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Set like a gem in the crown of the South America, nestled on the North- Eastern shoulder,
defying the raging Atlantic Ocean Guyana’s many waterways reflect the source of its name “The
land of many waters.”

Brief history
Guyana was discovered in was by the Europeans, its history; therefore stretches back a bit
more than 500 years. Guyana’s past is punctuated by battles fought and won possessions, lost
and regained as the Spanish, French, Dutch and Britain wrangled for centuries to own this land.
It is only the English-speaking country of South America. The capital and chief port of Guyana
is GT. Guyana had been a member of the ‘Commonwealth’ an international group made up of
the United Kingdom and a number of its former dependencies. Since 1990

Guyana is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the North, by Suriname (along the Corentyne
River) to the east, by Brazil to the South and southwest, and by Venezuela to the west. Guyana is
involved in a territorial dispute with both Suriname and Venezuela that are legacies of colonial

High temperatures, heavy rainfalls with small seasonal difference, high humidity and high
average cloud cover provide climatic characteristics of equatorial lowland temperatures are
remarkably uniform. At Georgetown the daily temperature carries from the middle- 70s to the
mid-80s 0F.

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How Did Guyana Become A Republic?

The 1964 elections resulted in a coalition government under Forbes Burnham of the People’s
National Congress (PNC). On May 26, 1966 Guyana gained independence from the British. Four
years later on February 23, 1970, Guyana became a republic. Guyana declared itself a
“cooperative republic” and cut all ties to the British Monarchy. The governor general was
replaced as head of state by a ceremonial president. A president was elected by the national
assembly but Forbes Burnham retained executive owner as Prime minister. Since Guyana gained
its independence in 1966 the country’s chief economics assets have been its natural resources.

Mashramani often abbreviated to “Mash” is an annual festival that celebrates Guyana becoming
a republic. The festival is held on 23rd February Guyanese Republic day includes a parade, game,
music and cooking and is intended to commemorate the “Birth of the Republic” The 50th
Republic jubilee / Mashramani celebrations in Guyana has efficiently begun. This year’s
Republic launch was a night of patriotism and jubilation, permeated.

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