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Bioseparation Engineering

I. Endo, T. Nagamune, S. Katoh and T. Yonemoto (Editors) 81

9 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All fights reserved.

Dynamic binding performance of large biomolecules such as T-globulin, viruses

and virus-like particles on various chromatographic supports

Shuichi Yamamoto* and Eiji Miyagawa

Department of Chemical Engineering, Yamaguchi University

Tokiwadai, Ube 755-861 l, Japan
*E.mail fax +81-836-35-9933

Dynamic binding (adsorption) performance of T-globulin, several viruses and virus-like

particles was examined with various types of ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) supports.
Among various IEC supports, a sulfated cellulose bead adsorbent (Cellufine-Sulfate) was
carefully investigated as this is known to show unique bioaffinity and size exclusion behavior.
Size exclusion curves and HETP-flow rate curves under non-binding conditions showed that
proteins and viruses are totally excluded from Cellufine-Sulfate beads, and they can adsorb
only on the surface layer of the bead. Biospecificity to Cellufine-Sultate was tested with
various proteins, viruses and virus-like particles. Dynamic adsorption capacities (DBC) were
determined as a function of flow-rate. DBC of T-globulin on Cellufine-Sulfate did not
depend on the flow velocity whereas conventional porous agarose-based IEC supports show
a very strong flow-velocity dependent DBC.


Ion exchange chromatography (IEC) is an efficient method for separating small and
medium size proteins ( molecular weight up to 70,000), and widely used not only in
laboratory but also in biotechnology production processes[l-6]. IEC is also used for the
separation of much larger biomolecules such as immunoglobulins, plasmid DNAs and
viruses[7-9]. In contrast to large number of publications on protein IEC, research on
separation of such large biomolecules by IEC is still not adequate.
In this paper, dynamic binding (adsorption) performance of y-globulin, several viruses and
virus-like particle was examined with various types of IEC supports. Among various IEC
supports, a sulfated cellulose bead adsorbent (Cellufine-Sulfate) was carefully investigated
as this is known to show rather unique bioaffinity, and size exclusion behavior[10, l l ]. For
example, Human hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) particles were efficiently
separated on Cellufine-Sulfate whereas they were not adsorbed on conventional porous
agarose-based IEC supports[l 1]. Size exclusion curves and HETP-flow rate curves were
prepared from isocratic elution experimental data under non-binding conditions.
Biospecificity to Cellufine Sulfate was tested with various proteins, viruses and virus-like
particle. Dynamic adsorption capacities were determined as a function of flow-rate


2.1 Virus preparations and their assays

Human hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg) particles were purified on Cellufine-
Sulfate chromatography, anti-HBs IgG Sepharose immunoaffinity and Sepharose CL-6B
from the culture fluid of PLC/PRF/5 human liver carcinoma cell line (the Alexander cell)
[ 12]. The purified HBV preparation had more than 95% purity by SDS polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis. HBsAg was assayed by a commercial enzyme immuno assay kit (FRELISA
II Hbs Ag, Fujirebio, Tokyo, Japan). HBsAg concentration was determined from the
absorbance at 280 nm (A280 was assumed to 10 for 10mg/mL)
Human parvovirus B19 (HPV B19) positive plasma with the infectivity titer of 106
TCIDs0/ml was used for the chromatography. HPV B 19 was monitored by the infectivity
assay using KU812Ep6 cell line[ 13].

2.2 Chromatography supports, protein and other solute, and equipment

Cellufine Sulfate m (Sulfate Cellulofine m)(Chisso, Tokyo, Japan) is a spherical cellulose
bead (particle diameter 44-105 ~m) having a sulfate ester group ( 8t~M/mL)[ 10]. Its partial
structure is shown in Fig.1. SP-Sepharose FF ion-exchange supports (gels) (Amersham
Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) are 6% cross-linked spherical agarose gel beads
having a sulphopropyl group (SP-) [4]. These beads were packed into plastic columns (ID 9
mm, packed bed height Z 15cm) for size-exclusion and adsorption studies (ID 9mm Z=Scm
for SP-FF). Vitamin B12(MW=1356), standard globular proteins from gel filtration
calibration kit (Amresham-Pharmacia Biotech) and acetone were used for the size exclusion
experiment under non-binding conditions (10raM phosphate pH8 containing 0.5 M NaCl).
Bovine serum albumin, human-y-globulin, lysozyme, ribonuclease A, and urease were
purchased from Sigma (USA). Vitamin B12 and other reagents were obtained from Wako
Pure Chemical (Osaka, Japan).
A fully automated liquid chromatography (LC) system (Prosys workstation, Beckman,
Fullerton, USA) was used for the size exclusion and the adsorption studies with standard
proteins. A simple LC setup (Pharmacia) with an open column (ID 16mm Z =2cm) was
used for viruses and HBsAg particle separation(adsorption) experiments. The column
experiments were done at 298 ilK. The details of chromatographic conditions are shown in
the figure captions.

o I

Figure 1 Structure of sulfated cellulose beads, Cellufine-Sulfate[ 10].



