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January 27, 2020

1. Routine
I’m using the same convention as in my Kovaak guide, Ideally, you want to train aim
before going into fortnite, because aim training is more exhausting than building and edit
maps, which are themselves more exhausting than the BR mode (lots of down time where you
just do nothing but loot, farm and move around toward the next circle),
The routine is a split routine. The routine A contains a small speed training routine. This
helps with building and editing skills in Fortnite (or simply to look around in a freer way).
The routine B contains a smoothness and precision training. This one should help for hard
edits from weird angles, and for AR/AK/infantry aim at long range. Be cautious that you
have to change fov and sensitivity between scenarios, so read the description. For the speed
training, go as fast as possible, it’s like a workout so it should be difficulty. Do not hesitate
to take some small rest between each (challenge) run.
To put fov 130 overwatch, just type it, do not use the slider. Your hipfire sensitivity is just
the one you use with slider. To enforce your ads sensitivity in KovaaK, you just multiply the
hipfire sensitivity by the ads value (for example 0.120 times 0.7). The mean sensitivity is just
the average of your hipfire sensitivity and of your ads value (for example, (0.120 + 0.120 ×
0.7)/ 2)

1.1. Routine A.
• Jumbo Tile Frenzy Flick 180 (Tile Frenzy - Standard 01 Relax)(10 min.): fov
130 overwatch, hipfire sensitivity divided by 1.5 on Jumbo. Hold lmb on Relax and
divide sens by 2 there. Go as fast as you can!
• Tile Frenzy Flick (Tile Frenzy 180 Strafing Tracking)(10 min.): fov 130 over-
watch, hipfire sensitivity divided by 2, go as fast as you can here too, and try to have
a very good flick form: you have to stop the mouse completely on the cube, on TFF,
and to track smoothly on TF180ST,
• Close Long Strafe Invincible (FuglaaXYLongStrafes, FuglaaXYShortStrafes) (10
min.): fov 103 overwatch, hipfire sensitivity on CLSI, fov 80 overwatch, ads sens on
Fuglaa. For fuglaaShotStrafes, play it in timescale 0.9 in freeplay (do not hesitate to
take breaks),
• Vertical Long Strafes (Anti-Vertical Long Strafes, VSS Vertical Long Strafe )
(10min.): fov 80 overwatch, you can play those in ads, hipfire, or if you want with
your mean sensitivity. VSS should be very hard, so try it to challenge yourself,
• Bounce 180 Easy (1wall6targets small, Bounce 180 Manwing) (10min.): fov 103
overwatch, hipfire or ads sensitivity works. If you don’t know, mean sensitivity on
bounce and ads on small is a good choice
• Fortnite Flyers (10 min.): fov 80 overwatch, ads sensitivity, aiming at the head
is probably too hard for you here, so try to maximize damage (if you body shots only
and get a better score like that, then keep doing that),

1.2. Routine B.
• Close Long Strafes Invincible (7 min.): fov 80 overwatch, hipfire sensitivity
multiplied by 1.1, try to be as smooth as you can here, this is a smoothness training!

• Thin Aiming Long Invincible (7 min.): fov 80 overwatch, ads sensitivity mul-
tiplied by 1.1, same as above,
• Jumbo 1wall6targets TE (1wall6targets TE) (10min.): fov 103 overwatch, hip-
fire sensitivity, go as fast as possible, and do not hover over the balls, you need to
flick with an instant start and an instant stop. On TE you’re not supposed to click
instantly after the flick, you have to check first (unless you’re certain that your click
will hit),
• Tile Frenzy 180 Strafing (Tile Frenzy 180 Strafing 200%) (10min.): fov 125 over-
watch, hipfire sensitivity. If you want to challenge yourself, you can try Tile Frenzy
180 Strafing Mixed Tracking in hipfire sensitivity too,
• PattargetShotgun (PattargetClick) (10min.): fov 115 overwatch, hipfire sensi-
tivity, ideally you want to aim at the head only here, but be cautious that there is
accuracy multiplier: flick toward the next target to reduce distance, then click once
you’re sure that you’re on the head
• LG Pin 360 (Bounce 360 FN Track) (10min.): fov 103 overwatch, hipfire sensitiv-
ity, just try to not lift your mouse as much as you can here, it’s hard, but it’s a good
habit to take,
• Fortnite Gliders (7min.): fov 95 ow, ads sensitivity, this one should be quite hard
for you, but it’s time to challenge yourself

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