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Intelligent Manufacturing and Robotics – Research Article

International Journal of Advanced

Robotic Systems
September-October 2019: 1–9
Corrosion analysis and remaining useful ª The Author(s) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/1729881419877051
life prediction for storage tank bottom

Yu Feng, Yujiu Yang and Biqing Huang

Corrosion of large storage tank bottom has been identified as the main threat to tank security around the world.
Corrosion detection becomes the main approach to ensure the safety of large storage tanks. In this article, we propose a
two-stage tank bottom corrosion analysis and remaining useful life prediction framework. In the first stage, the causes and
mechanisms of tank bottom corrosion are analyzed, the evaluation metric system is established, and the fuzzy compre-
hensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the health status of tank bottom. The preliminary evaluation result in the
first stage determines whether a subsequent remaining useful life prediction is required. If the tank bottom is not in healthy
state, in the second stage, the remaining useful life prediction of the tank bottom is implemented by acoustic emission and
risk-based inspection. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluation are carried out to provide a basis for the operation and
maintenance decision of storage tanks.

Tank bottom, metric system, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, acoustic emission, remaining useful life

Date received: 1 July 2019; accepted: 17 August 2019

Topic: Robot Manipulation and Control

Topic Editor: Henry Leung
Associate Editor: Bin He

Introduction At present, magnetic flux leakage (MFL) testing and

acoustic emission (AE) testing are widely adopted to eval-
With the sustainable growth of China’s economy and the
uate the corrosion status of large storage tank. Liu et al.
turbulence of the international crude oil market, sustainabil-
discussed the principles, the use of inspection equipment,
ity has become a global concern in recent years.1,2 As the
and the application of MFL testing technique for atmo-
current global market is rapidly changing, China’s demand
spheric storage tank inspection. The authors also proposed
for strategic oil reserves is growing steadily and continu-
a practical solution for inspecting and evaluating
ously. Serving as the storage equipment for petrochemical
raw materials and related products, large atmospheric stor-
age tanks are playing an increasingly important role. The
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
storage capacity of crude oil in these tanks is usually very
large. Affected by the changes of serving environment and Corresponding authors:
operating conditions, some damage will be gradually accu- Yujiu Yang, Division of Information Science, Tsinghua Shenzhen
mulated, which may eventually lead to serious safety acci- International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055,
dents.3 The corrosion of tank bottom can cause the failure of
oil tank, which is the main factor endangering the normal
Biqing Huang, Beijing National Research Center for Information Science
operation of tank.4,5 The corrosion status prediction of the and Technology, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing
tank bottom is crucial for tank maintenance and is also the 100084, China.
main approach to ensure the safety of tank operation.6 Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

