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For many people ancient Egypt is a baffling phe- much impressed by ancient Egypt, and some of
nomenon. Certainly it is impressive, with its mighty them paid respectful credit to that culture for learn-
monuments, its three thousand years of history, ing and skill. If we are closer in understanding to
and its reputation for vast learning and skill. On the Hebrews, the Greeks and the Romans, we must
the other hand, a culture of now deserted monu- remember that the Egyptians established the es-
ments, of aloof statues, of a flat and static art sentials of their culture two thousand years before
and of gaping mummies never seems to pulse with these later peoples. A grandfather may seem hope-
good red blood. W e feel no kinship to the austere less when confronting a stalled motor-car or cranky
King Khafre in the Cairo Museum or to Queen television set; yet he may have been highly skilled
Hatshepsut masquerading as Osiris in the Metro- in dealing with horses and a cranky hand-pump.
politan Museum, New York. The story of ancient Certainly the Egyptian culture must have had the
Egypt seems more like a fable than human history. stability which comes from successful adaptation
This is an unfortunate impression created by a to environment; otherwise the same expression
people which, in seeking to find eternity, estab- could not have survived for three thousand years.
lished a static and unchanging form of art and ar- To us it is a paradox that a tomb, solemnly de-
chitecture and thereby obscured their little souls. signed for eternal bliss, should be the setting of
Those little souls were alert, gay, noisy, romantic lively and gay scenes. Should one carry into the
and artistic. The Egyptians were like their statues, presence of the gods a noisy gang of romping chil-
in which the bland stereotype of the eternally dren, a mischievous ape, chattering workmen and
youthful and serene noble overlies the individual- a woman guest who has overeaten at a banquet?
ity of a firm jaw or a hooked nose. One has to Should hymns to the gods be loaded with atrocious
excavate the Egyptian from his covering. puns? Should a myth represent the supreme deity
W e who feel so little spiritual relation to the as sulking in his arbour because another god chal-
ancient Egyptian still use his things, as we sit on lenged his wisdom? These apparent frivolities are
a four-legged chair at a four-legged table, writing as much a part of this gifted people as the stunning
with a pen on a piece of paper. Such legacies from accomplishment of the Great Pyramid.
Egypt and Babylonia have survived for five thou- It is the great merit of Lionel Casson's treat-
sand years. In these respects we arc closer to the ment that he sees the Egyptians as people who
ancients than to our children who use posture chairs, really did live and love and hate and hope and suf-
tape-recordcrs and punch cards, and to our grand- fer. He presents them honestly as people who pos-
children, who may use a 13-month calendar. The sessed no mystic and lost lore, but who achieved
pace of our lifetime is so fast that we are discard- great things by honest effort and, in other respects,
ing a long heritage without much consideration. fell short of greatness—and who are thus under-
The Hebrews, the Greeks and the Romans were standable to us in our groping days.


Professor of Egyptology, Lhiivcrsity of Chicago

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