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659-A Cecilia Muñoz St. Ermita Manila
SUBJECT: Understanding the Self
STUDENT: Cornero, Angelyn A.
PROFESSOR: Sir. George Quiambao

Cogito Ergo Consume: Consumer Culture and the Material Self

Look for at least five (5) things in your room that you
think ideally capture who you are. List them down and state
the reason for choosing each.
1. Guitar - my guitar is pretty old, it is my father’s gift.
I choose this because it is not that expensive, I don’t
really spend too much when it comes to material things but
when someone special gave something to me, I will treasure
it forever.

2. My plain white shirts - people often misunderstand me as

a rich person due to my style of clothing but the reason
behind that is wearing things that will make you comfortable
and presentable. I don’t like expensive clothes, so I
present myself wearing simple white shirts but still
confidently look good about myself.

3. My second hand books - most of my book collections are

bought from other readers and book sales. I really love
reading but reading but I always manage to save money as
well. I am not really a type of expensive buyer, I really
like saving money.

4. My first pair of shoes - at the age of 16, I bought my

first ever Vans pair with my own money. I saved that money
for almost 6 months and I can say that you will never
understand the value of something you didn’t wait or work
for. It feels really satisfied when you finally have
something whom you can call yours.

5. My one and only purse - I have that coin purse from the
freebies of Mercury Drug Store, I always use that and it is
my 3rd year of using it now. I am a very thrifty person but
also selfless, I am still able to help everyone who is
659-A Cecilia Muñoz St. Ermita Manila
struggling when it comes to money though I cannot give them
that much money.

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