atmosphere storage tanks using MFL.7 Shi et al. introduced framework. The “Preliminary health evaluation” section
the main principles, measurement, and processing of MFL introduces the preliminary health evaluation. The “Residual
data. As the key point of a quantitative analysis of MFL life prediction based on AE and corrosion risk pace” section
detection, the identification of the leakage magnetic signal illustrates the accurate diagnosis. The “Case study” section
is also discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of presents a case study to verify our proposed framework. The
different identification methods are analyzed.8 Yu et al. “Conclusion” section concludes the article.
established the three-dimensional finite element model of
tank bottom, which is then used as a simulation tool to Overall framework for tank bottom health
study the propagation characteristics of AE signals. They
concluded that multipoint measurements can be used to
help understand the status of bottom plate.9 Gong and Hu In this article, a two-stage health state analysis method for
constructed an AE system to detect and evaluate tank bot- tank bottom is proposed. In the first stage, a preliminary
tom corrosion. A corrosion detection process was designed health evaluation of tank bottom is made: firstly, a scien-
and put in practice for qualitative evaluation.10 Jirarungsa- tific risk evaluation metric system for tank bottom corro-
tian and Prateepasen carried out AE experiments on differ- sion is established based on expert experience and failure
ent types of damage and analyzed the parameters of AE analysis. Then, the weights of evaluation metrics are deter-
signals.11 The experimental results were used for on-site mined by combining the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
detection of atmospheric storage tanks. Liu et al. analyzed and the entropy method. Finally, fuzzy comprehensive eva-
the advantages and disadvantages of AE detection and luation is adopted to give health status. The preliminary
MFL detection and proposed a tank corrosion detection evaluation result in the first stage determines whether a
method by combining the above two methods.12 Based subsequent remaining useful life (RUL) prediction is
on the risk-based inspection (RBI) technology, Guo et al. required. If the tank bottom is in good condition, it is unne-
carried out risk assessment on 20 large atmospheric storage cessary to carry out AE testing so as to save tank mainte-
tanks. By setting different risk levels and implementing nance costs. If the tank bottom is not in good condition, the
maintenance methods and strategies for each storage tank second stage is carried out to make accurate diagnosis. We
correspondingly, the reliability of RBI technology was ver- establish a quantitative evaluation model based on the his-
ified.13 Park et al. monitored the corrosion state and AE torical experimental data collected through AE testing and
data of tank bottom in acidic soil and verified the consis- MFL testing. Then, the AE experiment is implemented and
tency of the AE technology and risk-based method.14,15 the result is used to estimate the corrosion rate and predict
Zhang et al. conducted an experiment on AE monitoring the RUL of storage tank. The overall framework for tank
of tank bottom in a laboratory condition. He analyzed the bottom health analysis is shown in Figure 1.
emission signals collected in the experiment and obtained
the AE characteristics during tank bottom corrosion pro- Preliminary health evaluation
cess under different working conditions. A corrosion detec-
tion mechanism was provided with improved reliability in Corrosion analysis
AE testing and evaluation field.16 Yu et al. claimed that in Preliminary health evaluation reflects the current operating
some circumstances, the types of corrosion AE signal of the status of tanks, hence it is extremely significant to establish
tank bottom are unknown. He thus proposed a weighted a system of evaluation metrics to give an accurate, credible,
fuzzy clustering recognition method to distinguish corro- and objective evaluation result, which is also a guarantee
sion types with each other. Nearest neighbor method was for the long-term effective operations of oil tanks. To estab-
used for optimizing initial clustering. The data redistribu- lish the risk metric system of tank floor corrosion, we first
tion is adjusted with the weighted distance between the summarize all types of tank floor corrosion and study the
gravity and center. The experimental result shows that the main influencing factors that cause corrosion.
detection accuracy increases by about 9%.17 The corrosion of tank floor mainly consists of two
Although some achievements have been made both in types: internal corrosion and external corrosion. Internal
research and in application, the AE method can only be corrosion mainly includes atmospheric corrosion and
used for qualitative evaluation. Other detection methods, liquid corrosion, and external corrosion mainly includes
such as MFL testing,18,19 can effectively quantitatively electrochemical corrosion and soil corrosion. The main
evaluate corrosion defects. However, it usually causes factors affecting the corrosion of tank floor are as follows:
unnecessary tank opening, which may result in over main-
tenance of storage tanks, affecting the normal operation. 1. Sedimentary water at the bottom of tank: Sedimen-
The deficits of both methods greatly encourage the pro- tary water mainly comes from produced fluid, rein-
posal of our health analysis framework. jection water, condensate water, and rainwater,
The rest of the article is organized as follows: The which is the main source of the internal liquid cor-
“Overall framework for tank bottom health analysis” sec- rosion. The corrosivity of sedimentary water usu-
tion gives an overview of our tank bottom health analysis ally differs in terms of its components. The main
Feng et al. 3

Figure 1. Overall framework of tank bottom health analysis.

