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Basic Outline for Monroe's Motivated Sequence

I. ATTENTION STEP (Introduction/arouse)

A. Attention Getter: Are you in support of the Green New Deal and other Climate Change
preventative policies? How about the social systems that must be included with those policies in
order for the deal to work?

B. Proposition: Without the Green New Deals’ social policies, there is no chance of it being
successful in trying to curb the United State’s use of fossil fuels.

C. Establish Significance and state credibility:

1. Many people support the Green New Deal but do not know about the social policies
that are also included.

2. I’ve read the Green New Deal in its entirety, as well as various viewpoints about its
social policies.

D. Preview of Main Points: Preview the main points and their theoretical connections

The Green New Deals needs its social policies, which include free healthcare for all, free higher
education such as college, affordable and safe housing, as well as requiring all jobs in the
United States to have a family-sustaining wage and support such as adequate family and
medical leave.

II. NEED STEP (Dissatisfy)

A. Statement of Need: Brief, concise statement of the problem you're attempting to solve in
your speech.

B. Illustration of Need: Here, you want your audience to see that a need actually
exists, and a problem truly needs to be solved.

Without each of the Social Programs listed above, the Green New Deal won’t be
possible or helpful as it will only endanger those that least deserve it instead of fighting
the CEOs of these extractive and harmful companies.

C. Ramification of Need: This is where you show your audience how serious the
need/problem is via your evidence uncovered in the research.

1. Without the social policies of the Green New Deal, it will overall lead to a failure
as the consequences it would have on the actual workers in these extractive
industries would be incredibly detrimental.

D. Pointing: Many people support the fight to stop climate change, but without these
progressive policies the fight is not possible.

A. Statement of Solution: Tell your audience directly and specifically what they need to do to
solve the problem you've presented.

Support the policies of the Green New Deal as well as its message, instead of just supporting
the overall ideal of fighting climate change without going into the deeper ramifications of those

B. Explanation of Solution: Explain in detail what you're advocating (trying to

persuade your audience to do/think/believe)

1. Support Free healthcare for all

2. free higher education
3. affordable and safe housing
4. requiring all jobs in the United States to have a family-sustaining wage.

C. Theoretical Demonstration: Show how what you're advocating satisfies the need or
solves the problem you laid out earlier in the speech.

With these new policies, workers will be able to transition from lower-skilled extractive industry
jobs into higher-skilled and better-paying jobs without being forced to worry about their
healthcare or housing, and being able to afford the training that is required to join these higher-
skilled jobs.

D. Reference to Practical Experience: Use your research to show how your solution
(or something similar to it) has worked in similar situations.

Denmark is traditionally lauded as a socialist country that has used its policies to fight
against climate change and is one of the most powerful nations in terms of climate
change effects, as their policies have made them use much more renewable energy and
they use almost no fossil fuels at all.

E. Meeting Objections: Anticipate what someone against your solution would argue,
and head them off by addressing those problems.

Many will call these policies socialistic, and they are, but the United States already
employs many socialistic programs, such as welfare. These programs are required to
take care of those that don't have the opportunities or privileges that others have and
allow equal opportunity for all.

IV. VISUALIZATION STEP (One or more forms of visualization)

A. Positive Visualization: How will your solution make people's lives better? What will
the world look like if your solution is enacted (be realistic here)?

Without these policies, the Green New Deal has no way of getting off of the ground, as
the damage, it would cause to lower-income and less advantaged communities wouldn’t
allow them to transfer away from their primary export, being fossil fuels. These policies
would instead take the brunt of this damage and move it to those who could easily
finance it, being the rich.

B. Negative Visualization: How will people's lives be worse without your solution? What does
the world look like if your solution is not enacted?

Without these policies, the poor would only get poorer, especially in areas already marred by
corruption and scarcity such as the rust belt. The rich would be able to abscond with their
funding and shut down their companies without consequence if the Green New Deal got passed
at all.

C. Contrast of Positive and Negative: Address negatives first, the positives.

Without these policies, the rich would be able to get away with their exploitation of the working
class and not have to face the consequences of their actions, while the unskilled workers would
be forced to take the transitory period between fossil fuels and renewable energy, an economic
downturn many of these communities couldn’t even begin to sustain.


A. Summarize main arguments: As in any speech, summarize your main points to

remind your audience of what you've covered and to reinforce your main arguments.

With the support of free healthcare for all, free higher education such as college,
affordable and safe housing, as well as requiring all jobs in the United States to
have a family-sustaining wage, there will be changes that harm the rich elite
instead of the common man that does not deserve to take the brunt of the
transition from fossil fuels to more renewable energy sources.

B. State the Action: Don’t just take the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy
as an easy thing.

C. How to Take Action: Support both the Green New Deal and the progressive policies that
come with it.

D. Memorable Final Thought: Many people want to fight climate change, but without these
policies, the actual damage you will be causing will be against those that don't deserve it
instead of the rich that do.

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