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Solutions for Classical Mechanics - Goldstein.

Muthumanimaran V

M.Sc. Physics
Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Madras

June 8, 2017

The Two Body Central Force Problem
(1) A particle of mass m is constrained to move under gravity without friction
on the inside of a paraboloid of revolution whose axis is vertical. Find the
one-dimensional problem equivalent to its motion. What is the condition on
the particle’s initial velocity to produce circular motion? Find the period of
small oscillations about this circular motion.
The equation for circular with axis is along z axis

z = c(x2 + y 2 )
The Lagrangian of the particle constrained to move inside the paraboloid with axis
along z axis is,
L = (ṙ2 + r2 θ̇2 + 4cr2 ṙ2 ) − mgcr2
The θ coordinate is cyclic. So mr2 θ̇ = l The equation of motion is

mr̈ + 4mc2 r2 r̈ + 4mc2 rṙ2 − mrθ̇2 + 2mgcr = 0

To find the condition for circular orbit, equate the effective force to zero,

f 0 (r) = −∇V 0 (r) = 0

0 l2 2
V (r) = mgcr +
The effective force is,
f 0 (r) = −2mgcr + =0

l2 = 2m2 gcr4
mr2 θ̇2 = 2m2 gcr4
The θ̇ is found to be q
θ̇ = 2gc
This is the condition for circular orbit.
Lets take θ̇ = 2π
2π q
= 2gc
The period of the circular motion is

T =√

(2) A Particle moves in a central force field given by the potential

V = −k
where k and a are positive constants. Using the method of the equivalent one-
dimensional potential discuss the nature of the motion, starting the ranges of l
and E appropriate to each type of motion. When are circular orbits possible?
Find the period of small radial oscillations about the circular motion.
The Lagrangian of the system is

m 2 e−ar
L= (ṙ + r2 θ̇2 ) + k
2 r
The cyclic coordinate is θ and the conserved quantity is

l = mr2 θ̇

The equations of motion for the radial coordinate is

l2 ke−ar
r̈ = − [1 + ar]
m2 r3 mr2
The condition for circular orbit is equating f 0 = 0,

l2 ke−ar0
= [1 + ar0 ]
m2 r0 3 mr0 2
s r0
k e−a 2
θ̇ = [1 + ar0 ] 3
m r0 2
The above expression gives us the condition for the circular orbit.

(3) Two particles move about each other in circular orbits under the in-
fluence of gravitational froces, with a period τ . Their motion is suddenly
stopped at a give instant of time, and they are then released and allowed to
fall into each other. Prove that they collide after a time 4√τ 2 .
The Lagrangian of the system is
µ 2 c
L= (ṙ + r2 θ̇2 ) +
2 r
equation of motion is µr̈ = µrθ̇2 − r2
and the condition for circular orbit is
θ̇ = µrc 3 .

suppose r = r0 , for a complete period θ̇ = τ

cτ 2

r0 =
µ4π 2

If the circular motion is suddenly stopped, θ̇ = 0, the EOM becomes

µr̈ = −
Integrating this to get ṙ2 = µr
+K, K can be found from Boundary conditions, taking
at ṙ = 0, r = r0 , So s
2c 2c
ṙ = −
µr µr0
The objective is to find the time difference in going from r = r0 to r = 0,
Z 0
∆t = dr
r0 dr
substituting ṙ in the above integral, use the substitution r = r0
, we get
µ 3/2 π
∆t = 2 r0
2c 4
∆t = √
4 2

(4) Consider a system in which the total forces acting on the particles
consist of conservative forces Fi and frictional forces fi proportional to the
velocity. Show that for such a system the virial theorem holds in the form
T =− Fi .ri
providing the motion reaches a steady state and is not allowed to die down
as a result of the frictional forces.
Let the frictional force be of the form fi = − k ṙ Take the virial to be

pi .ri + kr2
taking the time derivative of G gives,
dG X
= 2T + Fi .ri
and follow the steps in page No. 83, Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Second Edition.

(8)a) For circular and parabolic orbits in an attractive 1r potential hav-
ing the same angular momentum, show that the perihelion distance of the
parabola is one half the radius of the circle.
The equation for the circular orbit is r = a. The equation for the parabolic orbit is
r = 1+sin(θ) . The perihelion happens at θ = π2 . So the equation becomes r = a2 . Compare
the equation for circular orbit and equation for parabolic orbit at perihelion.
b) Prove that in the same central force as √ in part (a) the speed of the
particle at any point in the parabolic orbit is 2 times the speed in a circular
orbit passing through the same point.
The square of the velocity at any point in polar coordinates is v 2 = ṙ2 + r2 θ̇2 . The
radial velocity of parabolic path is
ṙ = cos(θ)θ̇
(1 + sin(θ))

substituting this in the square of the velocity we get,

2r3 θ̇2
v2 =
If particle in the parabolic orbit passing through the same point in circular orbit r = a.

v 2 = 2a2 θ̇
The square of the velocity of a particle in circular orbit is v 2 = a2 θ̇2
√ the two speed, it is apparent that speed of particle in parabolic path is
equal to 2 times the speed in a circular orbit passing through the same orbit.

