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Core French 9 Self-Reflection Midterm Report

You are going to help write your own midterm progress report. Answer the following 4 questions
completely and with well-thought out answers. Use the T-chart that we will fill out in class to help
you with what assignments, activities, projects and quizzes we’ve done in class.​ This will be
used along with Ms. Crocker’s printed report as your midterm progress report that will go
home to your parent(s)/guardian(s).

1) Where are you in your learning?​ List your strengths in this class and describe them.
In Core French 9, I am good at:

2) Where is your proof?​ Use evidence and examples of what you have done in class and
with assignments, projects and quizzes.

3) Opportunities for improvement? ​List some realistic goals to help you improve in this
class and move into the next stage of learning.

Some realistic goals to help me improve are….

4) How will you get there? What will help you? ​List what you need from yourself and
your teachers to support you.

​What I need from myself is:

What I need from my teacher:

5) In conclusion, what is your overall assessment using the emerging to extending

scale? ​Write what you give yourself as an overall assessment and why. Use this area as
a comment to conclude your midterm report reflection.

Overall I would assess myself at….

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