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Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Short‑Term Exposure to Storm‑Like Scenario Microplastic and Salinity

Conditions Does not Impact Adult Sea Urchin (Arbacia punctulata)
Coleen C. Suckling1   · Joëlle Richard2,3

Received: 24 August 2019 / Accepted: 7 January 2020

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

The effects of microplastic pollution on sea urchins has received little attention despite their ecological and economical
importance. This is the first study to focus on adult sea urchins (Arbacia punctulata). These organisms were exposed to
storm-like sediment resuspension of microplastic concentrations (9-μm polystyrene 25,000 spheres L ­ −1) combined with
salinity reductions (salinity 25 vs. 33) associated with high precipitation. Urchins were exposed to these parameters for 24 h
before assessing righting times and for 48 h before assessing oxygen consumption rates. No significant impacts on urchin
physiology were observed showing resilience to short-term exposures of storm-like induced microplastics and salinity. No
microplastic particles blocked the madreporite pores indicating the active removal of particles by cilia and pedicellariae.
Gut tissue samples indicated consumption of microplastics. Studies on more species are urgently required to determine their
responses to plastic pollution to inform management decision-making processes.

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on assess- et al. 2018). During major water movement events (e.g.,
ing the impacts of microplastic pollution on marine organ- storms), seawater turbulence resuspends surface sediments
isms. Microplastic loading into the marine environment is along with other materials, such as microplastics, integrated
largely sourced from wastewater treatment plants, which within their matrix. However, the amount resuspended dur-
input a wide range of microplastic types and sizes (GES- ing turbulent events (e.g., storms) are currently unknown.
AMP 2015, 2016; Lusher et al. 2017; Wolff et al. 2019). Furthermore, during high precipitation storm events loading
Along with the hydrodynamic and physicochemical forc- of microplastics into coastal waters from wastewater treat-
ing of seawater, these microplastics are distributed along ment plants connected to storm water outlets (Wolff et al.
the coast and beyond. During this dispersal, microplastics 2019) can increase, meaning that benthic animals within
with greatest densities due to physical characteristics and/or these coastal regions will most likely be exposed to tempo-
the development of surface biofilms sink through the water rarily high concentrations of suspended microplastics.
column and settle onto surface sediments (GESAMP 2015, Ingestion of microplastics through passive feeding is
2016; Kazmiruck et al. 2018). Concentrations of micro- evident, but most research has focussed on filter feeding
plastics found within coastal sediments vary but have been shellfish and fish species of commercial relevance (Lusher
recorded to be as high as 25,000 particles ­kg−1 (Kazmiruck et al. 2017). There is rich biodiversity in our oceans, and
microplastic pollution is prevalent in all regions sampled so
far (see GESAMP 2015, 2016). Yet, the potential impacts
* Coleen C. Suckling on many marine organismal groups have still received lit- tle to no investigation. One of these groups includes the
1 Echinodermata: Echinoidea—a keystone species within
Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University
of Rhode Island, 129 Woodward Hall, 9 East Alumni many coastal marine communities. Sea urchin juveniles
Avenue, Kingston, RI, USA and adults live on the benthos grazing on food materials
Florida Gulf Coast University, FGCU Blvd. South, meaning that these organisms are at the interface for plastic
10501 Fort Myers, FL, USA exposure, through plastic loading and resuspension dur-
Present Address: IFREMER, CNRS, UMR 6308, AMURE, ing events of significant water movement (e.g., storms).
IUEM, University of Brest, 29280 Plouzane, France How these organisms respond to plastic pollution is largely

