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 New/Update Memo lines creation for Product and services

 New/Update Distribution set

 New/Update Approval limits to users
 Core AR setup New Values/inactive
 Reprocessing error records
1. Create New Standard Memo lines
Responsibility: P&F AR Management – VSP
Navigation: Memo lines
 Memo lines are used to create transactions without item information.
 Standard Memo lines that users assign to a transaction when the item is not an inventory
item. Receivables displays standard memo lines as list of values choices during
transaction entry in the lines window.
 if AutoAccounting depends on standard line items, Receivables uses the revenue account
that you enter here along with the AutoAccounting setup to determine the default revenue
accounts for invoices with this line item.

Click Memo line, Standard Memo lines window is displayed

Enter the following details:
SL# Field Name Value
1 Operating Unit Department of State Police (Default)
2 Name Enter Name for VSP Product and Services
3 Description Enter the description for the Product and services.
This description will be displayed in the list of
Values on standard Invoice line items and custom
Front Desk Product and services column.
4 Type Line (Default)
5 Unit List Price Enter the Unit Price of the Product and Services if the
unit price need to default on the Standard AR Invoice
entry form
6 Unit of Measure Select from list of values the unit of measure
7 Revenue Account Enter the Review account.

Note: if user must enter manually at the time of

Transaction entry leave this Revenue account blank.
8 Active Dates The effective active date the memo line should
display on the line description.
9 Click Descriptive Flexfield Click only if the Product and services need to be
display on Custom Transaction Entry Page
Click Business Area Context Value and Enter CCRE,

Note: The Memo line DFF is only applicable for Custom

Transaction Entry page to default Product and services based on
the Business Area selection on the Custom page.
10 Click Save
2. Update a Standard Memo lines
Responsibility: P&F AR Management – VSP
Navigation: Memo lines

Click Mem lines

Standard Memo lines window is displayed.
F11 or View > Query by Example > Enter

Enter the name and click Control + F11 or View > Query by Example > Run
 If the Product and services Standard Memo line have Unit list Price, the price can be
updated as needed or
 Review the Revenue Account and correct/update the accounts combination as needed
 End date the Memo line by populating the end date and If you do not enter an end
date, this memo line will be active indefinitely

Click Save.
3. Create or Inactive a New Distribution Sets
Responsibility: P&F AR Management – VSP
Navigation: Distribution Sets

 Define distribution sets to account for your non-invoice related receipts. These receipts
can include refunds, revenue from the sale of stock, interest and investment income etc.
Receipts that are not related to an invoice are known as miscellaneous receipts in
 Distribution sets are predefined groups of general ledger accounting codes that determine
the credit accounts for positive miscellaneous receipts amounts and the debit accounts for
negative receipts amounts.
 Distribution sets are used to speed your receivables accounting by reducing time spent on
data entry.
 Use distribution sets to apply percentages of other receipts to different accounts
 Receivables displays active distribution sets as list of values choices in the transactions
and receivables activities windows.
 To make a distribution set inactive by unchecking the Active check box and then save.

Click Distribution Sets.

To Define a distribution set:

SL# Field Name Value

1 Operating Unit Department of State Police (Default)
2 Name Enter Name(same as Memo line Name)
3 Description Enter the description for the Product and services description should be
same as Memo line description.
4 Active Checked
Distribution Set lines
6 % Enter the Receipt Percentage to allocate to this distribution set account
7 Account Enter the Account segments for each distribution set account you create
for your distribution set. Receivables generates general ledger
distributions using the account information you assign here.
8 Description Enter price list to allocate accounts based on split accounting price and
percentage. This field is used for custom process related to split
accounting based on data enter on Custom transaction Entry page and
Excel upload.

 You can create an unlimited number of distribution set lines for each distribution set the
Total distribution lines must equal 100% before you can save the distribution set
 Once the details are entered save the window.

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