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At the Hospital Di Rumah Sakit

He’s in (the) hospital Ia di rumah sakit

He has to go to (the) hospital Ia harus pergi ke rumah sakit
He was taken to (the) hospital Ia dibawa ke rumah sakit
He went by ambulance Ia dibawa ke rumah sakit pakai ambulans
Please phone Emergency and call for an Toonglah, telpon nomor Darurat, dan minta dikirim ambulans
He has to be operated on Ia harus dioperasi
He has to have an operation
He has been operated on Ia telah dioperasi
He has had an operation

The operation was successful Operasinya berhasil

Was he under anesthesia Apakah ia dibius?
What are the visiting hours? Jam berapa terima tamu (waktu kunjungan)?
The visiting hours is from eleven to twelve Waktu kunjungan dari jam 11 sampai 12

d. Getting Well Menjadi sembuh

How are you today? Bagaimana keadaan anda hari ini?

I’m much better, thank you Baikan, terima kasih
Is he well now? Sudah sembuh dia?
Yes, he’s well now Ya, sudah sembuh
He has recovered from his illness Hari ini keadaannya kurang baik
he’s worse today
He’s had a relapse Penyakitnya kambuh
I hope you will get well soon Mudah-mudahan cepat sembuh
I wish you a speedy recovery
Best wishes for a speedy recovery

To heal – menyembuhkan, menjadi

A healer – penyembuh, juga dukun
The cut is healing – luka berangsur
His hand is healing very well – tangannya
menjadi sembuh

e. Hurt, Pain, Sore Merasa sakit

Ouch! I cut myself Aduh! Terpotong! Terluka!

Does is hurt? Sakitkah
Yes, it hurts a lot Ya, sakit sekali
No, it doesn’t hurt Tidak, tidak sakit
- What’s the matter? Did you hurt (Mengapa?) Ada apa? Ada sakit? Cedera, luka?
- Yes I think I broke my arm atau my Ya, saya kira tangan saya patah
arm’s broken
Don’t hurt me Jangan menyakiti saya
You hurt me Anda saya menyakiti saya
You hurt his feelings Anda menyakiti hatinya
He feels hurt Dia merasa sakit hati
Does it hurt? = Is it painful? Sakitkah?
Yes, it hurts = Yes, it’s very painful Ya, terasa sakit sekali
He is seriously ill, but he doesn’t feel any Ia sakit keras, tetapi tidak merasa sakit
My arm hurts = I have pain in my arm Lengan saya sakit

Sore – sakit, terutama kalau dipegang

A sore – luka terbauka yang terasa sakit
f. Bagaimana Bahasa Inggrisnya:

1. - Sudah dengar khabar tentang John?

- Tidak. Ada apa?
- Dia dibawa ke rumah sakit semalam
- Ada apa dengan dia?
- Ia harus dioperasi. Sakit usus buntu
- Mudah-mudahan operasinya berhasil
- Jam berapa terima tamu?
- Dari jam 11 sampai 12

2. - Dokter mengatakan apa? / Apa kata dokter?

- Katanya saya harus menambah berat badan dan saya harus beristirahat
- Dia memberikan saya suntikan dan memberi resep untuk pil. Te tapi tidak
ada yagn berat
- Mudah-mudahan cepat sembuh

g. Jawablah pertanyaan -pertanyaan ini:

1. What’s the matter? Did you hurt yourself?

2. How are you today?
3. When you went to the dentist, what did he do?
4. When you went to the doctor, what did he say?
5. What did he do?
6. Is it anything serious?
No, it’s only………..
7. Have you taken the patient’s temperature?
Yes, he/ she…………

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