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

unknown. Early work used carboxylate beads as an instru- that a reduction in the physiological function of these organ-
ment to study homeostasis on juvenile sea urchins (Fergu- isms under elevated microplastic and reduced salinity con-
son 1996). However, more recent literature has focused on ditions, reflecting an increase in particle removal and ion
these materials as marine pollutants that may accumulate regulation efforts.
inside organisms leading to negative impacts. For example,
microplastic materials, such as polystyrene spherical beads
(PS), have been exposed to embryos and the early stages of Materials and Methods
plutei development to investigate the impacts on the sur-
vival and development (Kaposi et al. 2014; Torre et al. 2014; Animal Collection and Maintenance
Messinetti et al. 2018; Martínez-Gómez et al. 2017). While
largely negative, responses varied and depended on the con- Arbacia punctulata were hand collected by SCUBA divers
centration of plastic particles used. For example, Martínez- from a depth of 12  m from the Edison Artificial Reef
Gómez et al. (2017) highlighted that P. lividus fertilization (26°18.444′ N, 82°13.284′ W) in the Gulf of Mexico from
success was reduced by as much as ~ 18–32%, similarly lar- May 14–16, 2016. The urchins were transported in seawa-
vae growth was reduced by ~ 40–55% when reared within ter in cool boxes and then transferred to holding tanks at
extremely high concentrations of PS at concentrations of the Florida Gulf Coast University Vester field station for
­103–105 PS ­mL−1. At much lower concentrations of 1–300 1–2 days. Thirty-six sea urchins were measured in dupli-
PS ­mL−1, larval responses are much less pronounced with cate for test diameter with Vernier callipers (mm ± 0.1)
little impact on the growth of Tripneustes gratilla (Kaposi and whole wet mass with bench top scales (g ± 0.01) and
et al. (2014). Types of plastic materials utilized also induced then randomly allocated to individual static 6-L beakers
differing responses with virgin plastics inducing ~ 61% more containing 1-µm filtered seawater, gently aerated via a plas-
reductions in Lytechinus variegatus embryo development tic rod. All urchins were found to be significantly similar
compared with weathered beach collected materials (Nobre in test diameter (TD; mean (± SE) = 31.2 ± 0.2 mm) and
et al. 2015). mass (21.61 ± 0.47 g) across all beakers (TD: ­F3,35 = 1.90,
Sea urchins are osmoconformers with a limited capacity p = 0.150; wet mass: F ­ 3,35 = 1.06, p = 0.379). After alloca-
to cope with large variations in salinity in the surrounding tion to beakers, the urchins were starved and seawater was
environment (Freire et al. 2011). Despite some species dem- fully exchanged daily (100%). Pumped from the local bay,
onstrating a narrow scope to regulate ions during short-term seawater required for exchanges was filtered and was stored
diurnal hypo-osmotic conditions, these short-term exposures in large tanks overnight in advance of use to ensure targeted
can generally lead to negative impacts, such as increased temperatures were achieved. The natural ambient photoper-
production of reactive oxygen species, a reduction in oxy- iod was applied to the study.
gen consumption, and mortality (Sabourin and Stickle 1981; The urchins were held under these conditions for 10 days
Russell 2013; Honorato et al. 2017). While these have been following the methods described by Lawrence et al. (2003)
investigated to some extent in species, such as Strongylo- to ensure that the gut passage was cleared of food and fecal
centrotus droebachiensis and Echinometra lucunter, there particles before the measurement of oxygen consump-
remains a significant information gap on how other species tion. Before water changes, seawater was measured daily
will physiologically respond to short-term salinity changes. for salinity, temperature, pH, oxygen (WTW Multi 3430
The purpose of this study was to expand our understand- Multiparameter Meter equipped with TetraCon 925 salin-
ing on how microplastics impact sea urchins by focussing ity probe, SenTix pH probe, and FDO 925 oxygen optode),
on adults, a stage of the life cycle not yet previously inves- ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite within urchin beakers and new
tigated in the context of marine pollution. A multi-stressor seawater supplies using aquarium test kits (API: Ammonia
approach was taken to assess the short-term influence of and Nitrite; Nutrafin: Nitrate). Throughout the experiment,
storm-like scenarios, which could induce microplastic ammonia and nitrite levels were kept at 0 mg L ­ −1, nitrate
resuspension from sediments coupled with salinity changes levels were kept < 5 mg ­L , and temperature (~ 25.0 °C),
associated with high precipitation during storm events. We pH (~ 8.3 pH), and oxygen (~ 6.9 mg ­L−1) remained simi-
assessed responses using oxygen consumption and righting lar across all beakers (Table 1). During the holding period,
time as proxies for physiological function. Sea urchins are salinity remained similar across all beakers (salinity ~ 33;
osmoconformers, with a narrow scope to regulate ions dur- Table 1).
ing salinity change events (Vidolin et al. 2007; Russell 2013;
Santos et al. 2013), and use a combination of ciliated lined Sea Urchin Exposure and Data Collection
tissues and appendages, such as pedicellariae to remove
marine debris from external surfaces (Ruppert & Barnes Following the 10-day period of starvation, the urchins were
1994; Ferguson 1996; Tamori et al. 1996). We hypothesized exposed to differing treatment conditions for a period of

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Table 1  Seawater parameters and microplastic concentration counts under which Arbacia punctulata were exposed to for up to 48 h
Treatment Temperature (°C) Holding Salinity Treatment salinity pH Oxygen (mg L−1) Microplastics
(Number L−1)

Control 25.0 ± 0.1 33.4 ± 0.0 33.5 ± 0.1a 8.25 ± 0.01 6.89 ± 0.01 0 ± 0a

LS 25.0 ± 0.1 32.7 ± 0.2 25.0 ± 0.0b 8.26 ± 0.01 6.95 ± 0.03 0 ± 0a
MP 25.0 ± 0.1 33.4 ± 0.0 33.5 ± 0.1a 8.27 ± 0.01 6.89 ± 0.01 24,250 ± 366b
LS + MP 25.0 ± 0.1 32.6 ± 0.2 25.1 ± 0.0b 8.22 ± 0.03 6.93 ± 0.01 24,250 ± 250b
F-Statistic 0.76 2447.03 1.76 2.59 2851.21
P value 0.555 < 0.001 0.153 0.153 < 0.001

