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A Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) Hons. In


Irfan Anjum
Tarif Hussain
M.Fasial Majeed

Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering

School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Isra University, Islamabad Campus

February 2018



Irfan Anjum 1402-BTES-003

Tarif Hussain 1402-BTES-010
M.Faisal Majeed 1402-BTES-005

Examination Committee

Engr. Asif Ali Javed Bajwa

Project Supervisor,
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Dr. Aqdas Naveed Malik

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Dr. Tanweer Ahmad Cheema

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Mr. Tayyab Hussain Malik

Deputy Director,
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences


“In the name of ALLAH, The Most Respectfully and the Most Merciful”

I am extremely thankful to my family for giving me a chance so study and the

strength to help me complete my thesis, and all those seniors who helped me in

overall educational career due to that I am now in this stage.

It is a pleasure to thank the many people who made this dissertation possible.

It is difficult to overstate our gratitude to our advisor, Mr. Asif Javed Bajwa. He

provided us this opportunity to work in this inspiring project. With his enthusiasm,

inspiration, and great efforts to explain things clearly and simply, he helped to make

this work fun. Throughout dissertation period.

He provided encouragement, sound advice, good teaching, good company,

and lots of good ideas. We have learned many things from him such as the way of

thinking and the way of conducting dissertation. His cool and calm composure has

encouraged me to work enthusiastically and not to be deterred by any difficulties

faced. A special note of thanks goes to my family for the moral support that has been

provided to me. Last but not the least; We are also thankful to the faculty members

and the staff at ISRA university Islamabad campus.



With the increasing speed of life, the demand to perform tasks at a

higher speed is being laid out too. In the modern world, technology has

linked each town, city and country with the other through means of

transportation. This has ultimately led to a massive increase in the number of

vehicles. To clean these vehicles there is a need of a proper washing

system. The most common problem often encountered while cleaning these

vehicles is time consumption. Time is a commodity that needs to be

managed effectively and efficiently in order maximize productivity. So this

project is developed to reduce the time to clean vehicles. In this automatic

car washing project we use a conveyor belt on which customer stop the car.

When we press a switch conveyor belt start moving. Sensors are placed on

conveyor belt at different places for car detection. When the first sensor

senses the car, it stops the conveyor belt and starts a valve simultaneously

through water on car similarly at different levels when a car is detected it will

use brushes, soap, and dryer to clean the car.



Symbol/Abbreviation Term
AC --------------------------------------------------------- Alternating current

DC ---------------------------------------------------------------- Direct current

A/D --------------------------------------------------------------- Analog to digital

PLC -------------------------------------------- Programmable Logic controller

Etc ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Etcetera

GND ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground

I ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current

V ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Voltage

i.e. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is

IP --------------------------------------------------------- Internet protocol

PES --------------------------------------------------------Photo Electric sensor

I/O --------------------------------------------------------- Input and output

LED ---------------------------------------------------- Light Emitting Diode

No --------------------------------------------------------------------- Number

NO ---------------------------------------------------------- Normally Open

NC ---------------------------------------------------------- Normally Close

PW ------------------------------------------------------------- Pulse Width

RF ------------------------------------------------------- Radio Frequency

uA ---------------------------------------------------------- Micro Ampere

GUI ------------------------------------------- Graphical User Interface

ACWS -------------------------------------- Automatic Car Wash System



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------- iii

ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv

ABBREVIATION & SYMBOLS -------------------------------------------------- v

TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------- vi

LIST OF FIGURES -------------------------------------------------------------- xiii

CHAPTER I ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1

1.1 Why Automated Car Wash project ------------------------------------- 1

1.2 Goal and Objectives-------------------------------------------------------- 1

1.3 Literature Review----------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.4 System Context diagram-------------------------------------------------- 4

1.5 Theoretical Background of the Project -----------------------------4

1.6 Components used-----------------------------------------------------------6

1.6.1 PLC Mitsubishi Fx1s300MR -------------------------------6 VIN-------------------------------------------- 8 5V--------------------------------------------- 8 3.3 V------------------------------------------ 8 GND-------------------------------------------8 Memory-------------------------------------- 8 Input & Output------------------------------ 9 Digital Read () functions----------------- 9 Communication----------------------------10 Programming-------------------------------11
vii Reset---------------------------------------11 USB Overcurrent Protection----------12 Physical Characters-------------------13

1.7 Photo Electric sensors--------------------------------------------------- 14

1.7.1 Specification Photo Electric sensor-------------------- 16

1.8 Wiper motor ---------------------------------------------------------------- 17

1.9 DC Motor ------------------------------------------------------------------- 20

1.9.1 Working Principle of A DC Motor ----------------------- 21

1.10 Car wash flow process ------------------------------------------------- 22

1.10.1 Working of Automated Car Washing System ---- 23 Input PE sensor---------------------------------23 Pre-Wash Section ---------------------------- 23 Brushing Section ------------------------------ 23 Clean Section ---------------------------------- 23 Drying-------------------------------------------- 24

1.11 Block diagram of automatic car wash ------------------------------ 24

1.12 Different Stages of Automatic Car Washing ---------------------- 25

1.12.1 Input PE sensor ------------------------------------------ 25

1.12.2 Pre-Wash Section --------------------------------------- 25

1.12.3 Brushing Section ----------------------------------------- 26

1.12.4 Clean Section --------------------------------------------- 26

1.12.5 Drying------------------------------------------------------- 26

1.13 Types of Automatic Car Washing System ------------------------- 26

CHAPTER II ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

TECHNOLOGY AND TOOLS ------------------------------------------------- 27

2.1 Technology & Tools used in the Project ----------------------------- 27

2.2 PLC Mitshibulishi --------------------------------------------------------- 27

2.3 Gear motor ----------------------------------------------------------------- 28

2.3.1 Basic Principles of Operation ---------------------------- 29

2.3.2 Gear Motors and Increased Force ---------------------- 30

2.4 DC motor ------------------------------------------------------------------- 31

2.5 Relay for DC Control ----------------------------------------------------- 31

2.6 Wiper motor ---------------------------------------------------------------- 32

2.7 Conveyor belt -------------------------------------------------------------- 32

2.8 PE Sensors ---------------------------------------------------------------- 33

2.9 Brushes --------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

2.10 DRYER -------------------------------------------------------------------- 34

2.11 Software Tools Used --------------------------------------------------- 35


2.11.2 Working of the PLC--------------------------------36

2.11.3 Protocol --------------------------------------------- 36

2.11.4 Controlling ----------------------------------------- 37

2.12 PLC------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37

2.12.2 Writing Sketches --------------------------------- 38

Verify --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39

Upload ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39

New ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39

Open --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

Save---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

Serial Monitor ---------------------------------------------------------------- 40