(13) A uniform distribution of dust in the solar system adds to the gravi-
tational attraction of the sun on a planet an additional force

F = −mCr

where m is the mass of the planet, C is a constant proportional to the gravi-

tational constant and the density of the dust, and r is the radius vector from
the sun to the planet (both considered as points). This additional force is
very small compared to the direct sun planet gravitational force.
a) Calculate the period for a circular orbit of radius r0 of the planet in
this combined field. b) Calculate the period of radial oscillations for slight
disturbances from this circular orbit. c) Show that nearly circular orbits can
be approximated by a precessing ellipse and find the precession frequency.
Is the precession in the same or opposite direction to the orbital angular
The Lagrangian of the system is
1 k
L = m(ṙ2 + r2 θ̇2 ) − − U
2 r
The equation of motion for the r coordinate is
mr̈ = mrθ̇2 − mCr −
Condition for the circular orbit is ṙ = 0
θ̇2 = C +
mr0 3

To find the period of circular motion, we use θ̇ = τ
, where τ is the time period
k mCr0 3
τ = 2π 1 −
mr0 3 2k
In order to find the time period about radial motion, let r = r0 + , substituting this
in the equation of motion, we get

l2 3 k 2
m¨ = 3
1− − mCr0 − 2 1 − − mC
mr0 r0 r0 r
Using the condition of Circular orbit, the expression reduces to

−3l2 2k
m¨ = 4
+ 3 − mC 
mr0 r0
So the frequency of radial oscillation is
3l2 2k
ω= − +C
m2 r0 4 mr0 3

Use ω = T
to find time period, where T is the time period of circular motion.

(14) Show that the motion of a particle in the potential field

k h
V (r) = − + 2
r r
is the same as that of the motion under the Kepler potential alone when
expressed in terms of a coordinate system rotating or precessing around the
center of force. For negative total energy show that if the additional potential
term is very small compared to the Kepler potential, then the angular speed
of precession of the elliptical orbit is
Ω̇ =
l2 τ
The perihelion of Mercury is observed to precess (after correction for
known planetary perturbations) at the rate of about 40o of arc per century.
Show that this precession could be accounted for classically if the dimension-
less quantity
(which is a measure of the perturbing inverse square potential relative to
the gravitational potential) were as small as 7×10−8 . (The eccentricity of
Mercury’s orbit is 0.206, and its period is 0.24 year.)
The equation of motion is

l2 k 2h
mr̈ = 3
− 2+ 3
mr r r

l2 1 k
mr̈ = + 2h −
mr3 r3 r2
m2 h2
adding and subtracting l2
mh 1 k

mr̈ = l + −
l mr3 r2
mh 2π
We know l = mr2 θ̇, so we take l
= mr2 Ω̇ and θ̇ = τ
, using which Ω̇ can be
rewritten as
Ω̇ =
l2 τ

(23)A magnetic monopole is defined by a magnetic field singularity of the
form B ~ = b~r3 , where b is a constant. Suppose a particle of mass m moves in the
field of magnetic monopole and a central force field derived from the potential
V (r) = −k
a) Find the form of Newton’s equation of motion, using the Lorentz force.
By looking at the product ~r × p~˙ show the while the mechanical angular mo-
mentum is not conserved, there is a conserved vector

~ =L
D ~ − qb ~r
c r
By paralleling the steps leading from Eq. (3-79) to Eq.(3-82) show that for
some f (r) there is a conserved vector analogous to the Laplace-Runge-Lenz
vector in which D~ plays the same role as L ~ in the pure Kepler force problem.
The equation of motion for the particle is,

qb ˙ ~r ~r
p~˙ = mr̈ = ~r × 3 − k 2
c r r
qb ~r
~r×p~˙ = ~r × ~r˙ × 3
c r
Using vector identity,
~a × (~b × ~c) = ~b(~a.~b) − ~c(~a.~b)
we get,
qb ~r˙ ~r~r˙
~r × p~ = −
c r r2
qb d ~r
~r × p~˙ = 6 0
c dt r
~ is not conserved, so the
now it is obvious that the mechanical angular momentum (L)
conserved quantity is
~ =L
D ~ − qb ~r
c r

(26)Examine the scattering produced by a repulsive central force f = kr−3 .
Show that the differential cross section is given by
k (1 − x)dx
σ(Θ)dΘ =
2E x (2 − x)2 sin(πx)

where x is the ratio Θπ and E is the energy.

solution: First we have to find the equation of the orbit for the force f = kr−3 .
Transforming u = 1r substituting f (u) in eqn (3-34a), we get

d2 u km
+ u = − u
dθ2 l2
d2 u km
+ 1 + u=0
dθ2 l2
Let ω = 1 + l2
, the general solution for the above differential equation is,

u = A cos(ωθ) + B sin(ωθ)
suppose the particle comes from infinity, we take θ = π

0 = A cos(ωπ) + B sin(ωπ)

A = −B tan(ω(π))
then from the condition r → ∞, particle scatters off at an angle θ = Θ

0 = −B cos(ωΘ) tan(ωπ) + B sin(ωΘ)


sin(ωπ) cos(ωΘ) − sin(ωΘ) cos(ωπ) = 0

(or) sin(ω(Θ − π)) = 0 (or) ω = (Θ−π)
Taking x = Θπ , we get
From our definition of ω and l = 2mEs2 , we get

k (x − 1)2
s2 =
2E x(2 − x)
the differential change is
k (x − 1)
sds =
2E x2 (x − x)2
On substituting this in eqn(3-93), we get
k (1 − x)dx
σ(Θ)dΘ =
2E x (2 − x)2 sin(πx)


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