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Alan J.

Collings, PhD

Metabolism of Cyclamate and Its

Conversion to Cyclohexylamine

Since cyclamates were first introduced in the early countries. Since then, arguments have raged over the
1950s, arguments have raged over the potential carcinogenicity of cyclamate. Ultimately, at the request
carcinogenicity of this artificial sweetener. Concern of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a National
over the safety of cyclamates arises from observations
Academy of Sciences National Research Council Com-
that some individuals and experimental animals can
metabolize cyclamate to cyclohexylamine and that
mittee reviewed the evidence on the carcinogenicity of
cyclohexylamine has been shown to produce testicular cyclamate, and in 1985 they issued their report (5). The
atrophy in experimental animals. This study examines committee concluded that "the weight of experimental
the absorption, excretion, and metabolism of cyclamate, and epidemiological evidence does not indicate that cy-
particularly its conversion to cyclohexylamine. In clamate by itself is carcinogenic."
addition, the potential toxicity and pharmacology of This conclusion was based on the results of several
cyclohexylamine are discussed. Diabetes Care 12:50-55, long-term studies on carcinogenicity, all of which proved
1989 negative, despite the occasional positive result in certain
in vitro studies. In one study, N-nitrosomethyl urea was
implanted into the bladder of rats with some given cy-
clamate and others water. Those receiving cyclamate
showed a marked increase in the incidence of bladder

he artificial sweetener cyclamate, which is >30
times as sweet as sugar, was introduced as a food tumors (33). The committee recommended that the study
additive in 1951 (1,2). In many ways it appeared be repeated. They also recognized the problems asso-
to be an ideal food additive, i.e., one that was ciated with the metabolism of cyclamate to cyclohex-
only slowly and partially absorbed and once absorbed ylamine and saw the need to take the toxic action of
was rapidly excreted into the urine unchanged with this metabolite into consideration in the overall evalu-
minimal toxic action. However, two observations radi- ation of cyclamate for widespread use (5). In addition,
cally altered the world's view on the safety of cyclamate. the committee noted that there was suggestive evidence
The first was the observation by Kojima and Ichibagase from in vivo and in vitro studies in animals that cycla-
(3) that some people and certain animals could metab- mate had cancer-promoting or cocarcinogenic activity
olize cyclamate to cyclohexylamine. The second was a and, based on the epidemiological studies in humans,
long-term study of rats involving the feeding of mixtures that the use of cyclamate-saccharin mixtures may be
of cyclamate, saccharin, and cyclohexylamine, which associated with a small increase in the risk of bladder can-
caused an increased incidence of bladder tumors when cer (5).
compared with controls (4). The latter observation led To appreciate the significance of the conversion pro-
to the banning of cyclamates as a food additive in many cess, it is necessary to examine the absorption and ex-
cretion of both cyclamate and cyclohexylamine. So-
dium cyclamate given by subcutaneous injection is rapidly
From Allan J. Collings, PhD, Product Safety Consultant, 9 Arethusa Way, Bisley, excreted unchanged in the urine. In rats given a single
Surrey, England CU2-49B2, UK.
Send correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Alan J. Collings at the above oral dose of sodium cyclamate, the cyclamate rapidly
address. appears in the urine and is followed by slow and steady



excretion over the next 40 h. Once cyclamate has been 468-

absorbed into the body, it is rapidly excreted. The pro- -NaCHS in diet NaCHS in diet-
longed excretion pattern observed after oral administra-
tion suggests that absorption from the gastrointestinal 368-
tract is slow and protracted (6). Cyclohexylamine given
orally is rapidly absorbed and excreted.


The conversion of cyclamate to cyclohexylamine has

been observed in humans, rats, mice, and rabbits (2).
However, not all humans or rats have the ability to con-
vert. Studies have been undertaken in a number of spe-
12 3 4 5 9 18 1112 13 1415 16 171819 28 21 22 23 24 25^6
cies, including humans, to establish the nature of the
conversion process. In one study, piglets with the ability FIG. 2. Sodium cyclamate (NaCHS) by subcutaneous in-
to convert cyclamate to cyclohexylamine were main- jection. CHA, cyclohexylamine.
tained on a powdered diet containing 0.1 % sodium cy-
clamate (10). After the ability to convert had been clearly urinary and fecal cyclohexylamine excretion, the overall
established, the animals were placed on a cyclamate- effect of changing the route of cyclamate administration
free diet and given instead the same amount of cycla- from oral to subcutaneous could be seen (Fig. 1).
mate every day by subcutaneous injection as had been Superimposing the graph of urinary cyclohexylamine
ingested through diet. excretion onto that of fecal cyclamate excretion showed
The pattern of urinary cyclamate excretion was typi- that during the change from oral to subcutaneous
cally erratic in the first part of the study, but when cy- administration and back, the level of urinary cyclo-
clamate was injected subcutaneously, there was a mas- hexylamine paralleled that of fecal cyclamate (Fig. 2).
sive increase in the amount of cyclamate excreted in the From this it can be concluded that cyclamate must be
urine. The change in the pattern of fecal cyclamate ex- present in the gastrointestinal tract for conversion to cy-
cretion was more dramatic. In the first part of the study, clohexylamine.
fecal excretion was erratic, but when cyclamate was In the second study, piglets were fed a powdered diet
given by injection rather than via the diet, the amount containing 0.1 % sodium cyclamate throughout the study.
of cyclamate in the feces steadily decreased to zero. On Urine and feces were collected daily and analyzed for
return to cyclamate via diet, the fecal cyclamate levels cyclamate and cyclohexylamine. The amount of cy-
gradually increased. clohexylamine excreted in the urine was erratic and var-
On examination of urinary cyclohexylamine excre- ied widely from day to day. When oral antibiotics were
tion, the levels in the first part of the study were erratic, given to the animals, the level of urinary and fecal cy-
but once the route of administration was changed, the clohexylamine rapidly decreased to almost zero (Fig. 3).
levels steadily decreased to zero. Once cyclamate was However, once antibiotic treatment had ceased, the abil-
added to the diet, the levels of urinary and fecal cy- ity to convert returned.
clohexylamine gradually increased to the levels ob-
served in the earlier part of the study. By combining