2.11.2 File--------------------------------------------------- 40

New ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

Open --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40

Open Recent ----------------------------------------------------------------- 41

Sketchbook ------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

Examples --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

Close --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

Save---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

Save as ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41

Page Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------- 41

Print ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

Preferences ------------------------------------------------------------------ 42

Quit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

2.11.3 Edit -------------------------------------------------- 42

Undo/Redo ------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

Cut ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42

Copy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

Copy as HTML --------------------------------------------------------------- 43

Paste --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

Select All ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

Comment/Uncomment ----------------------------------------------------- 43

Increase/Decrease Indent------------------------------------------------- 43

Find----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43

Find Next ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 44

Find Previous ---------------------------------------------------------------- 44

2.11.4 Sketch ---------------------------------------------- 44

Verify/Compile --------------------------------------------------------------- 44

Upload ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44

Upload Using Programmer------------------------------------------------ 44

Export Compiled Ladder -------------------------------------------------- 45

Show Sketch Folder -------------------------------------------------------- 45

Include Library --------------------------------------------------------------- 45

Add File------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45

2.11.5 Tools----------------------------------------------- 46

Formats------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46

Archive Sketch --------------------------------------------------------------- 46

Fix Encoding & Reload ---------------------------------------------------- 46

Serial Monitor ---------------------------------------------------------------- 46

Board -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

Port ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47

Programmer ------------------------------------------------------------------ 47

Burn Boot loader ------------------------------------------------------------ 47

2.12 Advantages of automatic car wash system ------------------- 47

2.13 Limitations of automatic car wash system --------------------- 48

2.14 Consumption power & other things ----------------------------- 48

CHAPTER III ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 49

USER INTERACTION ---------------------------------------------------------- 49

3.1 User Profile----------------------------------------------------------------- 49

3.2 Special usage considerations ------------------------------------------ 49

CHAPTER IV ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
FUNCTIONAL AND DATA DESCRIPTION----------------------------------------------50

4.1 Door opening sensor-------------------------------------------------------50

4.2 Shampooing and washing------------------------------------------------50

4.3 Brushing-----------------------------------------------------------------------50

4.4 Clean water showering-----------------------------------------------------51

4.5 Drying---------------------------------------------------------------------------51

CHAPTER V--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52

BEHAVIORAL MODEL AND DESCRIPTION--------------------------------------------52

5.1 Description for system behavior-----------------------------------------52

5.2 Base---------------------------------------------------------------------------53

5.3 Conveyor belt----------------------------------------------------------------53

5.4 Events-------------------------------------------------------------------------53

5.4.1 DC Motors------------------------------------------53

5.4.2 Wiper motor----------------------------------------54

5.4.3 Gear motor-----------------------------------------54

5.4.4 Glass frame----------------------------------------54

5.4.5 Water tub---------------- --------------------- -----54

5.5 System Circuit Diagram--------------------------------------------- -----55

CHAPTER VI----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------56

Future Enhancements-------------------------------------------------------------------------56

6.1 Future Enhancements-----------------------------------------------------------------56

CHAPTER VII-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------57

CONCLUSION AND RESULTS------------------------------------------------------------57

7.1 CONCLUSION--------------------------------------------------------------------------57

REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------- 58


Figures Page

I - 1 : Manual car wash ........................................................................ 4

I - 2 : System context diagram ............................................................ 4

I - 3 : PLC Mitshibulishi top view ......................................................... 7

I - 4 : PLC specification ..................................................................... 14

I - 5 (a) : Photo Electric sensor ......................................................... 15

I : 6 (a) : Wiper motor view ................................................................ 18

I - 7 : DC motor ................................................................................. 20

I - 8 : DC motor internal structure ...................................................... 22

I - 9 : car wash flow process.............................................................. 22

I – 10 : Car wash block diagram........................................................ 24

I - 11 : Different stages of ACWS ...................................................... 25

ll - 1 : PLC pin names........................................................................ 28

ll - 2 : Gear motor .............................................................................. 29

ll - 3 : Relay ....................................................................................... 32

ll - 4 : Conveyor belt .......................................................................... 33

ll - 5 : PE sensor working .................................................................. 33

ll - 6 : Brushes ................................................................................... 34

ll - 7 : Dryer fan ................................................................................. 35

ll - 8 : Interface PLC .......................................................................... 36

V- 1 System Behavioral Model .......................................................... 52

V- 2 Thermo pole .............................................................................. 55


V- 3 System Circuit diagram ............................................................. 55



1.1 Why Automated Car Wash project

The project is about automatic car washing system. As the

technology is upgrading day by day and everyday it creating our life easier,

so we have to take advantage of these advancements. The world is trending

towards fastest technology, by looking at all these aspects, the idea came to

our mind to make a project about automatic car washing system, which will

not only save our time, but it will also minimize labor work as well as work

will be more efficient.

