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The 6th International Seminar on Science Education 2020

Enhancing Quality of Science Education through Innovative Research for
Sustainable Development Goals

Saturday-Sunday, 28th – 29th November 2020

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


Brief Contents
COVER ....................................................................................................................................... i

BRIEF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. ii

ABOUT ISSE........................................................................................................................... xii

ISSE 2020 COMMITTEE....................................................................................................... xiii


WELCOMING MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF ISSE 2019 ................................ xvi

BIOGRAPHY OF KEYNOTE SPEAKERS ......................................................................... xvii

BIOGRAPHY OF MAIN SEMINAR MODERATORS ........................................................ xix

TECHNICAL GUIDELINES .................................................................................................. xx

FULL RUNDOWN OF THE 6th ISSE 2020 ......................................................................... xxv

THE SCHEDULE OF THE PARALLEL SESSION .......................................................... xxvii

Abstract of Keynote Speakers

Education for Sustainable Development in Chemistry and Science Education: The Concepts
and Recent Implications............................................................................................................. 1
Physics in Climate Change Education ....................................................................................... 2
Designing a contemporary STEM curriculum ........................................................................... 3
Contemporary Science Practice in Schools ............................................................................... 4

Abstract of Oral Presenters

Implementation of small-scale chemistry lab to improve students cognitive abilities on the
subtopic of colloid properties..................................................................................................... 4
Teacher needs analysis on the development of android-based chemistry learning media ........ 5
Learning activities based on learning cycle 7E model: chemistry teachers’ perspective .......... 6
Profiles of e-modules android-based usage in the chemistry learning process: chemical
equilibrium ................................................................................................................................. 7

Teacher’s difficulties for developing HOTS assessment instrument on reaction rate ............... 8
Chemistry teacher's perception about their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge
(TPACK) .................................................................................................................................... 9
How is student scientific attitude profile toward chemistry learning with REORCILEA? ..... 10
Chemistry learning anxiety scale: a scale development .......................................................... 11
Research-oriented collaborative inquiry learning (REORCILEA) model: students' analytical
thinking ability in high school chemistry learning .................................................................. 12
Profile of the attitude of caring toward environment of students at high school adiwiyata in
Wonosobo ................................................................................................................................ 13
Students’ attitudes toward chemistry: gender and grades ........................................................ 14
Profil of pre-service chemistry teachers’ attitude to chemistry laboratory: a case in chemistry
education .................................................................................................................................. 15
A comparative study on high school students’ self-efficacy toward chemistry ...................... 16
Profile of pre-service chemistry teacher self-efficacy: a case on rate of reaction topic .......... 17
Survey of eleventh graders’ scientific argumentation skill on salt hydrolysis ........................ 18
Need analysis of guided inquiry-based electronic module using virtual laboratory ................ 19
Learning media based on 3D-Pageflip to find students motivation level: Learning chemistry
context ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Teaching tools-based socio-scientific issues on acid-base topic in high school chemistry: a
needs analysis........................................................................................................................... 21
Comparison of students perception science majors regarding learning motivation by gender in
the online learning processs ..................................................................................................... 22
Design of blended learning integrated with peer tutor model for graduate students in new
normal era: a literature study ................................................................................................... 23
Developing android-based media for evaluating chemical literacy of class X students .......... 24
The effect of android-based learning media on student cognitive levels in sports physiology25
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the Improvement of Student’ Academic and Non-
Academic Achievement ........................................................................................................... 26
Management of Teaching Factory ........................................................................................... 27
Improving Learning Motivation And The Ability To Categorate Livings With Think Pair Share
Learning Model ........................................................................................................................ 28
Understanding the Mathematics Concepts In Senior High School Students of Covid-19 Era 29

Mathematical abstraction ability of junior high school students on function viewed from gender
.................................................................................................................................................. 30
Effectiveness of correspondence learning through google classroom as one of the distance
learning media in the covid-19 pandemic era .......................................................................... 31
Analysis the effect of using smartphone based learning media to improve students’ critical
thinking skills ........................................................................................................................... 32
Physics graphical representation test of straight motion kinematics based on boti boat local
wisdom: development and validity .......................................................................................... 33
Developing whiteboard animation video through local wisdom on work and energy materials
as physics learning solutions during the covid-19 pandemic................................................... 34
Implementation of finite state machine (fsm) in arabic language education 3D game ........... 35
Development of self-efficacy instrument for creative thinking skill physics material assisted by
google form .............................................................................................................................. 36
Students' data literacy ability in physics using the physics e-module integrated with the values
of Pancasila during the covid-19.............................................................................................. 37
The teacher's necessity for a diagnostic test to detect student weaknesses in learning physics in
offline and online classes during the covid-19 pandemic ........................................................ 38
Developing simple hydrostatic pressure experiment kit to determine fluid density ................ 39
Integration of landslide disaster education as an efforts to improve disaster preparedness in
Magelang regency .................................................................................................................... 40
Physcrisrel-cbt to assess physics critical thinking skills of senior high school students: a
feasibility study ........................................................................................................................ 41
Development of physics learning media assisted by adobe animate as online learning aid .... 42
A diagnostic test instrument to measure students' physics data literacy skills during the covid-
19 pandemic ............................................................................................................................. 43
Problem-based learning tools assisted by google classroom on momentum and impulse ..... 44
Integration of volcanic eruption disaster education with physics learning process to improve
students’ preparedness disaster in Magelang regency ............................................................. 45
Implementation of item response theory at final exam test in physics learning: rasch model
study ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Student worksheet based on e-learning development to improve problem-solving skills of class
X MAN 3 Yogyakarta students in the 2019/2020 ................................................................... 47
Developing physics digital literacy skill diagnostic test assisted by google form for senior high
school students ......................................................................................................................... 48

Implementation of android-based physics learning media in increasing high school students'
curiosity.................................................................................................................................... 49
The level of critical thinking ability of student in learning using learning media based on adobe
animate ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Direct and indirect measurement of magnetic field strength in solenoids as practicum tools . 51
Physics learning instruction based on the conceptual change model for senior high schools . 52
Development of audio visual media for distance learning....................................................... 53
Learning physics with worksheet assisted augmented reality: the impacts on student’s verbal
representation ........................................................................................................................... 54
Computer-based two-tier diagnostic test (CBT) to identify critical thinking skills................. 55
The influence of using student worksheets assisted by augmented reality toward students’
creative thinking ability ........................................................................................................... 56
Identification creative thinking skill in work and energy (CTSWAE) of K-10 students’
sundanese tribe with rasch analysis model : a case study ....................................................... 57
Identifying the drawbacks of the problem-solving abilities by using a three-tier diagnostic test
with google form assistant ....................................................................................................... 58
Critical thinking ability through augmented reality assisted worksheets ................................ 59
Developing an e-module physics-based kvisoft flipbook maker to enhance the concept of
understanding for the senior high school student .................................................................... 60
The effectiveness of PBL assisted google classroom to scientific literacy in physics learning
.................................................................................................................................................. 61
Smartphone-based learning media on microscope topic for high school students .................. 62
The effectiveness of using worksheet with the PBL model through google classrooms to
improve critical thinking skills during the covid-19 pandemic ............................................... 63
Development of interactive physics learning media using smartphone integrated with pancasila
values on optical instrument .................................................................................................... 64
The Effect of e-learning based worksheet to improve problem solving ability of class X Man 3
Yogyakarta students for 2019/2020 academic year ................................................................. 65
Graphical representation skills in online learning during COVID -19 pandemic through
augmented reality assisted student worksheets ........................................................................ 66
The effect of contextual physics teaching materials assisted by an android-based virtual lab to
improve students' conceptual understanding during the covid-19 pandemic .......................... 67
The Effectiveness of STEM-based student worksheets to improve student’s data literacy .... 68

Developing kvisoft flipbook maker-based physics e-module to build on critical thinking skills
of senior high school students .................................................................................................. 69
Multimedia learning module (MLM) with hologram simulation to improve students'
mathematical representation ability ......................................................................................... 70
Dissemination of online diagnostic test instrument to diagnose high school students’
mathematical representation ability: the case of work and energy .......................................... 71
The application of contextual physics teaching materials assisted by android-based virtual labs
to improve students' science process skills during the learning activities in covid-19 pandemic
.................................................................................................................................................. 72
The effect of using the e-module assisted by the kvisoft flipbook maker in improving students'
critical thinking skills during the covid-19 pandemic.............................................................. 73
The implementation of whiteboard animation video based on local wisdom in work and energy
concept to improve students learning interest for SMA/MA ................................................... 74
Development of STEM-PBL based worksheets with phet simulation to improve student’s
problem solving during the covid-19 pandemic ...................................................................... 75
Development of physics diagnostic test online website (PhyDTOWeb) instrument to diagnose
problem solving ability of high school students ...................................................................... 76
The implementation of audio visual media in problem based learning model to improve the
problem solving skills .............................................................................................................. 77
Multimedia learning module (MLM) with hologram simulation to improve diagrammatic
representation skills of students ............................................................................................... 78
PAMCI: developing and analyzing students’ problem solving ability to support STEM using
rasch analysis ........................................................................................................................... 79
Effective learning strategies in biology online learning for anticipate pandemic covid-19: a
literature review ....................................................................................................................... 80
How can scientific approach enhancing student's curiosity and learning outcomes in science
learning .................................................................................................................................... 81
Critical thinking skills of high school students on biology subject during online learning:
gender perspective ................................................................................................................... 82
Integration of knowledge technology and content pedagogy (TPACK) in pre-service science
teachers: literature review ........................................................................................................ 83
Analysis of the potential use of the STEM approach in biology lessons refers to developments
of science in Indonesia: meta-analysis ..................................................................................... 84
Development of virtual laboratory in biology learning: a literature review ............................ 85

The reflective judgment and argumentation skills profile of senior high school students’ in
biology leaning obtained by an essay test ................................................................................ 86
Analysis of science process skills of senior high school students in Kebumen regency on the
subject of environmental change ............................................................................................. 87
The use of comic media based on edutainment to increase students’ reading interest ............ 88
Preliminary study: the profile of critical and creative thinking of the biology undergraduate
program students of yogyakarta state university ..................................................................... 89
A systemic review of human, organization, technology (HOT) -fit evaluation model ........... 90
Identification of critical thinking skills on problem-based learning based on endemic flora and
fauna in Bengkulu .................................................................................................................... 91
Analysis of difficulties and characteristics item test on biology national standard school
examination .............................................................................................................................. 92
Analysis of biology teacher’s understanding in Lebak regency towards environmental literacy
based on teaching experience................................................................................................... 93
The values of local wisdom in East Belitung, maras taun as a learning source of biodiversity
and character development for high school students ............................................................... 94
Implementation of environmental-based schools in the Adiwiyata program: a literature review
.................................................................................................................................................. 95
Empowering critical thinking and problem solving skills through contextual teaching and
learning in biology ................................................................................................................... 96
Practical skills of Pakistani and Indonesian students a comparative analysis ......................... 97
Making greenbox effect simulator learning media to increase understanding the concept of
greenhouse effect ..................................................................................................................... 98
The learning effect using online instrument to the ocean literacy and problem-solving in the
mangrove ecosystem study ...................................................................................................... 99
Evaluation of online learning program for biology in Yogyakarta State Madrasah Aliyah during
the covid-19 pandemic ........................................................................................................... 100
Biology teachers’ understanding of argument-driven inquiry and think pair share learning
model based on the educational background and teachers’ experience ................................. 101
Profile of biology teachers understanding on Social-Scientific Issues (SSI) in Bantul Regency
based on teaching experiences and gender ............................................................................ 102
Factual and conceptual knowledge of biology teachers regarding of the discovery learning and
team assisted individualization model ................................................................................... 103
Portrait of metacognitive awareness of prospective biology teacher of Malang State University
through study journal on lesson study based learning ........................................................... 104

Understanding of biology teachers in using ict-based learning media in Babat Toman District
................................................................................................................................................ 105
Student interaction, teacher competence, and technology in creating a meaningful online
learning environment ............................................................................................................. 106
Stimulation of cognitive activities through modeling example in biogeochemical cycle learning
................................................................................................................................................ 107
Increasing students’ learning motivation through android-base biology educational game with
e-module during covid-19 pandemic ..................................................................................... 108
Student’s misconception profile of first semester 10th grade on biology ............................. 109
Analysis of research instruments: online learning using of gadgets in biology learning to
student learning interests........................................................................................................ 110
The potential of earthworms (lumbricus sp.) morphology in Anrelli Village, kulo district as an
environment-based biology learning resource ....................................................................... 111
How is the level of preparedness of grade XII high school students in facing disaster? ....... 112
Adiwiyata program implementation in inculcating environmental care characters: a literature
review ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Effective mathematics teacher of high school and influencing factors in Central Lombok, West
Nusa Tenggara ....................................................................................................................... 114
Augmented reality learning media in biology learning during the covid -19 pandemic: student
acceptance .............................................................................................................................. 115
The Implementation of the scientific approach: should the scientific approach be used in
biology learning? ................................................................................................................... 116
The role of ICT literacy for ICT self-efficacy and ar experiences on pre-service science teacher
................................................................................................................................................ 117
Assessing high school students’ scientific argumentation skills on salt hydrolysis .............. 118
Natural science teachers perception on subject specific pedagogy integrated earthquake disaster
mitigation ............................................................................................................................... 119
Development of ORSAEV model learning materials based on role-playing of against flood
disaster mitigation preparedness, anxiety and enjoyment of junior high school ................... 120
Energy literacy of junior high school students in Indonesia : a preliminary study................ 121
The basic science process skills of new learners in general biology course .......................... 122
An analysis on the need for developing pbl-based e-modules utilizing virtual laboratory on
digestive system material ....................................................................................................... 123
Chemistry teachers ‘perspectives on virtual STEM laboratories as learning media ............. 124

Examining high school students' ill-structured problem solving skills on chemistry problems
related to the covid-19 ........................................................................................................... 125
Turning crisis into opportunity: Indonesian chemistry teachers' perceptions of socio-scientific
issues in covid-19 ................................................................................................................... 126
Reading interest level in primary school teachers based on the implementation of the school
literacy movement in depok city ............................................................................................ 127
Inclusive elementary school evaluation program: A CIPP model approach ......................... 128
Review a trending and interesting topic of ‘Aloe vera: healthy lifestyle trends through
functional food consumption’ in science learning ................................................................. 129
Development of PIAUD Science Learning Media (PSLM) based on Wonosobo Local Wisdom
................................................................................................................................................ 130
Expert views on the depth of ecological concepts at the elementary and middle school levels
................................................................................................................................................ 131
The analysis of initial achievement of crosscutting concept: cause-effect and critical thinking
of Junior School Students in ceramics crafts-integrated natural science learning ................. 132
A premilinary study of students initial technology and engineering literacy ........................ 133
Causing of student misconception analysis in work and energy concept .............................. 134
Online science learning implementation during the covid-19 pandemic at SMP N 1 Singorojo
................................................................................................................................................ 135
Group investigation to improve science at primary school ................................................... 136
Exploring students’ decision-making ability in the context of socio-scientific issues .......... 137
IoT: is it suitable for game based learning on science middle school? .................................. 138
The student's knowledge of volcanic eruption mitigation in Magelang Regency ................. 139
Profile of scientific literacy in student’s SMPN 1 Kesamben with local potential toga village
................................................................................................................................................ 140
Development of STS IPA learning tools integrated local potential of kacang Shanghai to
increase critical thinking skills and technology literacy: a literature review ......................... 141
The effect of principal supervision on teacher teaching skills improvement ........................ 142
Persception graduates science education in socio scientific issues related with scientific
communiction and critical atittude......................................................................................... 143
Increasing students’ interest in learning through local potential integrated science ............. 144
Multimode learning with higher order thinking skills in pandemic covid-19 era ................. 145
Teacher’s perspective on integration of traditional games as media science learning in junior
high school ............................................................................................................................. 146

Developing a online mobile based diagnostic instrument to identify misconceptions for junior
high school students ............................................................................................................... 147
Awareness toward covid-19 among junior high school student: a questionnaire based survey
................................................................................................................................................ 148
Students' perceptions of the full-day school application: Its relationship toward science learning
motivation .............................................................................................................................. 149
Pandemic era education support technology: the potential for augmented reality in science
learning .................................................................................................................................. 150
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA) learning media on lens experiment simulation
................................................................................................................................................ 151
Profile about initial soft skills understanding of pre-service science teachers’ ..................... 152
A quantitative analysis of Indonesian junior high school science textbooks for scientific literacy
themes .................................................................................................................................... 153
Analysis of the needs for science e-book Tri Pusat Pendidikan (three education center)
approach for junior high school students ............................................................................... 154
Students’ environmental literacy understanding in science learning at Indonesia: a preliminary
study ....................................................................................................................................... 155
Science learning and environment: analysis of student’s scientific literacy based on
Indonesia’s waste problem ..................................................................................................... 156
Augmented reality based on learning assessment – a scoping review 2011-2020 ................ 157
Interactive e-book in local potention-integrated natural science contextual teaching & learning
during covid-19 distrubtion to recovery: a literatur review ................................................... 158
Needs analysis of mangrove ecosystem matter in junior high school science learning in
Yogyakarta Special Region.................................................................................................... 159
Advancing students’ environmental sustainability awareness through science mobile learning:
a literature review .................................................................................................................. 160
The importance of collaboration skill in mitigation earthquake learning: a literature review
................................................................................................................................................ 161
Type the title of your paper here survey of junior high school student’s critical thinking skills
based local potential of making kempul/gong reyog in Ponorogo ........................................ 162
Correlation between students’ problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding .......... 163
The influence of the discovery learning model on student’s learning outcomes of momentum
and impulse fundamental material ......................................................................................... 164
Awareness and preparedness of natural disasters based on students perception among junior
high school of Cirebon City, Province of West Java, Indonesia ........................................... 165

The effectiveness of aquascape media as a learning aid for the interaction of living things with
the environment to improve students' mastery of concepts and communication................... 166
Assessment of critical thinking skills in STEM-based science learning through project
assignments ............................................................................................................................ 167


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as The Global Goals, are a
collection of 17 global goals that aimed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
One of 17 goals in SDGs is “Quality Education (4 th Goal)”. Achieving inclusive and quality
education, especially in science education, is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for
creating sustainable development. The International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) is
the major opportunity each year to discuss the interaction among education sciences in
developing areas for sustainable development within Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Natural
Science areas. It provides a platform for international education practitioners, teaching staff,
researchers, and other stakeholders to learn the major science education trends for achieving
quality science education. Therefore, the seminar intent to keep abreast of the current
development and innovation in the science education area as well as providing an engaging
platform for the participant to share knowledge and expertise in related disciplines.

List of scopes:

1. Integration of Local Wisdom and Potential

2. Concept and Implementation of Scientific and Environmental Literacy
3. Sustainable Environment Education
4. Disaster Mitigation
5. Teaching and Learning Innovation
6. Assessment and Evaluation Development
7. Teaching Materials, Multimedia, and Digital Based Education Technologies
8. Curriculum Development

ISSE 2020 Committee
Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., M.A

Conference Chair
Dr. Paidi, M.Si.

Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Wawan S. Suherman, M.Ed.
Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A

Head of Programme
Dr. Paidi, M.Si. (Biology Education)
Prof. Dr. Hari Sutrisno, M.Si. (Chemistry Education)
Prof. Dr. Jumadi, M.Pd. (Natural Science Education)
Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Si. (Physics Education)

Prof. Dr. Hari Sutrisno, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Eli Rohaeiti, M.Si
Prof. Dr. Dadan Rosana, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Jumadi, M.Pd.
Dr. Paidi, M.Si.
Dr. Insih Wilujeng, M.Pd.
Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, S.Pd.Si., M.Sc.
Dr. Slamet Suyanto, M.Ed.
Dr. Warsono, M.Si.
Dr. Pujianto, M.Pd.
Dr. Agung W. Subiantoro

Organizing Committee
Dr. Antuni Wiyarsi, S.Pd.Si., M.Sc.
Rizqa Devi Anasifa, M.Pd.
Dr. Ixora S. Mercuriani, M.Si.
Nur Aeni Ariyanti, SP., MP., M.Agr.
Dr. Rida Siti Nur’aini Mahmudah, M.Si..
Wipsar Sunu Brams D., S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Purwanti Widhy Hastuti, S.Pd., M.Pd
Dr. Dyah Purwaningsih, S.Si., M.Si.
Rio Christy Handziko, M.Pd.
Putri Anjarsari, M.Pd.
Dr. Anggi Tyas Pratama, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Ardi Ariyanto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Siti Efanah

Student Committee
. Edysyah Putra, S.Pd. Aditya Dirgantara Nugraha, S.Pd.
Zahrotun Nafi’ah, S.Pd. Nurul Azizah, S.Pd.
Ririn Elviana, S.Pd. Ernita Apriani, S.Pd.
Syifana Ayu Maulida, S.Pd. Reza Sarlita, S.Pd.
Muchtar Haryanto Panjaitan, S.Pd. Muhammad Sultani Taufik, S.Pd.
Rahmatullah, S.Pd Isni Nurani, S.Pd.
Musawwir Usman, S.Pd. Muhammad Muhibullah, S.Pd.
Khoirul Huda, S.Pd. Inry Frigita Wohon, S.Pd.
Betzy Ayu Omega Rampean, S.Pd. Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd.
Aza Ayu Din Illahaqi, S.Pd. Inry Frigita Wohon, S.Pd.
Wahyu Hidayatulloh, S.Pd. Anugrah Anang Respati, S.Pd.
Ambrosius Karanggulimu, S.Pd. Afif Oktavia Putri Sakti, S.Pd.
Maulana Malik Irsyad, S.Pd. Yasinta Mahanani Dentalina, S.Pd..
Umar Abdul Labib, S.Pd. Fauzan Kurniawan, S.Pd.
Rika Nuryani Suwarno, S.Pd. Ishadiyanto Salim, S.Pd.
Naning Imroatul Faiza, S.Pd. Rizki Zakwandi, S.Pd.
Sintia Dwi Astiwi, S.Pd. Siti Imroatus Sa’adah, S.Pd.
Dewi Puspo Rini, S.Pd. Dwi Ayuningtyas, S.Pd.
M. Umar Wakhid, S.Pd. Desy Purwasih, S.Pd.
N Alfiana, S.Pd. Durrotun Nasihah Sa’adah, S.Pd.
Fairuzzabadi Amrullah, S.Pd. Desi Ramadhanti, S.Pd.

Conference Secretariat
Graduate School
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Telp. 0274 550836
Fax. 0274 520326

Welcoming Message from The Director of Graduate School
On behalf of Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, I would like to welcome the
invited speakers: (1) Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks (University of Bremen, Germany), (2) Prof. Dr. Lilia
Halim (Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia), (3) Prof. Russell Tytler (Deakin
University, Australia), and Dr. Peta White (Deakin University, Australia) and also all
participants of the 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2020. I would like
also to extend my gratitude for joining this virtual conference with the theme “Enhancing
Quality of Science Education through Innovative Research for Sustainable Development

The conference has become a major forum for the advancement of knowledge related to many
issues in science education and also a lengthy and prideful tradition of inquiry and

The topic of the conference is a very important field in our global. It needs to be discussed
among education sciences in developing areas for sustainable development within Chemistry,
Physics, Biology, and Natural Science areas. It is very essential to achieve a better and more
sustainable global future.

The presented papers present many topics, perspectives, and methodology that stimulate
debates and dialogues so that the proceeding of this conference is resourceful for scholars and
researchers who are interested in science education.

I hope that you find the conference productive and rewarding.

Thank you,
Best Regards
Director of the Yogyakarta State University

Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si.

Welcoming Message from The Committee of ISSE 2020
Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

I would like to extend my gratitude to distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen from various
countries. First of all, please allow me to express my sincere appreciation for keynote speakers
Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks from University Of Bremen, Germany, Prof. Dr. Lilia Halim from
Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, Prof. Russell Tytler from Deakin University,
Australia, and Dr. Peta White from Deakin University, Australia for enormous contributions to
our international seminar. I hope “The 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE
2020)” will realize strengthen our international cooperation on science education.

The ISSE is an annual International Seminar, which is held once a year at Yogyakarta State
University. However, the sixth ISSE is very special, because it was held in the era of the Covid-
19 pandemic, and therefore it is held fully online. Not only parallel session speakers, but the
main speakers also gave their presentations online from their respective cities or residences.

