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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 1

Lesson 2 – Percussion Instruments


First Period (International)

(W) Marching  (5 minutes)

The teacher opens up the class by inviting everyone to sing and dance to the tune of "Walking, Walking". Their
mov ements will reveal thei ability to respond to the beat of the song which becomes faster towards the end of
the song. 

(W/I) Class Discussion (23 minutes)

The teacher will ask the students to sit down in a circle and carefully listen to the different percussion

He will show each of the percussion instrument, and will name them one by one until everybody can identify
each of them by their picture and by the sound they produce. 

The students will then be given a chance to use the instruments one by one so they will know how to use them
when assigned to them in the future. 

(W) Clean Up (2 minutes) 

The teacher will then ask the help of the students to return the percussion instruments and put the classroom
into order as they sing "Clean Up"

2nd Period (Bilingual and International)

(W) - Review about the Percussion Instruments (5 minutes)

The teacher will show the percussion instruments one by one and ask the students to name them.

(W) Watch Percussion Pizza (5 minutes)

To give the students an idea of how the class should do with the playing of the percussions, he will first
show  them the video of the Percussion Pizza

W/G/I - Percussion Instrument Time (15 minutes)

The students will then be assigned with different percussion instruments. 

Each of them should make sound their instruments properly so as not to damage it, and so as not to create
unnecessary sound. 

The teacher will then ask the students to imitate with their instruments the sound or rhythm that he will make
with his instrument. 

Then the teacher will play rhythm  through the music player and ask individuals or groups to play their percussion
at specific timing. 

I - Clean Up Song  (3 minutes)

The students will then sing "Clean Up" while returning their instruments to their proper places. 

In order to put them to their respective places, the students will match their instrument with the picture that is
drawn placed on the cabinet.

W - Goodbye Song (2 minutes)

The class ends with the students imitating the action in the "Bye Bye Goodbye" song. 


Period 1 - International 

W- The Chicken Dance (5 minutes)

The students will dance to the tune of "The Chicken Dance" imitating the actions of the children in the video. 

A maracas will be placed in the middle of three students to serve as marker for their circle. They should not step
on it while dancing and turning around. 

The song well get faster and faster, and so also the movement of the students. 

Then the teacher will remind the students to take care of the percussion instruments in the music room, just as
they have done in the dance. 

(I) Aural Activity and Visual Activity  (15 minutes) 

The teacher will then show the instruments one by one and ask the students to name them one by one. 

The teacher will then ask the students to close their eyes and listen to the sound that he will make.

He will then ask individuals to tell him the name of the percussion he sounded. 

(W) - Percussion and Beat (10 minutes) 

Then the teacher will distribute different percussion instruments and   flash on the screen a notation indicating
when a particular instruments should sound  TA on their percussion. 

The symbols for the percussions are as follows:   B = Bells, C- Clapper, D= Drums, G = Gong, M = maracacs, T
-Triangle,  and X = xylophone.

Period 2 - Bilingual/International 

(W) - A Short Review (15 minutes)

The teacher will give a short review on the symbol for quarter note (ta) and the symbol for quarter rest (sh)

The class will also have a short review on the different percussion instruments.

The teacher will flash on the screen  different instruments  and will ask the instruments to say YES if it is
percussion and NO if it is not. 

(I) - UNIT QUIZ  (15 minutes)

Part I - Encircle all the TA and draw   a box around the SH. (10 points)

Part II - Color the Percussion Instruments. (10 points) 


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