1.2 Goal and Objectives:

Programmed auto washing framework is extremely regular in

created nations. Auto washing framework is typically connected with fuel

filling stations. It comprises of vast machines with robotized brushes

controlled by project legitimate PLC controllers. Programmed auto washing

framework is completely robotized with various phases of frothing, washing,

drying and brushing. Distinctive sorts of auto washing frameworks are talked

about in this report. This framework utilizes expansive amount of water, in

this way water reusing plant is likewise a fundamental part of the

programmed auto washing framework yet at this level we are just displayed


The automatic washing as it were. We concentrated a portion of the auto

washing frameworks from Internet and chose to do this venture. When

contrasts with the outside nations this framework is utilized as a part of less

no of urban areas in India

In light of its expense and complexity. In any case, we have attempted

to minimize it as indicated by the gadget list which will be certainly helpful for

our venture.

1.3 Literature Review:

There are many types of car washes. Some of them are Hand

car wash where the vehicle is washed by employees, Self-services car wash

where the customer performs the washing, chemical car washes which use

chemicals to wash and polishing the car surface etc., nowadays automation

has extended its hands in various fields. In automobile services manual car

washing requires more labor effects, time consumption and also the results

may not be satisfactory to the customers. In order to overcome this, car

washing can be done automatically using Programmable Logic Controllers

(PLC). PLCs are used for the purpose of industrial control as they are flexible

and easy installation. Changes in programming can be made easy whenever

required. In older systems, many electromechanical relays are used which

was replaced by PLC. GSM PLC (Global System for Mobile

communications) provides short message service (SMS) type of

communications process that enables the transmission of short text

message and data transfer to and from mobile devices such as cell phones.

Hence by using this feature, the user can be notified in case of any

emergency or about the completion of the process. This report presents how

car can be washed automatically using PLC. Car washing requires

components like conveyor, brushes, sprayers, driers which are driven by DC

motors. Control of these components is made through PLC. Research

reports shows that the first automatic car wash appears in the late 1930’s in

which computerized POS mechanism is used. After paying the car is put into

a line-up often called the stack or queue. The stack moves sequentially. After

pulling up to the tunnel entrance, an attendant usually guides the customer

onto the track or conveyor [3]. Later car washes include some functions and

control sequences. Till now no research activity was done on full automatic

car wash based on GSM service. SMS communications provide an

affordable and convenient means to send and receive data using mobile

devices such as cell phones. Businesses and industry often require 24-hour

coverage of their operations and have personnel to handle work-related

issues and emergencies. There are operators who are responsible for the

proper functioning of car washing systems. So they need to be notified of

significant events. So this research was carried out to attract the customers

through GSM service.


Figure I - 1 : Manual car wash

1.4 System Context diagram

Figure I - 2 : System context diagram

1.5 Theoretical Background of the Project:

People have found ways to wash their cars ever since cars were

invented. They either washed it themselves at home, or paid someone else


to wash it by hand. Then, in 1914, two Detroit men opened the first car wash

business, which they called the “Automated Laundry”, but it wasn’t really

automated. It was basically a pail and sponge type of operation where the

cars were pushed manually through an assembly-line-like tunnel, where one

attendant would soap the car as it went past, another would rinse, and a third

would dry. Of course, after pushing a few cars through, the attendants got

pretty tired.

The first “automatic” conveyor car wash was opened in Hollywood,

California—of course, where else—in 1940. Instead of manually pushing the

cars through, this car wash had a winch system that hooked to the bumper

and pulled the car through as men splashed away in the tunnel, soaping,

scrubbing, wiping, and drying cars as they came through. By 1946, a man

named Thomas Simpson is credited with inventing the first semiautomatic

car wash system that took most of the manual labor out of the tunnel. It had

a conveyor belt that hooked to the bumper of automobiles, an overhead

water sprinkler with three sets of manually operated brushes, and a 50 HP

air blower to help dry the car.

Then, in 1951, Archie, Dean and Eldon Anderson got the great idea to

fully automate their car wash. As the story goes, the Anderson clan invented

the completely hands-free automatic car wash in Seattle. Cars would be

pulled through the tunnel and machines sprayed soap on them, big brushes

scrubbed them, nozzles rinsed them, and giant blowers dried them.


to say, this was a big hit! Soon, many other car wash owners were

installing automatic equipment in their car wash business.

Through the 1960’s, fully mechanized car washing systems were

being installed across America. With conveyor car wash equipment

advancing, the 60’s saw inventions such as recirculating water systems, soft

cloth friction washing, roller on demand conveyor, and wraparound brush. By

the late 60’s car washes were becoming a prominent industry worldwide with

car washes being installed in many countries, including Japan.

Today’s car washes are literally cleaning machines. They not only

wash all five sides of the car at once, but scrub tires and wash the

undercarriage as well. They are eco-friendlier, with milder soaps and lower

water and electric requirements. Many of the newer car washes even have

express tunnels that get your car through quickly, all of which leads to more

clean cars and happier car owners.

1.6 Components used:

1.6.1 PLC Mitsubishi FX1S30MR

There are so many type of PLC available but we used here Mitsubishi.

The MITSUBSHI one of them but there is so many model of Mitsubishi. We

used over here is Fx1S30MR where Fx represent the type of CPU, 1S the

model, 30 are the I/O and MR the type of relays.

This PLC consists of total 30 I/O where the number of Input are 14

and output are 16 in numbers. Where the inputs denoted by ‘’X’’ and output

denoted by ‘’Y’’

Figure I - 3 : PLC FX1S30MR top view


The input voltage of this PLC is 220v which is known as operational


12v. 24V

The regulated power supply used to power the PLC and other

components on the board. This

Can come either from VIN via an on-board regulator, or be supplied

by voltage supply in the form of 12 v DC and 24 v dc supply. GND

Ground pins. Memory

The 85 applied instructions, 512 auxiliary relays, 64 timers, 32

counters, 256, data, registers, 2000 step EEPROM program memory (no

backup battery required

10 Input & Output

This PLC consist of 30 I/O where the number of Inputs are 14 and out

16 in number Digital Read () functions.