However, through this international seminar, I encourage researchers, lecturers, students, and
academics to actively discuss and exchange opinions, share experiences about science
education. Through this international program, I also hope to provide a good platform to
collaborate with academics, scientists, and practitioners in science education.
I greatly acknowledge our publishing partner, especially IOP Publisher, for their collaborative
support in publishing these seminar proceedings. Lastly, let me express my deepest gratitude
and highest appreciation for all seminar organizers, all of the reviewers, as well as the authors,
committee members, both steering committee and local committee who have been working
really hard for making the success of this ISSE 2020.
Enjoy the seminar. Have insightful discussions, meaningful sharing, and have more academic
connections, and finally, do your best. May God bless us all. Aamien.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Yogyakarta, 28th November 2020

Chairman of the 6th ISSE 2020 Committee,

Paidi Hadiwiyoto


Biography of Keynote Speakers

1. Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks

University Of Bremen, Germany
Ingo Eilks (1968) is a full professor (chair) in chemistry education at the Institute
for Science Education (IDN) at the University of Bremen, Germany, since 2004.
Having been a grammar school teacher for chemistry and mathematics he later
engaged in the domain of chemistry education research and development. His
research interests encompass socio-scientific issues-based science teaching,
education for sustainable development, teaching and learning the particulate
nature of matter, or cooperative learning all for the high school level. For more
than 20 years now these interests are deeply connected to cooperatively working
with teachers following specifically adopted models of action research in science
education. Further research focuses teachers’ beliefs and learning as well as innovations in higher level
chemistry education. Ingo Eilks has written so far about 600 articles, chapters, textbooks, or has co-
edited different books and special issues in international journals (more than 100 in the Web of Science).
He was the co-editor of the first handbook on innovations in higher chemistry education (2009) and of
the first international textbook on chemistry teaching for prospective chemistry teachers (2013). Since
2002, he is one of the organizers of the biannual symposia on chemistry and science education held at
the Universities of Bremen and Dortmund, Germany.

2. Prof. Dr. Lilia Halim

Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Lilia Halim is a professor in Science Education at the Faculty of Education in the
National University of Malaysia. Her research interest and work revolves around
promoting scientific literacy through three main research thrusts; a. Investigating
and developing science teachers pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), b.
propagating pedagogical model for promoting innovative thinking in science and
now known as STEM education and c. exploring the role of nonformal science
learning in the Malaysian context. Lilia was also involved in the roadmap
planning for science and mathematics (2015-2020) for the Regional Science and
Mathematics Centre (RECSAM) in Penang . In addition, she and the team from UKM was involved in
the evaluation of the Malaysian education system that provided inputs to the Malaysian Education
Blueprint 2013-2025. Lilia has also contributed to the resource pack on pedagogies for Girls in STEM
as part of Malaysia/UNESCO –IBE Project, Strengthening STEM Curricula for Girls in Africa and Asia
and the Pacific. In terms of publications, Lilia has written research articles in the science and
mathematics journals and book chapters in publishers such as Kluwer, Springer, Routledge and Sense

3. Prof. Russell Tytler
Alfred Deakin Professor of Science Education, Deakin University
Russell Tytler is Alfred Deakin Professor of Science Education at Deakin
University. Over three decades he has researched extensively with primary
teachers to develop effective approaches to science teaching and learning. He
has researched and written extensively on student learning and reasoning in
science, science investigations, and socio scientific issues. His recent research
interests include the role of representation in learning science, school-
community science links, teacher and school change, and interdisciplinary
approaches to teaching and learning science. He has been involved over many years with system wide
curriculum development and has undertaken a number of influential studies concerning student
engagement with science and mathematics, and STEM policy. His monograph ‘Re-imagining Science
Education’ has been influential in curriculum policy in Australia. He is a member of the Science Expert
Group for PISA 2015 and 2021.

4. Dr. Peta White

Senior Lecturer in Science and Environmental Education, Deakin University,
Peta White is a science and environmental education senior lecturer at Deakin
University. Peta has worked in classrooms, as a curriculum consultant and
manager, and as a teacher educator in several jurisdictions across Canada and
Australia. Peta gained her PhD in Saskatchewan, Canada where she focussed on
learning to live sustainably which became a platform from which to educate
future teachers. Her passion for initial teacher educator, environmental
education/academic activist work, and action-orientated methodologies drives
her current teaching/research scholarship. Peta’s current research interests
follows three directions including science and biology education, sustainability, climate change, and
environmental education, and collaborative/activist research.


Biography of Main Seminar Moderators
Moderator 1:
Nur Aeni Ariyanti, SP., MP., M.Agr., Ph.D.
Lecturer• Department Biology Education • FMIPA UNY
Plant Physiology; Physiology Stress Tolerance
 Bachelor, IPB 2000 - 2004
 Master, UGM 2005 - 2007
 Master, Yamaguchi University 2012 - 2014
 Doctoral, Tottori University 2014 - 2017
 2020 – Metabolome-Based Discrimination Analysis of Shallot Landraces and Bulb Onion
Cultivars Associated with Differences in the Amino Acid and Flavonoid Profiles (Molecules
 2017 – Comparative Study on Phytochemical Variation in Japanese F1 Varieties of Bulb Onions
and South-East Asian Shallot Landraces (The Horticultural Journal)
 2015 – Production and Characterization of Alien Chromosome Addition Lines in Allium
fistulosum carrying extra chromosomes of Allium roylei using Molecular and Cytogenetic
Analyses (Journal Euphytica)

Moderator 2:
Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, S.Si., M.Sc.,Ph.D
Lecturer• Department Physics Education • FMIPA UNY
Nano Physics/Soft Condensed Matter
 Bachelor, UGM 2003
 Master, Bristol University, UK 2006
 Doctoral, Bristol University, UK 2011
 Dwandaru, W.S.B., Pratama, B. W., Wisnuwijaya, R.I., Parwati, L., Khaerudini, D.S.,
Supardi, Suparno. 2020. Mixing of Graphite with X-ray Irradiated Water towards the
Exfoliation of Graphene Layers, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia, 10(4), 548-556.
 Dwandaru, W.S.B., Sari, E.K. 2020.Chicken Bone Wastes as Precursor for Cdots in Olive
Oi, Journal of Physical Science, 31(2), 113-131.
 Dwandaru, W.S.B., Fadli, A.L., Sari, E.K., Isnaeni. 2020. Cdots and Cdots/S Synthesis from
Nam-Nam Fruit (Cynometra cauliflora L.) via Frying Method using Cooking Oil, Digest
Journal of Nanomaterials and Biosstructures, 15(2), 555-560.


Saturday – Sunday, 28th-29th November 2020


All events in this conference, including the opening ceremony, keynote sessions, parallel
sessions, and closing ceremony, will be conducted in the ZOOM virtual meeting. Please find
the ZOOM virtual meeting link for the parallel session in the appendix.

ZOOM virtual meeting link for Presenter:

Date Sessions ZOOM ID, Passcode, and Link Operator

28 - 29th
Opening Ceremony, ID: 924 7944 8686 Name: Umar Abdul
November Keynote Session, and Passcode: 311684 Labib, S.Pd.
Closing Ceremony Link: +62 853 7489 7878

ZOOM virtual meeting link for Participant:

Date Sessions ZOOM ID, Passcode, and Link Operator

28 - 29th
Opening Ceremony, ID: 927 9084 3253 Name: Umar Abdul
November Keynote Session, and Passcode: 999321 Labib, S.Pd.
Closing Ceremony Link: +62 853 7489 7878

The official language for The 6th International Seminar on Science Education (ISSE) 2020 is
English. All presentations including questions and answers (Q&A) must be delivered in English.

1. The only author who presents the paper will receive a “Presenter” certificate.
2. The only participant who attends all sessions at the conference will receive a “Participant”

Saturday – Sunday, 28th-29th November 2020

A. The Opening and The Main Seminar Session

1. The application used for this international conference is the ZOOM Cloud Meetings.
Therefore, please make sure your computer/laptop has the ZOOM Cloud Meetings
application installed. If you have not the application in your gadget, please download it in
the Playstore/Appstore. If you use a computer, make sure you download the application at
the following link:
2. The conference access link will be on the Program Book ISSE 2020 that we sent to the

email that you have registered on The 6th ISSE 2020.

3. The access login for all presenters will be opened 30 minutes earlier before the opening
ceremony starts at 09:30 AM (Western Indonesia Time).
4. Rename your account to the format according to these scope codes:
Room Number_Scope Code_Your Name_Institution

For Example: 1_LWP_Syifana Ayu_UNY

Scope Code
Integration of Local Wisdom and Potential LWP
Concept and Implementation of Scientific and SEL
Environmental Literacy
Sustainable Environment Education SEE
Disaster Mitigation DIM
Teaching and Learning Innovation TLI
Assessment and Evaluation Development AED
Teaching Materials, Multimedia, and Digital Based TMD
Education Technologies Development
Curriculum Development CDV

5. Please change your virtual background by downloading the official background from the
following link:
6. You are requested not to activate the microphone feature during the conference.

7. When the conference is running, you can ask the keynote speakers by using the Q & A
features at the ZOOM chatbox with this format: Name_Institution_Question.
8. The moderators will choose 3 questions to be given to the keynote speakers
9. The moderators have the full rights to run the conference
B. The Parallel Seminar Session
1. Uploading your PowerPoint and video presentation files on your account is mandatory.
2. You have to join your respective rooms according to the scope that has been determined by
the committee.
3. The information related to your ZOOM room can be seen on the Program Book ISSE 2020
that had been sent to your email.
4. Rename your account to the format according to these scope codes:
Room Number_Scope Code_Your Name

For Example: 1_LWP_Syifana Ayu

Scope Code
Integration of Local Wisdom and Potential LWP
Concept and Implementation of Scientific and SEL
Environmental Literacy
Sustainable Environment Education SEE
Disaster Mitigation DIM
Teaching and Learning Innovation TLI
Assessment and Evaluation Development AED
Teaching Materials, Multimedia, and Digital Based TMD
Education Technologies Development
Curriculum Development CDV

5. Your video presentation will be played by the committee and the Q&A session is about 30
minutes after all the video presentation played.
6. The moderators will be choosing the questions to be given to the presenter.
7. The moderators have the full rights to run the conference.

The 6th ISSE 2020 Committee

Saturday – Sunday, 28th-29th November 2020

A. The Opening and The Main Seminar Session

1. The application used for this international conference is the ZOOM Cloud Meetings.
Therefore, please make sure your computer/laptop has the ZOOM Cloud Meetings
application installed. If you have not the application in your gadget, please download
it in the Playstore/Appstore. If you use a computer, make sure you download the
application at the following link:
2. The conference access link will be on the Program Book ISSE 2020 that we sent to

the email that you have registered on The 6th ISSE 2020
3. The access login for all participants will be opened 30 minutes earlier before the
opening ceremony starts at 09:30 AM (Western Indonesia Time).
4. Rename your account to the format:
Room Number_Your Name_Institution
For Example: 1&9_Syifana Ayu_UNY
5. Please change your virtual background by downloading the official background
from the following link:
6. You are requested not to activate the microphone feature during the conference.
7. When the conference is running, you can ask the keynote speakers by using the Q&A
features at the ZOOM chatbox with this format:
8. The moderators will choose 3 questions to be given to the keynote speakers
9. The moderators have the full rights to run the conference

B. The Parallel Seminar Session
1. The parallel seminar is divided into 2 sessions. One session consists of 8 rooms that
have a different scope. Each room limited only to 20 participants, so please choose
your parallel room based on the scope that you are interested in by clicking the
following link:
(Please fill the link using email that you used for the 6th ISSE 2020)

2. The information related to your ZOOM parallel room will be sent to your email on
November 27th, 2020.
3. Rename your account according to these format:
Room Number_Your Name_Institution
For Example: 1&9_Syifana Ayu_UNY
4. The presenter’s video presentation will be played by the committee and the Q&A
session is about 30 minutes after all the video presentation played
5. You can give the question while the video presentation is played by writing down in
the ZOOM chatbox with this format: Name_Institution_Question.
6. The moderators will be choosing the questions to be given to the presenter
7. The moderators have the full rights to run the conference


The 6th ISSE 2020 Committee

THE 6th ISSE 2020

Saturday, 28th November, 2020
1 09.00-09.30 Registration (1st Day) 30 minutes
Opening Ceremony by Master of Ceremony 5 minutes
National Anthem (Indonesia Raya) 5 minutes
Welcoming Speech by Chairman of The 6th ISSE 2020 10 minutes
Welcoming Speech by Director of Postgraduate Program
10 minutes
2 09.30-10.30 UNY: Prof. Dr. Suyanta, M.Si.
Welcoming Speech by Dean of Mathematics and Natural
10 minutes
Science Faculty UNY: Prof. Dr. Ariswan, M.Si.
Opening Speech by Rector UNY 10 minutes In Zoom
Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., M.A. Meeting
Traditional Dance 10 minutes Room
3 10.30-10.40 Prepare Moderator Session 1 10 minutes (Main)
Introduce Moderator Session 1 by Master of Ceremony.
10.40-10.45 5 minutes
Moderator: Nur Aeni Ariyanti, SP., MP., M.Agr., Ph.D.
10.45-10.50 Opening Session by moderator 5 minutes
Presentation from Keynote Speaker 1:
4 10.50-11.30 40 minutes
Prof. Russell Tytler (Deakin University, Australia)
Presentation from Keynote Speaker 2:
11.30-12.10 40 minutes
Dr. Peta White (Deakin University, Australia)
12.10-12.40 Discussion Session for Keynote Speaker 1&2 30 minutes
5 12.40-13.20 Break 40 minutes Break
6 13.20-13.30 Prepare Moderator Session 2 10 minutes
Introduce Moderator Session 1 by Master of Ceremony
13.30-13.35 Moderator: Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, S.Si., 5 minutes
M.Sc., Ph.D.
13.35-13.40 Opening Session by moderator 5 minutes
Presentation from Keynote Speaker 3: In Zoom
13.40-14.20 Prof. Dr. Lilia Halim 40 minutes Meeting
(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) Room
14.20-14.40 Discussion Session for Invited Speaker 3 20 minutes (Main)
Presentation from Keynote Speaker 4:
14.40-15.20 Prof. Dr. Ingo Eilks 40 minutes
(University of Bremen, Germany)
15.20-15.40 Discussion Session for Invited Speaker 4 20 minutes
8 15.40-15.50 Announcement by Master of Ceremony 10 minutes

Sunday, 29th November, 2020
1 09.00-09.30 Registration (2nd Day) 30 minutes
2 09.30-10.00 Prepare Participants Presentation (Parallel Session 1) 30 minutes
10.00-10.05 Directing participants 5 minutes In Zoom
10.05-10.10 Opening by moderator 5 minutes Meeting
Paper Room
3 10.10-11.10 Presentation 60 minutes (Parallel)
11.10-11.40 Discussion 30 minutes
11.40-11.45 Closing by moderator 5 minutes
4 11.45-12.45 Break 60 minutes Break
5 12.45-13.15 Prepare Participants Presentation (Parallel Session 2) 30 minutes
13.15-13.20 Directing participants 5 minutes In Zoom
13.20-13.25 Opening by moderator 5 minutes Meeting
6 13.25-14.25 Presentation 60 minutes Room
Presentation (Parallel)
14.25-14.55 Discussion 30 minutes
14.55-15.00 Closing by moderator 5 minutes
7 15.00-15.10 Break 10 minutes Break
8 15.10-15.15 Announcement for Best Presenter 5 minutes In Zoom
9 15.15-15.25 Closing Speech by Chairman of The 6th ISSE 2020 10 minutes
10 15.25-15.30 Closing Ceremony by Master of Ceremony 5 minutes (Main)


Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Integration of Local Wisdom and Potential
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Rizqa Devi Anazifa, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 997 3140 6959
Operator : Khoirul Huda, S.Pd Pass : 612398

No Presenter Code Paper Title

Profile of scientific literacy in student’s SMPN 1
1 Khoirul Huda LWP1
Kesamben with local potential toga village
The Values of Local Wisdom in East Belitung,
Maras Taun as a Learning Source of Biodiversity
2 Christine Juliana LWP2
and Character Development for High School
Development of PIAUD Science Learning Media
3 Nugroho Prasetya Adi LWP3
(PSLM) Based on Wonosobo Local Wisdom
The analysis of initial achievement of crosscutting
concept: cause-effect and critical thinking of
4 Yustar Afif Priambodo LWP4
Junior School Students in ceramics crafts-
integrated natural science learning
Development of STS IPA Learning Tools
Integrated Local Potential of Kacang Shanghai to
5 Zahrotun Nafi'ah LWP5
Increase Critical Thinking Skills and Technology
Literacy: A Literature Review
Increasing Students’ Interest in Learning Through
6 Wilda Muhimmatun Nisa' LWP6
Local Potential Integrated Science
Teacher’s Perspective on Integration of
7 Dwi Lestari Handayani LWP7 Traditional Games as Media Science Learning in
Junior High School
Interactive E-book in Local Potention-integrated
Natural Science Contextual Teaching & Learning
8 Rika Nuryani Suwarno LWP8
during COVID-19 Distrubtion to Recovery: A
Literatur Review
Survey Of Junior High School Student’s critical
9 Aisyah Nurul Janah LWP9 thinking skills Based Local Potential Of Making
Kempul/Gong Reyog In Ponorogo
Student's Data Literacy Ability in Physics using
10 Endah Kartika LWP10 The Physics E-Module Integrated with The Values
of Pancasila during The Covid-19

Parallel Session 1

Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : - Disaster Mitigation
- Teaching and Learning Innovation
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Dina, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 997 3140 6959
Operator : Afif Oktavia Putri Sakti, S.Pd Pass : 612398
No Presenter Code Paper Title
The Student's Knowledge of Volcanic Eruption
1 Nungki Febriliana Wardaya DIM1
Mitigation in Magelang Regency
Science Teachers Perception on Subject Specific
2 Maya Izzatus Shofa DIM2 Pedagogy Integrated Earthquake Disaster
Awareness and preparedness of natural disasters
based on students perception among junior high
3 Mohammad Abdul Khafid DIM3
school of Cirebon City, Province of West Java,
Integration of volcanic eruption disaster education
4 Mufida Miftahul Jannah DIM4 with physics learning process to improve students’
preparedness disaster in Magelang Regency
Integration of landslide disaster education as an
5 Herawati DIM5 efforts to improve disaster preparedness in
Magelang regency
The importance of collaboration skills in mitigation
6 Septiana Sandra Saputri DIM6
earthquake learning: a literature review
How Is the Level of Preparedness of Grade XII
7 Nurvianti DIM7
High School Students in Facing Disaster?
Awareness Toward COVID-19 Among Junior
8 Mira Pratiwi DIM8 High School Student: A Questionnaire Based
The level of critical thinking ability of student in
Theofilus Gratiamus
9 TLI1 learning using learning media based on adobe
Multimode learning with higher order thinking
10 Yuli Arti TLI2
skills in pandemic covid-19 era
How is Student Scientific Atttitude Profile toward
11 Yuyum Fahmidani TLI3
Chemistry Learning with REORCILEA?

Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020
Scope : Teaching Materials, Multimedia and Digital Based Education
Technologies Development
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Dr. Dyah Purwaningsih, S.Si., M.Si ID : 997 3140 6959
Operator : Ernita Apriani, S.Pd Pass : 612398
No Presenter Code Paper Title
IoT: Is it suitable for game based learning on
1 Arsy Husnanda TMD1
science middle school?
Direct and Indirect Measurement of Magnetic
2 Tugu Arip Pianto TMD2
Field Strength in Solenoids as Practicum Tools
Teaching tools-based socio-scientific issues on
3 Ulfa Rahma Ainul Fikria TMD3 acid-base topic in high school chemistry: a needs
Expert Views on the Depth of Ecological Concepts
4 Susanti Wulandari TMD4
at the Elementary and Middle School Levels
Implementation of Finite State Machine (FSM) in
5 Chakim Annubaha TMD5
Arabic Language Education 3D Game
Smartphone-based learning media on microscope
6 Nuraini Nadhiroh TMD6
topic for high school students
Profiles of e-modules android-based usage in the
7 Muhamad Al Rasyid TMD7
chemistry learning process: chemical equilibrium
The Role of ICT Literacy for ICT Self-Efficacy
8 Astian Artiningsih TMD8 and AR Experiences on Pre-Service Science
The influence of using student worksheets assisted
9 Ernita Apriani TMD9 by augmented reality toward students’ creative
thinking ability
Student worksheet based on e-learning
development to improve problem-solving skills of
10 Muh. Al Ihwan TMD10
class X MAN 3 Yogyakarta students in the

Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Concept and Implementation of Scientific and Environmental Literacy
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Nur Fitriyana, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 997 3140 6959
Operator : Musawwir Usman, S.Pd Pass : 612398
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Developing simple hydrostatic pressure
1 Falentinus Tolino SEL1
experiment kit to determinine fluid density
The effectiveness of Aquascape Media as a
Learning Aid for the Interaction of Living Things
2 Jody Febriandini SEL2
with the Environment to Improve Students'
Mastery of Concepts and Communication
The Learning Effect Using Online Instrument To
3 Novela Tri Lestari SEL3 The Ocean Literacy and Problem-solving in the
Mangrove Ecosystem Study
The effectiveness of STEM-based student
4 Ratih Galuh Rahmawati SEL4
worksheets to improve students’ data literacy
Energy Literacy of Junior High School Students in
5 Musawwir Usman SEL5
Indonesia: A Preliminary Study
Elementary School Teachers' Reading Interest
6 Ova Huzaefah SEL6 Levels Based on the Implementation of the School
Literacy Movement
Adiwiyata Program Implementation in Inculcating
7 Prima Fauzani SEL7 Environmental Care Characters: A Literature
Students’ environmental literacy understanding in
8 Muchtar Haryanto Panjaitan SEL8
science learning at Indonesia: a preliminary study
Science learning and environment : analysis of
9 Ikfi Nuril Khoiriza SEL9 student’s scientific literacy based on Indonesia’s
waste problem
A quantitative analysis of Indonesian junior high
10 Adinda Regiliani Agustin SEL10 school science textbooks for scientific literacy
Need analysis of guided inquiry-based electronic
11 Cartika Candra Ledoh SEL11 module using virtual laboratory

Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Assessment and Evaluation Development
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Rio Christy Handziko, S.Pd. Si, M.Pd ID : 919 8268 8626
Operator : Dwi Ayuningtyas, S.Pd Pass : 999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Implementation of Item Response Theory at Final
1 Muh. Asriadi AM AED1 Exam Test in Physics Learning : Rasch Model
Developing physics digital literacy skill
2 Nurhasanah AED2 diagnostic test assisted by Google Form for
senior high school students
Development Of A Test Instrument To Measure
3 Maria Enjelina Suban AED3 Students' Physics Data Literacy Skills During
The Covid-19 Pandemic
Preliminary Study: The Profile of Critical and
4 Rifqi Rasis AED4 Creative Thinking of the Biology Undergraduate
Program Students of Yogyakarta State University
The Influence of Discovery Learning Model on
5 Ririn Elviana AED5 Students Learning Outcome of Momentum and
Impuls Fundamental Material
The teacher's necessity for a diagnostic test to
detect student weaknesses in learning physics in
6 Erlita Agustina AED6
offline and online classes during the COVID-19
Assessing High School Students’ Scientific
7 Muntholib AED7
Argumentation Skills on Salt Hydrolysis
Analysis of biology teacher’s understanding in
8 Ami Aviatin Avivi AED8 lebak regency towards environmental literacy
based on teaching experience
Biology teachers’ understanding of argument-
driven inquiry and think pair share learning
9 Opnofti Prihandayu AED9
model based on the educational background and
teachers’ experience
Factual and conceptual knowledge of biology
10 Riski Rusmalinda AED10 teachers regarding of the Discovery Learning and
Team Assisted Individualization model

Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Teaching and Learning Innovation
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Laila Katriani, S.Si., M.Si ID : 919 8268 8626
Operator : Desy Purwasih, S.Pd Pass : 999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Increasing Students’ Learning Motivation
Through Android-Base Biology Educational
1 Elvara Norma Aroyandini TLI4
Game with E-Module During COVID-19
The basic science process skills of new learners in
2 Baiq Fatmawati TLI5
general biology course
Effective Mathematics Teacher of High School
3 Sumiati S. Pd TLI6 and Influencing Factors in Central Lombok, West
Nusa Tenggara
Learning activities based on learning cycle 7E
4 Marleni Tri Santi TLI7
model: Chemistry teachers’ perspective
Development of OrSAEv Model Learning
Novia Widianti Materials Based on Role-Playing of Against Flood
5 TLI8
Kusumaningrum Disaster Mitigation Preparedness, Anxiety and
Enjoyment of Junior High School
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the
6 W.Banu Oka Sutresna TLI9 Improvement of Student’ Academic and Non-
Academic Achievement
Problem-based learning tools assisted by google
7 Melta Zahra TLI10
classroom on momentum and impulse
The Implementation of the scientific approach:
8 Uswatun Hasanah TLI11 should the scientific approach be used in biology
The Effect of Android-Based Learning Media on
9 Mohd. Adrizal TLI12
Student Cognitive Levels in Sports Physiology
Group Investigation to Improve Science at
10 Heni Septia Saputri TLI13
Primary School

Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : - Sustainable Environmental Education
- Curriculum Development
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Dr. Anggi Tias Pratama, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 919 8268 8626
Operator : Aza Ayu Din Illahaqi, S.Pd Pass : 999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Implementation of Environmental-Based Schools
1 Fairuzzabadi Amrullah SEE1
in the Adiwiyata Program: A Literature Review

Exploring students’ decision-making ability in the

2 Dita Ardwiyanti SEE2
context of socio-scientific issues

Implementation of small-scale chemistry lab to

3 Rika Siti Syaadah SEE3 improve students cognitive abilities on the
subtopic of colloid properties
Needs Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Matter in
4 Ratminingsih SEE4 Junior High School Science Learning in
Yogyakarta Special Region
Profile of the Attitude of Caring toward
5 Sylmi Pramiana SEE5 Environment of Students at High School
Adiwiyata in Wonosobo
Advancing students' environmental sustainability
6 Aza Ayu Din Illahaqi SEE6 awareness through science mobile learning: a
literature review

