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1. DOWNLOAD UNIT 2-A from ‘Material’ on the platform.

2. Form the unit develop the following pages and numerals:


Numerals: 1, 2, 3, 4


Listening: Numeral 2 (Part b)

Download the audio (track 10) from ‘Resources’ on the Platform.

Numeral 5.


Numeral 6 – Active grammar. Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the verb in past.

Numeral 7.

Numeral 8.

Numeral 9.

1. Download from the platform the audio: Past tense pronunciation

2. Practice your pronunciation.
3. Read the following paragraph and record the text with your voice.
4. Upload the audio to the platform.

Last year I studied a lot for my virtual classes, so I decided to go to my

grandparent’s house. I travelled by car and on my holiday I stayed at my
grandparents’ house in a nice room. We talked, watched TV and we walked
in the mountains near the house, I liked that activity. When my holiday
finished I travelled to my city to study. I enjoyed my time with my family. I
wanted to stay there, but I started my classes at University and now I have to
study a lot!

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