They operate at 24 volts. Each pin can provide or receive a maximum

of 2 mA and has an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-

50 k-ohms. In addition, some pins have specialized functions:

Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX); Serial 1: 19 (RX) and 18 (TX); Serial 2: 17

(RX) and 16 (TX); Serial 3: 15 (RX) and 14 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and

transmit (TX) TTL serial data. Pins 0 and 1 are also connected to the

corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip. External

Interrupts: 2 (interrupt 0), 3 (interrupt 1), 18 (interrupt 5), 19 (interrupt 4), 20

(interrupt 3), and 21 (interrupt 2). These pins can be configured to trigger an

interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See

the attach Interrupt () function for details.

11 Communication:

The PLC has a number of facilities for communicating with a

computer, another PLC, or other microcontrollers. The PPI cable is used to

12 Programming:

The programming of PLC is light differ from microcontroller. Mostly in

PLC Ladder logic is use for programming but there are so many other types

where we can like Function block and Stat mental list Reset

Rather than requiring a physical press of the power button before an

upload, the PLC is designed in a way that allows it to be reset by software

running on a connected computer. During the uploading of program specific

PPT cable use to upload the programming in PLC which make possible.

software uses this capability to allow you to upload code by simply pressing

the upload button in the PLC after the interference ..

When the Mega2560 is connected to either a computer running Mac PPT Overcurrent Protection

The PLC has a resettable poly-fuse that protects your computer's

USB ports from shorts and overcurrent. Although most computers provide

their own internal protection, the fuse provides an extra


layer of protection. If more than 500 mA is applied to the USB port,

the fuse will automatically break the connection until the short or overload is

removed. Physical Characters

The maximum length and width of the Mega PCB are 4 and 2.1

inches respectively, with the USB connector and power jack extending

beyond the former dimension. Three screw holes allow the board to be

attached to a surface or case. Note that the distance between digital pins 7

and 8 is 160 mils (0.16"), not an even multiple of the 100 mil spacing of the

other pins. The Mega is designed to be compatible with most shields

designed for the Decimal or Duemilanove. Digital pins 0 to 13 (and the

adjacent AREF and GND pins), analog inputs 0 to 5, the power header, and

ICSP header are all in equivalent locations. Further the main UART (serial

port) is located on the same pins (0 and 1), as are external interrupts 0 and 1

(pins 2 and 3 respectively). SPI is available through the ICSP header on both

the Mega and Duemilanove / Diecimila. Please note that I2C is not located

on the same pins on the Mega (20 and 21) as the Duemilanove / Diecimila

(analog inputs 4 and 5).


Figure I - 4 : PLC

1.7 Photo Electric sensors

Light is a natural phenomenon which helps us to recognize our

environment without physical contact over widely varying distances. SICK’s

ultrasonic sensors use sound to accurately detect objects and measure

distances. These sensors provide outstanding background suppression to

reliably detect objects, regardless of the object’s appearance. The output

used – switching, analog or both – is determined based on your application


Figure I - 5 (a) : Photo Electric sensor

Figure I - 5 (b) : PE sensor signal

Light is a natural phenomenon which helps us to recognize our

environment without physical contact over widely varying distances. SICK’s

ultrasonic sensors use sound to accurately detect objects and measure

distances. These sensors provide outstanding background suppression to

reliably detect objects, regardless of the object’s appearance. The output

used switching, analog or both is determined based on you.


A short Light pulse is transmitted at the time 0, reflected by an object.

The senor receives this signal and converts it to an electric signal. The next

pulse can be transmitted when the echo is faded away. This time period is

called cycle period. The recommend cycle period should be no less than

50ms. If a 10μs width trigger pulse is sent to the signal pin, the Ultrasonic

module will output eight 40kHz ultrasonic signal and detect the echo back.

The measured distance is proportional to the echo pulse width and can be

calculated by the formula above. If no obstacle is detected, the output pin will

give a 38ms high level signal.

1.7.1 Specifications PE sensor

 Working Voltage: DC 5V

 Working Current: 15mA

 Working Frequency: 40Hz

 Max Range: 4m

 Min Range: 2cm

 Measuring Angle: 15 degree

 Trigger Input Signal: 10µS TTL pulse

 Echo Output Signal Input TTL lever signal and the range in proportion

 Dimension 45 * 20 * 15mm

1.8 Wiper motor

Like dc motors, with wiper motors you can position the motor shaft at

a specific position (angle) using control signal. The motor shaft will hold at

this position as long as the control signal not changed. This is very useful for

controlling robot arms, unmanned airplanes control surface or any object that

you want it to move at certain angle and stay at its new position. Wiper

motors may be classified according to size or torque that it can withstand into

mini, standard and giant servos. Usually mini and standard size servo motors

can be powered by directly with no need to external power supply or driver.

Wiper motors are small controllable motors that lend to

implementation in many applications. There are Servos with many different

speeds, sizes and torque capabilities, but all have 3 wires, power, ground

and control. Servo motors are popular with hobbyists because they are

inexpensive, PKR1500-PKR10000, and control of wiper motors with

microcontrollers is universal for all models. Servo’s receive pulse width

modulated (PWM) signals to determine in which manner to move. There are

many ways to send this signal to the motor; this application covers how to

send the desired PWM signal to the Servo motor using the PLC. The PLC is

a popular controller which comes on a development board to accelerate

programming, provides simple interfacing with peripheral devices and

connection with computers. The PLC chip is programmed with the PLC

programming language is ladder logic.


a computer’s USB port. The PLC writes code from the software to the chip

by uploading the file containing the desired code to the board. Once the chip

has been programmed with the desired code, the chip can be removed from

the development board and connected to any circuit.

There is much literature

on this board and in the reference section of this document there are several

places to find more information on this topic. Specifications Servo motors are

controlled through the control line, usually a yellow or white wire. The pulse

width of the signal sent to the Servo control wire determines how the motor

will move, either clockwise or counter clockwise. The figure below shows

how different pulse widths correspond with different position of the motor.

