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Unit Plan

Title: Personal Narratives Summative evaluation(s): Writing a Seed Story Subject: ELA

• The teacher will ask students to explain what seed stories are. Students will then pick a new seed story (from their brainstorm or not). The teacher will list these on a
document (tip: to ensure that these are seed stories, start each title with “the time I…”)

Lesson 1

• The teacher will quickly remind students of the story parts using a seed story from their own brainstorm. Then, using the story parts document, students will
deconstruct the main points of their story.

Lesson 2

• The teacher will model a brainframe for the beginning of the story (5Ws). Students will then do the same for their story in their Writer’s Notebook. The objective is
for students to further develop their story and add details for each part (who, what, where, when, why).

Lesson 3

• The teacher will introduce hooks: the first sentence of a story that makes readers want to know what happens next. Students will practice identifying interesting vs.
ordinary hooks. They can also practice identifying the types of hooks. Students will then write a hook for their seed story.

Lesson 4 (this may take up to three lessons)

• Students will start writing the beginning of their story in their Writer’s Notebook. If needed, students can brainframe the middle and end, if not, students can write
their entire story. This will be their first draft.

Lesson 5

• The teacher will look over students’ stories and give feedback. Students will use this feedback to write their second draft.

Lesson 6 (this may take up to two lessons) + Summative Evaluation

• Students will type their seed story on the computer (third draft), correct their mistakes (spelling, grammar, syntax, etc.) and look for better words. To do this, they
may use the correction tool on the computer, web dictionaries, the senses vocabulary list, their verbs list, etc.
• When completed, students will submit their work (either through an online platform or by printing their story)

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