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A study on customer's preference and satisfaction

towards Bovonto cool drink

in pothumbu village at madurai
1. Name (optional) :

2. Age : □10-21 □22-30 31-50

3. Gender : □male □ female

4. Occupation : □student □house wife
□business man
5. Family size : □small □medium □ large
6. Do you like the bovonto cool drink?

□Yes □No
7. frequency of consumption of bovonto cool drink per day ?

□less than 2times □2-4 times □4-6 times □more than 6


8. On what occasion do you often consume bovonto drink ?

□felling thirsty □without any reason □parties/celebration
9. what induces you to buy a bovonto cool drink ?

□price and quantity □ status □taste □advertisement

10. Do you think taking too much of bovonto cool drink would cause
health problems ?

□yes □No
11. Have the bovonto cool drink causes any health problems for you
before ?

□yes □ No
12. If yes what type of problems have you met ?

□Increases of sugar level

□Any skin disease
13. After seeing the ad did you like to buy the bovonto cool drink ?

□Yes □No
15. Did you want to change the flavor of bovonto cool drink ?
□Yes □No
16. what flavor did you need in bovonto cool drink ?

specify _____________

17. What Disadvantage you got by bovonto cool drink?

□High price □low quality □less quantity □continues AD

18.which quantity of bovonto cool drink did you buy ?

□250ml □500ml □1li □2li

19. Did you offer the bovonto cool drink to your child ?

□Yes □No
20.How did you like to drink the bovonto ?

□very cool □cool □normal

21. Did you like the bovonto AD ?

□Yes □NO
22. Did you like the offers of bovonto cool drink ?

□Yes □No
23. Did you want any offers from bovonto cool drink?

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