When the Pulse Width is less than 1.5ms the motor will move to the 0

position and hold. When the Pulse Width is 1.5ms the motor will rotate to the

90-degree position and if the Pulse Width is greater than 1.5 ms the motor

will rotate to the 180 position.

Figure I : 6 (a) : Wiper motor view


Figure I - 6 (b) Wiper motor pulse response

When the motor reaches the desired position it will hold there until a

signal is sent to move. This is done in this application using the PLC coding

software to write to one of the PLC output pins. The PWM output pins on the

development board can be written to with different pulse widths which are

used to control the motor. Hardware Configuration The simplicity of the

Wiper and PLC connections is one of the major reasons for their popularity.

The Servo motor has 3 wires as shown in the picture below. The red wire is

for power and must be connected to a power supply of 4.8-6 Volts. The black

wire is the ground wire and is connected to ground. The third wire, usually

white or yellow, is the control wire. This must be connected to one of the

PWM outputs).

The board, shown below, must be connected to power by either

connecting the USB port on the board to a computer or wiring Vin to 3-5V

and connecting GND to ground.


1.9 DC Motor

A DC motor is any of a class of electrical machines that converts

direct current electrical power into mechanical power. The most common

types rely on the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC

motors have some internal mechanism, either electromechanical or

electronic; to periodically change the direction of current flow in part of the

motor. Most types produce rotary motion; a linear motor directly produces

force and motion in a straight line.

Figure I - 7 : DC motor

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be

powered from existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A

DC motor's speed can be controlled over a wide range, using either a

variable supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in its field

windings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances.

The universal motor can operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor

used for portable power tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are used in

propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, or in drives for steel

rolling mills. The advent of power electronics has made replacement of DC

motors with AC motors possible in many applications.

1.9.1 Working Principle of A DC Motor

A motor is an electrical machine which converts electrical energy

into mechanical energy. The principle of working of a DC motor is that

"whenever mechanical force". The direction of this force is given

by Fleming's left hand rule and it's magnitude is given by F = BIL. Where,

B= magnetic flux density

I = current

L = length of the conductor within the magnetic field.

Fleming's left hand rule: If we stretch the first finger, second finger

and thumb of our left hand to be perpendicular to each other AND direction

of magnetic field is represented by the first finger, direction of the current is

represented by second finger then the thumb represents the direction of the

force experienced by the current carrying conductor.


Figure I - 8 : DC motor internal structure

Above animation helps in understanding the working principle of a DC

motor. When connected to a DC supply, current sets up in the winding.

Magnetic field may be provided by field winding (electromagnetism) or by

using permanent magnets. In this case, current carrying armature

conductors experience force due to the magnetic field, according to the

principle stated above.

1.10 Car wash flow process:

Figure I - 9 : car wash flow process


The customers will first pay charges and declare what type of services
he want when he will Ask what type of services he want he will get a slip
from supervisor,
Than he will move a car on washing platform. After performing his
desire services his car will ready and he could get his car

1.10.1 Working of Automated Car Washing System Input Photo Electric sensor:

When car comes on Photo Electric sensor (1), sensor sense and entry

gate will open

As car reached to next photo Electric sensor (2) than conveyer belt

will start to move car and entry gate will close Pre-Wash Section:

As the car reaches in pre-wash chamber, Photo Electric sensor (3)

detects the car and water falls on the car by Pump (1) Pump will remain on

for 5 sec. After 5 sec pump will stop automatically. Brushing Section:

When car will reach to the next Photo Electric sensor (4), Brush will

start for brush the car. Clean Section:

Sensor 5 detect the car and stop previous function and start pump

again for clean the vehicle

24 Drying:

When car comes in drying section sensor (4) sense the vehicle Start

dryer for 10 sec. and stop. Car is ready to take.

1.11 Block diagram of automatic car wash

Figure I – 10 : Car wash block diagram


1.12 Different Stages of Automatic Car Washing

Figure I - 11 : Different stages of ACWS

1.12.1 Input sensor:

When car comes on ultrasonic sensor (1), sensor sense and entry

gate will open.

As car reached to next ultrasonic sensor (2) than conveyer belt will

start to move car and entry gate will close

1.12.2 Pre-Wash Section:

As the car reaches in pre-wash chamber, Sensior (3) detects the car

and water falls on the car by Pump (1)

Pump will remain on for 5 sec. After 5 sec pump will stop


1.12.3 Brushing Section:

When car will reach to the next sensor (4), Brush will start for brush

the car.

1.12.4 Clean Section:

Sensor 5 detect the car and stop previous function and start pump

again for clean the vehicle

1.12.5 Drying:

When car comes in drying section sensor (4) sense the vehicle Start

dryer for 10 sec. and stop. Now Car is ready to take.

1.13 Types of Automatic Car Washing System:

There are different types of automatic car wash system around the

 Self-serve car wash

 In-bay automatics

 Exterior conveyor car wash

 Express exterior car wash

 Full –service car wash

 Flex-serve car wash

 Hand washes

 Driveway Washing


2.1 Technology & Tools used in the Project:

In this project we use some of the latest tools and technology

equipment that is being used for experimental purposes. Here in this chapter

we will discuss all these tools and equipment’s

2.2 PLC FX1S30MR:

The PLC is used for the controlling the system’s stages which

includes the conveyer belt, water sprinkles, sensors, showers. We have

termed it the brain of our car wash system. The reason for choosing this

PLC is its reliability and availability. Moreover it has a large section of I/O

ports, which are used for controlling of the different components of the car

washing system.


Figure ll - 1 : PLC Internal View

2.3 Gear motor:

A gear motor is a specific type of electrical motor that is designed to

produce high torque while maintaining a low horsepower, or low speed,

motor output. Gear motors can be found in many different applications, and

are probably used in many devices in your home.

