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Financial Management Guidelines (Meal Budgeting):

This exercise is to help you prepare your meal according to plan and within the allowed budget for each
person. Aside from helping you save time, it will reduce stress because you already have everything
thought out – from the drink to the dessert. It also allows you to be more creative in your meal prepping.
To help you in this activity, below is a guide that you can follow that will help you stay within budget
while prepping for your assigned meal for the day.
1. What’s your theme?
Make sure that the theme realistic, affordable and exciting. Always keep in mind that the meal
you’re about to prepare is not your usual, everyday meal and it’s for 40 people. The theme should
be acceptable to the majority.

2. How much can you spend?

The budget is P250.00 per head. When you plan your meal, you have to make sure that you will
not exceed the budget allowed. If you can save some money without sacrificing the contents,
that’d be even better.

3. Is it affordable?
Once you’ve agreed on a theme and know how much you can spend, you now have to find
affordable recipes. If you decide to cook the food yourselves, look for recipes that have easy to
find and cheap ingredients. Stay economical.

4. Is it extraordinary?

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