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The Beginning

In a faraway kingdom, the kingdom of Biosphere, a global ecosystem composed of living

organisms (biota) and the abiotic (nonliving) factors from which they derive energy nutrients. In this
place, an annual festivity known where they release prisoners and make them fight in an unknown
battleground. This year they choose the smallest, the most basic, the invisible, “ATOM!” Atom was
captured freezing inside a pod. They saw him using a very powerful tool named “microcap” that
resembles our microscope. They took him and contain him through a very unique distillation process
where the components of freezing water was separated based on a different boiling point. On the other
hand, his opponent is Element. Element is a substance that is made entirely from one type of atom. So
basically, a group of or a tribe of atom like. Element was found melting near the volcano. A group of
Biospherian (things that live on the biosphere) guards saw him and revived him for the purpose of
slavery but due to his component or power he was chosen as a hero to fight against Atom.

The announcer introduced the players “ … here is our challenger. The smallest of them all ,
Atom! And on the left side, from the tribe of Champions… our Hero and the defending champion …
Element.” The unknown battleground was covered by shouts and applauses of everything that is in
there. The fight started. Element tried to attack Atom with a fireball. But to everyone’s surprise Atom
showed a defensive tactic called ‘Endothermic Change’ an ability to absorb heat and make the
battlegrounds environment to cool down. Element got insulted and tried to score using his “biotic”
attack , where he summons living organisms that shapes the environment. He tried to produce
macromolecules, a very large molecules composed of thousands of covalently connected atoms.
However, Atom’s ability to adapt and absorb energy conquers the battlefield and defeated everyone’s
hero, Element. Many were astonished of Atom and gave him the prize of freedom to choose his trophy.

In the end, Atom chose to have the power of creation. When he accepted the trophy, it was so
powerful that he can no longer contain it and exploded to something beautiful. He created the
Ecosystem, a place where  plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work
together to form a bubble of life. The explosion was named “Bing Bang Theory” and was made known in
the entire kingdom.

Atom distillation element

Endothermic change freezing

Ecosystem biotic biosphere

Macromolecules Melting

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