It is well known that slow mass transfer of large biomolecules such as proteins in pores of
packing media (supports or beads) governs adsorption performance in chromatography[3].
This is more critical when very large proteins or viruses and virus-like particles are to be
separated. Cross-linked 6%-agarose gel beads (Sepharose) are commonly used for protein
separation. The pore size is large enough for most proteins [1,3,4,14]. However, the
dynamic adsorption capacity (DBC) of proteins is known to decrease drastically with an
increase in molecular weight from ca.70000 (albumin) to 160000 (globulin) [1,4,5]. This
indicates that very slow mass transfer (diffusion) rates in the pores govern the dynamic
adsorption capacity even with supports having large pores. As HBsAg particles are much
larger than most proteins( ca. 20nm in diameter[ 15,16]), the diffusion rate in the pore of the
agarose bead becomes very l o w . We calculated the molecular diffusion coefficient Dm of
HBsAg at 298K with its diameter as ca. 2 • 10 ~ m2/s by the equation proposed by Tyn and
Gusek[17]. When the obstruction factor in the pore ys=DJDm is assumed to be
y,=K/4=O.1/4=O.025 [3,18], the pore diffusivity D, becomes ca. 5 • 10~3 m2/s ( The
distribution coefficient K was estimated as ca 0.1 from our size exclusion curve
measurements. See Fig.2). This values is much lower than an estimated D, value (1 • 10~
m2/s ) for a medium size protein such as bovine serum albumin (mol. wt. 68000).
distribution coefficient, K [-]

_O ' " - . . ..... HETP [ram] /=

9 ......

2 pharose FF

vitamin B12-
Sepharose FF acetone-
Cellufine Sulfate

f - I 1 r
0/ .......... , .... ~.., ........ ___.L

1000 IO,ooo IO0 ooo IOOO,

ooo 0 linear mobile phas5velocity u [crn/min]
t i molecular ~Neight, MW
0.81 1.7 molecular3.8radius [nm] 8.1

Figure 2(left). Size exclusion curves (distribution coefficient K vs. molecular weight MW) at non-
binding conditions. K was determined from the retention volume VRas K=(VR'Vo)/(Vt'Vo) where Vt =
total bed volume, V0= void volume determmed from the VRof Dextran T2000. This K is equivalent to
Kay in the literature [1]. Mobile phase: 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 8) containing 0.5 M NaCI as the
mobile phase (isocratic). column size: 0.9cm ID, 15cm length (Cellufine-Sulfate); 0.9cm ID, 15cm
length (SP-Sepharose FF). The molecular radius was calculated by 0.081MW v3 [18]. The data for
acetone were not shown in the figure.
Figure 3(right). HETP as a funcion of linear velocity. HETP = Z(wv/VR)2/8 where Z=column (bed)
length, wv= peak width in mL at C=0.3679Cm~ (Cm~x--maximum peak height, C=peak height). The
other conditions are the same in Fig.2.
The pore size of Cellufine Sulfate beads is so small that proteins are excluded and only

very small molecules are able to diffuse into the pores [10-11]. This was verified by the size
exclusion curve under non-binding conditions (Fig.2). The distribution coefficient (K) value
of acetone was 0.65, which indicates the bead is highly crosslinked so that even a very small
molecule can not utilize the intraparticle (pore) volume fully. Even a small protein like
ribonucelase (mol.wt. 18000) was almost excluded as K<0.08. Bovine serum albumin (BSA,
mol.wt. 68000) was completely excluded (K<0.02). When the molecule is excluded, the
plate height (HETP) is known to be independent of the flow-rate[3,13]. As shown in Fig.3
the HETP values of BSA are constant and the values of acetone increase with the flow
velocity. These findings indicate that proteins and other larger molecules are adsorbed only
on the surface of Cellufine Sulfate beads under binding (adsorption) conditions at relatively
high adsorption/desorption rates as pore diffusion is not involved.

