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Pixel Art Worksheet

What is the style of pixel art?
Pixel art is the use of pixels (small blocks on a screen) to create art and images.

Where does pixel art come from?

Pixel art comes from the early days of computers where there was a limited on how many pixels one
could have on a screen.

What are the benefits and drawbacks?

Drawbacks-limits the amount of detail one can have in a drawing (aka can not have elaborate designs)
Benefits-Simple and easy to get into, does not require a whole lot of knowledge/know how about art
and allows anyone to pick it up and work.

Where is pixel art used today? (List some examples…)

Games with a certain 8-bit style that want to capture the uniqueness of early games (for example,
Undertale, Stardew valley and Doom)

What is a sprite?
A design made from pixels, a 2D image

What is a sprite used for?

Sprites are used for everything, background, characters, objects, items, UI (user interface).

Copy and paste examples of sprites that you like in this box:

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