Correlation between students’ problem-solving

7 Rohmat Hidayatulloh CDV1
skills and conceptual understanding

Analysis of the potential use of the STEM

approach in biology lessons refers to
8 Muhammad Umar Wakhid CDV2
developments of science in Indonesia: meta-
Students' perceptions of the full-day school
9 Siti Mutmainah CDV3 application: Its relationship toward science
learning motivation

Parallel Session 1
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Teaching Materials, Multimedia and Digital Based Education
Technologies Development
Time : 10.00-11.45 Link :
Moderator : Widodo Setiyo Wibowo, S.Pd. Si., M.Pd ID : 919 8268 8626
Operator : Nurul Azizah, S.Pd Pass : 999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Critical thinking ability through augmented reality
1 Luh Devi Herliandry TMD11
assisted worksheets
Development of Virtual Laboratory in Biology
2 Nurul Azizah TMD12
Learning: A Literature Review
Teacher Needs Analysis on the Development of
3 Nurlaelah TMD13
Android-Based Chemistry Learning Media
Graphical representation skills in online learning
4 Wahyu Hidayatulloh TMD14 during COVID -19 pandemic through Augmented
Reality Assisted student worksheets
Developing whiteboard animation video through
local wisdom on work and energy materials as
5 Azalia Isma Anggraini TMD15
physics learning solutions during the covid-19
Physics Graphical Representation Test of Straight
6 Armanto TMD16 Motion Kinematics based on Boti Boat Local
Wisdom: Development and Validity
Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with
7 Arum Mawardani TMD17 Hologram Simulation to Improve Students'
Mathematical Representation Ability
The implementation of whiteboard animation
video based on local wisdom in work and energy
8 Husnatul Hamidiyah TMD18
concept to improve students learning interest for
Learning physics with worksheet assisted
9 Azizah Ainun Nuha TMD19 augmented reality: the impacts on student’s verbal
Development of Physics Learning Media Assisted
10 Lintang Rizham Prakasiwi TMD20
by Adobe Animate as Online Learning Aid

Parallel Session 2
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Assessment and Evaluation Development
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Rizqa Devi Anazifa, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 967 9119 7480
Operator : Betzy Ayu O. Rampean, S.Pd Pass : 779390
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Betzy Ayu Omega Teacher difficulties for develop HOTS assessment
1 AED11
Rampean instrument on reaction rate
The Reflective Judgment and Argumentation
2 Puspa Nurmalasari AED12 Skills Profile of Senior High School Students’ in
Biology Leaning Obtained by An Essay Test
Identification creative thinking skill in work and
Ghina Aghnia
3 AED13 energy (CTSWAE) of K-10 students’ sundanese
Nur Assyifaa
tribe with rasch analysis model : a case study
Practical skills of Pakistani and Indonesian
4 Naseer Ahmed AED14
students a comparative analysis
A premilinary study of students initial technology
5 Andyta Ma'rifatul Usnia AED15
and engineering literacy
A Systemic Review of Human, Organization,
6 Wilis Putri Hapsari AED16
Technology (HOT)-Fit Evaluation Model
Examining High School Students' Ill-Structured
7 Cety Anggun Widyorini AED17 Problem Solving Skills on Chemistry Problems
Related to the COVID-19
Dissemination of Online Diagnostic Test
Awal Mulia Rejeki Instrument to Diagnose High School Students’
8 AED18
Tumanggor Mathematical Representation Ability: The Case of
Work and Energy
Integration of Knowledge Technology and
9 Lely Nurhidayah AED19 Content Pedagogy (TPACK) in Pre-Service
Science Teachers: Literature Review
Students’ Attitudes Toward Chemistry : Gender
10 Elginda Yusa Arniezca AED20
and Grades

Parallel Session 2
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Teaching Materials, Multimedia and Digital Based Education
Technologies Development
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Dina, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 967 9119 7480
Operator : Rahmatullah, S.Pd Pass : 779390
No Presenter Code Paper Title
The effect of contextual physics teaching
materials assisted by an android-based virtual lab
1 Rahmatullah TMD21
to improve students' conceptual understanding
during the covid-19 pandemic
Developing kvisoft flipbook maker-based
2 Silvia Anggri Wijaya TMD22 physics e-module to build on critical thinking
skills of senior high school students
Developing an e-module physics-based kvisoft
3 Mika Dwi Permata TMD23 flipbook maker to enhance the concept of
understanding for the Senior High School student
The Effect of E-Learning Based Worksheet to
Improve Problem Solving Ability of Class X
4 Wahyu Elko Septiyono TMD24
Man 3 Yogyakarta Students for 2019/2020
Academic Year
Learning media based on 3D-Pageflip to find
5 Efry Mindayula TMD25 students motivation level: Learning chemistry
An analysis on the need for developing pbl-based
6 Natalia Dwiasty Ravista TMD26 e-modules utilizing virtual laboratory on
digestive system material
Development of interactive physics learning
7 Syarifah Aini Nabila TMD27 media using smartphone integrated with
pancasila values on optical instrument
Development of STEM-PBL based worksheets
8 Arina Umu Kamila TMD28 with PhET simulation to improve student’s
problem solving during the Covid-19 pandemic
Developing android-based media for evaluating
9 M. Dihan Ismunandar TMD29
chemical literacy of class X students
Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA)
10 Devi Puspitasari TMD30
learning media on lens experiment simulation

Parallel Session 2

Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Assessment and Evaluation Development
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Dr. Dyah Purwaningsih, S.Si., M.Si ID : 967 9119 7480
Operator : Anugrah Anang Respati, S.Pd Pass : 779390
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Chemistry Teacher's Perception About Their
1 Sonya Monica Liunokas AED21 Technological, Pedagogical, and Content
Knowledge (TPACK)
Computer-based two-tier diagnostic test (CBT) to
2 Deka Maulidiansyah AED22
identify critical thinking skills
Identifying the drawbacks of the problem-solving
3 Inarsih Meutia AED23 abilities by using a three-tier diagnostic test with
google form assistant
Profile of pre-service chemistry teacher self-
4 Ilham S W Mauraji AED24
efficacy: A case on rate of reaction topic
Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Indonesian
5 Ervita Eka Rosawati AED25 Chemistry Teachers' Perceptions of Socio-
Scientific Issues in COVID-19
Development of Self-Efficacy Instruments for
6 Dea Arsi Prabaningtias AED26 Creative Thinking Skill in Physics Materials
assisted by GOOGLE FORM
PhysCriSReL-CBT to Assess Physics Critical
7 Kharisma Fenditasari AED27 Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students: A
Feasibility Study
PAMCI: Developing and analyzing students'
8 Eis Nurzakiyah AED28 problem solving ability to support STEM using
rasch analysis
Comparison of students perception science majors
Nimas Putri Dewi
9 AED29 regarding learning motivation by gender in the
online learning processs
Understanding the Mathematics Concepts In
10 Mida Nurani AED30
Senior High School Students of Covid-19 Era

Parallel Session 2
Sunday, November 29th 2020
Scope : Teaching and Learning Innovation
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Nur Fitriyana, S.Pd., M.Pd ID : 967 9119 7480
Operator : Edysyah Putra, S.Pd Pass : 779390
No Presenter Code Paper Title
The effectiveness of using worksheet with the PBL
model through google classrooms to improve
1 Sony Yunior Erlangga TLI14
critical thinking skills during the Covid-19
Causing of Students Misconception Analysis in
2 Surya Jatmika TLI15
Work and Energy Concept
Making greenbox effect simulator learning media
3 Noer Sarifah Ainy TLI16 to increase understanding the concept of
greenhouse effect
Physics learning instruction based on the
4 Aminatul Munawaroh TLI17
conceptual change model for senior high schools
The Effect of Principal Supervision on Teacher
5 Intan Mutiara Kusuma TLI18
Teaching Skills Improvement
Physics learning instruction based on the
6 Fitarahmawati TLI19
conceptual change model for senior high schools
The implementation of audio visual media in
7 Winda Arwin Setyani TLI20 problem based learning model to improve the
problem solving skills
How Can Scientific Approach Enhancing
8 Edysyah Putra TLI21 Student's Curiosity And Learning Outcomes in
Science Learning
The effectiveness of PBL assisted Google
9 Nila Karmila TLI22 Classroom to Scientific Literacy in Physics
Analysis the effect of using smartphone based
10 Aniesatus Sa'diyah TLI23 learning media to improve students’ critical
thinking skills

Parallel Session 2
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Teaching Materials, Multimedia and Digital Based Education
Technologies Development
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Rio Christy Handziko, S.Pd. Si, M.Pd. ID :850 701 1936
Operator : Djuniar Rahmatunnisa H., S.Pd Pass :999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Review a trending and interesting topic of 'Aloe
Djuniar Rahmatunnisa
1 TMD31 vera: healthy lifestyle trends through functional
food consumption' in science learning
Pandemic era education support technology : the
2 Hana Puspitasari TMD32
potential for augmented reality in science learning
Development of audio visual media for distance
3 Amri Suko Darmawan TMD33
Effective Learning Strategies in Biology Online
4 Desi Andyhapsari TMD34 Learning for Anticipate Pandemic Covid-19: A
Literature Review
The application of contextual physics teaching
materials assisted by android-based virtual labs to
5 Ambrosius Karanggulimu TMD35
improve students' science process skills during the
learning activities in Covid-19 pandemic
Analysis of the needs for science e-book Tri Pusat
Wahyu Anggraini
6 TMD36 Pendidikan (three education center) approach for
junior high school students
Augmented Reality based on Learning
7 Nunuk Ika Lestari TMD37
Assessment – A Scoping Review 2011-2020
The potential of earthworms (Lumbricus sp.)
8 Muhammad Sultani Taufik TMD38 morphology in Anrelli Village, Kulo District as an
environment-based biology learning resource
Chemistry Teachers 'Perspectives on Virtual
9 Nurul Fitri Rahmadani TMD39
STEM Laboratories as Learning Media
Augmented Reality Learning Media in Biology
10 Umar Abdul Labib TMD40 learning during the Covid -19 pandemic: Student
Design of Blended Learning Integrated with Peer
11 Riki Perdana TMD41 Tutor Model for Graduate Students in New
Normal Era: A Literature Study

Parallel Session 2

Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Assessment and Evaluation Development
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Laila Katriani, S.Si., M.Si. ID :850 701 1936
Operator : Siti Imro’atus Sa’adah, S.Pd Pass :999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Inclusive elementary school evaluation program:
1 Subar Junanto AED31
A CIPP model approach
Portrait of Metacognitive Awareness of
Prospective Biology Teacher of Malang State
2 Tesa Manisa AED32
University through Study Journal on Lesson Study
Based Learning
Survey of Eleventh Graders’ Scientific
3 Arise Define Dien AED33
Argumentation Skill on Salt Hydrolysis
Critical Thinking Skills of High School Students
4 Hikmah Supriyati AED34 on Biology Subject During Online Learning:
Gender Perspective
Evaluation Of Online Learning Program For
5 Nurrana Fitria Luthfi AED35 Biology In Yogyakarta State Madrasah Aliyah
During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in STEM-
6 Binar Ayu Dewanti AED36 Based Science Learning through Project
Profile about Initial Soft skills Understanding of
7 Nedia Erlini AED37
Pre-service Science Teachers’
Analysis of difficulties and characteristics item
Aditya Nugraha Surya
8 AED38 test on biology national standard school
A comparative study on high school students’ self-
9 Hana Kusumaningtyas AED39
efficacy toward chemistry
Student’s Misconception Profile of First Semester
10 Galih Nur Pratomo AED40
10th Grade on Biology
Profile of Biology Teachers Understanding on
11 Ratna Dyah Hartanti AED41 Social-Scientific Issues (SSI) in Bantul Regency
based on Teaching Experiences and Gender

Parallel Session 2
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Assessment and Evaluation Development
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Dr. Anggi Tias Pratama, S.Pd., M.Pd ID :850 701 1936
Operator : Naning Imroatul Faiza, S.Pd Pass :999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Identification of Critical Thinking Skills on
1 Yeni Pita Sari AED42 Problem-Based Learning Based on Endemic Flora
and Fauna in Bengkulu
Persception graduates science education in socio
2 Hanis Pramudawardani AED43 scientific issues related with scientific
communiction and critical atittude
Analysis of science process skills of public senior
3 Rahmah Novitasari AED44 high school students in kebumen regency on the
subject of environmental change
Online Science Learning Implementation during
4 Ardhya Handayani AED45
The Covid-19 Pandemic at SMP N 1 Singorojo
Development of Physics Diagnostic Test Online
5 Siti Maisyaroh AED46 Website (PhyDTOWeb) Instrument to Diagnose
Problem Solving Ability of High School Students
Developing a online mobile based diagnostic
6 Puji Rahayu AED47 instrument to identify misconceptions for junior
high school students
Understanding of Biology Teachers in Using ICT-
7 Stela Putri Marizka AED48
Based Learning Media in Babat Toman District
Profil of pre-service chemistry teachers’ attitude to
8 Naning Imroatul Faiza AED49 chemistry laboratory: a case in chemistry
Chemistry learning anxiety scale: A scale
9 Widya Pangestika AED50
Student interaction, teacher competence, and
10 Adelina Gultom AED51 technologi in creating a meaningful online
learning environtment

Parallel Session 2
Sunday, November 29th 2020

Scope : Teaching and Learning Innovation
Time : 13.15-15.00 Link :
Moderator : Widodo Setiyo Wibowo, S.Pd. Si., M.Pd ID :850 701 1936
Operator : Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd Pass :999321
No Presenter Code Paper Title
Implementation of Android-Based Physics
1 Singgih Hutomo Aji TLI24 Learning Media in Increasing High School
Students' Curiosity
Stimulation of cognitive activities through
2 Dewi Susanti TLI25 modeling example in biogeochemical cycle
learning Teaching and Learning I
3 Heri Apriadi TLI26 Management of Teaching Factory
The effect of using the e-module assisted by the
Kvisoft Flipbook Maker in improving students'
4 Ardila Safitri TLI27
critical thinking skills during the Covid-19
Analysis of Research Instruments: Online
5 Ika Nur Cahyani TLI28 Learning Using of Gadgets in Biology Learning to
Student Learning Interests
Mathematical abstraction ability of junior high
6 Nor Khasanah TLI29
school students on function viewed from gender
Multimedia learning module (MLM) with
7 Mochtar Purwo Nugroho TLI30 hologram simulation to improve diagrammatic
representation skills of student
Research-Oriented Collaborative Inquiry Learning
(REORCILEA) Model: Students' Analytical
8 Hendrawan Banu Huda TLI31
Thinking Ability in High School Chemistry
Learning Argumentation Skill on Salt Hydrolysis
The Use of Comic Media Based on Edutainment
9 Rani Febriyanti TLI32
to Increase Students’ Reading Interest
Improving Learning Motivation And The Ability
10 Ayel Robbul Barokah TLI33 To Categorate Livings With Think Pair Share
Learning Model
Effectiveness of Correspondence Learning
11 Siti Nurjanah TLI34 through Google Classroom As One of the Distance
Learning Media in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era


1. Prof. Ingo Eilks
Institute for Science Education (IDN) – Chemistry Education University of Bremen

Education for Sustainable Development in Chemistry

and Science Education: The Concepts and Recent

In 2009, the Stockholm Resilience Centre issued the idea of defining planetary boundaries as a concept
of nine essential tipping points of the Earth system. By exceeding the boundaries it is suggested that
irreversible and abrupt environmental change will occur. One of the boundaries refers to biochemical
flows and is directly related to phosphorous. Phosphorus, or more concrete phosphate, is essential for
all kind of fertilizers. Unfortunately, phosphate minerals in nature are limited and corresponding
resources are only available in certain countries. 80% of the world resources are located in Morocco.
This is one of the reasons that phosphate minerals were included into the list of critical resources, issued
in its latest version by the European Union in 2014. Critical resources are those resources that are
limited, non-substitutable, and connected to a risk in security of supply. Every human being excretes
about 2 g phosphate every day. The phosphate goes to the wastewater and regularly into the
environment. New developments in applied environmental technology to recover the phosphate from
wastewater are under development and piloting. In Germany, environmental policy suggests to toughen
up wastewater treatment to recover most of the phosphate from wastewater and sludge with the aim to
reuse it as fertilizers of high quality. All the processes are based in essential elements of chemistry, e.g.
the chemistry of phosphates and acid base chemistry. In 2016, a project was launched with the aim to
create learning environments to deal with the societally, economically and environmentally relevant
context of phosphate recovery in chemistry education. Based on new experiments, the project
established practical learning environments in two German universities as places for non-formal
learning about phosphate recovery. Corresponding lessons are offered to secondary school chemistry
classes and groups of technical trainees in chemistry related professions. The practical learning is
embedded in a digital learning environment. Experiences from its use in German high school and also
in US undergraduate education are reported.

2. Prof. Dr. Lilia Halim
Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Physics in Climate Change Education

Education for sustainable development (ESD) concerns include issues such as climate change,
biodiversity, disaster risk reductions, sustainable consumption and production. Climate change has
posed severe risks and challenges to all countries, particularly developing countries, as it affected all
the sectors from the economy to health issues. The leading cause of climate change is human activities
that release carbon dioxide. Thus, climate change issues are the responsibility of global citizens that
pose global competence with appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviour change through education to
arrest the situation effectively. It is therefore important to say that preparing our students for global skill
can help them to tackle future social, political, economic, and environmental challenges. Education on
energy especially in Physics teaching and learning can be an effective means for helping students with
mitigation measures (i.e. develop renewable energy or adopting energy conservation behaviour) and
adaptation measures (i.e. develop technology to cope with the impact) of climate change. This
presentation will share curriculum, pedagogical and assessment approaches, either through formal or
informal learning, that draws upon the physics learning for climate change education, and possible
research areas related to physics and climate change.

3. Prof. Russell Tytler
Alfred Deakin Professor of Science Education, Deakin University

Designing a contemporary STEM curriculum

In 2007 I wrote a monograph calling for a ‘re-imagining’ of Science education to better represent
contemporary science knowledge and practice and to engage students in developing the knowledge and
skills needed for the 21st century. This was based on the ideas of leading science educators at a major
Australian conference on science education futures. 13 years later, these ideas are more urgent than
ever, with changes in the future of work driven by developments associated with the fourth industrial
revolution (new materials, machine learning and robotics, big data) and by global environmental and
demographic threats due to climate change, environmental degradation and energy politics. Much of
the futures thinking in science education is captured by calls for a 21st century STEM curriculum, often
conceived of as an integration of the STEM disciplines around authentic problem solving. In this talk I
will describe the development of a contemporary STEM curriculum by UNESCO’s International
Bureau of Education, that viewed STEM as not exclusively interdisciplinary but rather called for a
rethinking of the STEM subjects, including science, in terms of developing knowledge and skills to
explain and problem solve in both disciplinary and interdisciplinary settings. The curriculum is built
around competences, framed within a systematic progression in disciplinary big ideas linked with
practices, supported by a student centred pedagogy and assessment.

Tytler, R., & Self, J. (2020). Designing a contemporary STEM curriculum. UNESCO In progress
Reflection. UNESCO Digital Library.
Tytler, R (2007). Re-imagining Science Education: Engaging students in science for Australia’s future.
Australian Education Review No. 51. Camberwell: Australian Council for Education Research,
ACER press.

4. Dr. Peta White
Senior Lecturer in Science and Environmental Education, Deakin University,

Contemporary Science Practice in Schools

Re-invigorating science education by infusing engagement with contemporary (current and real world)
science can be a difficult and time-consuming task for teachers. We suggest that classroom science is
more engaging where A) the scientists involved in the research are represented, B) the data from the
research is available for analysis by the students, and C) the implications of the research are unpacked
or explored by students. Student learning outcomes include not only science concepts, but an
appreciation for the contemporary practices of science, the motivating values of scientists, as well as
the local applications of science through exploring local research projects. We have been working with
pre-service teachers, teachers, education academics and scientists to develop online resources that
enable this work. Several different models of resource development have been applied, with varying
results. Masters level research with teachers indicates that the resulting teaching resources can be well
applied and result in student engagement and learning. Scientists report enthusiasm for seeing their
work communicated in forms that secondary students can engage with. The resources are available via
a website to provide free, online access for all. This presentation will outline the models of production
with a focus on biology and sustainability resources and their applications.


Implementation of small-scale chemistry lab to
improve students cognitive abilities on the subtopic of
colloid properties
R S Syaadah1, Mulyono1, and H Suhanda1
Departemen Kimia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229,
Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to investigate the effect of the Small Scale Chemistry lab on
improving the cognitive abilities of students who are studying colloid properties. The research
conducted was pre-experiment with one group pre-test post-test design. Participants involved in
this study were 40 students of class XI high school in Bandung Regency. The instruments used
in the study included a written test and questionnaire. The increased cognitive abilities is
calculated based on the difference pre-test and post-test scores using the N-gain formula, the
data that has been processed are then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that overall the
students' cognitive abilities had increased as indicated by the N-gain value of (0.63). Based on
these findings, it is recommended that small-scale chemistry lab can be applied to the learning
process of other chemistry topics that have a characteristic compatibility between the learning
material and small-scale chemistry lab for the development of students' cognitive abilities

Keyword: Small Scale Chemistry lab Cognitive Abilities, Colloid

Teacher needs analysis on the development of
android-based chemistry learning media
Nurlaelah1, and E W Laksono1
Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281,

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Chemistry is an abstract knowledge, so it requires media as an intermediary in

delivering the material. In supporting this, an analysis of teacher needs is carried out. This study
aimed to describe the teachers need for Android-based chemistry learning media that can support
the chemistry learning process in the classroom. This is a qualitative research and the research
partisipants were 10 chemistry teachers from schools in Makassar City. Data collection was
carried out by means of a questionnaire (google form). The results were analyzed descriptively
and obtained data that the media often used by teachers, such as PPT/LCD projectors with a
percentage of 100%, while android is still very rarely used. The obstacles were making, using
and developing media which taken a very long time so that the teachers feel uninterested in
making media and there is a lack of ideas on what media is good for learning chemistry. So they
suggested that tutorials be given in the creating and use of instructional media.

Learning activities based on learning cycle 7E model:
chemistry teachers’ perspective
M T Santi1 and S Atun1
Chemistry Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. Research is conducted to show
effectiveness of learning activities based on learning cycle 7E model by chemistry teachers’
perspective. Data collected through an open-ended questionnaire which consist of 8 item that is
7 phases learning cycle 7E model and 1 effectiveness of learning cycle 7E model activities on
acid-base concept. Purposive sampling was used in this research and there were 12 chemistry
teachers that teach class XI in Yogyakarta city. Activitities of learning cycle 7E model consists
of 7 phases, namely elicitation, engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, evaluation,
and extension. The result of research showed that the prospective chemistry teachers’ that
learning activities based on learning cycle 7E model is effective to be applied which each phase
attention to careful time management on the acid-base concept. However, this research did not
explore implementation effect size this model in the learning process of acid-base concept.

Profiles of e-modules android-based usage in the
chemistry learning process: chemical equilibrium
M A Rasyid1 and C F Partana2
Chemistry Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Since
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia
Lecturer Chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Since
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. The use of technology and information as learning media has become a tendency in
the sector of education, including android-based e-modules. Education demands teachers to be
more creative, students to be more active, and perform the learning process independently. This
present study aims to determine the implementation of technology as a learning media and the
use of android-based e-modules when the chemistry learning process occur. This research is a
descriptive study, the sample selection was carried out by purposive sampling technique
comprising of two chemistry teachers and 50 students at SMAN Lingga. Data collection
techniques were conducted by observation and interviews. The instrument used an online
interview guide. The results showed that students experienced misconceptions about
determining the equilibrium constant (Kc and Kp) on chemical equilibrium, as likewise the use
of technology-based media was still not optimally used and android-based e-modules had never
been used in the learning process. So it is certainly to develop an android based e-module on
chemical equilibrium.

Teacher’s difficulties for developing HOTS
assessment instrument on reaction rate
B A O Rampean1, E Rohaeti1
Master of Education in Chemistry, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,
Jl. Colombo No. 1 Depok Sleman, DIY 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The use of higher order thinking skills assessment instruments is supposed to be able
to provide learners with the ability to solve real problems and to give learners the opportunity
to think, act and work systematically through processes or results that are consistent with
program requirements. This study aims to describe the process of learning chemistry, explaining
the assessment instrument used in the process of learning chemistry and to know the problems
encountered by teachers in carrying out an higher order thinking skills assessment instruments.
The type of research used is a descriptive evaluation. The subject of this evaluation is the
chemistry teacher. The instrument used in this study was an open-ended questionnaire sheet that
explored the teacher's application and understanding of the hots assessment instrument. The data
were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that only 40% of teachers in schools had
measured higher order thinking skills due to the teacher's lack of understanding of higher-order
thinking skills, long time for making questions and the large number of students. So it is
necessary to develop a hots assessment instrument on the reaction rate.

Keywords: Instrument, HOTS, Reaction Rate.

