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Name : Intan Muchtar Sanusi

Program : S2-English Education

English Instructional Technology

Analyse the students by using Addie Model.

1. Jenny
 Analysis
 Jenny is 18 years old.
 She has computer since she was a child.
 She is familiar with the technology.
 She wants to enhance her skills to be successful in University.
 Design
 Teach her by using kinds of technology, such as video or audio.
 Development
 Make a video for teaching, so she can learn the materials everywhere.
 Make a motivation video also is good to grow her eager to be successful.
2. Sally
 Analysis
 Sally is a computer programmer.
 She has four dependent children.
 She only can study in lunch time and odd periods, such as waiting for a train.
 She thinks that essay writing is hard.
 Design
 Teach her by using kinds of technology, such as video.
 Development
 Make a tutorial video about how to make a good essay.
 Give her a jumble sentence as the ice breaking and critical thinking that has
relationship with writing essay.
 Give her some interesting video and ask her to give her opinion.
3. Peter
 Analysis
 Peter is 17 years old.
 He is familiar with the technology.
 He like photography.
 Most of his activities of using technology is just for fun.
 He wants to explore and utilize more about application that can help him in
his college activity.
 Design
 Give him several trusted resources from Google.
 Give him guidelines or tips Video.
 Development
 Teach him how to find the reliable information from the internet.
 We can give him guidelines or tips Video, how to know the trustworthy
website to be his resources.
 We can give him several trusted resources from Google which is appropriate
with his college materials.
4. Caroline
 Analysis
 Caroline is University student.
 She has ambition to finish her study quick and getting a job.
 She took distance learning to reduce a cost.
 Around one year of studying, she was hit by a debilitating illness.
 She really likes to have an occupation.
 She decided to continue her M.Sc in science.
 Design
 Give her some kinds of software technology.
 Give her the video of teaching or motivation.
 Teach her by using video conference.
 Development
 She can use specialist software which can help her to do her college activities.
 She can develop her skill in technology even though she is sick.
 She can learn by using video conference with lecturers, watching the teaching
video or motivation video to keep continue and finished her study.
5. Yusuf
 Analysis
 Yusuf is 34 years old.
 He is University student.
 He works full time.
 He is married and has two young children.
 He does not familiar with laptop or computer.
 He has a problem with time management.
 Design
 Give him the tutorial video and teaching video.
 Development
 We give him the video tutorial about using laptop or computer.
 We give him the teaching video or assignment that can be opened in all
devices include phone. So, it is more practical.

6. Annette
 Analysis
 Annette is University student.
 She has children which is familiar with the computer.
 She does not know how to operate computer.
 She loves reading.
 Design
 Give her the procedure text
 Tutorial video and teaching video.
 Development
 We give him the procedure text about how to operate computer, because
she loves reading.
 We give him the tutorial video.
 We give him the online teaching video.
7. Stephen
 Analysis
 Stephen uses technology in his daily life.
 He has recently started a course of part-time study which is completely web-
 He has hearing impairment.
 Design
 Power point presentation
 Teaching video with the translate.
 Development
 We give him the power point presentation, so he can read the material
 We give him the teaching video with the translate, so he is more understand
with the explanation.

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