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October 10, 2022

1. Routine for Miintow

Click-Timing Routine for McCree and Widow/Ashe: play this one with your McCree sen-
sitivity, especially if your zoom sens with widow is close to 40 (but in practice it’s not 1:1 and
you can’t have 1:1 anyway),
• Val LRC Low Strain (pasu reload 360 250%, FN Peek Training 10 min.: fov 95
ow on Val LRC. Try to aim at the heads on long range bots too. do not avoid that.
Same fov on pasu 360, just take your time to click, this is hard. You can also play the
other % on pasu, they are hard scenarios but extremely good too. On Peek training,
fov 100 ow,
• 5 Sphere Endurance (Wide Wall 4 targets small, Floating Heads) 10 min.: fov
103 ow. On 5 Sphere, put your zoom/ads sensitivity in the weapon tab as you have
to zoom. On Wide Wall 4 Targets small, normal sens setting, fov 105 ow. The proper
flick form is the following: do an instant flick (big accel at the start, big speed, and big
accel at the stop, with no velocity then) to reduce the distance to your next target.
Now, if your next target is in your “flick range”, and you’re very confident that you
can hit it, you shouldn’t even check that your crosshair is on the target and should
instantly click. If it’s too far, you still flick to reduce the distance toward it, but then
check if your crosshair is on the target or not. If it is, then you click and repeat the
process. If it’s not, then ideally, the target is now in your flick range so you can just do
a flick with instant flick (without check), and repeat the process. On Floating heads,
you can hold lmb, it’s more of a target switch scenario,
• Wide Wall 10 Extra Small Moving (Fountain ClickTiming, Fortnite Gliders In-
fantry) 10 min.: fov 103 ow, try to flick every target switch even if you don’t click
instantly. In particular, on Fountain, try to understand when you have to 90 degree
flick on your pad, and so on,
• Close Flick V2 HeadShot (PattargetClick, Close Fast Strafes Shotgun Invincible)
10 min.: fov 115 ow, on Close Flick v2 HeadShot. You can also play the Highground
and Lowground version if you want. On Pattargetclick fov 95. Try to flick every target
switch too here, even if you don’t click instantly, there is accuracy multiplier on the
patts, so take care, and aim for the head! Feel free to play the 1shot version too. Fov
105 ow on Shotgun.
• Manwing Strafe Gallery (McCoy 1v1 V2, Midrange Fast Strafes Invincible Head-
shot Jump Click) 10 min.: fov 95 ow. On MSG, try to long dodge (you keep pressing
the same movement key even when bot changes direction). On McCoy, just try to
maximize score, you can move or not, it’s up to you. On Midrange, fov 103 ow, try to
aim at the head without being too passive, as in, do not rely too much on prediction
• Pattargetclick Dodge (Pasu Dodge, Pasu Dodge Closer) 10 min.: fov 95 ow. Try
to strafe aim here, and to aim at the head on patt, even when the bots are above you!
The good strafe aim form is obviously to move diagonally as much as you can, but
you can also just use left and right, in this case you have to flick and stop the mouse
on the head if the target you aim at doesn’t use diagonals.
You can also play all of the psalmflick scenarios to train large angles flick and speed (the
non TPS versions, small or not, you decide). In this case, play them in a burst style with fov

100 to 110. I also recommend 1w6ts High Ground to train flicks from high ground (say,
jump shots for widow and so on, but generally it’s great for large angle skills too)
Tracking Routine:
• Overhead Jumps (Revolving Tracking Strafes) 10 min.: fov 103 ow on Overhead
Jumps. Feel free to play the Reverse or Incline version too btw (or the Incline Hard
version too, it’s great for Tracer). On Revolving tracking,try to be super smooth and
to never lift your mouse once (you have to flick when you change circle of the figure
8). This one is very hard tho
• Close FS Easy Dodge Invincible Blink (Flicker XYZ Long Dash) 10 min.: fov
105 ow. Two great scenarios to work on blink corrections. Try to have super clean
transition from flick to track, and to react fast (you need to tense your grip to be
snappy, don’t be loose, but do not death grip either). On Flicker XYZ Long Dash, fov
95 ow is better than 105. If this is too fast/too hard, feel free to play it in free play
and to timescale it to 0.95 or 0.9,
• Closerange Tracking Training Humanoid Easy (Air Dodge, Smoothbot Invici-
ble Goated) 10 min.: fov 100 ow, on Closerange Tracking Training, you can actually
mirror as it’s already quite hard, so it’s np if you do so. Fov 107 ow on Air Dodge,
go as close as possible if you really want to train tracer. If you want to train more
general aim, just strafe aim at decent distance (don’t push mindlessly). Fov 80 ow on
smoothbot, this is hard on smoothness and precision,
• Pattargetswitch 360 (Slide Target, Vertical Switching) 10 min.: fov 115 ow on
Pat 360. Try to be as fast as possible, and to aim at the heads. Ideally, you really want
to avoid repositioning your mouse so as to get better on large angles. Fov 107 ow on
Slide and Vertical, those are training the transition from flick to track for horizontal
to vertical or reciprocally. Very important in overwatch,
• Bounce 180 Tracking Invincible Always Bounce (1wall5targets pasu track in-
vincible) 10 min.: fov 95 ow, try to be as smooth as possible on Bounce, and on pasu
you’ll have to correct super fast back on target. Generally here, maximizing score will
give you good form as it’s an invincible scenario,
• LGC3 Reborn Easy (XY Tracking Dodge, Anti-Mirror Long Strafes 360) 10 min.:
fov 95-100 ow on all of them here, try to actually go as close range as possible, you
don’t necessarily have to strafe aim. You can also play T1 Drop Punish Easy and
move too, to gain an intuition of vertical angles to be better at tracking Doom/Genji,

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