write an assembly language program that calculates the average of five numbers placed in memory locations
from 1200H and above. Segment address for memory locations is 2356H and result must be stored in BH register.


In this lab we familiarized about the some commands of the SBB,INC etc.

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