influencing factors include pH value, chloride con- positions of the bottom will be destroyed, resulting
centration, sulfur amount, salinity, and so on. The in oxygen concentration cell.
pH value determines the corrosion type of tank bot- 4. Mechanical factors: The fluctuation of the fluid in
tom, especially in strong acid or alkaline environ- the tank can make the bottom bear additional vibra-
ment, which usually result in a significant increase tion and impact loads, which will cause the vibra-
in corrosion rate.20 The chloride concentration is the tion damage of the tank bottom, leading to crevice
main factor affecting the corrosion rate of tank bot- corrosion and pitting corrosion.
tom.5 Sulfides can be decomposed into corrosive
substances that result in corrosion. The salinity is
mainly affected by the concentration of calcium and
Evaluation metric system
magnesium. When the concentration is too high, it
will promote the formation of local cell corrosion. Based on the detailed analysis of the corrosion mechanism
At the same time, calcium and magnesium can of tank bottom in the previous section, this section tries to
increase the conductivity of water, thus accelerating establish a scientific, effective, and standardized evaluation
the corrosion rate. metric system, as shown in Table 1.
2. Gas effect: Due to the constantly rising and falling of
liquid level in the tank, a certain amount of air will be
mixed into the tank. Hydrogen sulfide gas has the Evaluation method
greatest impact on tank bottom corrosion, which can Weight derivation and modification. After health evaluation
dissolve in water to form acid that has very high cor- model has been constructed, we need to assign weights for
rosivity.21 At the same time, hydrogen sulfide gas is different evaluation metrics. The weight determination of
the catalyst for cathodic reduction of tank bottom, evaluation metrics is an important part for reflecting the
which can promote the absorption of hydrogen in health status of tank bottom. AHP and entropy weight
reduction reaction and further deteriorate corrosion. method are widely used in similar problems. However, AHP
3. Production factors: In daily production, the opera- is strongly based on subjective opinions of experts, while
tion of the tank’s charging and discharging will entropy weight method does not work well when data are not
cause the fluctuation of the fluid in the tank, and sufficient. In this article, we applying Bayes theorem and
turbulence may form inside the tank. Turbulence combine these two methods to overcome their deficiencies.
can cause ups and downs of tank bottom, which can First, a priori value of metric weights are adopted through
abrade the corrosion-resistant coating on the inner AHP method, then the entropy information of feedback data
surface of tank bottom and form a corrosion is taken to calculate posterior value of metric weights.
source.22 At the same time, a series of cleaning If we model the weights of evaluation metrics as prob-
operations of the tank will continuously scour the ability distribution, we hope that we can estimate the dis-
tank bottom, and the membrane layer at some tribution through experts’ knowledge when the amount of
4 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Table 1. Tank bottom risk evaluation metric system.

First-level metrics Second-level metrics Third-level metrics Fourth-level metrics

Tank bottom quality Tank bottom Steel plate characteristics
Steel plate thickness
Construction quality Plate arrangement
Tank foundation Foundation taper
Asphaltic sands anticorrosive quality
Settlement of foundation
Internal corrosion Internal circumstance Corrosive medium pH value
Sulfur content
Nitrogen content
Chloride content
Air content
Medium temperature Crude oil temperature
Tank heating device
Corrosion inhibitor Inhibitor type
Inhibitor concentration
Coating protection Coating material
Working life
Construction quality
Cathodic protection Sacrificial anode material
Protection current
Protection area
Operating process Medium turbulence
Medium fluctuation
Tank cleaning
External corrosion External circumstance Soil corrosiveness pH value
Water content
Soil resistivity
Water contact Rainfall
Asphalt sandstone pad sealing
Exterior drainage
Corrosion inhibitor Inhibitor type
Inhibitor concentration
Coating protection Coating material
Working life
Construction quality
Cathodic protection Sacrificial anode material
Protection current
protection area

data is insufficient. At the same time, with the accumula- where w~ ¼ ½w 1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wm  represents the weight vector of
tion of data, the weights of evaluation metrics gradually the evaluation metrics, DirichletðÞ denotes the Dirichlet
adapt to the information in actual data. Finally, when the Distribution, and ~a is the distribution parameter. The dis-
amount of data is large enough, the weights of the evalua- tribution parameter is initialized proportionally to metric
tion metrics can fully reflect the amount of information weights derived from AHP method.
provided by each metric. There are mainly two reasons why we choose Dirichlet
The process of assigning weights can be understood as distribution:
continuous revision of the importance of each metric.
Assume that the weights of the evaluation metrics follow  According to the P practical meaning of metric
Dirichlet distribution weights, we have i¼1 wi ¼ 1. Therefore, when
we choose joint distribution of the m metrics, the