Gear motors are commonly used in devices such as can openers,

garage door openers, washing machine time control knobs and even electric

alarm clocks. Common commercial applications of a gear motor include

hospital beds, commercial jacks, cranes and many other applications that

are too many to list.


Figure ll - 2 : Gear motor

2.3.1 Basic Principles of Operation

A gear motor can be either an AC (alternating current) or a DC

(direct current) electric motor. Most gear motors have an output of between

about 1,200 to 3,600 revolutions per minute (RPMs). These types of motors

also have two different speed specifications: normal speed and the stall-

speed torque specifications.

Gear motors are primarily used to reduce speed in a series of gears,

which in turn creates more torque. This is accomplished by an integrated

series of gears or a gear box being attached to the main motor rotor and

shaft via a second reduction shaft. The second shaft is then connected to the

series of gears or gearbox to create what is known as a series of reduction

gears. Generally speaking, the longer the train of reduction gears, the lower

the output of the end, or final, gear will be.


An excellent example of this principle would be an electric time clock

(the type that uses hour, minute and second hands). The synchronous AC

motor that is used to power the time clock will usually spin the rotor at

around 1500 revolutions per minute. However, a series of reduction gears is

used to slow the movement of the hands on the clock.

For example, while the rotor spins at about 1500 revolutions per

minute, the reduction gears allow the final secondhand gear to spin at only

one revolution per minute. This is what allows the secondhand to make one

complete revolution per minute on the face of the clock.

2.3.2 Gear Motors and Increased Force

Gear motors are commonly used in commercial applications where a

piece of equipment needs to be able to exert a high amount of force in order

to move a very heavy object. Examples of these types of equipment would

include a crane or lift Jack.

If you've ever seen a crane in action, you've seen a great example of

how a gear motor works. As you have probably noticed, a crane can be used

to lift and move very heavy objects. The electric motor used in most cranes

is a type of gear motor that uses the basic principles of speed reduction to

increase torque or force.

Gear motors used with conveyor belts pulley that are usually

specialty types that use a very low rotational output speed to create

incredible amounts of torque. However, the principles of the gear motor used

in a conveyor belts pulley are exactly the same as those used in the example

electric time clock. The output speed of the rotor is reduced through a series

of large gears until the rotating, RPM speed, of the final gear is very low. The

low RPM speed helps to create a high amount of force which can be used to

lift and move or rotate the heavy objects.

2.4 DC motor:

For the movement of conveyors belt we have used a gear motor.Gear

motors are primarily used to reduce speed in a series of Gears, which in turn

creates more torque. It also has an enable pin for turning on/off the motor

and a direction pin for changing the direction. Using the l298 motor driver

circuit. It also provides the appropriate current (maximum 2A), which is

required to generate the appropriate torque by the motor.

2.5 Relay for DC Control:

A 12 volt DC relay is used to control the LED. A 12 volt relay instead

of a 5 volt relay has been used to provide isolation to the microcontroller

from the LED, which can damage the controller by drawing large current.

Figure ll - 3 : Relay

2.6 Wiper motor:

A wiper is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise

control of angular or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a

suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. It also requires a

relatively sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module designed

specifically for use with servomotor.

2.7 Conveyor belt:

Conveyor belt is connected in the iron structure with pulleys to move

car from start point to different stages for necessary operation. This belt is

connected with gear motor. For control of conveyor movement, it start

moving when one stage complete its operation and stops when arrives at

sensor of each stage to done the necessary operation.


Figure ll - 4 : Conveyor belt

2.8 Photo Electric Sensors:

In this system for work a completion is done via Photo Electric sensor.

Ultrasonic sensors emit a sound pulse that reflects off of objects entering the

Wave field. The reflected sound, or “echo” is then received by the sensor.

Detection of the sound generates an output signal for use by an actuator,

controller, or computer. The output signal can be analog or digital.

Figure ll - 5 : Photo Electric sensor working


2.9 Brushes:

Brush is a tool which has used for scrubbing purpose in auto ACWS.

Figure ll - 6 : Brushes

2.10 DRYER:

Dryer is a DC fan which has used in ACWS for drying purpose. Two

dryers used in this project, each fan has 5 volts and 0.12 ampere of rating.

The figure 2.1.8 shown on next page.


Figure ll - 7 : Dryer fan

2.11 Software Tools Used:

2.11.1 SCADA user interface

An auto car washing system is designed in SCADA User Interface

(PLC), which uses Ladder code to send information. Six processes are

performed in this system i.e. watering, brushing and shampooing. PLC sends

code while performing different steps.

2.11.2 Monitoring:

GUI helps of SCADA we can see in monitors. It is for the purpose to

make the project more users friendly and easy to use.


2.11.3 Working of the PLC

The programmable logic controller is a specialized computer used to

control machines and processes. It therefore shares common terms with

typical PCs like central processing unit, memory, software and

communications. ... The components that make a PLC work can be divided

into three core areas.

2.11.4 Protocol:

When GUI will send integer 1 to PLC it will correspond to the

response of 1st step. If it is performed, PLC will send the code Integer 1. If not

performed the PLC will send the Code 0. When the step is performed it will

change the color of the indicator for that step. Similarly, when GUI will send

integer 2 to PLC it will correspond to the response of step 2 nd. If performed,

it will send the code integer 2. If not performed it will send the code 0. After

the step is being performed it will change the color of the indicator for step 2.

When GUI will send integer 3 to PLC it will


correspond to response 3rd step. If it is performed, PLC will send the code

Integer 3. If not performed the PLC will send the Code 0 and change the

color of the indicator for step 3. Similarly, the same process is performed for

the 4th step and change the color of indicator for step 4 th after being

processed. For the step 5th, the same process is performed, if performed it

will send code integer 5 if not performed it will send code 0 and the color of

the indicator will change. At the end, step 6 th will perform same operations.