Chemistry teacher's perception about their
technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge
S M Liunokas1 I Supiah Y L2 F Sampouw3
Chemistry Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta
State University
Mathematics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Education is currently facing the challenges of 21st-century learning. Moreover,
covid-19 pandemic has caused all face-to-face learning activities in schools to be replaced with
online learning. This phenomenon requires teachers to understand and have competency in
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). This study aims to describe the
perceptions of TPACK high school chemistry teachers. This research was conducted on 32
chemistry teachers in the province of East Nusa Tenggara using the TPACK questionnaire
instrument with seven components. TPACK perception data were analyzed using a descriptive
quantitative approach, while the difference in teacher TPACK based on gender and teaching
experience was analyzed using the Mann Whitney test with SPSS.25 because the sample was
small. The results of the data analysis show that the chemistry teacher's perception of TPACK
is in the "good" category in general and the highest average score is in the PK component. The
components that have a strong positive correlation are PK, TPK, TCK, and TPCK which have
a significant effect on the perception of TPACK for SMA Chemistry teachers. Also, based on
gender and teaching experience did not have a significant effect on TPACK perception.

Keywords: TPACK, Gender, Teaching Experience

How is student scientific attitude profile toward
chemistry learning with REORCILEA?
Y Fahmidani1 and E Roheati1
1Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research is a qualitative descriptive study to see the profile of scientific attitudes
of XI grade high school students in Sleman who are given learning with the REORCILEA
model. The sample was high school students who were selected using purposive sampling
technique. REORCILEA is an integrated learning model between research-based, inquiry and
collaborative learning. The results of the descriptive analysis revealed that high school students
who taught with REORCILEA had a fairly good scientific attitude profile. The assessment of
scientific attitudes is carried out using a scientific attitude questionnaire developed by the
researcher. The scientific profile of attitudes will be described from eight aspects of scientific
attitudes, namely Curiosity Rational Thinking Open minded Objective Concerned with
Evidence Be Honest Act according to the rules.

Chemistry learning anxiety scale: a scale
W Pangestika1 and A Wiyarsi2
Graduate Program of Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University
Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The main purpose of the study was to develop the Chemistry Learning Anxiety Scale
(CLAS) instrument. The method of this study is the survey method. The data of chemistry
learning anxiety was obtained through a questionnaire. There are three aspects of the chemistry
learning anxiety scale that were examined in this study, Anxiety in Study Chemistry, Anxiety
in FinsihingChemsitry Tasks, and Anxiety in Doing Practicum. A group expert confirmed the
content validity of the CLAS with 48 items that had been administered to 115 students 11 th
senior high school. The data were analyzed using the Rasch model that have been 5 criteria,
namely unidimensionality, item fit, difficulty/ability estimation, reliability, and information
function. The results of the Rasch model showed that there are 46 items CLAS that fit with the
Rasch model and excellent reliability for the person's reliability and excellent reliability for the
item reliability. The CLAS instrument is acceptable as a good instrument to collect the data.

Research-oriented collaborative inquiry learning
(REORCILEA) model: students' analytical thinking
ability in high school chemistry learning
H B Huda1*, E Rohaeti2
Pendidikan Kimia, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl
Colombo No 1 , Yogyakarta 55218, Indonesia
Jurursan Kimia, Fakultas MIPA,Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl Colombo No 1 ,
Yogyakarta 55218, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This study aimed to determine the effect of applying the Research-Oriented
Collaborative Inquiry Learning (REORCILEA) learning model on students' analytical thinking
skills on the concept of acid-base. Participants in this study were 64 high school students divided
into two groups: the control class and the experimental class. The sampling technique used was
the random sampling technique. Data on students' analytical thinking skills were collected using
post-test questions in descriptions containing analytical thinking skills. Analytical thinking
ability data were analyzed using a t-test. The results showed a significant effect of implementing
the REORCILEA learning model on students' analytical thinking skills. Students' analytical
thinking ability profile is known to have the highest percentage with a very high category, and
the connecting aspect has the lowest percentage with the high category.

Keywords: Analytical Thinking Ability, Acid-Base, REORCILEA Model.

Profile of the attitude of caring toward environment
of students at high school adiwiyata in Wonosobo
S Pramiana1, E W Laksono1
Chemistry Department, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Coresponding author:

Abstract. Environment is the major concerns triggered by the increasingly

damaged of the natural environment. The purpose of this study was to determine
the profile of the environmental care attitude of students of X th, XIth and XIIth
levels in science class at Adiwiyata MAN 2 Wonosobo. This is descriptive
qualitative research approach. Data were collected through quitionnaire on
environmental care attitude, 135 respondents were randomly selected from 18
science classes. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the highest value
is obtained on using chemicals indicator. It turns out that 90.5% of students
stated that they always use materials as needed and do not waste practice
materials if they are left over or in excess. There were 88.75% and 87.5% of
students who expressed respect and care for the facilities, that is, they have never
done vandalism or scribbled on objects or walls that are not their place and when
students have never damaged facilities either in the classroom or in the
neighborhood around the residence. students. The attitude of maintaining the
cleanliness of the surrounding environment is 75%, while the attitude of students
in separating organic and non-organic waste is 79.1%, students are saving 77.7%
of energy, and the attitude of students with a "sufficient" score is when throwing
garbage in its place as much as 65.2%.

Students’ attitudes toward chemistry: gender and
E Y Arniezca1, J Ikhsan1
Chemistry Education, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to analyze students’ attitude toward chemistry in chemistry learning.
Research method was descriptive statistics. The participants were 186 senior high school
students in Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia that selected by convenient sampling technique. The
data collection tool used was the attitude toward chemistry questionnaire which consists of
aspects of importance of chemistry, difficulty of chemistry, interest of chemistry, and usefulness
of chemistry in the future career. Both descriptive and statistics were used to analyze the data.
Descriptive statistics were used to give information about the sample such as means and standard
deviations. One-way ANOVA was used to determine the effect of gender and grades on attitudes
toward chemistry. The result showed that students had neutral attitude toward chemistry. There
are significant differences in attitudes towards chemistry between male and female students in
all aspects. The differences in students' attitudes towards chemistry based on grades only exist
in the aspect of the importance of chemistry.

Keyword: Attitudes Toward Chemistry, Gender, Grades

Profil of pre-service chemistry teachers’ attitude to
chemistry laboratory: a case in chemistry education
N I Faiza1, N Aznam1
Chemistry Education, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to analyze the attitudes of pre-service chemistry teachers towards
chemistry laboratory activities. Based on the purpose, a questionnaire which contained several
statements about pre-service' chemistry laboratory attitude was distributed. Quantitative
descriptive method is used in this research. Respondents in this study were 108 undergraduate
students of the Chemistry Education in two University in Riau, Indonesia. Data collection using
a questionnaire sheet. The research subjects were selected using purposive sampling technique.
The results of this study indicate that pre-service teachers have a positive attitude towards the
chemistry laboratory. This research can be additional information for lecturers and other
researchers to improve the chemistry laboratory for pre-service teachers because attitudes
toward the laboratory are also related to pre-service teacher learning interests.

Keywords: Pre-Service Teacher, Attitude to Chemistry Laboratory, Chemistry Education

Training Software Use.

A comparative study on high school students’ self-
efficacy toward chemistry
H Kusumaningtyas1, E W Laksono1
Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study was aimed to investigate high school students’ self-efficacy beliefs toward
chemistry and to determine how their self-efficacy beliefs across grade levels. The participants
were 255 high school students from SHS 1 Blora, a public senior high school in Blora Regency,
Central of Java, Indonesia. Respondents consisted of 96 participants of 10th grade, 81
participants of 11th, and 78 participants of 12th grade. High School Chemistry Self-Efficacy
Scale (HCSS), which consist of a self-efficacy scale for cognitive skills (CSCS) and Chemistry
Laboratory (SCL), was used for assessing high school students’ self-efficacy beliefs toward
chemistry. Both descriptive and statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics
were used to give information about the sample such as percentage, means, and standard
deviations. One-way ANOVA was used to determine the effect of the grade level of the students
on chemistry self-efficacy for cognitive skills and chemistry laboratory. The result showed that
most high school students’ self-efficacy beliefs are at an average level. In both CSCS and SCL,
12th graders had the highest self-efficacy belief toward chemistry, followed by 11th graders and
10th graders.

Keyword: Chemistry Education, High School Chemistry, Self-Efficacy

Profile of pre-service chemistry teacher self-efficacy:
a case on rate of reaction topic
I S W Mauraji1, R N Senam1, and A Wiyarsi1,
Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to examine the self-efficacy profile of pre-service chemistry teacher
on rate of reaction topic. This research was a survey research with cross sectional research
design. This study involved 90 pre-service chemistry teacher at three semester levels, i.e.
semester two, semester four and semester six at Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia. The
research sample was determined using convenience sampling technique. Self-efficacy data for
pre-service chemistry teacher were collected using a questionnaire. The efficacy questionnaire
includes Personal Science Teaching Efficacy belief (PSTE) and Science Teaching Outcome
Expectancy (STOE). Theoretical validity was carried out to see the appropriateness of the
instruments used. The theoretical validity was carried out by three chemistry education experts
to provide suggestions that support the improvement of the quality of research instruments. Self-
efficacy profile data analysis techniques were analyzed descriptively quantitative. The results
showed that the self-efficacy of pre-service chemistry teacher who attended lectures in the
second semester was better than that of the fourth and sixth semesters. This study shows that the
semester level does not affect the high self-efficacy of pre-service chemistry teacher.

Keywords: Rate of Reaction, Self-Efficacy.

Survey of eleventh graders’ scientific argumentation
skill on salt hydrolysis
Muntholib1, A D Dien1, Yahmin1, L Rukisworo2
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri
Malang 2)SMAN 2 Kota Malang

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Scientific argumentation is part of scientific literacy, widely accepted as one

of the main goals of science education. Consequently, scientific argumentation needs to
be included in the assessment of science instruction, including the chemistry instruction.
The knowledge structure of salt hydrolysis includes scientific knowledge and scientific
inquiry involving scientific argumentation practice. The purpose of this research is to
describe the eleventh graders’ scientific argumentation skills on salt hydrolysis. This
research applied a survey research design. The instrument for data collection is developed
in stages of literature review, development of items, expert judgment; and finalization.
The instrument of scientific argumentation skills on salt hydrolysis consists of 11 items
with very feasible categories (the average score of expert judgment is 91%). A scientific
argumentation skills survey was conducted for the 231 students. Students’ scientific
argumentation skills were analyzed by comparing students' correct answers in making
claims, providing evidence, and making explanations with the maximum score they can
obtain. The survey shows that the average rating of respondents' skills in making claims
is 88.89% (the excellent category), providing evidence is 31.43% (the low grade), and
formulating explanation is 23.95% (the low category). These results show that
respondents have been able to make claims but have not provided scientific evidence
and explanations that can be used to support the claims. These findings indicate the need
for a review of the current teaching practices and the search for more appropriate
instruction in building students' argumentation skills.

Need analysis of guided inquiry-based electronic
module using virtual laboratory
C C Ledoh1,S B Raharjo1,S Saputro1
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Jebres,
Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to analyze the need to develop an electronic module based on guided
inquiry with the help of a virtual laboratory at Senior High School of 1 Pantai Baru, Rote Ndao
Regency, NTT. The data collection technique used in this study was to indterview chemistry
teachers and distribute questionnaires to students. The data obtained were presented
descriptively. This research is an early stage which is development research following the Borg
& Gall model. The results showed that there were no teaching materials in chemistry learning.
Teaching materials used in schools are still in printed form so that they have not followed the
development of the 21st century globalization era. Innovative learning models are also rarely
applied, and teachers only use lecture and discussion methods. Experimental learning is also
rarely applied by teachers, so it can be concluded that the development of a guided inquiry-
based electronic module with the help of a virtual laboratory needs to be applied so that students
understand the concept of chemistry independently and experimental learning can be done
virtually. The electronic module with the help of this virtual laboratory can be used whenever
and wherever students are.

Keywords: Electronic Modul Development, Guided-inquiry, Virtual Laboratory

Learning media based on 3D-Pageflip to find students
motivation level: Learning chemistry context
E Mindayula1 and H Sutrisno1
Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. A learning media based on 3D-Pageflip applied in learning chemistry to find student’s
motivation level in learning. This study used pre-experimental with one shot case study design,
because just one group was treated during the study. In total, 32 student with grade 10th at one
of senior high school Yogyakarta-Indonesia participate in this study. Convenience sampling was
used in selecting the sample in this study. Data collection used in this study i.e. the questionnaire
learning student motivation in learning chemistry used learning media based on 3D-Pageflip.
Data analysis used descriptive statistics. The result show that level students motivation in
learning obtained poor (3.1%), moderate (21.9%), good (71.9%), and very good (3.1%) criteria.
Generally, the students have good (71.9%) level motivation in learning chemistry with learning
media based on 3D-Pageflip

Teaching tools-based socio-scientific issues on acid-
base topic in high school chemistry: a needs analysis
U R A Fikria1, A K Prodjosantoso1
Chemistry Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The objective of this study was to analyze the process and learning tools on acid-base
material which usually used by teachers in public and private high schools in Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Descriptive qualitative research method was used in this study. The participants of
this study were 16 (9 females 7 males) chemistry teachers. The characteristics that are expected
to exist in learning tools of those teachers are 1) student-centered orientation, 2) relevant to
student life, 3) train students to solve problems from various aspects (containing socio-scientific
issues), and 4) train students' critical thinking skills. The data were analyzed descriptively and
the percentage was determined. The results showed that the learning tools used by the teachers
on acid-base material were still less relevant to student life, did not train students' critical
thinking skills, and did not contain socio-scientific issues, so the used tools did not teach students
to solve problems yet seen from various aspects.

Comparison of students perception science majors
regarding learning motivation by gender in the online
learning processs
N P D Puspitaningrum1*, A K Prodjosantoso 1, D A Pulungan2
Chemistry Education, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo
No.1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip simp. Sikambing, Kota Medan, Sumatera
Utara, Indonesia, 20111

Corresponding Author:;

Abstract. The study aims to investigate students' perception regarding learning motivation in
online learning and analyzed comparison between them based on gender. The subject study used
331 students in high school, science majors. The questionnaire was used to collect data. Data
analysis used the normality test, descriptive statistical test and Mann Whitney U test. The
normality test result presented that both were not normally distributed.. The mean score of
learning motivation male students is 28,34 and the female is 29,79. Which clearly shows that
female mean score learning motivation is higher than male student score. Besides, the results of
the Mann Whitney U test obtained sig. (2-tailed) value less than 0.05 (0.02 < 0.05). So, There is
significant differences between male and female the score learning motivation. It is suggested
to conduct further research on gender differences in learning motivation using a larger
population and investigate the relationship or influence of learning motivation with gender.

Keywords: Online Learning, Motivation, Survey, Comparison, Gender

Design of blended learning integrated with peer tutor
model for graduate students in new normal era: a
literature study
N. Aznam1, Jumadi2, H. Nurcahyo3, Y. Wiyatmo4, R. Perdana*5,6
Department of Chemistry, Yogyakarta State University, Colombo St No 1, Sleman,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Physics, Yogyakarta State University, Colombo St No 1,
Sleman,Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Biology, Yogyakarta State University, Colombo St No 1,
Sleman,Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Graduate School Program, Yogyakarta State University, Colombo St No 1,
Sleman,Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Alma Ata University, Kasihan, Bantul,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This paper is a literature review on a new learning model based on Blended Learning
integrated Peer Tutor for Postgraduate Students in the new normal era. This study aims to answer
three basic questions about blended learning integrated with peer tutor model: what is this, how
to apply it, and why it should be applied. The blended learning and peer tutor approaches used
during the last 10 years are explained, aspects of these two learning models are presented, and
how this model can be used to provide adaptation in the new normal era and in accordance with
the character of postgraduate students. This paper aims to provide important information to
researchers, educators, and stakeholders to create the best learning situation for graduate
students in the New Normal Era. In addition, this paper can be used as a guide in making
decisions about the techniques that should be applied when designing a blended learning model
for an adaptive tutoring system. One significant conclusion based on the literature review is that
Blended Learning integrated with the Peer Tutor Model is convenient for graduate school
students in the new normal era. Moreover, the stereotypes seem ideal for the learning styles and
preferences of graduate students. In addition, the mixed and peer tutoring model of learning has
developed rapidly over the past few years, while there has been an increase in the application of
these techniques to the case of graduate student learning.

Developing android-based media for evaluating
chemical literacy of class X students
M D Ismunandar1, S Atun1 and E Priyambodo1
Chemistry Education, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to determine the feasibility and perceptions of teachers and
students about android-based media as a tool for evaluating chemical literacy of class X high
school students. Media was developed using the 4D model with the stages namely define,
design, and develop without doing the dissemination stage. Initial media products are reviewed
by material experts, media experts, and peer reviewers for suggestions and input. In addition,
the media is also reviewed and assessed by reviewers, namely five chemistry educators by
assessing six aspects, namely material, scientific literacy, construction, language, visual
appearance, and program performance. The media was also piloted on a limited basis to twenty
tenth graders. The results of the study were android-based media containing material about
chemical literacy in class X. Based on the results of the media assessment, it is said to be very
good and can be used to evaluate chemical literacy. According to the reviewer 's assessment,
93.4% of the media is suitable for evaluating chemical literacy. Meanwhile, according to the
students 'responses as media users, 86.31% was suitable as a media for evaluating students'
chemical literacy. Teachers and students' perceptions of this media are very good.

The effect of android-based learning media on
student cognitive levels in sports physiology
M Adrizal1,4,5, Iskandar2, and M Ilham3,5
Sports Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Psychology Education, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, Jambi, Indonesia
Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sleman, Indonesia
Sport and Health Education, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia
Janur Institute, Jambi, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. In the current of education research, android-based learning media has been popular
and becomes a trend. In Sports Physiology learning process, students have difficulty in acquiring
the knowledge since it contains very complex materials. In addition, conventional learning
method also becomes one of the factors in influencing the students’ difficulty and boredom in
the learning process in classroom. This study aimed to determine and prove the use of android-
based learning media on influencing students’ cognitive level in learning Sports Physiology.
The instrument used in this study was a questionnare. The research design used a pretest-posttest
control group design. The subjects of this study were 60 students consisted of a control class
and an experimental class, which belong to sports coaching education students at University of
Jambi. In order to measure the students cognitive level in learning, then an analysis for the
students’ results was conducted. The results showed that the use of Android-based learning
media had a significant influence on the students’ cognitive level in the learning process.

Keywords: Android, Learning Media, Student Cognitive Levels

The Effectiveness of Peer Tutor Learning on the
Improvement of Student’ Academic and Non-
Academic Achievement
W B O Sutresna1 and W Wijayanti2
Student of Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.1,
Sleman 55281, Indonesia
Lecturer of Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo
No.1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of peer tutoring learning in improving
the academic and non-academic achievement of students at SMA Negeri 6 Yogyakarta. The
objectives of this study were (1) to determine the effectiveness of the peer tutor learning model,
(2) the methods used to improve student achievement through peer tutoring, and (3) constraints
and solutions in implementing peer tutoring learning. The research method used is a qualitative
research method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using observation
techniques, documentation study, and interviews. This study obtained three findings, namely:
(1) students experienced a very significant increase after participating in peer-to-peer learning.
This increase is possible because using the tutoring method, students learn with a supervisor
selected from their friends so that the learning process becomes more interesting and fun, (2)
the learning method using peer tutors is to collaborate with other students in the form of small
groups by providing different material in the group and giving one student the responsibility of
fostering the small group, and (3) the obstacles faced in the implementation of peer tutoring are
that other students treat like ordinary friends so that it is difficult to be given directions, the
solution given is to agree with students to comply with the rules given to students who become
tutors in groups.

Management of Teaching Factory
Heri Apriadi1 and Zainal Arifin2
Student of Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo
No.15, Karang Malang, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Lecture Teknik, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.15, Karang
Malang, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. The aim of this study were: To find out the teaching factory management pattern in
terms of planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring. (2) Knowing the supporting and
inhibiting factors (3) Knowing the teaching factory strategy at SMKN 1 Kalasan. This study
uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using
observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study: (1) the teaching factory
management pattern in terms of (a) planning at school carried out well in terms of analysis of
school conditions, human resource readiness, infrastructure, time management, and industrial
cooperation. (b) well structured organization is carried out by a division of labor. (c) the teaching
factory implements several aspects including learning aspects, human resources, facilities,
practical activities, partnerships, products and services, and support from internal and external
schools. (d) Pengawan teaching factory is carried out by all related parties either. (2) supporting
factors include superior human resources, adequate facilities, partnerships, student participation.
Inhibiting factors include not all teachers and students understand the teaching factory concept,
student work productivity decreases. (3) the strategies used include curriculum alignment and
industrial cooperation, teacher apprenticeships, commitment, and integrity of each school
member, the use of the block system.

Improving Learning Motivation And The Ability To
Categorate Livings With Think Pair Share Learning
A R Barokah
Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.15, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kab.
Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to improve the performance of teachers as indicated by an

increased motivation to learn and the ability to categorize students in the classification of living
things through the application of Think Pair and Share type learning models. This research is
motivated by the lack of learning models used by teachers, resulting in students not
understanding the learning material described and resulting in student learning outcomes are
less than the specified minimum completeness criteria. This type of research is classroom action
research and is carried out in two learning cycles. The subjects of this research were 32 students.
Data collection techniques using observation sheets and questionnaires to learn the
implementation of the learning process and learning using Think Pair Share learning models and
using tests to measure the ability of students to categorize living things. The data analysis
technique used is quantitative descriptive data analysis. The results showed an increase in the
observation cycle of learning motivation of the first cycle students as a whole by 67.34% and
the observation sheet of the second cycle increased to 88.69%. While the results of students'
ability to categorize living things in the first cycle were 75.26% and the second cycle increased
with an average value of student learning outcomes 82.28%.

Understanding the Mathematics Concepts In Senior
High School Students of Covid-19 Era
M Nurani1, Riyadi2 and S Subanti3
Departement of Mathematics Education, Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Kentingan Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Nowadays, the Covid-19 should learning in online system. So, that is why the teachers
do not learn about the development of their students, one of the way is learning mathematics. In
mathematics, understanding is a basic that must be master by the students, especially in
understanding mathematical concepts. By using the ability to understand mathematical
concepts, the students can solve the mathematics’ problems. The purpose of this study is to
describe the students' understanding of mathematical concepts in senior high school students of
Covid-19 era. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data was collected by
using triangulation methods. The instruments were used test and interview. The subjects in this
study were four students who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results
showed that the students' in low understanding of mathematical concepts occurred because of
the result in online learning is having difficulty in understanding mathematical concepts.

Mathematical abstraction ability of junior high
school students on function viewed from gender
N Khasanah1,*, T A Kusmayadi2, and F Nurhasanah3
Postgraduate Program of Mathematics Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir.
Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami
No. 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami
No. 36A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical abstraction of junior high
school students in learning the concept of function between male and female students. This is a
qualitative descriptive study with total participants were 28 students in grade 8th. There were
14 female students and 14 male students in two differents classes. The data were collected
through written tests and interviews. In this study, the researcher gave an abstraction test
questions. Furthermore, from the test results, the interview was conducted. The researcher
chosed 4 communicative students from the high ability. Based on the data analysis result,
mathematical abstraction of the students can be classified into 4 levels: 1) Recognition, 2)
Representation, 3) Structural Abstraction and 4) Structural Awareness. The result of research
showed that female students achieved of mathematical abstraction levels, namely: recognition,
representation, structural abstraction and structural awareness. Meanwhile, male students only
achieved the level of recognition, it means that commonly the male students are do not have yet
the mathematical abstraction ability in function concepts. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct
further research on how the differences in the abstraction process of male and female students
in learning context using the SCL approach.

Effectiveness of correspondence learning through
google classroom as one of the distance learning
media in the covid-19 pandemic era
S nurjanah1, Pujirianto1
Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.15, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kab.
Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the use of google classroom in the
learning process for correspondence subjects in the era of covid-19 pandemic. The type of study
used in this study is quantitative descriptive research with the design of One Shot Case Study.
The subjects in this study were grade X students of the Department of Automation and Office
Governance of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta which numbered 22 people. The research
was conducted in the odd semester 2020/2021. Instrument data used is the analysis of student
learning test results and analysis of the effectiveness of the use of google classroom as one of
the distance learning media. The results showed that the google classroom application was
considered quite effective in the distance learning of correspondence subjects as evidenced by
the results of the study tests of students who achieved grades above 70 as much as 19 children
or 86% and who were still under 70 as much as 3 children or 14% with an average grade score
of 76.22 with a high category. Meanwhile, the survey results show that google classroom
application is considered quite effective. The 3 variables provided showed the results of the first
variable showing an average of 4.05, the second variable showed an average of 4.04 and the
third variable showed an average of 4.02 and was rated effectively used in distance learning in
the covid-19 pandemic era.