7 8 9 18111213141516171819 8212223 24 25 262728

Tine Days
12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 28 2 1 2 2 23 24 25 26
Tine Days FIG. 3. Metabolism of cyclamate in pigs [total cyclohex-
ylamine (CHA) excretion]. Pigs were fed 0.1% sodium cy-
FIG. 1. Metabolism of cyclamate (NaCHS) in pigs. clamate in diet.



At the end of the study, these animals were returned 688

to a cyclamate-free diet until urine and feces were free

of both cyclamate and cyclohexylamine. After a sample see
of the feces had been incubated with cyclamate, cy-
clohexylamine could be detected in the incubation mix- u 488-
ture. Further evidence of conversion as a microbiolog-
ical process can be seen in studies where nonconverter * 3ee-
rats were turned into converters.
Laboratory rats that were not converters were fed cy- ° 288-
clamate for 6 mo with no conversion being observed. v>
When these animals were placed in the dirty cages va-
cated by converters, they acquired the ability to convert
within days (10). In humans and animals, cyclamate is
not totally absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, re- ' 1 ' 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' 5 ' 6 ' 7 ' 8 ' 9 i e i l ' 1 2 ' 13' 14'15'16'17^18 19" 29'21'
sulting in some cyclamate excretion in the feces. Tine Days
In a study of four nonconverting human subjects, each
subject was given the same amount of sodium cycla- FIG. 4. Urinary excretion of cyclamate (horizontally hatched
mate daily for 14 days (7). The amount was taken in bars) and cyclohexylamine {diagonally hatched bars). Sub-
divided doses between 0900 annd 2200. For the last jects were given 1 g sodium cyclamate/day. No sample
was taken.
two 3-day periods, urine and feces were collected for
cyclamate analysis. The process was repeated three
times, each with a different dose of cyclamate. Inde- metabolism of cyclamate was not discovered in the ear-
pendent of the dosage, 40-70% of the cyclamate was lier studies, in which only a single dose was given. Once
excreted in the urine (Table 1). With the slow and partial conversion was found to occur, many studies were un-
absorption characteristics of cyclamate, there is ample dertaken to estimate the incidence of human conver-
opportunity for metabolism to cyclohexylamine (7). sion. For these studies to be valid, it was necessary for
When a converter was given a daily dose of cycla- the subjects to have been given repeated daily doses of
mate, cyclamate was present in the urine within 24 h. cyclamate before having a 24-h urine sample taken for
The urinary cyclamate levels followed an erratic course, cyclohexylamine analysis (6,11-17; Table 1).
sometimes high, sometimes low. However, when the
ingestion of cyclamate ceased, the urinary levels de-
creased to zero over the next 3 days (8,9). In contrast, RESULTS
cyclohexylamine did not appear in the urine until 24 h
after ingestion of cyclamate began. Cyclohexylamine Over 80% of the subjects studied converted <0.15% of
continued to be excreted for 5 days after cyclamate the ingested dose of cyclamate. Among the converters,
ingestion had ceased. conversion levels ranged from slightly >0.15% to a few
The delay in the appearance of cyclohexylamine in people who showed conversion values of >60%. Both
the urine after ingestion of cyclamate was due to the adults and children had been assessed for the ability to
amount of time taken for the cyclamate to reach the convert. In one study, 49 children between the ages of
conversion site. It is unlikely the delay was caused by 3 and 18 yr were given 507 mg calcium cyclamate/day
the induction of a metabolic process (Fig. 4). This view for 4 days (16). A 24-h urine sample was collected and
is supported by the fact that the decay curve for cyclo- analyzed for cyclohexylamine. Four of the children ex-
hexylamine after the withdrawal of cyclamate was the creted cyclohexylamine that was of a conversion level
same shape as the buildup curve observed at the start up to 21.6%. How this could be considered "trace"
of the study. This phenomenon may explain why the conversion by the National Research Council is difficult
to imagine (5).
In studies to determine the incidence of conversion,
TABLE 1 different dosage regimens have been used (Table 2). In
Distribution of excreted cyclamate in urine and feces a study that investigated this aspect of conversion, three
Urinary cyclamate mg/dl
converters were maintained on a fixed daily dose of
Urinary + fecal cyclamate
x 100 cyclamate for 14 days, with total urine and feces col-
(mg/24 h) lected over the last two 3-day periods. The study was
Sodium cyclamate repeated three times, each with a different daily dose of
intake (mg/24 h) cyclamate. As the dose of cyclamate was increased, the
proportion converted to cyclohexylamine decreased (7;
100 69 56 59 60
61 56 56
Fig. 5). When assessing the significance of this conver-
250 73
500 55 41 37 67 sion, the incidence and amount of conversion have to
be taken into consideration. However, some of the ap-
A-D, volunteers. proaches taken have limited validity. One study took

