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Second (2nd) Literature Meet

Report on the event of Quran recitation

Co-curricular activities facilitate the development of various domains of mind and personality
such as intellectual development, emotional development, social development, moral
development, and aesthetic development. Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Energetic, Positive
thinking are some of the facets of personality development.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on higher education as universities closed
their premises in response to contain the spread of this pandemic. Although higher education
institutions were quick to replace face-to-face lectures with online learning, these closures
affected the student’s psychology due to radical change in life style and constraints on physical
movement and social activities. Extracurricular activities that nurture a sense of peer
belonging and boost the mental health of the student staying with in the closures.
Taking the fact in consideration, UITS Civil engineering club has engaged the students in
various online competitions through the Second (2nd) Literature meet. Various competition
events were set for the aforesaid program with the motto “এক বার না পারিলে , দেখো শত বার”
. Quran recitation competition was one of them, held virtually via Zoom application.

Students from different departments of UITS have participated in the Quran recitation
competition. The competition was held on 17 November 2020 at 9.0 pm. Around 12 competitors
have contested in. The uniqueness of each contestant was revealed through their voice,
pronunciation and flow. The participants were in all their splendor in the competition. The
audiences were left captivated by the recitation of the contestant at that very moment as they
tried to present their talent so flawlessly and instinctively. They were felicitated for their
outstanding performance. It seemed that they have strewn the message “ Perfection is impossible
but we don’t stop aiming for it” among the audience.

In this event, the judges of the competition were Ms. Aysha Akther, Md. Hasan Imam and Ms.
Maqsuda Haque, faculty members of Department of Civil Engineering, UITS . Professor Dr. K
M Saiful Islam Khan, honorable advisor, BOT, UITS was also present as a Judge of this
competition. He encouraged students to recite the Quran with Tajweed and to recite each letter
precisely from its source of origin in order not to change the meaning of the Quran. Based on the
judge’s score, winners were designated for first, second and third position. Winners were
awarded with certificates and crest in the following closing date of the program. The event
culminated with vote of thanks.

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