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Name: Kobe Dave Rodrigueza Section: Sc28

Date: 06/24/2019
In Commitment there is freedom
What is freedom? Is it an absolute right? We are born to become free. Freedom is defined
from different aspects, and according to different cultures, freedom varies from culture to
another. Some define freedom as a natural right, the human being is born with. Everyone wants
to be free and independent from others. Freedom is the right to do what one wants, live where
he wants, eat what he wants, learns what he wants, and chooses the religion in which he believes,
without ignoring or harming other rights. How can we live free? From my point of view, we can
live free by respecting other’s rights to live free too. We cannot ignore the rights of people with
whom we live in the society. We cannot simply do what we want and ignore others. We must
take other people rights into consideration.
A commitment of Freedom to choose who you want to be for the rest of your life A
commitment to the freedom to discover another chapter The freedom to discover what’s beyond
the rainbow thru a commitment to one’s decision in life. Because we all know that Freedom is
the power to exercise our choices in life. Commitment may be defined as an obligation, but
somehow commitment is also the freedom to choose things you need and what we really want
in life. If we learn to commit in love Learn to commit in yourself totally, acceptance is easier. And
when you learn to accept all things positively, freedom to choose what really makes you happy
follows, and that Freedom is what really matters, by committing to the right things in life, you
will become more free. More true to yourself and others, More expansive. More aligned. When
you abide to do something with all your heart and soul. We live in a cynical world where
commitment is often times obscured by day to day life. Many believe that our goals are a
commitment to ourselves. People make goals for themselves in order to strive for greatness, but
a man once told me that goals not written down are only dreams.
There is freedom in commitment. And you will feel it when you commit yourself in
learning, discovering and accepting everything. Commitment isn't a barrier to freedom, thus it
implies action despite of the actions we live in. Even Prisoners had time to have self-discovery to
have Freedom to understand what life really is about.

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