Keyword: Google Classroom, Correspondence, Distance Learning

Analysis the effect of using smartphone based
learning media to improve students’ critical thinking
A Sa’diyah, I Wilujeng and N Nadhiroh
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathemathics and Natural
Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,Jl Kolombo No 1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to determine the effect of smartphone-based learning media in the
students’ critical thinking skills. This research was a quasi-experimental with only Posttest
Control Group Design. The sample of this reasearch were students of class XI MIPA 1 and XI
MIPA 2 at SMAN 1 Ngaglik in the academic year 2019/2020 who were taken by simple random
sampling. Data collection instrument was developed based on indicators critical thinking skills
namely understanding, application, analysis, evaluation, and generalize. The analysis of this
research used descriptive analysis and independent t test. The results of t test analysis showed
critical thinking skills of experimental class were significantly higher than the control class. It
means that the use of smartphone-based learning media has an effect in improving the critical
thinking skills of students.

Keywords: Learning Media, Smartphones, Critical Thinking Skills

Physics graphical representation test of straight
motion kinematics based on boti boat local wisdom:
development and validity
Armanto1, E Istiyono2, K Fenditasari1
Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Professor, Research and Educational Evaluation Study Program, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. This study aimed to produce an test instrument to measure graphical representation
integrated to Buton tribe local cultural in the form of the Boti boat for senior high school student
in Physics. It’s due to graphical representation importance competence in physics to train 21th
century skills. This research develop physics graphical representation integrated to Boti boat
local culture in Straight Motion Kinematics Topics. The Research and development reseserch
with 4D model is used. The reserch subjects were local students in Bau-Bau city (130 students
in total). Both content and empirichal validity is deeply taking apart. Finally, the feasibility
content was validated by experts and physics teachers then, the data were analyzed according to
V-Aiken Analysis. The content validity shows test items are declared valid with a range of V-
Aiken values from 0.80 to 1.00 Empirically, the Partial Credit Model (PCM) used to measure
goodness fit, reliability, and difficulty index. This study indicated that the goodness fit with a
range of 0,97-1,20. Indeed, All items difficulty levels range are normal with a range of -0.52-
1,30. Finally, this test instrument which is integrated to Boti boat local wisdom are able to use
for measuring Physics graphical representation competence in physics learning.

Keywords: test instrument, Boti boat local culture, graphical representation, physics learning.

Developing whiteboard animation video through
local wisdom on work and energy materials as physics
learning solutions during the covid-19 pandemic
A I Anggraini*, Warsono, H Hamidiyah and S Jatmika
Masters Program in Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Kolombo No.1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study are (1) to produce whiteboard animation video through local
wisdom on work and energy materials as a physics learning solution during the Covid-19
pandemic (2) to test the feasibility of whiteboard animation video through local wisdom on work
and energy materials as a physics learning solution during the Covid-19 pandemic. The
development procedure use in this research was 4D model which consisted of define, design,
develop, and disseminate. Validation and assessment process were are carried out by material
and media experts. The results of this study was (1) a product in the form of whiteboard
animation video through local wisdom on work and energy materials as a physics learning
solution during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2) whiteboard animation video that has been developed
has a high feasibility score. Then, whiteboard animation video through local wisdom on work
and energy materials is feasible to be used as physics learning solution during Covid-19

Keywords: whiteboard animation video, local wisdom, work and energy, physics learning
during the covid-19 pandemic

Implementation of finite state machine (fsm) in
arabic language education 3D game
C Annubaha
Master in Information System Postgraduate Program Universitas Diponegoro

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Arabic is the language used in the Koran, Hadith, and various sources of Islamic
Knowledge. Therefore, mastering Arabic is very important in studying Islam. However, there
are many obstacles to learning Arabic due to the complexity of its structure and limited media
to facilitate learning. Therefore, media is needed to facilitate learning Arabic by taking
advantage of current technological advances, including the Artificial Intelligence (AI) game. AI
is a simple way to make computers "think" intelligently or a system that shows characteristics
that exists in human behavior, such as understanding a language, studying, considering, and
solving a problem. This study is based on the fundamental question that how to use computer
game technology for learning Arabic, as well as how the effectiveness of the Finite State
Machine (FSM) method to improve the quality of the learning games. The 3D game with the
Adventure genre was the chosen game form to facilitate learning Arabic, especially by including
TOAFL (Test of Arabic as a Foreign Language) questions as learning content and the Finite
State Machine (FSM) as a method used to control changes in player character animation to
enable the players to behave more naturally in the game. The results of the implementation and
testing show that the FSM method runs according to the plan and make the game more natural
and attractive. This can be observed when playing the game. The player character animation can
change based on the if-then variable met. If benar >=3 && uang = 1000, the game character changes
to a Muslim shirt player animation. Thus, according to the conditions met, it can be said that the
FSM method is suitable to be applied to the player character animation controller in this game.

Keywords: Arabic, Game, Education, Artificial Intelligence, Finite State Machine

Development of self-efficacy instrument for creative
thinking skill physics material assisted by google
D A Prabaningtias1, E Istiyono2, dan DArman3
Education Research and Evaluation , Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman,
Professor in Educational Research and Evaluation, Graduate School, Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Science Education, MTsN 01 Ketapang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. The present scientific paper aimed to develop a self-efficacy instrument for the ability
to think creatively in junior high school physics material. The method used in this research is
research and development methods. The development model used is the ADDIE model. The
instrument used was validated by 3 Expert Judgment and analyzed using content validation
lawse so that the calculation result was 1 and the inter-rater reliability was 0.93. Data collection
techniques using surveys. Data analysis used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The KMO
calculation results are 0.757 and the empirical reliability is 0.777. Based on the results of the
EFA analysis, the instrument developed from 20 items in the analysis contained 1 invalid item.

Students' data literacy ability in physics using the
physics e-module integrated with the values of
Pancasila during the covid-19
E Kartika1, Ariswan1, M E Suban1, Z U Arafah1
Physics Education, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Kolombo
No. 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Correspondent Email:

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of structured learning media on
students' data literacy skills. Media developed in the form of an integrated e-module with the
practice of Pancasila values in impulse and momentum for class X using the Discovery Learning
model. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with posttest only control group design.
The sample in this study was 70 students of class X MIPA 1 and X MIPA 2 SMA Negeri 1
Prambanan which were divided into two as experimental and control class. The data collection
technique was done by a test with an instrument in the form of a multiple choice that was
facilitated by Google Form. Hypotheses were tested using independent t-test. There is a
significant difference in data literacy skills among two classes based on the results of the t test
with a significance value <0.05. In addition, the average data literacy ability indicator shows
that the average data literacy ability in the experimental class is better than the control class.
Keywords: e-modul, Pancasila, discovery learning, kemampuan literasi data

The teacher's necessity for a diagnostic test to detect
student weaknesses in learning physics in offline and
online classes during the covid-19 pandemic
E Agustina* and Supahar
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathemathiscs and Natural
Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo 1, Sleman, Yogyakarta,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to reveal the teacher's necessity for a diagnostic test to detect the
weaknesses of high school students in learning physics. The method used in this research is a
survey method. The instrument used is a questionnaire aimed for teachers. 14 physics teachers
from several regions in Indonesia became respondents in this research. The questionnaire was
analyzed by percentage. The survey questionnaire contains aspects of enthusiasm in learning
physics, the results of learning physics in class (offline), the results of learning physics online
during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the necessity for diagnostic tests. The results of this
research indicate that 92.9% of respondents require a diagnostic test to detect student
weaknesses in learning physics. The existence of a physics diagnostic test can help the work of
teachers in detecting student weaknesses. Diagnostic tests are not only needed during offline
learning in class but also during online learning because students often experience difficulties
in learning physics offline and online

Keywords: Teacher, Diagnostic Test, Physics

Developing simple hydrostatic pressure experiment
kit to determine fluid density
F Tolino1 and R S N Mahmudah2
Physics Education, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University
Jl. Colombo 1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Yogyakarta 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The use of learning kits in the physics learning process especially hydrostatic pressure
material can help students understand the concept clearly. Unfortunately, not all schools have
adequate learning kits. This study aims to make simple hydrostatic pressure experiment kits
which are easy to make by teachers and students using affordable and available waste materials.
The result was a U hose system and water vessel connected to a funnel closed with a balloon to
produce the same pressure at the same depth. To test the reliability, a series of experiments were
carried out using three fluids inserted into the U hose. The experiments were carried out by
varying the depth of the funnel to see the change in height at the U hose for each fluid. This
experiment can prove the Hydrostatic Law, i.e. with increasing depth, the pressure of the liquid
also increases. Moreover, this kit can determine the density of the three fluids, i.e. gasoline:
668.1 kg/m3 (relative error 1.75%), kerosene 786.2 kg/m3 (relative error 1.725%) and cooking
oil 927.5 kg/m3 (relative error 0.81%). Thus, it can be concluded that this simple experiment kit
can be used as learning aids for hydrostatic pressure material.

Keywords: hydrostatic pressure, learning kit, density

Integration of landslide disaster education as an
efforts to improve disaster preparedness in Magelang
Herawati1, Jumadi1, M M Jannah1 and L R Prakasiwi1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State University, Jalan Kolombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia, 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the integration of landslide disaster education in physics
as seen from the preparedness of high school students in Magelang Regency. The method used
in this research is descriptive qualitative with two data collection techniques, namely interviews
and questionnaires. The subjects of this study consisted of 10 students who attended school in
areas prone to landslides in Magelang Regency. The results showed that the readiness of students
against landslides was still low with the percentage value of each preparedness indicator
between 22% - 50%. The disaster preparedness of students in Magelang regency is still relatively
low because the integration of disaster education has not been implemented in the subjects
taught in schools. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate disaster education in schools, especially
in physics subject.

Keywords: Integration, Landslide, Physics, Preparedness

Physcrisrel-cbt to assess physics critical thinking
skills of senior high school students: a feasibility study
K Fenditasari1,E Istiyono2,
Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Professor, Educational Research and Evaluation Study Program, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Current reserch aims to develop a valid and reliable critical thinking assssment
towards technology used due to demand of 4.0 industrial revolution era. In physics education,
critical thinking, one of 21st century skill, need to develop to investigate senior high school
students (aged 15-16) during studying physics concerning on topics: Machanics, Hooke Law,
and Static fluid. However, there are not many technological instruments to measure students’
critical thingking skill. Fulfilling this gap, conducting computer based-critical thinking skills
test (PhysCriSReL-CBT) is prominent. In particular, phases were taken into account of defining,
designing, developing and dissemining (4D). Data were collected using a CBT-PhysCriSReL
for collecting information of students’ critical thinking skill for senior high school students. This
research investigate the CBT-PhysCriSReL feasibility for measuring students’ critical thinking
skills in physics. Finally, the CBT-PhysCriSReL validity is clearly assessed by expert judgments
Aikenn’s V. The study is revealed that CBT-PhysCriSReL can be stated valid and has good
categories for physics critical thinking assessment.

Keywords: critical thinking skills, computer-based test, CBT-PhysCriSReL

Development of physics learning media assisted by
adobe animate as online learning aid
L R Prakasiwi1, Warsono1, T G Gusemanto1, and Herawati1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta,
Indonesia, 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research is a type of development research using the 4D model. Developing a
tool in studying and delivering physics material for teachers and students is the aim of this study.
The media in question is physics learning media assisted by Adobe Animate on the harmonious
vibration material in the spring. Furthermore, it is hoped that Adobe Animate assisted physics
learning media can help teachers and students in delivering and studying physics material
through online learning. The trial subjects of this study were students of class X MIA 4 SMA N
1 Banguntapan Bantul which consisted of 34 students. The result of this research is that a
learning media assisted by Adobe Animate has been developed on harmonious vibration
material as a tool for teachers and students in online learning. Physics learning media assisted
by Adobe Animate is suitable for use in online physics learning with the "Very Appropriate"
category according to media and material experts, as well as according to physics learning
practitioners. Physics learning media assisted by Adobe Animate is also very interesting to use
during the physics learning process online in the "Very Interesting" category according to the

Keywords: Learning Media, Adobe Animate, Online Learning

A diagnostic test instrument to measure students'
physics data literacy skills during the covid-19
M E Suban*, Supahar, E Kartika, Z U Arafah
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The industrial revolution 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia requires
all elements of education to apply online-based learning. the existence of information
technology really supports the continuity of online learning. One of the supporting factors is
data literacy ability. The assessment instrument is important in providing information related to
students' data literacy skills. This study aims to determine the suitability of an instrument in
providing the expected information. The feasibility of the instrument includes the validity,
reliability, and difficulty of each item. This test instrument consists of 6 indicators with 5
alternative answers. The test was conducted on 71 students of the MIPA Class. The validity of
the instrument content was analysed using the Aiken V equation, while the empirical validity,
the difficulty level of the items, and the reliability of the instrument were analysed using the
QUEST program. The results of the analysis show that the validity of the instrument content and
the empirical validity of the instrument are valid and reliable. Test instruments can be applied
to students with low to high abilities. In general, the percentage of measurement results shows
that the average data literacy ability of students is moderate.

Keywords: Test Instrument, Diagnostic, Data Literacy, Physics, Pandemic, COVID-19

Problem-based learning tools assisted by google
classroom on momentum and impulse
M Zahra1, Jumadi1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogayakata, jl kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. The Covid-19 pandemic affects all aspects of activities including education. This
situation requires teachers to be more creative in adapting learning activities in this social
distancing era. One way is to apply learning from home. This research aimed to develop physics
learning tools (syllabus, lesson plan, student worksheet, material) based on Problem Based
Learning assisted by Google classroom on Momentum and impulse that are suitable for use in
learning. This research was a research using 4D design. The stages consisted of the defining,
planning, developing and dessimination stages. Researchers analyzed the curriculum, learning
materials, and the needs of students. At the design stage, the researchers made a design of the
learning tools. The product was validated by two experts. At the dessimination stage, learning
tools were tested on students at MAN 1 Yogyakarta. The results showed that the learning device
was very good to use.

Keywords: PBL, learning tools, google classroom

Integration of volcanic eruption disaster education
with physics learning process to improve students’
preparedness disaster in Magelang regency
M M Jannah, Herawati and Jumadi
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Jalan Kolombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia, 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research was aimed to study the integration of volcanic eruption disaster
education with physiscs learning process to improve senior high school students’ preparedness
for volcanic eruption in Magelang Regency. This research used descriptive qualitative, method,
consisted of two stages: survey, using questionnaire and interview. The results of this research
showed that students’ volcanic eruption preparedness was still low. Students were still having
minimum knowledge about volcanic eruption disaster preparedness because there was no
knowledge and simulation about volcanic eruption preparedness at school. Integration of
disaster education into the school curriculum was one of the strategies that can be done to deal
with disaster through education.

Keywords: Integration, physics, preparedness, volcanic eruption

Implementation of item response theory at final exam
test in physics learning: rasch model study
M Asriadi AM1, S Hadi1
Education Research and Evaluation, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This article aims to provide a study of the implementation of item response theory
with the Rasch model in the analysis of final exam test items in physics so that it can be fair to
all students. This is a survey conducted once and at a time. The subjects were the 131 grade XI
students of MAN 1 Bone. Test of final exam and documentation of physics learning were used
as data collection techniques. The data analysis method used was the item response analysis
with the Rasch model. The results showed that the reliability value with Cronbach alpha (KR-
20) which measures the interaction between the person and the item as a whole, namely α =
0.47. The value of person reliability is 0.48 and the value of the item reliability is 0.88. This
shows that the consistency of the answers from the test takers is still weak, but the quality of the
items in the reliability aspect of the instrument is quite good. So that the questions final exam
test in physics subject still needs improvement and consideration to be used again in the future.

Keywords: item response theory, Rasch model, physic learning

Student worksheet based on e-learning development
to improve problem-solving skills of class X MAN 3
Yogyakarta students in the 2019/2020
M A Ihwan, W E Septiyono, Z K Prasetyo
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This paper aims to develop a student worksheet based on e-learning on valid
momentum and impulse material to improve the problem-solving abilities of students in MAN
3 Yogyakarta. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4-D model (Define,
Design, Develop, and Desseminate). The instruments used include validation sheets and tests.
Data in the form of feasibility of e-learning madrasah-based student worksheet to improve
students' problem-solving abilities. Data collection methods used in this study include expert
validation, observation, pretest, and posttest. Data analysis using the sign test. The results show
that the development of student worksheet based on e-learning on momentum and impulse
material is feasible in terms of the validation results. This can be seen from the results of expert
validation which show that the feasibility of student worksheet based on e-learning-in improving
problem-solving abilities is in the very high category and the effectiveness of using student
worksheet based on e-learning-which is developed based on the data obtained can improve
problem-solving abilities in the implementation class. So that the developed student worksheet
based on e-learning madrasah is suitable for improving problem-solving skills.

Keywords: student worksheet based on e-learning, problem-solving, momentum and impulse

Developing physics digital literacy skill diagnostic
test assisted by google form for senior high school
Nurhasanah*1, Supahar1, E Agustina1, S A Nabila1 and P Rahayu2
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Science Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aimed to develop a test instrument in identifying digital literacy skills
in high school physics learning. This study used instrument development model by Mardapi.
The data method used a digital literacy test via Google Form. The research was conducted at
SMAN 1 Prambanan Klaten, Central Java, involving 30 students of class XI MIPA program.
Analysis of the content validity used the Aiken V. The dichotomous item analysis used the 1-
parameter Logistic Model (1 PL) or Rasch model. The instrument developed to measure digital
literacy skills is declared valid and suitable for use. The digital literacy instrument assisted by
Google Form has met the expert validation with high validity. 10 items were developed, item 1
has a low difficulty level, so the item is too easy and not good to use. While the other 9 items
have a good difficulty level and can be used.

Keywords: instrument, digital literacy skill, physics assessment

Implementation of android-based physics learning
media in increasing high school students' curiosity
S H Aji1, Suparno1
Physics Education, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. 21st century skills are needed to create individuals who are able to compete in this
century. One of the important attitudes of 21st century competence is curiosity. Curiosity can
help someone solve the problems they face. In order to improve and foster students’ curiosity,
one aspect that can support learning is through the use of mobile technology. In this study,
android application media in simple harmonic motion material is implemented in learning using
the pre-test-post-test control group experimental design. This study aims to determine the effect
of Android-based learning media on increasing students' curiosity. The subject of this study
involved students in three Senior High School in Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The results
show that the use of Android-based media is proven to have a positive effect in increasing
curiosity of students.

Keyword: physics learning media, curiosity, android, mobile learning

The level of critical thinking ability of student in
learning using learning media based on adobe
T G Gusemanto*, Warsono, L R Prakasiwi and Z Hidayatullah
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the level of critical thinking ability of students in
learning using adobe animate-based learning media. This research is a type of experimental
research. The design in this study used a posttest control group design with simple random
sampling technique. This research was implemented at SMAN 1 Banguntapan Yogyakarta. The
sample in this research were students class X MIA 4 students as the experimental class and X
MIA 3 students as the control class. The indicators of critical thinking ability tested are
identifying concepts, clarifying concepts, problem solving, making general conclusions and
analyzing concept. The results showed that the ability of students in the experimental class was
higher than that of the control class. This applies to all measured indicators of critical thinking.
The average thinking ability of students in the experimental class is at a very high level while in
the control class it is at a high level. The results of the analysis using the independent t test show
that there is a significant difference in the critical thinking ability aspects of students in the
experimental class with students in the control class.

Keywords: Critical Thinking Ability, Media in Learning, Adobe Animate

Direct and indirect measurement of magnetic field
strength in solenoids as practicum tools
T A Pianto1, Sunaryo1 , B H Iswanto1
State University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to develop a magnetic field practicum tool using Hall Effect
sensor, straw and iron. The practicum tools developed can be used as learning media of magnetic
fields in high school. The research method used is the ADDIE research model. The results of
testing the practicum at the end of 300 winding solenoids with currents 1A and 2 A obtained the
value of the magnetic field strength (29.34 ± 1.29%) and (68.99 ± 0.93%) gauss. At the end of
the solenoid with 600 turns with currents 1A and 2A, the magnetic field strength values (60.61
± 0.57%) and (130.27 ± 0.70%) gauss. In the indirect measurement of the magnetic field strength
at the end of a 600-winding solenoid, a load current of 1A and 2A is given. From the
measurement results obtained magnetic field strength respectively (58.96 ± 4.63%) and (124.08
± 3.55%) gauss. The results of the feasibility test by experts obtained an average percentage of
93% from media experts, 95% from material experts, 92% from learning experts and 96% from
limited scale trials. These results indicate that the interpretation in the category is very good so
it is suitable to be used as a learning media.

Physics learning instruction based on the conceptual
change model for senior high schools
A Munawaroh1, I Wilujeng1, and Z Hidayatullah1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research was development research that was a process or steps to develop a new
product that could be use in learning. This research developed a learning instruction in physics
based on the conceptual change model (CCM). Development of physics learning instruction that
was developed consisted of syllabus, lesson plan, woksheet, and critical thinking test. This
research aimed to know the validity and feasibility of learning instruction. This development
consisted of four steps that were define, design, develop, and disseminate. Based on the result,
learning instruction based on conceptual change model was valid with good categorized and
could be used for the next step. The developed learning instruction was also practice based on
the students’ response analysis result.

Keywords: learning instruction, conceptual change model

Development of audio visual media for distance
A S Darmawan1, Jumadi1 and W A Setyani1
Physics Education Magister Program. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Jalan Kolombo, Yogyakarta 55281 – Indonesia

Coressponding author:

Abstract. The aims of this research is to develop audio-visual learning media in high school
physics material with a sub-chapter of optical tools. The development method used in this
research is the four-d (4-D) model. Expert validators and class XI students of MAN 3 Sleman
as subjects in this study. Validation sheets are used to obtain expert validation results and
response sheets to obtain student responses. Expert validators stated that the learning media
developed were valid and fell into the "very good" category. Student responses also fall into the
"very good" category. So that audio-visual learning media with problem-based learning models
for distance learning are declared feasible and can be used in learning activities.

Keywords: learning media, audio visual, e-learning, optical tools

Learning physics with worksheet assisted augmented
reality: the impacts on student’s verbal
A A Nuha1*, H Kuswanto1, E Apriani1 and W P Hapsari2
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Graduate School Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo 1,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract: This study aims to describe the effect of student worksheets assisted by Augmented
Reality on students' verbal representation abilities. This type of research is pre-experimental
research with a comparative design of the whole group. This research was conducted in class XI
MIA 2 as the experimental and class XI MIA 3 as the control class. Data collection methods are
observation and test methods. The data analysis technique in this study used the Mann-Whitney
U test analysis. The U test analysis results obtained a significant difference from the treatment
in learning with LKPD assisted by Augmented Reality in the experimental class. So it can be
concluded that learning with student worksheets assisted by Augmented Reality can affect
students' verbal representation ability.

Keyword: Augmented Reality, students’ worksheet, Verbal Representation

Computer-based two-tier diagnostic test (CBT) to
identify critical thinking skills
D Maulidiansyah1, I Meutia1, E Istiyono2
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Professor in Educational Research and Evaluation, Graduate School, Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This paper aims to determine the weaknesses of critical thinking skills and student
responses to the use of google form as a medium for providing two-tier diagnostic tests to class
XI students at SMA UII Yogyakarta on optical instrument material. The characteristics of the
two-tier diagnostic test items used are valid and reliable. The research method used is descriptive
qualitative. The subjects in this study were 20 students of class XI MIA at SMA UII Yogyakarta.
The results of students' critical thinking skills on optical instrument material are in the medium
category. Student responses to the use of google form as a medium for providing two-tier
diagnostic tests to identify weaknesses in critical thinking skills are included in the high

Keywords: critical thinking, computer based test, two-tier, google form

The influence of using student worksheets assisted by
augmented reality toward students’ creative thinking
E Apriani1*, H Kuswanto1, A A Nuha1, and B Susetyo2
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Science,Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No.1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan, Yogyakarta Jl. Daeng, Randu Gunting, Bogem,
Tamanmartani, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Physics learning never separates from solving a problem. Creative thinking is one
way to solve a problem. Creative thinking of students in Indonesia is low. This study aims to
determine the influence of using augmented reality assisted student worksheets on students'
creative thinking abilities. This type of research is pre-experimental research with Intact Group
Comparison using the posttest-only control group design. The research sample population is 121
students and the sample is 50 students. The product used is a student worksheet assisted by
augmented reality on the experimental class's optical instrument material. Students' creative
thinking abilities were analyzed from the posttest results using test descriptions. Data were
analyzed using an independent t-test assisted by SPSS and descriptive statistics. The results
showed that the students' creative thinking ability in the experimental class using augmented
reality assisted student worksheets is better than the control class in three categories, namely
fluency, originality, elaboration. This study shows a significant difference in the average
creative thinking ability between students who learn using augmented reality assisted student
worksheets and those who do not use augmented reality assisted student worksheets.

Keywords: Student Worksheet, Augmented Reality, Creative Thinking Ability

Identification creative thinking skill in work and
energy (CTSWAE) of K-10 students’ sundanese tribe
with rasch analysis model : a case study
G A N Assyifaa1, E Nurzakiyah1, T R Ramalis2 and A Samsudin2
Postgraduate Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,
Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to identify creative thinking skills on business material and energy
from 10th grade Sundanese students. This research is a case study research conducted on 32
grade X students with 20 female, 12 male, and 18 of them are Sundanese, the rest are migrants.
The data obtained were analysed with the Rasch Analysis Model. From the analysis it was found
that Sundanese students' creative thinking ability was still low. There are differences in the level
of creative thinking ability of Sundanese and non-Sundanese students on the indicators of
fluency, elaboration and originality.

