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In the Name of Allah, The

Kind, Most Merciful, Most


Numerical Analysis
Numerical Method

Numerical methods is an area of study in mathematics that

discusses the solutions to various mathematical problems involving
and find root through approximations rather than exact solution

The first numerical analysis is Babylonian approximation.

Needs of Numerical Method
 No analytical solution exists
 An analytical solution is difficult to obtain or not practical
 Finding roots
 solving equations quadratic equation 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0 is easy The
−𝑏± 𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑐
quadratic formula 𝑥 = provides a quick answer to all
quadratic equations. However, no exact general solution (formula) exists
for equations with exponent greater than 4.
 Even if “exact” procedures existed, we are stuck with the problem that a
computer can only represent a finite number of values… thus, we cannot
“validate” our answer because it will not come out exactly However we
can say how accurate our solution is as compared to the “exact” solution

 Transcendental equations: solution of equation involving

Transcendental functions (sin, cos log, exp) becomes more complex.
These equations cannot be reduced to solution of a polynomial.
 Many models can not be solved analytically or the analytic solution is
too costly to be practical.
 All models can be solved computationally and the result may not be the
exact answer but it can be useful.
Solution of Nonlinear Equations
Some simple equations can be solved analytically:
x2  4x  3  0
4 4 2  4(1)(3)
Analytic solution roots 
x  1 and x  3

Many other equations have no analytical solution:

x  2 x  5  0
9 2 
x  No analytic solution
xe 

Applications of Numerical Method in Real life

 Usually used in computer science for root algorithm.

 To determine profit and loss in the company.
 Used for Multidimensional root finding.
 Solving practical technical problems using scientific and
mathematical tools
 solving Heat equation.
 Solving Crime Detection problems
 Network Simulation
 Train and Traffic signal
 Weather prediction
Estimation of Ocean Currents : Numerical Method is used to
estimate the value of Ocean Currents. It make a model of ocean
Modeling of Airplane : Numerical simulations are performed for a
prototype aircraft wing. A method for predicting aircraft flying
qualities using neural networks pilot model
Reference Books

 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, H.K Das

 Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis, S, S Sastry
 Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig E. Kreyszig
 Numerical Methods for Engineers with software and Programming Applications
by Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale
 Engineering Mathematics by K. A. Stroud Dexter J. Booth
 Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Ken F. Riley, Mike P.
Hobson, Stephen J. Bence
 Numerical Analysis by Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires
 Introduction to Numerical Analysis by F. B. Hildebrand
May Allah Bless Us

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