2.11.5 Controlling:

PLC helps control different tasks which correspond to different

actions. When GUI will send integer 11 to PLC it will perform shampooing

when this process needs to be exit, if system would return back to step 10, it

will go back to step 1. When PLC will send integer 22, it will perform brushing

and integer 33 will perform watering.

When PLC will send integer code then it will stop shampooing, when it

will send 20 the system will stop brushing and similarly integer code 30 will

help to stop watering.

2.12 PLC GX Works2:

The not open-source PLC Software (makes it easy to write code and

upload it to the board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The

environment is written in Java and based on Processing and this source

software. This software are used with any PLC board.

The PLC Integrated Development Environment - or PLC Software -

contains a text editor for writing code, a message area, a


text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions and a series of

menus. It connects to the PLC and Genuino hardware to upload programs.

2.12.1 Writing Sketches

• File

• Edit

• Sketch

• Tools

• Help

• Sketchbook

• Tabs, Multiple Files, and Compilation

• Uploading

• Libraries

• Third-Party Hardware

• Serial Monitor

• Preferences

• Language Support

• Boards communicate with them.

Programs written using PLC Software are called sketches. These

sketches are written in the text editor and are saved with the file extension.

ino. The editor has features for cutting/pasting and for searching/replacing

text. The message area gives feedback while saving and exporting and also

displays errors. The console displays text output by the


PLC Software including complete error messages and other information.

The bottom right hand corner of the window displays the configured board

and serial port. The toolbar buttons allow you to verify and upload programs,

create, open, and save sketches, and open the serial monitor.

NB: Versions of the PLC Software prior to 1.0 saved sketches with the

extension. pde. It is possible to open these files with version 1.0, you will be

prompted to save the sketch with the. ino extension on save.


Checks your code for errors compiling it.


Compiles your code and uploads it to the configured board. See

uploading below for details.

Note: If you are using an external programmer with your board, you

can hold down the "shift" key on your computer when using this icon.The text

will change to "Upload using Programmer"


Creates a new sketch.



Presents a menu of all the sketches in your sketchbook. Clicking one

will open it within the current window overwriting its content.

Note: due to a bug in Java, this menu doesn't scroll; if you need to

open a sketch late in the list, use the File | Sketch book menu instead.


Saves your sketch.

RUN Monitor

Opens the program it for checking. Additional commands are found within

the five menus: File, Edit, Sketch, Tools, Help. The menus are context

sensitive, which means only those items relevant to the work currently being

carried out are available.

2.11.2 File


Creates a new instance of the editor, with the bare minimum structure

of a sketch already in place.


Allows to load a sketch file browsing through the computer drives and


Open Recent

Provides a short list of the most recent sketches, ready to be opened.


Shows the current sketches within the sketchbook folder structure;

clicking on any name opens the corresponding sketch in a new editor



Any example provided by the PLC Software shows up in this menu

item. All the examples are structured in a tree that allows easy access by

topic or library.


Closes the instance of the PLC Software from which it is clicked.


Saves the sketch with the current name. If the file hasn't been named

before, a name will be provided in a "Save as.." window.

Save as

Allows to save the current sketch with a different name.

Page Setup

It shows the Page Setup window for printing.



Sends the current sketch to the printer according to the settings

defined in Page Setup.


Opens the Preferences window where some settings of the IDE may

be customized, as the language of the IDE interface.


Closes all IDE windows. The same sketches open when Quit was

chosen will be automatically reopened the next time you start the IDE.

2.11.3 Edit


Goes back of one or more steps you did while editing; when you go

back, you may go forward with Redo.


Removes the selected text from the editor and places it into the



Duplicates the selected text in the editor and places it into the


Copy as HTML

Copies the code of your sketch to the clipboard as HTML, suitable for

embedding in web pages.


Puts the contents of the clipboard at the cursor position, in the editor.

Select All

Selects and highlights the whole content of the editor.


Puts or removes the // comment marker at the beginning of each

selected line.

Increase/Decrease Indent

Adds or subtracts a space at the beginning of each selected line,

moving the text one space on the right or eliminating a space at the



Opens the Find and Replace window where you can specify text to

search inside the current sketch according to several options.


Find Next

Highlights the next occurrence - if any - of the string specified as the

search item in the Find window, relative to the cursor position.

Find Previous

Highlights the previous occurrence - if any - of the string specified as

the search item in the Find window relative to the cursor position.

2.11.4 Sketch


Checks your sketch for errors compiling it; it will report memory usage

for code and variables in the console area


Compiles and loads the binary file onto the configured board through

the configured Port.

Upload Using Programmer

This will overwrite the boot loader on the board; you will need to use

Tools > Burn Boot loader to restore it and be able to Upload to USB serial

port again. However, it allows you to use the full capacity of the Flash

memory for your sketch. Please note that this command will NOT burn the

fuses. To do so a Tools -> Burn Boot loader command must be executed.


Export Compiled Binary

Saves a. hex file that may be kept as archive or sent to the board

using other tools.

Show Sketch Folder

Opens the current sketch folder.

Include Library

Adds a library to your sketch by inserting #include statements at the

start of your code. For more details, see libraries below. Additionally, from

this menu item you can access the Library Manager and import new libraries

from .zip files.

Add File

Adds a source file to the sketch (it will be copied from its current

location). The new file appears in a new tab in the sketch window. Files can

be removed from the sketch using the tab menu accessible clicking on the

small triangle icon below the serial monitor one on the right side o the


2.11.5 Tools


This formats your code nicely: i.e. indents it so that opening and

closing curly braces line up, and that the statements inside curly braces are

indented more.

Archive Sketch

Archives a copy of the current sketch in .zip format. The archive is

placed in the same directory as the sketch.

Fix Encoding & Reload

Fixes possible discrepancies between the editor char map encoding

and other operating systems char maps.

Serial Monitor

Opens the serial monitor window and initiates the exchange of data

with any connected board on the currently selected Port. This usually resets

the board, if the board supports Reset over serial port opening.