Keywords: Creative thinking skill, work and energi, rasch analysis

Identifying the drawbacks of the problem-solving
abilities by using a three-tier diagnostic test with
google form assistant
I Meutia1, D Maulidiansyah1, E. Istiyono2
Physics Education of Graduate School, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia
Professor of Educational Research and Evaluation Department, Graduate School,
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. The present scientific paper aimed to see the disadvantages of problem-solving skills
and students' responses to the use of google form as a media for a three-tier diagnostic test in
the tenth-grade students at Senior High School (SMA) of Indonesia Islamic University (UII) of
Yogyakarta. The weaknesses of problem-solving skills using three-tier diagnostic test questions
assisted by google form on the materials of business and energy lessons. The questions
employed had been valid and reliable. The research method used was descriptive qualitative.
The subjects of this study were 26 tenth-grade students. The results showed that the problem-
solving skills of students were in the medium category. Students utilized the google form to
identify drawbacks in problem-solving skills employing a three-level diagnostic test, including
the very high category.

Keywords: problem-solving, diagnostic test three-tier, google form

Critical thinking ability through augmented reality
assisted worksheets
L D Herliandry*, W Hidayatulloh, H Kuswanto, I Wilujeng
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University. Jl Kolombo 1, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Worksheets have a complex arrangement that plays an important role in learning.
The integration of augmented reality technology on the worksheet is used to analyze physics
concepts. Quasi-experimental with post-test control group design was used to determine
differences in critical thinking skills in the sample group. The population in this study was class
X SMAN 1 Kalasan and obtained X MIPA 1 as the control class and X MIPA 3 as the control
class. Critical thinking skills are measured by essay instruments including inference indicators,
explaining, analyzing, and evaluating. Hypothesis analysis using an independent t-test with
SPSS, it was found that there are differences in critical thinking skills between the two sample
groups. This suggests that using augmented reality-assisted worksheets is better for developing
critical thinking skills.

Keywords: critical thinking ability, worksheet, augmented reality

Developing an e-module physics-based kvisoft
flipbook maker to enhance the concept of
understanding for the senior high school student
M D Permata, A Safitri, Jumadi
Physics Education of Graduate School, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo 1, Yogyakarta 55281,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This pilot paper aimed to develop a kvisoft flipbook maker-based e-module
Physics for global warming symptomatic material as a physics supplementary teaching
material for the eleventh-grade student. The research adopted the model of 4D development
stood for Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The subjects of this study were 31
students of Mathematics and Science of Senior High School of 1 PAKEM. The research
instruments used were the concept understanding tests, preliminary study questionnaires,
validation questionnaires of material experts, and media experts. The methods of data
collection employed were validation, observation, pretest, posttest, and study of
documentation. Data Analyzing Technique utilized was the Sign Test. The results of the
paper showed that 1) the KFM-based Physics e-module developed belonged to a valid
category and was worth to use. 2) Understanding students' concepts during learning activities
has increased significantly.
Keywords: E-module, kvisoft flipbook maker, understanding concepts

The effectiveness of PBL assisted google classroom to
scientific literacy in physics learning
N Karmila, H Sulaiman, I Wilujeng
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State Univesity. Jl Kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the increase in scientific literacy skills in the competence
domain of students through the PBL model assisted by google classroom. This type of research
is a quasi-experimental study using a pretest posttest control design. The study population was
all students of class XI MIA MAN 1 Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used simple random
sampling. In this study, the sample used was students of class XI MIA 1. Assessment of
scientific literacy skills was obtained through a essay test consisting of five questions. There are
three indicators of scientific literacy in the measured competency domain, namely identifying
scientific issues, explaining scientific phenomena, and using scientific evidence. The data
analysis technique used is the n-gain test. The results showed that the increase in students'
scientific literacy skills was in the medium category.

keyword: PBL, google classroom, online learning, scientific literacy

Smartphone-based learning media on microscope
topic for high school students
N Nadhiroh1*, I Wilujeng1 , A Sa’diyah1 and S Y Erlangga1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. One of the learning media with mobile technology that can be used for education is
‘smartphone’. This study developed a smartphone-based learning media that is capable to
support physics learning on microscope topic for high school students of class XI with a
specialization in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (as known as MIPA). The product of this
development is a teaching material that can be accessed via an application on a smartphone.
This learning media is validated by media experts and content experts. The development model
used is Borg & Gall with seven stages, i.e the preliminary research and information collecting
stage, planning stage, the preliminary product development stage, design validation, main
product revision, main field testing, and operational product revision stage. The results of this
development reveal the validity value of smartphone-based learning media by content experts
and media experts. The accumulated responses of students to the application of smartphone-
based learning media are excellent.

Keywords: Learning Media, Microscope, Smartphone

The effectiveness of using worksheet with the PBL
model through google classrooms to improve critical
thinking skills during the covid-19 pandemic
S Y Erlangga1*, Jumadi1, N Nadiroh1 and P H Wingsih2
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia
Physics Education, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Jl Batikan UH-III/1043,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of LKPD on problem-based learning (PBL)
through Google classrooms in improving students' critical thinking skills during the Covid-19
pandemic. The quasi-experimental method was used in this study with a sample of class X MIA1
and MIA2 MAN 1 Yogyakarta. The cluster random sampling technique was used in this study
which included an experimental class with PBL through Google classroom and a control class
using conventional methods. Data collection techniques used cognitive tests to obtain data on
students' critical thinking skills. The data were then analysed using the t-test. The results showed
that there was a significant difference in the critical thinking ability of students in the
experimental class compared to the control class. Based on the results of the study, it was found
that learning with PBL assisted by Google classroom was better and more effective than
conventional learning.

Keywords: Worksheet, Problem Based Learning, Google classroom,

Development of interactive physics learning media
using smartphone integrated with pancasila values on
optical instrument
S A Nabila1*, Ariswan1, E Agustina1 and Nurhasanah1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Kolombo No 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:;

Abstract. IOT plays an important role in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The positive
impact felt on education is that it makes it easier to access information regardless of time and
space. The negative impact for education is bad behavior, especially for students. To overcome
these problems, innovation is needed in the learning process by developing learning media that
is integrated with the values of Pancasila in the realization, especially in physics. The purpose
of this research is to determine the feasibility of an interactive learning media using a
smartphone on the integrated optical instrument of Pancasila values. The type of research used
is Research and Development with a 4-D model. The research subjects were students of class
XI IPA 3 at SMA N 1 Prambanan Yogyakarta in the 2019/2020 school year. The research
subjects were 24 students. Observation data collection techniques and interviews with physics
teachers as well as interviewing several students. The data collected were analyzed using
descriptive analysis. The results of the expert validity analysis state that interactive learning
media integrated with the value of Pancasila is feasible to be applied in the learning process

Keywords: Interactive Physics Learning Media, Pancasila Values, Physics

The Effect of e-learning based worksheet to improve
problem solving ability of class X Man 3 Yogyakarta
students for 2019/2020 academic year
W E Septiyono, Z K Prasetyo, M A Ihwan,
Physics Education, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Kolombo 1,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the increase in problem solving abilities in
students. This research method is experimental research, using 2 classes. Modeling class and
implementation class. Data collection using the pretest and posttest to determine the increase in
students' problem solving abilities. The results of the analysis using the sign test analysis
obtained from data collection show that in the modeling class the value of α = 0,000 is obtained.
The implementation class gets a value of α = 0,000. The results of the analysis show α <0.05
that the modeling class and implementation class are the same as there is an increase in the
problem-solving ability of students after using the developed Worksheet.

Graphical representation skills in online learning
during COVID -19 pandemic through augmented
reality assisted student worksheets
W Hidayatulloh*, L D Herliandry and H Kuswanto
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl Kolombo 1, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author :

Abstract. This study aims to determine the student’s graphical representation skill in online
learning through Augmented Reality Assisted student worksheets in Simple Harmonics Motion
material during COVID-19 pandemic. This study is quasi experiment using Post-test Control
Group Design. The population is all students of X grade in SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan. The
sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The sample in the study was X MIPA 1
as experimental class and X MIPA 3 as control class. Assessment of graphical representation
skill was obtained by giving essay questions. There are three indicators of the graphical
representation skill that are measured, namely, the student’s ability to find the spring’s constant
from the F-x graph, student’s ability to analyses the order of spring’s constant from largest to
smallest based on the slope and student’s ability to find a spring’s displacement when the force
is changed based on the graph. The analysis used is descriptive statistics and independent sample
T test. It can be concluded that there is no significant difference between experiment class and
control class based on the student’s graphical representation skill in online learning during
COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Graphical representation, online learning, COVID-19, Augmented Reality, student


The effect of contextual physics teaching materials
assisted by an android-based virtual lab to improve
students' conceptual understanding during the covid-
19 pandemic
Rahmatullah1, W S B Dwandaru1, H Kuswanto1, A Karanggulimu1
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This is a quasi experiment research with a quantitative approach. This research aimed
to examine the effect of contextual physics teaching materials assisted by android-based
laboratories in improving students' conceptual understanding. The sampling in this research
were students in class XI IPA 4 (as a modelling class) and XI IPA 6 (as an implementation class)
at SMAN 1 Muntilan. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Based on the results
of the research that has been done, it can be argued that the use of contextual physics teaching
materials with the help of android-based virtual labs can improve students' conceptual
understanding. These results prove that contextual physics teaching materials assisted by
android-based virtual labs are effectively used to improve students' conceptual understanding.
This finding is an effective alternative to learning in distance conditions and can also be used

Keywords: Teaching Materials, Contextual Physics, Virtual Labs, Android, Conceptual

Understanding, Covid-19.

The Effectiveness of STEM-based student worksheets
to improve student’s data literacy
R G Rahmawati1, I Wilujeng1, and A U Kamila1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of STEM-based
student worksheets to improve data literacy. The research method used is in the form of Quasi-
experimental research design with the One-Group Pretest-Posttest. Students of class XI MIPA
2 in MAN 2 Yogyakarta were the subjects of this research. Based on the findings of the data
analysis, it was achieved: 1) there was an increase in the value of data literacy taught using
STEM-based student worksheets with N-Gain of 71% in the high category; and 2) STEM-based
student worksheets are effective for improving participant data literacy by obtaining sig values.
equal to 0.000 which is smaller than α = 0.005.

Keywords: STEM, Student Worksheets, Data Literacy.

Developing kvisoft flipbook maker-based physics e-
module to build on critical thinking skills of senior
high school students
S A Wijaya1, Jumadi1
Physics Education of Graduate School, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This current paper aimed to develop e-module physics based Kvisoft Flipbook
Maker (KFM) on the materials of harmonic motion in spring vibration material as
a supporting learning material for the tenth-grade students of Senior High School. The study
adapted the 4D development models (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) in
which the define stage was to describe problems in learning, the design stage was to produce
initial products and research instruments, the develop stage was to obtain product and instrument
feasibility, and the disseminate stage was for the widespread deployment of KFM-based Physics
e-modules. The study subjects numbered 34 students in the tenth grade of Mathematics and
Science (MIPA) 1 of Senior High State School (SMAN) of 1 PAKEM. The research
instruments employed were preliminary study questionnaires, material expert validation
questionnaires, media expert validation questionnaires, and critical thinking skills tests. The data
collection methods applied in this paper were validation, observation, pre-test, post-test,
and study of documentation. Data analyzing used was sign test. The results of the paper
showed that 1) KFM-based physics e-modules developed fall into the valid category and are
worth using. 2) Students' critical thinking skills during learning activities had improved

Keywords: E-Module, Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, Critical Thinking Skills.

Multimedia learning module (MLM) with hologram
simulation to improve students' mathematical
representation ability
A Mawardani1, M P Nugroho 1, Surtini2, W S B Dwandaru1
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia.
SMA Negeri 1 Muntilan, Magelang, Indonesia.

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to improve students' mathematical representation skills after using
the Multimedia Learning Module (MLM) with holographic simulations in virtual learning. This
study used a pre-experimental design with one pretest-poststest group. The subjects in this study
were students of class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Muntilan. The research data were collected
through the pretest and posttest. The data obtained were analysed descriptively and used N-gain
to determine the increase in students' mathematical representation abilities. The results of the N-
gain analysis showed that the increase in mathematical representation ability for class X IPA 1
resulted in a value of 0.6 in the moderate category.

Keywords: Multimedia Learning Module (MLM), Hologram, Virtual Learning, Mathematical


Dissemination of online diagnostic test instrument to
diagnose high school students’ mathematical
representation ability: the case of work and energy
A M R Tumanggor1, Supahar1
Physics Education, Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Diagnostic test instruments used to detect students' mathematical representation

abilities and adjusted to the main principles of mathematical representation abilities, is students
can determine the right equation according to the problem and operationalize mathematical
equations to solve problems. This research aims to disseminate valid, reliable, and effective
diagnostic test instruments for use in physics learning, especially to diagnose mathematical
representation abilities. The assessment is based on the results of developing an online web-
assisted student's mathematical representation ability instrument. This research uses the
Research and Development (R&D) method which is carried out by taking samples from several
high schools in the Bantul Regency. The product was applied to 63 students from two schools
in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The development model in this research is
the 4D model. The 4D model combined with Oriondo & Dallo-Antonio is implemented through
the Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate stages. The research results are (1) the
dissemination results of valid diagnostic test instruments to diagnose the mathematical
representation ability with V'Aikens coefficient of 0.86 to 1, and reliability can be categorized
as "Excellent", (2) The results of the dissemination to determine the profile of students' abilities
can be categorized "Medium" in terms of the student ability distributions, and (3) the practicality
level of the PhysDTRA product assessment was categorized as "Very Good" according to the
assessment by the teacher and student responses.

Keywords: Development, Diagnostic Instruments, Mathematical Representation, Online,

Work and Energy

The application of contextual physics teaching
materials assisted by android-based virtual labs to
improve students' science process skills during the
learning activities in covid-19 pandemic
A Karanggulimu1, Z K Prasetyo1, Rahmatullah1
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This paper discusses the application of contextual physics teaching materials assisted
by android-based virtual labs to improve students' science process skills during the learning
activities in the Covid-19 pandemic. These contextual physics teaching materials are applied to
students from two classes, model and implementation class. Based on the research data, the
comparison of students' pre-test and post-test results in the model and implementation class was
comparable. Students in those classes experienced an improvement in science process skills.
The research data signify that the application of contextual physics teaching materials assisted
by android-based virtual labs can improve students' science process skills during the learning
activities in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Teaching Materials, Contextual Physics, Virtual Lab, Android, Science Process
Skills, Covid-19

The effect of using the e-module assisted by the
kvisoft flipbook maker in improving students' critical
thinking skills during the covid-19 pandemic
A Safitri1, I Wilujeng1, M D Permata1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with a quantitative approach. The
purpose of this study was to see the effect of e-modules assisted by KFM in improving students'
critical thinking skills. The subjects in this study were students at SMAN 1 PAKEM class XI
IPA 2 (modeling class) and class XI IPA 3 (implementation class). Subjects were determined
by purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can
be stated that the use of e-modules assisted by the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker can improve students'
critical thinking skills. The comparison of the results of the pretest and posttest in each class
(modeling and implementation classes) is the same, namely the increase in student scores. These
results prove that the KFM-assisted e-module is effectively used to improve students' critical
thinking skills.

Keywords: E-Module, Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, Critical Thinking Skills, Covid-19

The implementation of whiteboard animation video
based on local wisdom in work and energy concept to
improve students learning interest for SMA/MA
H Hamidiyah1, Warsono1, A I Anggraini1, S Jatmika1
Masters Program in Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Science, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aimed to determine the improvement of students learning interest after
the learning implementation by using whiteboard animation video based on local wisdom. The
research uses a pre-experimental design of group pretest-posttest. The subjects in this resarch
were students of grade X MIPA 2 of MAN 2 Yogyakarta. The data in this research were
collected using a questionnaire consisting of 20 items to measure students learning interest. The
data were analyzed using N-gain to find the improvement of students learning interest. The
results shows that the improvement of students learning interest obtain 0.4 in the medium

Keyword: Whiteboard Animation Video, Local Wisdom, Students Learning Interest

Development of STEM-PBL based worksheets with
phet simulation to improve student’s problem solving
during the covid-19 pandemic
A U Kamila1, R G Rahmawati1, Jumadi1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to produce LKPD based on STEM-PBL assisted by
Phet simulation in improving students' problem solving. Used ADDIE model research
development (R&D) with stages (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Develop (4) Implement (5)
Evaluated. The subjects of this study were students of MAN 2 Yogyakarta class XI MIPA 2. In
product development there were 3 tests, namely the validation test which was submitted to the
material and media experts. Test practitioners to teachers, and test attractiveness to students.
The results obtained from the three LKPD tests were categorized as very valid, good and
attractive. Students' solving skills were obtained through the results of the students' pretest and
posttest which had an increase, which meant that LKPD had an effect on students' solving skills.
The conclusion of this study is that the resulting STEM-PBL-based LKPD assisted by Phet
simulation in improving problem solving for high school students.
Keywords: Worksheet, STEM-PBL, Phet Simulation, Problem Solving Skills.

Development of physics diagnostic test online website
(PhyDTOWeb) instrument to diagnose problem
solving ability of high school students
S Maisyaroh1, Supahar1
Physics Education, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Sleman, Indonesia.

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This research goal to develop a physics diagnostic test instruments online website to
diagnose problem solving ability of high school students. This research uses the Research and
Development (R&D) method. The development model used is the 4D model (Define, Design,
Development, and Dissemination) combined with the test item development technique. The data
obtained was quantitative data from several validators. The validators consist of two lecturers
as the evaluation experts and three colleagues. This paper shows the results of content validity
obtained from the validators and the analysis result of the data obtained by using Aikens’ V
formula. The results of this study shows that the diagnostic test instruments online website is
proper to diagnose problem solving ability of high school students. Based on the experts’
judgments and colleagues, the Aikens’ V coefficient was between 0,82-1,00 which means that
it is valid and can be used in the limited trial. All test items on the problem solving ability
instrument are in good criteria. Based on the average score of problem solving abilities of high
school students in 3 schools in Yogyakarta, they have the problem solving ability in the medium

The implementation of audio visual media in problem
based learning model to improve the problem solving
W A Setyani1, Jumadi1, A S Darmawan1
Physics Education , Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author :

Abstract. This study aims to determine the increase in problem solving skills of students in
MAN 3 Yogyakarta through audio visual media in Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The
method used in this research is a quasi experimental design with an experimental design, namely
one group pre-test-post-test design. The participants were 31 student from year 11 class in MAN
3 Yogyakarta. The result is showed that there was an increase in the problem solving skill of
students of MAN 3 Yogyakarta which was indicated by the results of the Wilcoxon test, it was
known that the significance was 0.000 < 0.05 . It can be concluded that Ha is accepted.

Keywords : Learning Media, Audio Visual, E-Learning, Problem Based Learning, Problem
Solving Skills

Multimedia learning module (MLM) with hologram
simulation to improve diagrammatic representation
skills of students
M P Nugroho1, W S B Dwandaru1, A Mawardani1
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia.

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to determine the achievement of students' scores after using
Multimedia Learning Modules (MLMs) and to determine the increase in diagram representation
after using Multimedia Learning Module (MLM). This research uses a pre-experimental design
with one group pre-test and post-test design. The sample used was 35 students from class X IPA
3. The research instrument used was multiple choice test questions containing achievement
indicators. The results showed an increase in the ability to represent diagrams in the medium
category as indicated by the N-Gain value.

Keywords: Multimedia Learning Module (MLM), Hologram, Diagrammatic Representation


PAMCI: developing and analyzing students’ problem
solving ability to support STEM using rasch analysis
E Nurzakiyah1, G A N Assyifaa1, I Kaniawati2 and A Samsudin2
Postgraduate Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,
Department of Physics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The research aims to develop Problem-solving Ability Multiple Choice Instrument
(PAMCI). The research method has been utilized by the 3D+1I model, with K-11 students
consisting of 11 male students, namely “Kasep” and 19 female students, namely “Geulis”. There
are 10 students wearing glasses, and the rest did not. The PAMCI consist of ten questions which
has been already analysed by Rasch analysis. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that
PAMCI was reliable and valid to be implemented to assess students’ problem solving ability on
optics concept although three items need to be revised.

Keywords: Rasch Analysis, Problem Solving Ability, 3D+1I Model, STEM

Effective learning strategies in biology online
learning for anticipate pandemic covid-19: a
literature review
D Andyhapsari1, Djukri2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo
Yogyakarta No.1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University,
Karangmalang Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) has a very broad impact and continues to
destroy all aspects of life and presents its own challenges, especially the world of education. All
forms of conventional learning activities are replaced by distance learning which is known
online. The application of online learning itself demands readiness for various parties, both from
education service providers, parents, and students. Educators must be able to teach by utilizing
complex online media that are packaged effectively, easily accessible, and of course make it
easier for students to understand the material. Creativity in designing learning strategies is the
key to the success of an educator to be able to motivate students to remain enthusiastic in
distance learning and not become a psychological burden. This research method is literature
review. Literature on effective learning strategies to support biology online learning. This
research technique uses literature analysis. The results of the analysis show that biology online
learning strategies are effective for use or implementation while remaining centered on students
and still able to develop students' cognitive abilities, namely PjBL, online, and blended learning.
The platforms that can support online biology learning are education perfect, ruangguru, and
zenius education.

How can scientific approach enhancing student's
curiosity and learning outcomes in science learning
E Putra1, A W Subiantoro2, Suhartini 2
Student of Biology Education Master Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences , Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia
Departmen of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstact. This study aims to describe students' scientific attitudes through a scientific approach
to VIII grade students of MTs. S. Ar- Raudhatul Hasanah Sibolga. The research was conducted
using Classroom Action Research (CAR) with a sample of 28 students. The study consisted of
three cycles. The cycle begins with a pre-cycle, showing: (a) curiosity attitude 14.3% (4
students) and (b) Learning outcomes 35.7% (10 students) and the second cycle shows: (a)
Attitude 39.3% ( 11 students) and (b) Learning outcomes are 50% (14 students). The third cycle
shows: (a) 75% curiosity (21 students) and (b) 82.1% (28 students) learning outcomes. The
results showed that the scientific approach can improve scientific attitudes and student learning

Keywords: scientific approach, student”s curiosity, student’s learning outcomes

Critical thinking skills of high school students on
biology subject during online learning: gender
H Supriyati, Djukri
Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1,
Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic with online learning.
This study aims to determine whether there is a significant correlation between students' critical
thinking skills and gender in online learning. The subjects of this study were students of class
XI SMA Islam Terpadu Ikhsanul Fikri Magelang, Central Java in the academic year 2020/2021.
The sampling technique was done by using cluster random sampling. Critical thinking skills
data were colected using essay questions that were tested on 63 students. Analysis of the test
results was carried out descriptively quantitative. The results of this study indicate that there is
a significant correlation between gender and critical thinking skills during online learning. The
results of the correlation test in this study showed a value of 0.378, which means that the effect
of the gender variable on the critical thinking skills of class XI high school students in Biology
subjects is in the low category. Female students score higher than male students on all aspects
of critical thinking.

Keywords: Critical Thinking, Online Learning, Gender

Integration of knowledge technology and content
pedagogy (TPACK) in pre-service science teachers:
literature review
L Nurhidayah1, S Suyanto2
Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State
University, Sleman, Indonesia
Lecturer in Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Yogyakarta State
University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Since the publication by Shulman (1986), researchers tend to be more interested in
examining teachers' knowledge about teaching. The teacher already has an understanding of the
subject matter. However, knowledge of how to teach requires the ability to use the right methods
for teaching and how to use the right strategies to teach content to students to be meaningful.
This is a literature review article on the ability of technological pedagogical content knowledge
(TPACK) with pre-service science teachers. TPACK was created as the knowledge that teachers
generate simultaneously and are interdependent on content, general pedagogy, technology, and
learning context. TPACK regulates the relationship between technology, curriculum content,
and about specific pedagogies regarding how teachers understand technology, pedagogy, and
content in helping each other to produce effective disciplines with educational technology.

Keywords: Technology, Pedagogy, Content, Pre-Service Teachers and TPACK

Analysis of the potential use of the STEM approach
in biology lessons refers to developments of science in
Indonesia: meta-analysis
M U Wakhid1, Suhartini2, N Nadhiroh3
Graduate Programme of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Biology Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Graduate Programme of Physic Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the development and effectiveness of STEM application
in biology learning refers to STEM development in Indonesian science. This research is a meta-
analysis study that examines several research articles that are compatible with the research
theme. The research sample was taken purposively based on articles related to the research
theme, the research journal articles used came from searches on google scholar data, totalling
45 articles with a range of the last five years (2016-2020). The data analysis used was descriptive
qualitative. The results of this meta-analysis show that most research done was to test the impact.
Influence or effectiveness of 55.56%, the most widely used research design was the quasi-
experimental 44.90%. The data collection techniques used the 51.47% test. Data analysis the
most using N-gain 33.33%. The learning model that is most integrated with STEM is PjBL
31.11%. The effectiveness of STEM application in biology learning is dominated by increasing
learning outcomes by 20%, 18% creative thinking, and 14% understanding of concepts. Based
on the analysis of the results, it can be projected that STEM will also improve critical thinking
skills, communication skills, mathematical skills, environmental literacy, scientific literacy,
creativity, science process skills, argument skills, conservation character, and misconceptions,
scientific attitudes and collaboration.

