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Artifact 1 Reflection : Virtual Field Trip

The assignment I have chosen to reflect on was the virtual field trip we took. I had selected to go

to the Salem witch museum. I was overall pretty happy with the response and the paper but there

are a few things that I would have changed. I would've wanted to put in more evidence or more

information I learned about because I felt like I only put in very little information compared to

what I read. I did not realize this until after. Some skills I feel I need to practice are putting my

thoughts into words. I think about all this information but I have such a hard time putting things

into words and my assignment truly reflected that. 

 Some exercises I believe I could do outside of class to help better prepare me for my next

assignments are taking better notes. My note taking now is very basic and I feel like it would be

more beneficial to me if I started taking notes and transferring things into my own words rather

than copying things down exactly how I read them. This will be a very simple change yet

beneficial because I will being practicing putting thoughts and information in my own words. 

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