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29 Dela drive,

San Martin,
Costa Rico
diecisiete de septiembre de dos mil viete
445 San Juan,
Panama City,

Querdo Recardo,
Espero que tu y tu familia estén bien mi amigo. Les
ecribo con buenas noticias, ya que he genado un concurso. El mes
pasado participé en un concurso de arte para mi escuela y ocupé el
primer lugar. Mi pieza fue sobre la hermosa naturaleza de Costa Rica.
Anoche mi escuela me informó de mi victoria y el premio que gané. Me
algré mucho cuando recibi la noticia e informe a mi amigos y familia. El
premio es de seiscientos pesos y lo usare para comprar una bicicleta
nueva ya que la vieja esta rota. Gracias por todo el apoyo y espero tener
noticias tuyas pronto.
Tu amigo,
Phillipe Santiago
Lucita celebrated her birthday the day before yesterday
Lucita was seventeen years old
Lucita received a box of chocolates from her grandmother
Lucita took her gift to school so she can share with her friends
Lucita after school noticed the box of chocolates was not where she left
Lucita was angry and started to cry
Domingo had overheard two boys, Lucas and Alquino, planning to play
a prank on her, they were going to hide the box of chocolates.
Domingo went to the cafeteria.
He quickly went and grabbed the box of chocolates before the boys
could leave with it
The guard reacted the way he did because he thought Domingo had
stolen the box of chocolates

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