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Christian Jhoy R.

Dela Cerna 12 HUMSS-2


In Loving Memory

Contributions to the Church:

 Attending masses.

Contributions to the Society:

 Joined in any voluntary services

in community outreach programs.
 Donated basic needs (e.g. rice,
canned goods, water, and clothes)
for the poor.
 Followed rules and obligations in
the society to not cause chaos or
any problems

1. When can we say that we live our lives fully?

 We can say that we live our lives fully when we can do all things responsibly.
By saying responsibly, it is when we choose to do good. By doing such we
need to follow Jesus Christ in our everyday living and we can see that we are
truly happy and truly living fully.
2. What makes man special among God’s creation?
 Man is special among God’s creation because we are created in his own image
and gave us a precious gift which is freedom. He gave us freedom to Freely
share his goodness to us man. To live morally and do good just like him.
3. How can you say that you are living a moral life?
 Living a moral life is when we are living the truth. It is when we are called to
do good in our own selves and to other people. We could morally live life
even in helping, small gestures of kindness, and by knowing what is good and
4. Why is it important to love God and others?
 It is important to love God and others because God himself showed us how He
unconditionally love us despite how sinful we are to his eyes. He was the one
who saved us from our sins and gave his life to us. And by loving God, we
must also live following Jesus Christ in our lives by also loving others
unconditionally. They may hurt each other but letting love overflow in our
lives we could have peace in the world and in our heart.




1. Grudges to other people 1. Loving yourself

2. Unhealthy Relationships 2. Contentment

INDIVIDUAL 3. Fear and doubts. 3. Unconditional love to

4. Focus are on the things others

missing 4. Improving oneself

5. Letting the ego win 5. Choose goodness

1. Inequality 1. Unity

2. Rebellion 2. Mutual understanding

A 3. Power and fame 3. Love and respect
4. Pride 4. Fear of God

5. Greed 5. Mercy

6. Wrath 6. Charity

Explain why you think you have a high and low degree of freedom:

I have a higher degree of freedom as an individual and as a member of the community because I am
slowly but constantly growing and practicing the things what true freedom is like. I am constantly
learning from the things I failed to do and things I wrongly do that would hinder me in having what a
true freedom is.

1. What is the relationship between our freedom as individuals and our freedom as
a community? What does this relationship affirm about the nature of human
 The relationship between our freedom as individuals and our freedom as a
community is that it is directly related. It is achieving when people respect
each other. It starts with oneself. We are all part of the community, for what
is good for our own selves is also good to others and so as to the community.
Sharing the goodness to other people will also lead to goodness in the
community. This relationship affirms about the nature of human freedom for
it is vital in our lives. True freedom is the ability to do good as part of the
community. It needs everyone to tango and achieve true freedom for the self
and to the community.

1. What is your understanding of true freedom as our capacity to do good?

 My understanding of true freedom as our capacity to do good is that true
freedom is achieve by doing what is good. By true freedom it is not all about
we can do the all the things we want, it is all about doing things with
responsibility and goodness. There are laws, rules that are needed to be
implemented in order to prohibits acts that can destroy freedom. By doing
good things we are more free in enjoying God’s creation in this earth. For
example, by respecting other people as human and part of the community
we could enjoy the peace within ourselves and peace to the community.

2. What is the wrong notion/idea of freedom as “doing anything I want”? How can
you revise your set of criteria to correct these misguided notions?

 The wrong idea or notion of freedom as “doing anything I want” is that doing
things with no inhibitions whether it is good or bad. To revise the set of
criteria to correct these misguided notions is that freedom is set to do good
things to be truly called free and achieve freedom. All should be mindful
enough to know what is good and what is not. Living morally by following
Jesus Christ in our daily lives is the authentic human freedom we all need to
achieve to be truly free and being able to do all we desire with the knowledge
and guidance of how He live and how he showed goodness to us people.

“Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?”

If I will assess myself if I am a thermometer leader or a thermostat kind way of a leader, I

would be the thermostat leader. I have lots of experiences that I became a leader in school
works like projects or simple activity. I could say when I saw my groupmates, I kind of also
assess my co members their attitudes and how they handle things such as stress and when
they are under pressure. Which is one of the characteristics of a thermostat leader. I am also a
leader in our research project. My co members are not so familiar in some stuff regarding the
said topic and I kind of listen to their concerns and questions and give them some directions
on how to properly do stuff correctly and give them trust and to give them confidence to
showcase their hidden talents. In a team situation, we can’t deny that there would be conflicts
and misunderstanding. I often lead them to always remember to have fun while doing the
task. We could not achieve a wonderful result if it is out of anger and yelling. The most
essence of the team is always having a good time with your groupmates. But no one is a
perfect leader. I myself will agree on it because at some point I am literally a mess and
sometimes I couldn’t take control of the surroundings. But I choose to calm myself down and
focus on the things needed to be done. To be a great leader, one should be quick but also
doesn’t forget the purpose and the mission while having fun.

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