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1. Explain how can we develop a moral character, and virtue as a habit?
 You develop strong morals by not relying on what you’re told is
morally right or morally wrong. When you don’t rely on
what you’re told, you’re compelled to find another basis for your
morals, which makes you ask and answer the question “why”
regarding what is morally right or morally wrong. A solid basis
for answering those questions begins with you examining your
own value system, because your value system will determine
for you the morality of any action. All morals are based,
ultimately, on a person’s subjective valuation of the moral
question at hand, and you’ll apply that value judgment when
you consider your own morality.
2. Show the relationship between Ethics and values.
 Ethics: It can be said that ethics are the moral compass of right
and wrong. They differ from culture to culture. Ethics imply a
social system of some common principle. Also, ethics are
constraining by nature, given that they are one of the sources of
the laws of the land. They govern the whole society's
perception of rightness or wrongness of a situation. Ethics
remain same for humans, despite slight cultural differences. For
example, ethics say that it is right to choose life over death.
Values: Values are more personal. It's what we learn from our
family and friends. We take that knowledge, pick what is more
important to us. The chosen ones become our values. They are
not restricted only to right and wrong. Our values are the
reason behind our general behaviour. Values motivate us to
make our way through life. Given the dynamic nature is human
psychology, values can change over time. They differ from
person to person. For example, values tell us to engage in
smoking or drinking, or not.
3. What are the different roots of Filipino values and how it affects our
way of living?
 The family & home environment - child rearing practices can be
both difficult and rewarding at the same time. The goal of every
parent is to have your child grow up to be a respectable and
resourceful adult in society.
 The Educational System - Aside from the problems inherent in
the use of a foreign language in our educational system, the
educational system leads to other problems for us as a people.
 The Economic Environment - Many Filipino traits are rooted in
the poverty and hard life that is the lot of most Filipinos. Our
difficulties drive us to take risks, impel us to work very hard, and
develop in us the ability to survive.

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