w ð1Þ sum of expectations of each random variable in joint
Feng et al. 5

distribution should be equal to 1. The attribute of metrics, the evaluation matrices of abstract levels are cal-
Dirichlet distribution perfectly satisfies the require- culated. Finally, we determine the health status of tank
ment for joint distribution. bottom based on the rule of maximum degree of member-
 According to the hypothesis of Bayesian view, prob- ship. More detailed explanation of the method is demon-
ability itself is a random variable with prior and strated in the “Case study” section.
posterior distributions. When the condition likeli-
hood function can make the posterior distribution
has the same form with the prior distribution, we say
the distribution is the conjugate prior of the likeli-
Residual life prediction based on acoustic
hood function. Considering the conjugation of emission and corrosion risk pace
Dirichlet distribution and polynomial distribution, AE technology
we choose the likelihood function of polynomial
distribution and assume the prior distribution as AE detection technology is widely employed across the
Dirichlet distribution, then the calculation of prob- world because it can dynamically detect and analyze stor-
ability posterior distribution will have a good math- age tanks. Compared with other nondestructive methods,
ematical form. the special characteristic of AE is that it does not affect
daily production. When corrosion or leakage happens, the
After collecting a certain number of user feedback, we load of the tank will change, and the energy will be released
calculate the entropy weight of each evaluation metrics, in the form of elastic wave to generate AE signals. The
which is denoted as w ^ ¼ ½w ^ 1; w ^ m . If we believe
^ 2; . . . ; w sensors on the tank are set to receive the signals that exceed
that the entropy weights of user feedback data reflect the the threshold. The signals are then transformed into char-
probability of different results in a multi-distribution and acteristic parameters through feature extraction circuit.
assume that the amount of feedback data collected by users Among them, ring-down count can effectively reflect the
is , then the number of times each result occurs is intensity of AE activity, as well as the corrosion status. AE
w^ ¼ ½w ^ 1 ; w ^ m . According to the conjugate
^ 2 ; . . . ; w activity represents the frequency of AE events. It can be
distribution theorem, the posterior distribution of evalua- calculated by dividing the hit count of all channels per unit
tion metrics is another Dirichlet distribution time by the number of channels. The AE activity can be
employed to predict the RUL of tank bottom.
a þ wÞ
w ^ ð2Þ
In conclusion, the proposed weight derivation method
takes the following steps: Corrosion risk pace
In this article, the concept of risk is introduced to model
1. Assume we are assigning weights to m evaluation
tank bottom corrosion. Corrosion risk pace (CRP) is a sci-
metrics. Use AHP method to obtain their a priori
entific risk assessment method that makes use of the test
values w¼w  1; w
 2; . . . ; w
 m , respectively.
result of MFL testing. CRP represents the average corro-
2. Choose a proper coefficient l, then initialize the
sion rate of tank bottom, which can reflect the health status
distribution parameters as ~ a ¼ l w.
of the most active corrosion area. Let xi denote the corro-
3. Collect user feedback data and use entropy method
sion reduction at a certain location of tank bottom,
to calculate evaluation weight values w ^ ¼w
^ 1; w
^ 2;
FðhÞ ¼ CPDðxi  hÞ denote the probability of corrosion
...;w^ m , respectively.
depth that exceeds h (mm), then ln FðhÞ  ln h is defined
4. Modify evaluation metric weights:
as the risk curve of tank bottom corrosion. Since prelimi-
nary health evaluation has been made, we assume that the
ai þ w
~i storage tank is at the latter part of its life, and the gradient at
~i ¼
w ð3Þ
ai þ  the tail of the curve is
@ ln F @F=F
D¼ ¼ ð4Þ
Health evaluation. After the weights of evaluation model are @ ln h @h=h
derived and modified, the fuzzy synthetic evaluation We can conclude from the above formula that
method is adopted to compute reputation. The values of
every evaluation metric are collected and calculated. Our 1 @F
@h ¼  h ð5Þ
health evaluation method is conducted as follows: First, for D F
both quantitative and qualitative metrics, the membership Assume that the corrosion increment of the region where
functions of every evaluation metric are figured out accord- corrosion depth is greater than h can be illustrated as
ing to a predetermined limitation. The single metric mem- follows
bership degree can be integrated to get the evaluating
matrix. Then, according to the weights of evaluation @F ¼ kFDt ð6Þ
6 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

where k represents the corrosion rate, which can be consid- Table 2. Magnetic flux leakage detection data of experimental
ered to remain unchanged during the corrosion process. storage tanks.
From the above formulas, it can be concluded that the Thinning (mm) Cumulative counts Cumulative probability
corrosion depth increases along with time has the following
form 3.66 1 0.0000
  3.60 3 0.0002
k t 3.54 4. 0.0003
hðtÞ ¼ h^ 1  e D ð7Þ .. .. ..
. .
.. 150 .. 0.0100
where h^ is the statistical expectation of corrosion depth . . .
near the current location. It is concluded that the corrosion 0.78 10,411 0.7001
rate of the current position is as follows 0.72 11,872 0.7983
  0.66 13,253 0.8912
 @hðtÞ  k h^ 0.65 14,872 1
 @t  ¼ D ð8Þ

