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Essay about conflicts

What is Conflict? Conflict is a natural and very typical

phenomenon in every type of human relationships, at every
level: From intra-personal to global. conflicts will always arise
because people have different points of view, ideas and
thoughts. conflicts are sometimes beneficial because during a
conflict we find out what that man really thinks about you, but
in generraly conflicts are bad for us. Howewer The most
important is to solve the conflict.
The best way to solve a conflict is to not let it happen. This
may sound controversial, but conflict prevention is indeed the
best way to eliminate points of collision. To prevent a conflict,
you should take a conscious and proactive position, seeking out
areas of potential conflicts To do this, you will need to learn the
points of view your potential opponents share and the benefits of
understanding people around you. Time spent seeking out
threatening tensions will help you avoid unnecessary conflict If
the conflict has already arisen, one of the best strategies to
resolve disagreements is to treat the situation with humor. It
does not mean, however, you must ignore your opponent’s
arguments and make jokes about them; it means you should
sustain a friendly atmosphere, saying serious and difficult-to-
express things with a bit of humor. Humor will help you
discharge anger, reduce tension, reframe problems to make them
look easier to solve, and set your opponent’s mind to working
on a problem with you, not against you. Just remember that you
should laugh with your opponent, not at them.
if you are already engaged in a conflict and there is no obvious
way out of it, there are some rules that will help you minimize
danger. One rule is that any physical or verbal abuse is never
acceptable, You should also abstain from personal criticism;
ignoring the opponent altogether nonverbal hostility, and
making yourself a victim of your opponent These are the
conventional rules of engaging in a conflict; following them,
you can significantly contribute to the solution of a complicated
As we can see, conflicts can be approached differently. If you
perceive a conflict only as a source of problems, it may be hard
for you to solve; however, if you approach a conflict with a
sense of humor, and stick to certain psychological rules, you can
minimize your psychological “losses,” and even come to a
beneficial result. And remember: the best way to solve a conflict
is to prevent it.

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