Select the board that you're using. See below for descriptions of the

various boards.


This menu contains all the serial devices (real or virtual) on your

machine. It should automatically refresh every time you open the top-level

tools menu.


For selecting a hardware programmer when programming a board or

chipand not using the onboard PPT connection. Normally you won't need

this, but if you're burning a boot loader to a new microcontroller, you will use


Burn Boot loader

The items in this menu allow you to burn a boot loader onto the PLC

board. This is not required for normal use of an PLC or Genuino board but is

useful if \ you purchase a new AT mega microcontroller (which normally

come without a boot loader). Ensure that you've selected the correct board

from the Boards menu before burning the boot loader on the target board.

This command also set the right fuses.

2.12 Advantages of automatic car wash system

 Less Area required

 Time requirement is less

 Pollution free

 Man power requirement is less

 Easy to operate

 Standards parts and components are easily available

2.13 Limitations of automatic car wash system

 Primary investment is high

 More amount of water is required

 System installation is complex

2.14 Consumption power & other things

The following are the approximate consumption in system:

 Power required conveyer movement 60 W

 Drying unit 8.16 Watts

 Maximum power 42 Watts

 Cars wash water required 1/2 Liter approx.

 Shampoo cycle time 10 sec approx.

 Wash cycle time 10 sec approx.

 Drying cycle time 10 sec approx.



3.1 User Profile:

End user or controller is the person who uses the graphical user

interface (GUI) to control the automatic car wash system at any stage. Since

it is a very user-friendly, it only requires basic knowledge.

3.2 Special usage considerations:

I. The controlling of the automatic car wash system requires

knowledge of using a computer.

II. A little training is required to get used to the controls of the

automatic car wash system.

III. The automatic car wash system has been built for both indoor

and outdoor operation.



4.1 Door opening sensor:

When the car arrives at the sensor the door will open, conveyor belt

starts moving because sensor 1 will gives pulse to arduino hence arduino will

activate the the conveyor belt which start moving.

4.2 Shampooing and washing:

When the car arrives at the second sensor the conveyor motor

stopped. Now this sensor will activate the shampooing motor sprinkles of

shampooing water will shower on the car for seven second, after

shampooing the car the shampooing motor stopped and activate the

conveyor belt motor to proceed the next stage.

4.3 Brushing:

After the completion of shampooing the car for seven seconds, the

conveyor belt start moving again when car arrives at the third sensor the

conveyor belt motor will stopped, the PLC will activate the brushing.


4.4 Clean water showering:

Brushing is done after seven seconds then again conveyor belt motor

activated the conveyor belt to go to fourth stage for the showering the clean

water upon the car for seven seconds.

4.5 Drying:

This is the fifth stage and last stage of the system in this stage after

cleaning water for seven seconds stopped the conveyor belt moves again via

conveyor motor. The car comes at fifth sensor drying stage activated via

drying motor. After completion of drying of a car now it stopped after seven

seconds and conveyor will activate car moves at exit point.



5.1 Description for system behavior:

The automatic car wash system consists of the following modules,

which influence the behavior of the system (ACWS):

Conveyer belt
Conveyer Rollers
Glass frame
Water tub

Figure V- 1 : System Behavioral Model


5.2 Base

Base consists of two DC motors, one gear motor and servo motor

also base is divided in to four section which are consists of shampooing,

brushing, dryer and for clean water.

Dc motor are connected with the brushing assembly while the servo

motor is connected with gate to open when the car is arrived at the door

sensor and it will open the door

5.3 Conveyor belt

Conveyor belt is connected the rollers and their movement is controlled

with the gear motor which is of 12 volt

The water tub, there is two water tub is used which is connected with


Pump and this pump will suck water from one point to discharge through

other point, water will sprinkles from the nozzles through over the car

5.4 Events:

The event in this scenario consists of the control signals arriving at the

arduino through the ultrasonic sensors.

5.4.1 DC Motors:

There are a total 2 DC motors that are used in the ACWS. Dc motors

are connected with brushes.

These brushes will start move with dc motors when the second sensor

is activated.

Control signal for the Gear motor used for the movement of the conveyer belt.

5.4.2 Servo motor:

There is only one servo motor is used in system this servo motor is

connected with the door which will rotate 0 to 180 degree as per requirement

Servo motor opens the door when 1st sensor will sense the car at the door.

5.4.3 Gear motor:

Due to this 1st sensor gear motor will have activated and conveyor starts

moving hence, car will move.

5.4.4 Glass frame:

The whole structure of ACWS is equipped with the facility transparent

glass and motors are kept save from the water.

5.5 System Circuit Diagram:

The Event Diagram of Microcontroller is given below in which

describe each and every section of events and states of the whole system.

Figure V- 3 : System Circuit diagram


Future Enhancements

6.1 Future Enhancements

The system that we have built is a working on Arduino controller,

which should be compact, fast and accurate. This system may not have the

features and reliability of the original design. It is only being developed to

ensure that the design is feasible, not impractical and can be implemented

on a much larger scale in a more efficient way.

 Interior wash

 Under chases wash

 Overcome limitations

 Coin & token system

 Also we can implement a counter which will be allowing the number of

 cars washed to be counted.




After working on the automatic car wash project and dryer, we

can come to conclusion that such automation system is quite beneficial, and

saving time of operation and also man power reduced, improving the

economy of the system. In the future such type of automated systems will

have more demanded.

It has countless applications and can be used in different environments

and scenarios.

 Supermarket & malls

 GAS stations & Railway stations & Air ports

 Hotels & Resorts

 Theaters & universities

 Public places & private companies

 Less Area required

 Time requirement is less

 Pollution free Weather friendly

 Man power requirement is less



Https: // (Accessed august 15 2016)

n/products/servo_motogear_motor.html (Accessed September 8 2016) Electric _sensor (Accessed October 15



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