Absence of subscripted letters indicates no significant differences, differing subscripted letters indicate significant differences
LS low salinity, MP microplastic

up to 48 h, during which they remained unfed. Treatments lower in the LS treatments (salinity ~ 25) compared with full-
consisted of: (1) Control (C) conditions where no changes strength salinity treatments (Control and MP; salinity ~ 33;
to the experimental conditions were made; (2) Low salin- Table 1). The control and salinity 25 treatments were con-
ity (LS; salinity 25); (3) Presence of microplastics (MP; firmed to contain no polymers demonstrating no contamina-
25,000 MP ­L−1); and (4) Combination of low salinity (25) tion (Table 1).
and microplastics (25,000 MP ­L−1; LS + MP). Each treat- After a 24-h period of exposure to the treatment condi-
ment comprised of nine individuals each considered an inde- tions, immediately after seawater exchanges occurred the
pendent replicate. Microplastics comprised of fluorescent sea urchins were timed on how quickly they could right
polystyrene microspheres 9 µm in diameter (FS06F Bangs themselves from an inverted to a fully upright position.
Laboratory Inc., USA) were diluted with 1-µm of filtered The urchins were not measured for righting times after 48 h
seawater to achieve a working stock solution and were kept exposure to treatments so that minimal disturbance was
in this form for 8 days. This procedure allowed the plastics made prior to measuring oxygen uptake (see below; Suck-
to be washed of any potential leachates and to start build- ling et al. 2015; Morley et al. 2016). These exposure time-
ing a biofilm following the suggestions of Martínez-Gómez frames reflect major storm durations (Kao and Govindaraju
et al. (2017). From this stock solution, appropriate volumes 2007; Cid et al. 2016; Lamjiri et al. 2017).
were added to relevant sea urchin beakers using adjustable The rate of oxygen uptake was measured for animals after
pipettes and disposable pipette tips to achieve a concentra- 48 h exposure to treatments using an oxygen optode closed
tion of 25,000 MP ­L−1. This concentration was selected chamber system (Presens Fibox-3 Precision Sensing GmbH,
based on the hypothetical resuspension levels for surface Regensburg, Germany) described in Suckling et al. (2015)
sediment concentrations (~ 25,000 particles k­ g−1) reported and Morley et al. (2016). The sea urchins were placed into
in Kazmiruck et al. (2018; see Introduction). Concentra- open individual chambers (750 mL) within the 6-L holding
tions were confirmed by gently mixing seawater within each beakers to prevent aerial exposure and allowed to adjust to
replicate and 100-mL subsample removed. The subsample these new conditions for a period of 1 or 2 h. Each chamber
was then inverted five times and a 1-mL sample was trans- contained a magnetic stirrer separated from the sea urchins
ferred onto a Sedgewick rafter cell. Counts were conducted by a mesh platform. After this period, the chambers were
under an inverted fluorescing microscope (Olympus IX73) closed and transferred onto benchtop magnetic stirrers to
by using a hand counter. This procedure was repeated three ensure that seawater within chambers was gently yet well
times. Between samples, the counting cell was washed with mixed. Measurements for oxygen consumption were taken
DI water and checked if it was clear of spheres prior to con- approximately every 5 min and did not exceed a 70% oxy-
ducting the next count. Treatments containing the microplas- gen reduction to minimize stress (Peck and Prothero-Thomas
tics were confirmed with a mean number of 24,250 polymer 2002). Blank chambers, containing no sea urchins, were
particles ­L−1 (Table 1), demonstrating that they were close measured simultaneously for each sea urchin beaker, and the
within target concentrations. Low salinity was achieved by background oxygen levels were accounted for in sea urchin
diluting seawater in storage tanks (described above) with respiration data.
distilled seawater. The targeted salinity of 25 in LS treat- Following oxygen uptake measurements, the animals
ments was chosen, beacuse it represents the lowest yet sea- were weighed and the test diameters measured. Subsamples
sonally consistent value experienced in the coastal region of five sea urchins per treatment were then dissected, and the
of the Gulf of Mexico coast of Florida (Blakey et al. 2015). madreporite and a 1-cm section from the middle of the stom-
During the experimental period, salinity was significantly ach tract were retained in small Petri dishes. The madreporite