"10 ' I ' ' ' ' i '
0 lysozyme-CellufineSulfate(pH8)
E 20 FI BSA-lysozyme-Cellufine Sulfate(pH4)
0 -f-globulin-lysozyrne-Celluflne Sulfate(pH4)
0 -f-globulin-SP Sepharose FF(pH4)

~- 10 <3

0 0 0
e- O <>
'- 0 10 20
121 linear mobile phase velocity [cm/min]

Figure 4 Dynamic binding capacity (DBC)as a function of linear mobile phase velocity.
DBC=Co(VB-Vo)/Vt where//B -- breakthrough volume at the relative concentration = 10%.
Mobile phase = 10 mM phosphate buffer containing 0.03M NaCI (pH8) or 20 mM sodium
acetate buffer containing 0.03M NaCI (pH4). Column (packed bed) size : 0.9cm ID, 15cm
length (Cellufine-Sulfate); 0.9cm ID, 5cm length (SP-Sepharose FF). Note that the data
point DBC = 47 mg-BSA/mL-SP Sepharose FF(pH4) at 20 cm/min is not included in the

As we did not have enough amounts of HBsAg particles for dynamic binding capacity
measurements, y-globulin (mol.wt. 150,000) was chosen as a model protein. Lysozyme and
bovine serum albumin were also used for comparison. As shown in Fig.4, the dynamic
binding capacity (DBC) of lysozyme (ca. 7 mg/mL-gel) and of y-globulin (ca. 3 mg/mL-gel)
on Cellufine Sulfate did not depend on the flow velocity whereas the DBC of y-globulin for
SP-Sepharose (porous agarose-based IEC support) decreased markedly with an increase in
flow velocity because of slow diffusion in the pores [3,20,21 ]. As proteins adsorb only onto
the surface of Cellufine Sulfate, the adsorption rate is high although the equilibrium capacity

is much lower than conventional porous agarose ion-exchange beads (for example, 100-150
mg-lysozyme/mL-gel, Ref. 1,4 ). Because of this rapid adsorption rate, the DBC values of y-
globulin for Cellufine Sulfate at high flow rate regions are similar to those for SP-Sepharose
FF. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of the surface layer of ion-exchange supports
were already discussed in detail [22,23]. Even with a macroporous resin initial adsorption
rates are high as they are controlled by mass transfer to the outermost subparticles.
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was not adsorbed onto Cellufine Sulfate As this can not be
explained by a simple electrostatic interaction mechanism, molecular recognition of Cellufine
Sulfate might be different from agarose-based IEC supports. Adsorption of various proteins
and viruses onto Cellufine Sulfate was tested (Table 1). Polysaccharide sulfate (heparinoid)
is known to have some specific affinity to such biomolecules as lipoproteins and some
viruses. This may explain the biological recognition mechanism of sulfated-cellulose beads
summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Summary for adsorption on Cellufine Sulfate (sulfated cellulose) adsorbents

solute adsorption ~) desorption adsorption capacity2)

y-Globulin Yes 0.5M NaCI 2.5-7.5 mg/mL-gel3)

Bovine serum albumin No
Lysozyme Yes 0.5M NaCl 7 mg/mL-gel
Urease No
Human Hepatitis B surface antigen Yes 3M NaCI 201,tg/mL-gel
Human parvovirus B 19(HPVB 19) No
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Yes 3M NaC1 ND
Human T cell leukemia virus type I Yes 3M NaCI ND
Human adenovirus type 7 No
Baculovirus Yes 3M NaCI ND
~)Proteins were charged onto the column equilibrated with 10mM phosphate buffer (pH 8.0)
containing 0.03 M NaCI while viruses were charged onto the column equilibrated with 10mM Tris-
HC1 buffer (pH 8.0) containing 0.15 M NaC1. Adsorption tests were carried out with packed beds.
Namely, test solutions were charged onto the column, and the effluent was monitored.
2) DBC= dynamic binding capacity = CoVB/V~where C0=initial concentration, VB=effiuent volume at
10% breakthrough and l/t--total bed volume.
3)DBC values measured as a function ofpH (4.0 to 6.0) varied from 2.5 to 7.5 mg/mL-gel.
4) This is not the precise DBC value but to show an approximate value of adsorption
5) Not determined.

In conclusion, only the sulfate groups on the surface of Cellufine -Sulfate bead (cellulose
bead having a sulfate ether group) is accessible for large molecules (mol.wt.>70000). This is
unfavorable in terms of the total adsorption capacity but is favorable for relatively rapid

adsorption/desorption rates of large molecules such as viruses and virus-like particles. There
is a biological recognition (biospecific affinity) mechanism between polysaccharide sulfate
(heparinoid) and some biological products, which may also play an important role in
retention of virus and virus-like particles.

This work was supported by a Grant-in Aid for scientific research on Priority Areas(No.296)
(Grant No.11132255) and (C2, No.10650746) from the Ministry of Education, Science,
Sports and Culture, Japan

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