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Our choices and decisions guide our lives and build our futures. Whether people notice
it or not, the choices we make today affect our tomorrow. I believe in the freedom of choice.
The choices we make today, whether big or small will forever affect our future. Once a choice
has been made, the actions play out, and the consequence is delivered, we have to live with
those consequences.

Your choice, your consequence, you choose whether or not you go to school, believe in
a religion, make an honest living, and so much more. Your personal choice leads to your
personal consequence. For instance, you choose not to go to school, you don’t receive an
education, you can’t get a decent job or career, and you face money troubles the rest of your
life. The choices we make guide our lives and shape us into the person that we choose to be.
We control our own lives, no one can make our decisions for us, and the ultimate choice to live
our lives lies within ourselves.

I think that people tend to forget about or ignore the freedom that they have to make
choices for themselves and decide what kind of life they wish to live. People let society tell
them what they should be and what they should do, but it shouldn’t be this way. We all have
hopes, wishes, and dreams, and we are entitled to achieve them. Think of our very own
Philippine Constitution, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and hundreds of other
freedoms that we as Filipinos and human beings have. The choices are ours to make, and we as
a civilization have to be strong enough to stand up for what we believe in and make the choices
that best suit us personally instead of making our choices solely to make others happy.

I can say from experience that I have made plenty of choices based on what I thought
other people wanted, and I can honestly say those are the decisions I regret the most. I resent
living with regrets based off of choices I made to satisfy other people, I now realize that I have
the freedom and right to make choices for myself. I realize that my choices are my own, and I
realize that the consequences of my decisions will also be my own, and I will live with those
consequences with no regret, and because of this, I will be happy with my choices.

The definition of right and wrong differs from person to person, it is up to each person
individually to have their own morals and standards and make choices based on those morals
and standards. Every person needs to be brave enough to make their own choices and knowing
the consequences of those choices, be strong enough to live with those consequences, and be
happy with their choices. Don’t let someone else’s wants guide your life, the freedom of choice
lies within us all.

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