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The story of the Kinder brand begins in 1968 at a heart of a small

Italian town named Alba. Michele Ferrero developed Kinder
chocolate and added what would become a famous brand for the
Ferrero company.

The word “Kinder” means “children” but the actual Kinder

chocolate Kinder comes from an Italian company called Ferrero.
The Ferrero family has recognised that the German brands mainly
catered to the adults with their chocolates, but nor for the children
so they decided to make Kinder.

The Kinder surprise egg is banned in the U.S. because for years,
the food and drug administrations has banned the Kinder surprise.
It considered a choking hazard due to the mix of edible and non-
edible parts.

Kinder Bueno (Kinder is a German for “children”, Bueno is Spanish

for “good”) is a chocolate bar made by Italian confectionery maker

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