52 DIABETES CARE, V O L . 12, N O . 1 , SUPPL. 1 , JANUARY 1989


Incidence of human converters

Percent dose converted to cyclohexylamine

Cyclamate intake n 0-0.15 0.15-1 1-20 20-60 >60 Ref.

0.25 g/day for 4 days 141 105 14 15 5 2 6

1-3 g/day for 30 days 11 4 3 3 1 11
1 g/day for 3 days 35 31 3 1 12
1 g/day for 17 days 5 4 1 13
5 g/day for 7-8 days 16 14 2 14
3 g/day for 17 or 18 days 3 1 1 1 15
3 g/day for 4, 9, or 14 days 93 85 3 2 3 16
0.5 g/day for 4 days 49 45 1 2 1 16
1 g/day for 28 days 10 4 3 3 17
n 363 293 30 28 10 2
Percent 81 8 8 3 0.6

the conversion levels of all the subjects and worked out reduced in the groups receiving 1.0 or 0.5% cyclo-
the average conversion (31). The Food and Agriculture hexylamine (equivalent to 434 and 175 mg cyclohexy-
Organization and the World Health Organization used lamine • kg" 1 • day"1, respectively). Macroscopic ex-
the degree of cyclamate absorption in a nonconverter amination of the testes showed that 13 of 15 males fed
as a reference and then considered a proportion (30%) 1 % cyclohexylamine had small flabby testes with a bluish-
of the unabsorbed cyclamate as available for conversion purple tinge, typical of testicular atrophy.
(32). Histologically, in the 1% group there was total bilat-
In a nonconverter, 40-70% of ingested cyclamate was eral degeneration of the testes (testicular atrophy) in 5
excreted in the urine. However, cyclamate was slowly rats, 95% degeneration in 3 rats, ^70% degeneration
and only partially absorbed. In high converters, the pro- in 4 rats, 40% degeneration in 1 rat, and < 1 % degen-
portion of ingested cyclamate excreted in the urine was eration in the remaining 2 rats. This indicates that the
much lower than in nonconverters. This evidence strongly effect of cyclohexylamine hydrochloride was severe in
suggests that significant conversion occurs as the cycla- 13 out of 15 rats. Two of the rats in the 0.5% treatment
mate passes over potential gastrointestinal absorption group showed a marked increase in the number of tub-
sites (7). ules with evidence of early degeneration. The no-effect
If cyclamate is ever reintroduced, it must be at a re- level for testicular atrophy was ~100 mg • kg" 1 • day"1
duced level; therefore, the amount of metabolism of low (20-24).
doses (higher conversion) has to be considered as the
worst case. The worst case is represented by those who
can convert >60% of ingested cyclamate. Although this
represents only 0.5% of the population, it includes many 288
people numerically.
Cyclohexylamine is an organic base with a pKa of
~9.2. This means that at its physiological pH, it is al-
most totally ionized and exists as the cyclohexylamine
ion. It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
and excreted largely unchanged into the urine. Studies M
have shown that further metabolism is possible (18,19), c
although no further metabolism has been detected in u
many studies (7,18). 9
In at least five 90-day feeding studies where cyclo-
hexylamine (as the hydrogen chloride salt) was incor-
porated into the diet, testicular atrophy, reduced body
weight gain, and hyperactivity were observed.
In feeding studies, rats were fed a powdered diet con- n B c D
taining 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5, and 1% cyclohexylamine U o l u n t e e r
hydrochloride for 90 days. Body weight gain was re- FIG. 5. Effect of sodium cyclamate dosage on conversion.
duced to the 0.2% dietary level in males and to 0.1% Hatched bars, 250 mg/day; striped bars, 500 mg/day;
in females. The weight of the testes postmortem was checkered bars, 1000 mg/day.



issue, which has been largely resolved, except for the

DISCUSSION problem of its possible cocarcinogenic activity. The
problem surrounding the metabolism of cyclamate to

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