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By Sierra Stauffer

2020 has been one hell of a year. We have all seen this no matter what side we have been on
socially, economically, and physically. Because of this, we all waited anxiously to see the results
of the United States 2020 Election.

Socially, 2020 has affected many relationships. Families have been torn apart by death and
opposing views. COVID-19 has killed more than ​234k​ Americans this year. Most people can
name one person in their life who has been affected by the novel coronavirus. Not only has the
entire world been immersed in a pandemic, but many social justice issues have come to light.
George Flloyd was ​killed​ on May 25, 2020. His death, among other BIPOC’s, triggered mass
protests across the world under the name Black Lives Matter. This very controversial event
caused internal and external issues. Externally, people have been killed, businesses burned
and chaos overtook many cities. Internally, we have felt grief and a large amount of emotional
strife. Many people burned bridges with their loved ones over opposing views in relation to
COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter.

Economically, most everyone has been affected, except, of course the uber-rich. Many small
businesses have closed or are struggling throughout the United States. This brought to light the
issue of America’s economic scale. Many believe the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep
getting poorer. Unemployment rates were at an all time high in the United States while Jeff
Bezos, the CEO of, stepped up to become the world’s first ​trillionaire​. This issue
urged many voters to side with Joe Biden in light of his tax plan to charge extra taxes on money
earned over $400,000. One example of a small business that is struggling in Salt Lake City is
Este Pizza. A friend of the owner posted that they are almost going out of business and how
much they need the community to stand up and help.

Physically, people have struggled this year. Many households could not afford rent or food.
Many people were laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These things have affected people
physically and mentally. Home abuse calls went down at the beginning of the pandemic, one
reason why being that persons were now at home quarantined with their abuser. Divorce rates
went up ​34%​ in 2020. The anxiety of being able to catch a deadly virus at any moment or
unknowingly transfer it to a loved one has been a lot to handle. Many families fought at a higher
rate because of being quarantined for long periods of time with only each other and because of
the constant stress and anxiety everyone felt.

The election this year weighed on everyone’s mind. Whether you were struggling socially,
economically or physically the election affected you. This pandemic has been frightening, to say
the least, and we’ve often had little places to turn for answers. Many hoped a new president
would bring these answers.
Photo by​ ​Clay Banks​ on​ ​Unsplash

The 2020 election began streaming live at 7pm ET on 11/3/20. As we all waited and watched,
the toll of 2020 really began to set in. The numbers continued to roll in and we found that we are
all still more separated than ever. Many had hoped that people were ready for change but as we
watched large numbers of people voted for the re-election of President Donald Trump. This
election was very stressful and energy demanding. It was this way for a number of reasons.
There was a lot at stake. The Democratic nominee and the Republican nominee are very
different people with very different agendas. Here are some phrases that seem to ring true with
either candidate:

● Stands for all Americans whether they voted for him or not
● Level headed
● Empathetic
● Pledging to be a president for all
● Most voted for pres in the U.S. elections
● Environmental
● Pro-science
● Equality

Kamala Harris VP-

● Standing up for Biden
● Biden chose an African American female VP
● Women’s Rights
● Hope
● Women’s voting rights

● Arrogant
● Bully
● I won
● Sueing
● Anti-environment
● Anti-science
● Separationist

What do you think will happen to America? What will you do?

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