Development of virtual laboratory in biology
learning: a literature review
N Azizah11, A Suyitno2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The development of science and technology is increasing rapidly, requiring the world
of education to improve the quality of education. In improving the quality of education, it is
necessary to use technology to develop learning media. However, in reality, there are still many
teachers/lecturers who are still unable to develop effective and efficient learning media,
especially for biology education. So it is necessary to analyze articles from the results of
previous studies to understand suitable media for learning biology. One of the learning media
that can be developed is a virtual laboratory. This study aims to analyze technological
developments which are used as learning media in the form of virtual laboratories which include:
(1) types of research; (2) relative frequency (%) of virtual laboratory media in biology learning
based on education; (3) relative frequency (%) based on the material used as learning content;
(4) Research results related to virtual laboratory media in biology learning. This research method
is a literature review with 20 articles analyzed and 12 articles that meet the criteria conducted in
national and international journals. Data collection is done by collecting similar scientific
articles related to virtual biology learning laboratories and then analyzing them.

The reflective judgment and argumentation skills
profile of senior high school students’ in biology
leaning obtained by an essay test
P Nurmalasari11 and N A Ariyanti2
Biology Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Biology Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. Critical thinking skills are one of the 21st-century skills and a basis to form a
reflective judgment on an issue. Moreover, the argumentation is part of critical thinking skills.
Communication skills included argumentation skills, are among of the soft skills needed by
students in the 21st century. The aim of this study was to determine the profile of reflective
judgment and argumentation skills of high school students in biology learning. This research
was done by quantitative descriptive method and conducted at SMAN 2 Tasikmalaya. 288
students of class X-MIPA for the 2020/2021 academic year were used as sample by using
purposive sampling technique. The instrument was a description test of 2 questions arranged by
Google Form. The results showed that the reflective judgment and argumentation skills was still
low with the mean of students' reflective judgment skills in the non-appearing category of
34.25%, 47% pre-reflective, 12.25% quasi-reflective, and 6.38% reflective. The average written
argumentation skills of students were level 0 (3.63%), level 1 (57.75%), level 2 (33.38%), and
level 3 (5.25%). Students' reflective judgment and argumentation skills need to be trained and
accustomed to the biology learning process used appropriate learning models or strategies.

Keywords: 21st Century Skills, Reflective Judgment, Argumentation, Biology Learning

Analysis of science process skills of senior high school
students in Kebumen regency on the subject of
environmental change
R Novitasari1 and T Aminatun2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the percentage level of mastery of science process skills
skills of senior high school in Kebumen Regency. This research is a survey research with the
research method used is descriptive quantitative using description questions. The sample of this
research is 150 students at senior high school Kebumen. The sampling technique was random
(random). Data collection techniques with online tests via google form. The results showed that
the science process skills of State Senior High School students in Kebumen Regency for the
observation indicator had a percentage of 70.12% with the high category, for the classification
indicator 56.75% with the medium category, for the indicator drawing conclusions 66.5% with
the high category, and for the indicator predicts 67.75%.

The use of comic media based on edutainment to
increase students’ reading interest
R Febriyanti1 and A Mustadi1
Basic Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of comic
media based on edutainment increasing students' reading interest in thematic-integrative
learning. This research method is a quasi-experiment. The subjects of this study were 50 students
in grade 5 elementary school consisting of 2 class groups, namely 25 students in the
experimental class and 25 students in the control class. The instrument used was a student
reading interest questionnaire. The scores obtained were then analyzed using the Independent
sample t-test to determine the increase in reading interest between students in the control class
and the experimental class. The results of this study indicate that the comic media based on
edutainment has a significant effect on students' reading interest. Based on the results of the
independent sample t-test, the sig value was obtained. <0.05, which is 0.000, so it can be
concluded that there is a significant difference between the experimental class who participated
in learning using comic media based on edutainment and the control class who did not use comic
media based on edutainment. The better interest in reading is an experimental class that uses
comics based on edutainment media. So it can be concluded that the comic media based on
edutainment can increase reading interest in grade 5 elementary school students. The results of
this study are expected to contribute to teachers in innovating the development of instructional

Preliminary study: the profile of critical and creative
thinking of the biology undergraduate program
students of yogyakarta state university
R Rasis1 dan Paidi2
Student of Biology Education Magister Program, Yogyakarta State University, Jl.
Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia
Biology Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research is a preliminary study conducted to track and describe the profile of
critical thinking and creative thinking of undergraduate students of biology education at
Yogyakarta State University (UNY). This study used 59 research subjects who have active status
as undergraduate students of the biology education program at YSU. The instrument used was
a habit of mind instrument of critical and creative thinking in the form of a Likert scale
questionnaire. The results showed that the students' critical thinking and creative thinking scores
were in the fair category.

A systemic review of human, organization,
technology (HOT) -fit evaluation model
W P Hapsari11, D W Safitri1 dan H Haryanto1
Research and Evaluation Education Department, Yogyakarta State University,
Colombo 1, Yogyakarta

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The evaluation model that is used to evaluate the electronic service system came to
prominence a decade ago with the appearance of Yusof 2007 article on Human, Organization,
Technology (HOT) and Net Benefit specifically on health informatic systems. Since that time,
the approach has attracted many researchers to use the framework in evaluating electronic
system services in several sectors. This paper systematically examines cases of HOT fit
evaluation model practices comport with the use of the evaluation model integrating the HOT
fit component. Evidence derived from this review to repudiate or substantiate many of the claims
put both by critics of and advocates for evaluation model are presented as an agenda for future
research on the future research. Further research is recommended to overcome the development
of technological development.

Identification of critical thinking skills on problem-
based learning based on endemic flora and fauna in
Y P Sari1 dan T Aminatun2
Biology Education Graduate Student, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta,
Biology Education Department, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to identify student’s critical thinking skills of Senior High School
Grade 10 through Problem Based Learning on biodiversity material of endemic flora and fauna
endemic in Bengkulu Province. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with the essay
question based on problem-based learning to measure critical thinking skills. The sample
consists of 48 senior high school students grades 10 IPA in Bengkulu. Data collection used paper
and pencil test with problem-based essay questions via google form. The categories sub-skills
of critical thinking skills measured in this study: elementary clarification, the bases for a
decision, inference, advanced clarification, and supposition and integration. The results showed
that: (1) the critical thinking skills of senior high school students grade 10 classified into three
categories 77.09% low critical thinking skills, 18.75% fair critical thinking skills, and 4.17%
good critical thinking skills. (2) the types of critical thinking skills on elementary clarification,
the bases for a decision, inference, and supposition and integration became the lowest critical
sub-skills of thinking mastered by students than other critical thinking sub-skills.

Analysis of difficulties and characteristics item test on
biology national standard school examination
A N S Saputra1, H Retnawati2 and E Yusron3
Graduate Program of Educational Research and Evaluation, Graduate School,
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Department of Elementary Teacher Education, Cibiru Campus, Indonesian Education
University, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to describe the characteristics of Biology test items in the test
instrument of National Standard School Examination through test items analysis to check on
reliability estimation, difficulty level, and item discrimination, as well as to identify those with
high difficulty level, and to analyse the factors which cause these items to be difficult for
students. Data collection technique was done through documentation. The collected data were
in the form of a set of Biology National Standard School Examination key answers, and
students’ response of senior high school in Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan Indonesia.
Quantitative data analysis was conducted by using the approaches of Classical Test Theory
(CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT). Qualitative data analysis was carried out to describe
students’ difficulty in answering test items with difficult category. The results show that
reliability estimation is quite reliable. Based on the analysis result of CTT and IRT, the mean of
difficulty level is categorised as medium, and the mean of distinguishing ability is categorised
good. In qualitative analysis, it is obtained that one item becomes difficult to answer due to the
low concept comprehension, unfinished learning materials, and learning difficulties during the

Keywords: Assessment, Examination, Biology

Analysis of biology teacher’s understanding in Lebak
regency towards environmental literacy based on
teaching experience
A A Aviatin1 and Paidi2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University Yogyakarta State,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstact. This research was conducted to find out about environmental literacy understanding of
biology teachers in Lebak Regency based of teaching experience. This research are using survey
method with descriptive analysis and inferential statistics. The research were 40 teachers of
Public Senior High School/Public Islamic Senior High School (SMAN/MAN) in Lebak Regency.
Data were obtained using test technique. The test consists of multiple choice questions along with
reason in total 20 questions related to the understanding of environmental literacy. The results of
the research indicate that:(1) in general, biology teachers in Lebak Regency have high
understanding about environmental literacy with the average score of 62. (2) There is a difference
of understanding among teachers towards environmental literacy based on teaching experience.
Teachers on tenure of 21 or above have lower score compared to the teachers with tenure of 1
until 10 years and 11 until 20 years. So that in this study it was found that teaching experience
did not affect the understanding of biology teachers in Lebak Regency on environmental literacy.

Keyword: Teacher Understanding, Environmental Literacy, Teaching Experience

The values of local wisdom in East Belitung, maras
taun as a learning source of biodiversity and
character development for high school students
C Juliana1, Suhartini1, Haniah2, P Aryanto2 and A Susanto3
Master Degree/ Biology Education Study Program/ Yogyakarta State University
Culture and Tourism Office of East Belitung
Lembaga Adat Melayu of East Belitung

Corresponding author:

Abstract: East Belitung Regency has one of the local wisdom which is a tradition that is still
being carried out for a long-ago called Maras Taun. This local wisdom is important to introduce
to students as part of the learning process because it is close to daily life. Therefore, this study
aimed to determine the values of local wisdom Maras Taun in East Belitung as a source of
learning material on biodiversity and character development for high school students. Data
collection was through interviews and field observations, analyzed qualitatively. Primary data
in this study was the value of local wisdom Maras Taun as a local wisdom in East Belitung to
develop the character of students and analyze the biodiversity used in the event and its
conservation efforts. The results showed that there were 12 values of character development
from Maras Taun, those are religious values, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work,
independence, democracy, curiosity, nationalism, communicative, environmental care, and
responsibility. The results of the analysis of biodiversity used in Maras tahun event can be used
to assess the level of genetic diversity and species, along with challenges/threats and
conservation efforts.

Implementation of environmental-based schools in
the Adiwiyata program: a literature review
F Amrullah1 and H Nurcahyo2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Environmental pollution can result in a decrease in environmental quality, resulting

in disruption of the balance of the ecosystem and environmental degradation. Human behavior
that lacks awareness and responsibility for the environment can result in environmental damage.
In this case, to form a character that loves the environment, the government tries to create
environmentally sound education. The first component of the Adiwiyata school program policy
in an integrated manner can involve all school members. However, the implementation in the
field has not been fully implemented by the school community. The second component concerns
the implementation of an environment-based curriculum where teachers or educators are
competent so that the development of quality learning is related to the environment. The third
component is participatory-based environmental protection activities. Adiwiyata's
implementation that participatory-based environmental activities have standards for carrying out
protection activities. Environmental protection and management activities are carried out such
as composter, nursery, class picket, all of which involve all school members. component the
fourth of environmentally friendly facilities management means environment-friendly of a
special allocation from Adiwiyata which is included in the school budget eco-friendly Facility
arising from the purchase or grants from the agency.

Empowering critical thinking and problem solving
skills through contextual teaching and learning in
Fitarahmawati1 and Suhartini1
Biology Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author :

Abstract The 21st century requires several skills to deal with today's problems, including
critical thinking and problem solving skills. This study is a literature review purposed to
determine the effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning to improve critical thinking skills and
problem solving in biology. Critical thinking and problem solving skills must be taught in
schools and designed by teachers in context and competency-based learning, not content-based.
Biology as science emphasize on the research activities using the scientific method with a
scientific attitude to get new inquiry or new concept. CTL presents the topic of learning in
everyday life, students can build their cognitive structure starting from what they already know,
what they just know from learning, to what they can do, as well as build their emotional because
learning is based on what they really experience so it becomes meaningful. Students must be
able to see a problem in real life from various points of view and various disciplines in order to
better understand the problem. A good comprehension will make students wiser in responding
to problems and think creatively to solve these problems.

Practical skills of Pakistani and Indonesian students
a comparative analysis
Naseer Ahmed2

Abstract. In science learning process practical always have significant role especially chemistry
learning is completed with practical. Chemistry students concept clear after practically
performance in laboratory. In this research comparison of Pakistani and Indonesian students’
practical skills observed, this research is quantitative descriptive, observation sheet used for data
collection, 71 Pakistani and 70 Indonesian students were under observation, independent t-test
used for data analysis. According to results there is significant difference between Pakistani and
Indonesian students’ practical skills in generally, while according to each aspect Indonesian
student’s practical skills dominant on Pakistani students in experimental and manipulative skills.
On the hand in observation skills, drawing skills and reporting and interpretive skills there was
no significant difference found, hence Indonesian and Pakistani students have same practical
skills in last three aspects. Research can be held with different aspects for different results.

Keywords: Chemistry Lab, Indonesian Students, Pakistani Students, Practical Skills,

Undergraduate Students

Making greenbox effect simulator learning media to
increase understanding the concept of greenhouse
N S Ainy1 and N Hadi1
Education of Biology, STKIP Arrahmaniyah

Correspondence author:

Abstract. Earth is experiencing global warming (global warming) due to an increase in air
temperature (greenhouse effect). This is due to the large number of greenhouse gases produced
by human activities. In addition, it is also due to the reduced number of plants that absorb
greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. This condition causes the study of the greenhouse
effect to become an object studied by students at school. Understanding the greenhouse effect
is somewhat difficult if only understood in theory. Increasing understanding can be done by
making practicum learning media. This study aims to create learning media for the Greenbox
Effect Simulator to help understand the concept of the greenhouse effect. The research was
conducted using control variables and independent variables (use of plants and without plants).
The plants used are Caisim, Sri Gading and Orchid. The presence of carbon dioxide (CO 2)
greenhouse gases can be detected by three things, namely changes in the color of the CO 2
indicator, changes in temperature, and visibility of the box. The color of the CO2 indicator shows
green and green yellow for Box B (with plants) which means the concentration of CO 2 in normal
conditions. Whereas Box C (without plants) gives a yellow color, which means that the
concentration of CO2 is at high conditions. The presence of carbon dioxide gas from combustion
will increase the temperature by 1.4 - 1.9 oC in Box C (without plants) and 0.7 - 1.5 oC in Box
B (use of plants). The visibility of Box B shows a higher brightness level than Box C. The best
plants that can absorb CO2 concentrations are Orchids. The ability of Orchids to absorb CO 2 is
assisted by their roots which also function to carry out photosynthesis. The existence of plants
functions to absorb CO2 quite well when viewed from changes in temperature, color indicators
and visibility.

The learning effect using online instrument to the
ocean literacy and problem-solving in the mangrove
ecosystem study
N T Lestari1, S Anggraeni2 and Amprasto2
Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. COVID-19 pandemic and government policy require students at the school and
university levels to carry out online learning. This research conducted the effect of online
learning by Web-Based Training using WhatsApp and zoom meeting on ocean literacy and
problem-solving abilities in high school students in the Ecosystem subject. This research was
conducted at SMA X in Cirebon using a weak experiment method and pretest-posttest group
design. The data were obtained using a questionnaire to measure knowledge, attitudes, and
behavior related to protecting the marine environment and problem-solving skills. The subject
of this research was 30 students of class X MIPA in ecosystem subject. Results of pretest-
posttest group design using Mann Whitney shows the result is 0.006 <0.050. The results of the
research on problem-solving skills indicated that there were significant differences in the pretest
and posttest group design with a value of t count 0.000 <0.050. The attitude of protecting the
marine environment ocean obtained a percentage of 75.8% in the negative category, and 97.2%
in the positive category. This shows that online learning has a significant effect on ocean literacy
and problem-solving skills for class X students on ecosystem subject.

Keywords: Online Learning, Ocean Literacy, Problem-Solving Skills, Ecosystem

Evaluation of online learning program for biology in
Yogyakarta State Madrasah Aliyah during the covid-
19 pandemic
N F Luthfi1 and Supahar2
Graduate Programme of Educational Research and Evaluation, Magister Program,
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Physics Education Doctoral Program, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to evaluate the online learning program for high school subjects at
the State Madrasah Aliyah Yogyakarta City. Using the CIPO evaluation model (Context, Input,
Process, Outcome). The subjects of this study were principals of madrasahs, curriculum
representatives, educators of Biology subjects, and students of class X, XI, XII. The data was
collected using interview guidelines and questionnaires and then analyzed a descriptive
qualitative. The results of this study on the factor context related to the needs and backgrounds
of madrasahs that are by the objectives related to policy information and online learning
programs. Input factor shows the level of crucial need to support programs in the form of internet
networks. The process factor, in this case, is the increase in activity by programs based on the
digitalization system and the outcome factor is more of a long-term impact that is felt in the
form of increased digital literacy and increased competence in use ICT.

Biology teachers’ understanding of argument-driven
inquiry and think pair share learning model based on
the educational background and teachers’ experience
O Prihandayu1 and Paidi2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Coressponding author:

Abstract. This research is a descriptive study with a census method aims to describe the biology
teachers’ understanding of public senior high school/islamic senior high school (SMAN/MAN)
in Kebumen Regency of Argument-Driven Inquiry and Think Pair Share learning model is based
on the educational background and teachers’ experience. This research used the research
subjects of all biology teachers of class X, XI, and XII of public senior high school/islamic
senior high school (SMAN/MAN) in Kebumen Regency, totaling 37 people. The instrument
used in the form of a multiple-choice written test. The results showed that the biology teacher
understanding score of the Argument-Driven Inquiry learning model was moderate and the
biology teachers’ understanding score of the Think Pair Share learning model was very high.
The analysis based on educational background shows that teachers with a background in biology
education have a higher understanding than teachers with a background in biology education.
The analysis based on teachers’ experience shows that biology teachers in the work period of
11-20 years have the highest understanding compared to those who work for 1-10 years and 11-
30 years.

Profile of biology teachers understanding on Social-
Scientific Issues (SSI) in Bantul Regency based on
teaching experiences and gender
R D Hartanti1 and Paidi2
Biology Education, Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to describe the understanding of high school Biology teachers on
Social-Scientific Issues in Bantul Regency based on teaching experiences and gender. This
research is a descriptive-quantitative design study. The method of data collection is using the
result of tests on SSI. The results showed that teachers’ understanding on SSI based on teaching
experiences is teachers who have taught between 14.5 until 23.5 years have the highest level of
understanding, while teachers’ understanding on SSI based on gender is female teachers have
higher level of understanding than male teachers. Conclusion of this study, teachers’
understanding on SSI at “medium” category with percentage at 55%.

Factual and conceptual knowledge of biology
teachers regarding of the discovery learning and
team assisted individualization model
R Rusmalinda1 and Paidi2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research is a descriptive study that aims to describe the factual and conceptual
knowledge of the biology teachers of Senior High School/Islamic Senior High school
(SMAN/MAN) in Metro City regarding the Discovery Learning and Team Assisted
Individualization model. This research was conducted from May to September with the research
subjects of biology teachers at SMAN / MAN in Metro City. The instrument used was a test.
The data technique used a multiple choice test with five alternative answers. Test instrument
uses the dimensions of understanding according to Anderson et al. The results showed that the
level of factual and conceptual knowledge biology teachers on the Discovery Learning model
was higher than the Team Assisted Individualization model. Based on teaching experience, in
the Discovery Learning model teacher has very high knowledge during the tenure of 10-20
years, while in the Team Assisted Individualization model the teacher has very high knowledge
at year of service 31-40 years.

Portrait of metacognitive awareness of prospective
biology teacher of Malang State University through
study journal on lesson study based learning
T Manisa1 , D Setyawan1 and H Susilo1
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri
Malang, Semarang Street 5, Malang City, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research aims to find out the metacognitive awareness portrait of prospective
teacher students after learning with lesson study and assignment in the form of study journals.
This type of research is a pre-experiment research with one-group petest-postest designResearch
sample of 30 prospective teachers in 21st Century Biology Education courses. Sedative data
collection using student study journals, modified self assessment questionnaires from greenstein
and pretest-posttest work. Data analysis is done by descriptive analysis using descriptive
statistics to show descriptions or portraits of student metacognitive awareness and gain score
tests. The results showed that the percentage of metacognitive awareness from the student study
journal of prospective teachers by 70%-100%, the results of the self assessment questionnaire
analysis showed that the metacognitive awareness of prospective teacher students is in the
category of good to excellent and the results of the gain score test in the medium category.

Understanding of biology teachers in using ict-based
learning media in Babat Toman District
S P Marizka1 and Paidi2
Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Biology Education Lecturer, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding of biology teachers in
the use of ICT-based learning media in Babat Toman District. This research was conducted in
five SMA in Babat Toman District. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive
research using percentages. Sampling was done by using total sampling technique. The samples
of this research were fifteen biology teachers. The research instrument used in this study
consisted of a non-test instrument in the form of an online questionnaire. The results showed
that individually the percentage of Biology teacher understanding in the use of ICT-based
learning media showed that biology teachers in Babat Toman District were not categorized as
good or still low. This does not yet support the good use of ICT as a medium or a source of
learning. Therefore, it can be said that biology teachers in Babat Toman District have not made
good use of ICT as a medium or a source of learning. Thus, the first step that can be taken to
improve quality in the field of education is to increase the skills of education personnel, which
in this case are school teachers so that they have the ability to use ICT as a medium and learning
resource in the student learning process.

Keywords: ICT, Use of ICT, Learning Media, Teacher Understanding.

Student interaction, teacher competence, and
technology in creating a meaningful online learning
A Gultom1 and Suhartini1
Biology Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Online learning is the new normal era during the Covid-19 pandemic certainly has a
different learning environment than before. Prior learning allows face to face. Criticism of
student-teacher interactions in delivering online learning is the topic of focus in this article.
Teacher competence is a variable that cannot be separated from any learning and mastery of
software application technology for online activities, electronic learning programs as a medium
that adapts to the current pandemic conditions. How deep is online learning carried out so that
full meaningful learning is realized? Technology, which includes devices, internet quotas, and
signals, has become a strong criticism of the unpreparedness of these educational service
providers to facilitate online learning.

Stimulation of cognitive activities through modeling
example in biogeochemical cycle learning
D Susanti1, A Rahmat1, and Amprasto1
Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, FPMIPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,,
Bandung, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. The research aims to get information on cognitive activities through modeling
examples in biogeochemical cycle learning. The research method uses a quasi-experiment.
Cognitive activities are obtained by recording students’ verbal data during the biogeochemical
cycle of learning. Students’ verbal data were analyzed and categorized into types of cognitive
activity according to the think-aloud protocols (TAPs) method. Students who learn by modeling
examples can bring up cognitive activities in a higher category than students who do not learn
by modeling examples. Students’ cognitive activities can be stimulated using modeling
examples. Cognitive activities that appear when students learn the biogeochemical cycle are
activating initial knowledge (K1), identifying (K2), interpreting symbols (K3), comparing (K4),
making hypothesis (K5), inferring knowledge (K6), and elaborating knowledge (K7).

Increasing students’ learning motivation through
android-base biology educational game with e-
module during covid-19 pandemic
E N Aroyandini1 and S Aloysius2
Magister Students of Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University,
Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State University, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. The aim of the research is to increase students’ learning motivation in learning
classification of living things subject by using android-based biology educational game that
accompanied with e-module. The type of this reserach is is a quasi-experiment research with
pretest-posttest control group design that conclude in at SMP N 3 Sragen, Jawa Tengah. The
population of this study were the grade VII students of SMP N 3 Sragen in 2020/2021 academic
year with the students of VII A class as the experimental class and the students of VII B class
as the control class. Instrument that use in this research is questionnaire. The control class only
using google form as the learning medium, while the experimental class using google form that
added by android-base biology educational game with e-module. The result shows that students
learning motivations in the experimental class from 76,18 to 90,23, while in control class also
increase from 74,73 to 82,14. Therefore, it can be conclude that the use of android-base biology
educational game with e-module during the COVID-19 pandemic can increase students’
learning motivation better than using google form only.

Keywords: Educational Game, E-Modul, Motivation, Covid-19 Pandemic

Student’s misconception profile of first semester 10th
grade on biology
G N Pratomo1, Suhartini2 and Ikhsanudin3
Graduate Student of Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta
Postgraduate Student of Educational Research and Evaluation, Yogyakarta State
University, Yogyakarta

Abstract. This study aims to analyze the student’s misconception of first-semester on biology
subject at 10th grade senior high school. There are seven concepts on first semester such as
scope of biology, biodiversity, classification of living things, virus, bacteria, protist, and fungi.
The participants consisted ten students from public and private schools. The data collection
instrument contains 35 biology test items. The diagnotstics instrument were valid and reliable
tested on Lawshe’s CVR and Aiken’s V. Lawshe’s CVR initially determined that only one item
lacked interrater proportion agreement (CVR = -0,2) and Aiken’s V validity analysis shows only
three items had low content validity coefficient. The findings confirm the results, majority of
the students in Science class did suffer misconceptions which were generally caused by a wrong
initial understanding on biology concepts. Highly misconception happens in the protist concept
and followed by biodiversity concept.