For the current corrosion area, we set the cumulative

probability as 0.001 and calculate h. ^ If k remains Table 3. Corrosion risk pace of experimental storage tanks.
unchanged, the corrosion thinning rate at a certain time, Tank number CRP (m, m/year)
that is, the CRP of the bottom plate is
1 350.2
h^ 0:001 2 311.1
CRP ¼ ð9Þ 3 167.5
4 615.0
where h^ 0:001 is the corrosion depth of tank bottom when the 5 181.3
cumulative probability on the risk curve is 0.001, D is the 6 422.3
7 60.2
absolute value of gradient at the tail of the risk curve, and y 8 729.3
is the service time of the tank. 9 299.2
10 111.7

CRP: corrosion risk pace.

Residual life prediction
AE activity can reflect the corrosion of tank bottom to a
a1 ; a2 ; . . . ; an , respectively. The results are presented in
certain extent, so we try to establish a quantitative model
Table 4.
between AE activity and risk corrosion rate. In this article,
In Figure 2, we plot the AE activity and CRP with
we assume that there is an approximate linear relationship
respect to the data of all experimental tanks, and the scatter
between AE activity and risk corrosion rate CRP.
plots are linearly fitted: c ¼ 0:9402a.
Firstly, we apply MFL testing to 10 experimental stor-
When predicting the RUL of an actual storage tank, the
age tanks and recognize the defects at the tank bottom. The
number of bottom defects in storage tanks with different AE activity of the tank is obtained through AE testing, then
corrosion degrees was counted, and the cumulative prob- the CRP of the tank bottom is calculated based on the quan-
ability distribution of bottom thinning at different locations titative relationship curve acquired before. According to the
was obtained. The risk curve of each experimental storage location of the tank, the medium in the tank, the foundation of
tank was drawn. One of the tanks has been served for 6 the tank, the environmental temperature, and the anticorro-
years, and the data of MFL detection are presented in sion measures, the computed CRP was quantitatively modi-
Table 2. fied.23–25 In addition, past experiences show that for crude oil
According to the risk curve, the absolute value of gra- storage tanks, when the average CRP is 0.05–0.125 mm/year,
dient at the tail is 0.9709. Then, the CRP of the tank is the CRP of the most serious part is 0.6 mm/year. For gasoline,
kerosene, naphtha, and diesel oil tanks, when the average
2:46 CRP is 0.05–0.25 mm/year, the corrosion rate of the most
CRP ¼ ¼ 0:4223 mm=year ð10Þ
0:9709  6 serious part is 0.4 mm/year. Therefore, we can conclude that
Similarly, the CRP of each tank is calculated using their the CRP at the most serious location of tank bottom is about
risk curves, namely c 1 ; c 2 ; . . . ; cn , respectively. The results 12 times that of average CRP.
are presented in Table 3. Let CMP ¼ 12CRP, assume that the nominal thickness
Then, we carry out AE testing on these experimental of the bottom is d and the minimum allowable thickness of
tanks, the AE signals were analyzed and evaluated, the the tank is d min (stipulated in API 653-2009),26 then the
ring-down count of each channel is collected, and the AE corrosion margin D ¼ ðd  d min Þ mm, the remaining use-
activity of each tank bottom is calculated, namely ful life of the tank is
Feng et al. 7

Table 4. Acoustic emission result of experimental storage tanks.

Hits of each channel

Tank number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AE activity (hits/ch)

1 234 781 121 392 73 21 624 411 370 265 329.2
2 16 468 866 618 384 314 104 506 91 338 370.5
3 48 325 689 179 12 102 156 198 84 26 181.9
4 994 891 832 659 772 118 624 795 10 556 625.1
5 123 268 311 15 306 214 183 165 135 199 191.9
6 658 762 549 219 371 344 102 673 596 466 474
7 57 104 81 32 9 18 29 95 71 84 58
8 887 925 684 841 427 655 737 973 892 856 787.7
9 319 286 47 469 115 375 328 299 516 285 303.9
10 23 97 159 84 121 128 207 57 164 204 124.4
AE: acoustic emission.

