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1. 1. Drug Abuse and its Prevention By: Frenz A. Delgado Jr.

2. 2. Objectives • Cause and effects of drug abuse • Signs and symptoms of a drug abuser •
Government campaigns to prevent drug abuse • Laws on how to stop drug addiction
3. 3. Drug abuse • Also called substance abuse. • Compulsive, excessive, and self-damaging
use of habit forming drugs or substances, leading to addiction or dependence, serious
psychological injury (such as damage to kidneys, liver, heart) or psychological harm (such as
dysfunctional behaviour patterns, hallucinations, memory loss), or death.
4. 4. “ ” A state, psychic or also sometimes physical, resulting from the interaction between a
living organism and a drug, and characterized y behavioural and other responses that
always include a compulsive desire or need to use the drug on a continues basis in order to
experience its effects and/or avoid the discomfort of its absence. Drug Dependence • Is the
situation or condition that a person finds himself in which he uses or abuses a drug to the
point that the drug becomes the main focus of his life. Taking a drug becomes a compulsion ,
a neces

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