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

was gently washed with 1-µm of filtered seawater to remove Discussion

loose microplastic particles. These tissues were then visu-
ally inspected under the fluorescing microscope (described Short-term exposures to storm-like induced scenarios
above) to determine the presence of particles. of resuspended microplastics and salinity appears to
have no impact on A. punctulata physiology. Thus, they
show good capacities to cope with transient resuspension
Data Handling and Statistical Analysis events even when under low salinity stress. Unlike Fer-
guson (1996), we did not observe microplastic spheres
Following the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of being trapped in the pores of the madreporite, nor did we
variance (p > 0.05), all data were analysed using a one-way identify any significant impact on the physiology of these
ANOVA in R Studio (2015). urchins. The inside diameter of these pores is approxi-
mately 21 μm, which is large enough for our particles to
pass through. However, cilia lining the pore canals can
forcefully exclude particles (Tamori et al. 1996; Ferguson
Results 1996). The microplastics used in the current study could
have been large enough to be detected and redirected from
There were no significant differences in the rate of right- the madreporite pores. Similarly, it is likely that the com-
ing time (F (3,21) = 1.32, p = 0.293; Fig. 1a) or oxygen con- bined actions of the pedicellariae (a stalk-like appendage
sumption (F (3,30) = 0.64, p = 0.597; Fig. 1b). No microplas- with microscopic jaws) and surface cilia located exter-
tic spheres were observed to be lodged within or around or nally across the urchin’s body (Ruppert and Barnes 1994)
on the madreporite plate or pores; however, they were found removed the microplastic debris from the sea urchin’s body
within the gut tract of the sampled urchins. surface. This action would prevent any potential obstruc-
tions to the surface of the gills, located aborally around
the mouth where the major part of gas exchange occurs.
Ferguson (1996) did not measure the metabolic impact of
the microplastic markers on juvenile Strongylocentrotus
droebachiensis, but the study highlights that exposure to
0.2-μm polymer spheres at an extremely high concentra-
tion of 2.27 × 1010 spheres ­mL−1 can be taken in through
to the water vascular system. Whether this was because the
particles were too small or too dense to allow for selective
removal by cilia, or whether this affected other important
regions, such as the external gills or the overall physiology
of the animal, is currently unknown and would warrant
further investigation into assessing the potential impacts
of microplastic pollution.
Martínez-Gómez et al. (2017) highlighted that the direct
use of virgin microplastics in laboratory-controlled studies
can illicit lethal toxic effects due to leaching of additive/
residual chemicals. These authors recommend washing or
weathering microplastics before toxicity testing to allow
for more realistic environmental conditions. This study
followed these recommendations by soaking the micro-
plastics before use, which may have influenced our results
observing no physiological impact. Our observations did
show that some microplastic spheres were ingested by
adult A. punctulata. Despite our beaker cultures being
well mixed due to aeration (as evidenced by microplastic
confirmation counts), ingestion will have occurred due to
grazing of any spheres located near/on the beaker surface.
Fig. 1  Mean (± 1 SE) righting time (a) and oxygen uptake (b) of
Arbacia punctulata after 24 and 48 h, respectively, exposure to con-
Ingestion (and egestion) of microplastics have previously
trol conditions, low salinity (LS), the presence of microplastics (MP) been observed within sea urchin larvae. For example,
or a combination of both low salinity and microplastics (LS + MP)

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology

Messinetti et al. (2018) exposed embryos through to the Conclusions

onset of plutei development of Paracentrotus lividus to
0.125–25 μg mL−1 of polystyrene spheres (10 μm diam- This study is the first to investigate adult urchin physiology
eter) and Kaposi et al. (2014) exposed well-developed under short-term storm-associated microplastic and salin-
plutei Tripneustes gratilla larvae to 1–300 polyethylene ity changes and shows resilience in A. punctulata. Further
spheres ­mL−1 (10–45 μm diameter). Both studies reported studies are needed on a wider range of sea urchin species
no significant impact on survival but did report reduc- (particularly adults) to determine the short- and long-term
tions in larval morphological growth (Kaposi et al. 2014; potential impacts of microplastic pollution. Such informa-
Messinetti et al. 2018). Sea cucumbers have been shown to tion will be needed for decision-making processes on coastal
consume plastics within laboratory conditions (polyvinyl plastic pollution.
chloride (PVC) and nylon, 0.25–15 mm size; Graham and
Thompson 2009) and within the field (acrylic and polypro- Acknowledgements  The authors thank the Challenger Society for
pylene fibres; Taylor et al. 2016), but the impacts on the Marine Science’s Stepping Stones Bursary for financial support, Flor-
ida Gulf Coast University staff for the use of the Vester field station
sea cucumbers physiology remain unknown. At present, facilities, Bob Wasno for animal collections and support with setting up
there is a paucity of literature on how other species of the aquarium, Brett Sutton for animal husbandry assistance, and Darren
adult sea urchins (and other echinoderm species) respond Rumbold for constructive comments on the manuscript.
to microplastic pollution and the presence of plastics
within sea urchins in the natural environment is currently
unknown. Both of these knowledge gaps urgently require
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