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Employee Deduction:

We need to create a sample deduction module has the following

1. Fields (if there are missing fields in relevant models create it):
1.1. Employee (Many to one to hr.employee)
1.2. Employee No (related to employee)
1.3. Employee Job (related to employee)
1.4. Employee Monthly Salary (related to employee)
1.5. Date (Default Current Date)
1.6. Debit Account (Many to one to account.account)
1.7. Credit Account (Many to one to account.account)
1.8. Start Date (Date)
1.9. No. of Installment (Integer)
1.10. Deduction Amount (Float)
1.11. Deduction Lines (Those line generated automatically depend on deduction
amount and no of installment, Includes those fields):
1.11.1. No
1.11.2. Date
1.11.3. Amount
2. Cycle: HR officer create this document and HR manager approve it
2.1. Draft (default State)
2.2. Submit (HR officer, After submit HR manager notified -He supposed to get
message in To Me part-)
2.3. Approve (HR manager, After approve Employee (The chosen) notified)
3. Buttons:
3.1. Generate Installment:​ This button generate installments depend on amount and
no of installment e.g: Amount: 1500, No of installment: 3 So here we have 3 lines
each line has 500 in amount, about date in each line you will convert the start date
to hijri date then increase one month then convert it back to georgian
3.2. Generate Account Transaction:​ This button will be visible after final approve,
This button generate Journal Entry to this transaction as the following:
3.2.1. Credit Line: Amount → Deduction amount, Account → Credit Account,
Due Date → start date
3.2.2. Debit lines: Each installment line will generate debit line for this journal
entry as following: Amount → installment amount, Account → Debit
Account, Due Date → installment date
Note: Each employee can see only his deductions, Department manager can see his
employee’s deductions, HR Officer and manager can see all deductions.
Stock Move:

We need to mark the incoming transaction and the outgoing transaction, So color the tree view as
- Red: Outgoing transaction
- Blue: Incoming transaction

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