Suppose that the membership matrix of foundation taper,

asphalt sand anticorrosive quality, and settlement of foun-
dation is as follows
2 3
0:089 0:201 0:398 0:209 0:103
6 7
R 3 ¼ 4 0:121 0:204 0:403 0:200 0:072 5
0:133 0:320 0:317 0:192 0:032

Each row in the matrix represents the probability that

three third-level indicators belong to the five grades of
“extremely poor,” “poor,” “medium,” “good,” and “very
good.” Then, the membership degree of tank foundation
can be calculated as follows:
R2 ¼ ½ 0:25 0:12 0:63   R3
¼ ½ 0:121 0:276 0:348 0:197 0:054 
Similarly, the overall health status of the tank bottom
Figure 2. Relationship between AE activity and CRP. AE: acoustic can be evaluated, and the final conclusion is that the tank
emission; CRP: corrosion risk pace. bottom is in a “medium” health level. The second step is to
predict the remaining life of the tank based on the data.
After online detection of AE for storage tanks, the data of
AE are presented in Table 6.
d  d min
RUL ¼ ð11Þ The AE activity of the tank bottom is calculated:
CMP a ¼ 482:2 hits=ch. The risk corrosion rate of the tank is
calculated based on the quantitative relationship curve
Case study obtained before: CRP ¼ 0:038 mm=year. Taking into
account the geographical location, tank medium, tank foun-
In this section, we take an actual storage tank as an example dation, environmental temperature, and anticorrosion mea-
to verify our proposed method. Firstly, a preliminary health sures, we calculate the modified risk corrosion rate
analysis of the tank bottom is carried out. Assume that the according to the national standard: CMP ¼ 0:038
metric weights of tank bottom quality can be obtained as 12 ¼ 0:456 mm=year. Since the nominal wall thickness
presented in Table 5. of the tank bottom (d) is equal to 6 mm and the minimum
The corresponding membership function is set for each allowable thickness of the tank bottom (dmin) is equal to
evaluation metric in the table in advance, and the corre- 1.27 mm, the remaining life of the tank is calculated as
sponding membership matrix is calculated. Then, the eva-
luation matrices of different levels are calculated from
bottom to top, and the final evaluation grade is obtained d  d min
RUL ¼ ¼ 10:37 year ð12Þ
using the principle of maximum membership degree. CMP
8 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems

Table 5. An example of weight derivation for evaluating metrics.

First-level metrics Second-level metrics Third-level metrics Fourth-level metrics

Tank bottom quality Tank bottom: 0.63 Steel plate characteristics: 0.28
Steel plate thickness: 0.21
Construction quality: 0.51 Plate arrangement: 0.19
Docking: 0.21
Welding: 0.28
Installation: 0.32
Tank foundation: 0.37 Foundation taper: 0.25
Asphaltic sands anticorrosive quality: 0.12
Settlement of foundation: 0.63

Table 6. The AE data of testing tank bottom. 3. The quantitative model between AE activity and cor-
rosion rate of storage tanks is established through AE
Channel AE hits and MFL testing of experimental storage tanks.
1 453 4. Based on Chinese national standard, the RUL of
2 519 storage tanks is predicted by combining AE with
3 34 RBI technology.
4 699 5. A comprehensive case study is conducted to show
5 537 the feasibility of our approach.
6 484
7 392 In the future, we plan to collect more AE data and add
8 620
9 556
multiple features to build a more complicated model.
10 528 According to the characteristics of collected data, we are
going to apply deep learning or sequence learning mechan-
AE: acoustic emission. isms to our research, which is expected to improve the
accuracy of RUL prediction.

Conclusion Declaration of conflicting interests

During the past decades, a large number of new oil storage The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
tanks have been installed in China. Under this circum- to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
stance, careful inspection is extremely important, espe-
cially for those aging facilities. Corrosion detection and Funding
health analysis of large storage tank bottom can prevent The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support
the occurrence of catastrophic accidents and help provide for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article:
maintenance strategies, which can bring huge economic This work was supported by the National Key R & D Program of
benefits to actual production. Traditional tank detection China [no. 2018YFF0214705]: Management and Control Sys-
methods are usually carried out offline, which require tem of Health Status for Typical Industrial Equipment Driven by
stopping the regular operation of tank to pour oil and Big Data.
clean the tank bottom. However, nearly 80% of tank
openings turn out to be waste of manpower, financial ORCID iD
resources, and time. Biqing Huang
To effectively solve the above issue, in this article, we
propose a two-stage corrosion analysis and RUL prediction References
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