Analysis of research instruments: online learning
using of gadgets in biology learning to student
learning interests
I N Cahyani1 and A W Subiantoro2
Student of Postgraduate Program in Biology Education, Universitas Negeri
Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This research aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument. The
type of this research is survey. The subjects in this study were 100 senior high school students
year 2018/2019 from five different regions: 33 respondents in DIY, 31 respondents in Central
Java, 22 respondents in East Java, 11 respondents in West Java and three respondents in West
Sumatera. The respondents were students in Science class of 10-grade (n=11), 11-grade (n=35)
and 12-grade (n=54). Data was collected by questionnaire. This instrument used the answer or
response category based on a Likert scale, where the level score started from the lowest (1) to
the highest (4). In this study, analysis method used to determine the eligibility of items in the
questionnaire was carried out with the significance of the reliability coefficient. This was
performed to calculate the reliability coefficient per item using the reliability analysis with the
Alpha Cronbach formula. Based on the analysis of the statement items using SPSS, out of 22
items, 18 items were recognized as valid and four items were considered invalid. On the
reliability test, the 22 questions given to 100 respondents had Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.763,
and this showed a sufficient reliability.

Keywords: Gadget, Validity, Reliability, Biology

The potential of earthworms (lumbricus sp.)
morphology in Anrelli Village, kulo district as an
environment-based biology learning resource
M S Taufik1, S Suyanto2 and Amri3
Biology Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University,Yogyakarta,
Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah
University Parepare, Parepare City, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. The research objective was to determine the potential of earthworms (Lumbricus sp.)
morphology in residential areas, rice fields, and cattle farms in Anrelli Village, Kulo District as
an environment-based biology learning resource. The research used a descriptive study with
descriptive-qualitative research methods. The research population was all Lumbricus sp., in
Anrelli Village, Kulo District. The research samples were all Lumbricus sp., from three locations
with an area of 1 x 1 m and a depth of 0-30 cm. The supporting samples research were physical,
chemical and biological soil conditions. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with
Hand-Sort method. The data analysis technique is descriptive-qualitative with an inductive
approach on the subject of Animal World in 10th grade according to KI.3 and KD.3.3. The
supporting sample used the Morario formula. The research results were Lumbricus terrestris,
Lumbricus castaneus and Lumbricus rubellus. The earthworms morphologies that can be
observed by students as learning resources are body size, skin/body surface, body color,
segment, setae type, clitelium, and prostomium. The results can be integrated as an environment-
based biology learning resource by explaining the classification principles of living things in
five kingdoms.
Keywords: Morphology, Lumbricus Sp., Environment-Based Learning Resources,

How is the level of preparedness of grade XII high
school students in facing disaster?
Nurvianti1, B S Hadi1 and Rizal2
Geography Education, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Economy Education, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Most of the territories in Indonesia are very vulnerable to natural disasters so that
attempts are needed to minimize the various threats posed. Preparedness is the safety key in
facing the threat of disaster. This research aims to analyze the level of preparedness of high
school grade XII students to face disasters at SMA Negeri 2 Wangi-Wangi. This research used
quantitative methods. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires to 46 respondents. Data
analysis used descriptive statistical analysis techniques. The results showed that the level of
preparedness of class XII students was in the ready category with a percentage of 74% and 26%
in the not ready category. This indicates that the majority of students have awareness of disaster
risks. However, the preparedness of vulnerable groups, especially children, must be improved.
The roles of various parties are needed to optimize the preparedness of students to face disasters,
both natural, non-natural, and social disasters.

Keyword: Disaster Preparedness, High School Students

Adiwiyata program implementation in inculcating
environmental care characters: a literature review
P Fauzani1 and T Aminatun2
Postgraduate Biology Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Adiwiyata is a program carried out by schools to create a school that cares and has an
environmental culture. There are four main components in the implementation of the Adiwiyata
program, namely 1) environmentally sound policies, 2) environment-based curriculum
implementation, 3) participatory-based activities, and 4) management of environmentally
friendly supporting infrastructure. In implementing the Adiwiyata program, it can affect the
character of caring for the environment for students. The character of caring for the environment
is the knowledge and attitude of students in an effort to prevent environmental damage and
develop efforts to repair environmental damage. This article was created using method literature
review, which is to collect literature that is relevant both nationally and internationally. From
several articles analyzed, the obstacles in the implementation of the Adiwiyata program were
more or less the same, namely the problem of allocating unmet funds, human resources, and
infrastructure. One of the factors of human resources is that students still do not understand the
concept of an environmentally friendly school. Therefore, instilling a caring character for the
environment in the Adiwiyata program is very important for the development of knowledge and
attitudes of students in caring for the environment.

Effective mathematics teacher of high school and
influencing factors in Central Lombok, West Nusa
Sumiati1 and Jailani1
Postgraduate Mathematics Education Study Program, State University of
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Coresponding author:

Abstract. Effective mathematics teachers of high school are very urgent in the world of
education to improve teacher competence, teaching quality and student achievement. Based on
the literature review, we found that there were three aspects to an effective mathematics teacher.
The aspects we found were the characteristics of effective mathematics teachers, the teaching
skills of effective mathematics teachers and the influencing factors of effective mathematics
teachers. In this study, we focused on explaining the characteristics of effective mathematics
teachers of high school and the influencing factors in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
The type of research used was descriptive research with mixed methods with a parallel
convergent design. The research subjects were all high school mathematics teachers in Central
Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and 26 mathematics teachers were selected. Data were collected
through questionnaires, multiple-choice tests, interviews and documentation. Then analyzed
using descriptive techniques. The results showed that the characteristics of effective
mathematics teachers of high school were classified as good and the factors that influenced it
were related to effective teacher academic qualifications, teacher training, and teaching
experience. Based on these findings, we suggest that effective mathematics teachers of high
school need to be assisted to improve their quality. We also suggest that the government and
stakeholders encourage and facilitate teachers to actively participate in self-development
activities to reach the needs of mathematics teachers.

Keyword: Characteristics of Mathematics Teachers, Mathematics Teachers

Augmented reality learning media in biology learning
during the covid -19 pandemic: student acceptance
U A Labib1, A W Subiantoro2 and W P Hapsari1
Student of Biology Education Magister Program, Yogyakarta State University, Jl.
Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia
Biology Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No. 1, Sleman 55281, Indonesia
Research and Evaluation Education Department, Yogyakarta State University,
Colombo 01, Yogyakarta

Corresponding author :

Abstract. The advancement of digital technology in Industry 4.0 requires the ability to utilize
technology as a whole and comprehensively. The use of digital technology includes the use of
smartphone devices that have many users in Indonesia. High users tend to have both positive
and negative impacts, a negative impact if students become complacent and unable to use
smartphone devices to support their learning achievement. The problems that will arise need to
be resolved immediately, the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic will make students more
intense in using this smartphone device The use of digital technology devices has entered into
the educational aspect that has great potential in supporting learning activities, especially the
use of Augmented Reality technology in support the object of pengamtan learners in the field of
biology education.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Student’s Acceptance, Technology

The Implementation of the scientific approach:
should the scientific approach be used in biology
U Hasanah1 and S Suyanto2
Biology Education Magister Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman,
Biology Education Program, Faculty Mathematic and Natural Science
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to see and analyze the application of a scientific approach in the
learning process of biology and to see how important the application of a scientific approach is
in learning biology. The research sample consisted of 158 students who came from three SMA
Negeri Martapura South Sumatra. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire that
was distributed to respondents via Google form. Data analysis was obtained based on the results
of the questionnaire percentage tabulation on Google form. The results showed that the process
of applying the scientific approach to learning was quite good, marked by students doing
learning activities quite actively. Students also give a positive response related to the application
of the scientific approach. The application of each syntax of the scientific approach varies, some
are easy to do some are difficult to do. Based on the various biological problems that arise, it is
understood that the application of the scientific approach has a very important role in improving
the soft skills and hard skills of students, especially in learning biology.

The role of ICT literacy for ICT self-efficacy and ar
experiences on pre-service science teacher
A Artiningsih1, Paidi1 and I Wilujeng1
Science Education, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study is descriptive quantitative research. Research is conducted to show pre-
service science teacher perception about ict literacy for ict self-efficacy and augmented reality
experiences. Data collected through a questionnaire which a questionnaire purposed to measure
perception about ict literacy, self efficacy, and augmented reality experiences on pre-service
teacher. This study use purposive sampling and there were 62 pre-service science teacher. The
result of this study showed that the questionnaire has a cronbach alpha score of 0,662 and based
on the data, the pre-service teacher have shown a positive high perceptions about ICT literacy
in general are more successful at using technologies at classroom learning, but some teachers
still lack experience using augmented reality.

Keyword: ICT Literacy, ICT Self-Efficacy, Augmented Reality

Assessing high school students’ scientific
argumentation skills on salt hydrolysis

Muntholib1, A D Dien1, Yahmin1 and L Rukisworo2

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang
SMA Negeri 2 Malang

Corresponding author:

Abstact. Scientific argumentation is part of scientific literacy, widely accepted as one of the
main goals of science education. Consequently, scientific argumentation needs to be included
in the assessment of science instruction, including the chemistry instruction. The knowledge
structure of salt hydrolysis includes scientific knowledge and scientific inquiry involving
scientific argumentation practice. The purpose of this research is to describe the 11 th graders’
scientific argumentation skills on salt hydrolysis. This research applied a survey research design.
The instrument for data collection is developed in stages of literature review, development of
items, expert judgment; and finalization. The instrument of scientific argumentation skills on
salt hydrolysis consists of 11 items with very feasible categories (the average score of expert
judgment is 91%). A scientific argumentation skills survey was conducted for the 231 students.
Students’ scientific argumentation skills were analyzed by comparing students' correct answers
in making claims, providing evidence, and making explanations with the maximum score they
can obtain. The survey shows that the average rating of respondents' skills in making claims is
89% (the excellent category), providing evidence is 41% (the low grade), and formulating
explanation is 31% (the low category). These results show that the respondents have been able
to make a claim but have not provided scientific evidence and justification for the claim.

Keywords: Scientific Argumentation Skills, Salt Hydrolysis, High School Students

Natural science teachers perception on subject
specific pedagogy integrated earthquake disaster
M I Shofa1, Pujianto2
Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. This research is aimed to find out the perception of Natural Science teacher on subject
specific pedagogy integrated earthquake disaster mitigation. It is a descriptive research with 12
of Natural Science Candidates of Teacher and 14 Natural Science Teachers. The research data
is obtained by using validated questionnaire. The data analysis technique is performed using
quantitative percentage. The research result indicates that the perception of Natural Science
teachers and teacher candidates on subject specific pedagogy is in good category which score is
80.35. The aspect of teachers and teacher candidates’ knowledge is 83.85 and is categorized as
good. While the aspect of knowledge on Natural Science learning integrated by disaster
mitigation of teachers and teacher candidates is 73.33 and is categorized as moderate criteria. It
is potential to make Natural Science as one of disaster mitigation education medium.

Keywords: Teachers Perception, Subject Specific Pedagogy, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation

Development of ORSAEV model learning materials
based on role-playing of against flood disaster
mitigation preparedness, anxiety and enjoyment of
junior high school
N W Kusumaningrum1, Madlazim2 and T Purnomo3
Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. This study aims to produce a OrSAEv model learning materials based on role-playing
for effective disaster mitigation to improve flood disaster mitigation preparedness, identify
anxiety and enjoyment in junior high school. This type of research is the development of
learning materials with a quasi-experimental design model. The research subjects were 29
students of grade VII at SMPN 2 Kalitidu. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion
that has been carried out, it shows that the development of learning material are valid with the
validity value of each Leson Plans 100%, Student Worksheet 98%, Student Book 94%, Test
Questions 96%, Mitigation Questionnaire 100%, The Enjoyment Questionnaire 100%, and the
Anxiety Questionnaire 100%. In addition, the learning tools that have been developed are also
stated to be implemented measures based on the results of the implementation of the lesson plans
from 3 meetings with 94.1%, 93.8% and 92.9%, respectively, for the student response
questionnaire a score of 2.5 indicates that the students respond well. Student learning outcomes
improve and have a difference between the pretest and posttest scores. Based on the poster
analysis, the criteria are quite good. The criteria for disaster mitigation simulation skills are quite
good. The results of the enjoyment questionnaire showed that students did not enjoy it, while
the anxiety questionnaire showed that students did not feel anxiety.

Energy literacy of junior high school students in
Indonesia : a preliminary study
M Usman1, Suyanta2, Pujianto3 and K Huda1
Natural Science Education Master Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Physics Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Energy plays an important role in the development of a country, including Indonesia,
both in the social and economic sector, as well as the quality of its citizen life. However,
Indonesian still used energy in an ineffective way. One of the best ways to instill the energy-
saving behavior for citizens is by improving their energy literacy. This study aims to discover
the initial energy literacy profile of junior high school students in Indonesia. The research design
used was quantitative descriptive design with open survey method. The research was conducted
online in October 2020. There were 184 students (95 males and 89 females) in 8th and 9th grades
that chosen using simple random sampling technique with snowball method. The data was
collected using modified energy literacy questionnaire. The results indicate that energy literacy
of Indonesian junior high school students belongs to moderate category, with discouragingly
low average cognitive domain score. This is because students are concerned on energy problems
and their positive attitudes, but they apparently lack the required knowledge and skills to
contribute toward energy-related issues. Therefore, energy education that is able to hone
student’s energy literacy and synergize its domains need to develop for improving energy

Keywords: Energy Education, Energy Literacy, Junior High School Students

The basic science process skills of new learners in
general biology course

B Fatmawati1
1Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Alam, Universitas Hamzanwadi, Lombok Timur, NTB

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Process skills are the whole directed scientific skills that can be used to find a concept,
principle, or theory to develop pre-existing concepts. Process skills involve cognitive, manual,
and social skills. As for basic process skills are observation, classification, measurement,
communication, prediction and inference. The focus of this study was to find out the basic
process skills of new students in general biology courses. The respondents were all students of
biology education department in the first semester. The research instrument was a student
worksheet with the topic given "life in the biosphere". The data analysis used was descriptive
statistics by calculating score of the basic process skills result then classified them into high,
medium, and low categories. Generally, for all categories was high (0%), medium (25%), and
low (75%), the score for each indicator basic science process skills was also calculated through
observation, communication, classification, prediction, and inference. Therefore, the leaners
were still not able to do the classification indicators because they were confused with the
meaning of grouping.

An analysis on the need for developing pbl-based e-
modules utilizing virtual laboratory on digestive
system material
N D Ravista1, Sutarno1 and Harlita1
Program Magister Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

Coresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for the development of PBL-based
e-modules with the help of a virtual laboratory on the digestive system material at Baleriwu
Danga Senior High School, Flores, NTT. This research is an early stage (Research and
information collecting) included in Borg and Gall's R & D model. Data collection techniques
used were documentation, interviews with biology teachers, and questionnaires for students who
had learn the digestive system material.The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The
results pointed out the fact that biology lessons had not used teaching materials that could
facilitate students in constructing their own knowledge. The teaching materials used only
contain descriptions of the material and are still conventional (printed), and thus students have
not followed the latest development of science and technology. In addition, teachers have not
used innovative learning models and rarely do experiments. The conclusion of this study is that
it is necessary to develop a PBL-based e-module with the help of a virtual laboratory with the
aim to help students understand the concept of the food digestive system independently through
interesting activities while changing the way students learn. The developed e-module can be
accessed through smartphone.

Keywords: E-Module Development, Problem Based Learning, Virtual Laboratory

Chemistry teachers ‘perspectives on virtual STEM
laboratories as learning media
N F Rahmadani1, S R D Ariani1, S Mulyani1 and N Y Indriyanti1
Master Program of Chemistry Education, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The virtual STEM laboratory is a STEM-based learning media alternative as

practicum media because the laboratory has limitations. This study aims to determine the
perspective of chemistry teachers on the existence and use of virtual STEM laboratories. The
method used is descriptive qualitative research, where the teacher's perspective is obtained from
filling out questionnaires and interviews that have been conducted with eleven chemistry
teachers with different teaching periods. The results showed that most of the teachers delivered
material based on the syllabus and delivered practicum-based material in a combination. Eight
out of eleven teachers stated that a chemistry laboratory was available in their school, but
practicum was only carried out on materials where the tools and materials were readily available.
All teachers agree with a virtual STEM laboratory because it can complement if the actual
laboratory is inadequate. The teacher delivers materials suitable for a virtual STEM laboratory,
namely atomic structure, reaction rate, stoichiometry, acid-base, chemical reactions, redox,
chemical equilibrium, voltaic cells, electrolytes and non-electrolytes solution, thermochemistry,
electrolysis, and the colligative properties of solutions. This study concludes that all teachers
agree and are enthusiastic about using virtual STEM laboratories to support chemistry learning.

Examining high school students' ill-structured
problem solving skills on chemistry problems related
to the covid-19
C A Widyorini1 and S Rahayu1, 2
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Universitas Negeri
Malang, Malang, Indonesia


Abstract. This study is preliminary research that aims to examine high school students' ill-
structured problems solving skills on chemistry related to COVID-19. This study used a mixed-
methods research design. The participants of this study were 70 senior high school students (16-
17 years old) that were selected by convenience sampling from several regions in East Java
Province (Malang, Banyuwangi, and Tulungagung). The research instrument consisted of 2 ill-
structured chemistry problem texts related to COVID-19 issues. Each problem consisted of 9
question prompts. The instrument has high reliability (Cronbach's Alpha coefficient = 0.774).
The result of this study showed that the highest percentage of students' ill-structured problem
solving skill is the stage of problem representation (37.74%) and the lower percentage is the
stage of making justifications (24.40%). The result of this study also showed that only 8.57% (6
students) on problem 1 and 10.00% (7 students) on problem 2 solved the problem based on the
chemistry concept (chemical bonding, hydrocarbon compound, and polymer) while the others
solved the problems based on social, economic, environmental, and health aspect. That result
indicated that student was lack of ability to apply chemistry concept to solve their everyday life
problems. Therefore, teachers need to apply more ill-structured problem solving in the chemistry

Turning crisis into opportunity: Indonesian
chemistry teachers' perceptions of socio-scientific
issues in covid-19
E E Rosawati1 and S Rahayu1,2
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri
Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study examines Indonesian chemistry teachers' perceptions of socio-scientific

issues (SSIs) related to COVID-19. The explored aspects include the need to introduce SSI such
as COVID-19 into chemistry learning, teachers' personal efficacy beliefs regarding SSI, and the
main obstacle in SSI teaching. This research was a triangulated mixed-methods design, and the
data were analyzed descriptively. The 58 in-service chemistry teachers (15 males; 43 females)
from 11 regions in East Java, Indonesia were chosen using a convenience sampling technique.
Data were collected using a developed five-point Likert-type questionnaire. Next, a semi-
structured interview was carried out with six random participants as samples. The instruments
had high reliability (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.73). This research reveals that participants perceived
a need to introduce SSI to increase student interest. Most of them (63.8%) agree that students
need to learn and improve their decision-making skills through SSI. However, some of them
(41.4%) perceived the lack of instructional time. From the interviews, it was revealed that the
unavailability of relevant material was the main obstacle in SSI teaching. Nevertheless, the
teachers still wanted to develop learning materials on SSI. This study implies that further design-
based research is needed by integrating individual activities into coherent instructional modules.

Reading interest level in primary school teachers
based on the implementation of the school literacy
movement in depok city
Ova Huzaefah1 and Taupik Lubis2
Departement of Elementary School Teachers Education, STKIP Arrahmaniyah,
Depok Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The culture of literacy in Indonesian society has received attention and development
by a lot of parties. Not only the government, even local and foreign NGOs are also heavily
involved in advancing the culture of litecary of the Indonesians. However, if we observe
carefully, there is no progress of literacy culture in the everyday life among Indonesians. For
example, generally, Indonesians only read book 3-4 times per week, with an average reading
time per day of 30-59 minutes. Meanwhile, the number of books read per year is only 5-9 books
on average. This was expressed by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and
Culture (PMK) Puan Maharani at the National Library building, Jakarta (1). In order to
overcome this problem, the Ministry of Education and Culture is developing a school literacy
movement (GLS) program to increase community literacy through formal school education.
This research was conducted to determine the level of teachers’ reading interest as a result of
implementing the school literacy movement program. It is expected that new information can
be found on the factors that can increase reading interest for educators or teachers that can
increase school literacy levels and improve teacher professionalism and ability in teaching. The
method used was quantitative and descriptive analysis through statistical tests. The results
showed that primary school teachers in Depok City had a high category of reading interest as
many as 24 teachers (26.7%), medium category reading interest as many as 40 teachers (44.4%)
and low category as many as 26 teachers (28.9%). The results also showed that the
implementation of GLS was found in the high category by 30 teachers (33.3%), the medium
category by 39 teachers (43.3%) and low category by 21 teachers (23.3%). From the research
results it was also known that the t-value is 10.051 and the t table is dk = n-k, dk = 90-1 = 89 at
the 5% significance level, so it was known that the t table was 1.7. Based on the calculation of t
value was greater than t table, namely 7.332> 1.7. Therefore, it can be concluded that the School
Literacy Movement Program (x) had a significant effect on Teacher Reading Interest (y).

Inclusive elementary school evaluation program: A
CIPP model approach
S Junanto1,2,, R F Putri1,2 and L P Fajrin3,4
Faculty of Tarbiyah, IAIN Surakarta
Pandawa Street, Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
STIT Madina Sragen
HOS Cokroaminoto Street, Sragen Wetan, Sragen, Jawa Tengah, Indonesi

Corresponding authir:

Abstract. This research aims to evaluate the inclusive learning program in Muhammadiyah
Elementary School of Kartasura. The evaluation model used in this study is a qualitative-
quantitative approach covering aspects of context, input, process, and product (CIPP). The data
in this study were collected through interviews with the principal, teachers and parents of
students, and also observations on the learning process. The results of this study indicate that of
the four aspects observed, there is one aspect that has not fully met the evaluation standards,
namely the input aspect, where the learning suggestions are inadequate. Meanwhile, in the other
three aspects, context, process, and product have met the assessment standards.

Keywords: Inclusive, Education, Elementary School, CIPP

Review a trending and interesting topic of ‘Aloe vera:
healthy lifestyle trends through functional food
consumption’ in science learning
D R Haristy1, I G P Suryadarma2, K Huda1, P Rahayu1 and N Erlini1
Department Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Increasing the welfare of the community has an effect on lifestyle changes,
especially patterns of consumption food in a negative direction on the increase of degenerative
diseases. The community then realized that the magnitude of the relationship between food and
the risk of disease. In fact the main function of food is not just to provide a feeling of fullness,
but more than that. Foods that have varied nutritional content will have an impact on health
maintenance. Digestive organs that function properly cause the body’s metabolism to work
properly so that ultimately the main purpose of food is to maintain survival for a healthier life
that is better and free from disease. The concept of food as ‘medicine’ is what is currently known
as functional food. Aloe vera is a plant that has a variety of nutritional content that can maintain
health and prevent disease. Science learning is very closely related to daily life, so integrating
Aloe vera content as functional food into science material is certainly very beneficial for
students. The integration can be carried out on the material of the Human Digestive System. The
aim is as a alternative teaching material to realize and train student’s thinking skills about
understanding the importance of consuming functional food in order to maintain health and
prevent diseases especially those related to the digestive canal as immunity to the body.

Keywords: Aloe Vera, Functional Food, and Science Learning

Development of PIAUD Science Learning Media
(PSLM) based on Wonosobo Local Wisdom
N P Adi1, V I A Faisal2
Physics Education, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Al Qur’an Science
Early Chilhood Islamic Education, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Al Qur’an
Science University

Corresponding authir:

Abstract. The entry of foreign cultures through various things caused the fading of the
knowledge of Indonesia’s young generation toward their own culture. The introduction of
culture from an early age should be encouraged to overcome these problems. One of them
through education, where students are introduced to their culture’s through the learning proces.
PIAUD Science Learning Media (PSLM) is a learning media was developed for early chilhood
education level. PSLM was developed with science concept to introduce surrounding nature. In
other, PSLM was developed based on Wonosobo local wisdom, the purpose is to introduce
wonosobo cultures to student from an early age. The aim of this research are develop PIAUD
Science Learning Media (PSLM) and determine the feasibility of media and science material
from PIAUD Science Learning Media (PSLM) based on assessment of expert and practitioners.
The research method was used is Research and Development (R&D), which the product was
developed is PSLM. Instrument used in this research were media and science material validation
sheets, media and material science feasibility sheets by expert and practitioners. The result
showed that feasibility assessment instrument of media and science material has valid and
reliable based on expert assessment and has produced PSLM was feasible in media and science
material with very good category based on expert assessment.

Expert views on the depth of ecological concepts at
the elementary and middle school levels
S Wulandari1, N Y Rustaman2, A Widodo3 and I N P Aryantha4
Science Education, Postgraduate School, Indonesia University of Education,
Bandung, Indonesia
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung,

Corresponding authir:

Abstract. Continuing education is one of the main goals of success in the education sector.
Quality human resources are the supporting aspect for the success of education. Teachers play
an active role in preparing their students to live in the era of the society revolution 5.0. This
study aims to investigate the depth of ecological content to be mastered by the teachers of
elementary, junior, and senior high schools. Online interviews and questionnaires were
conducted on 3 ecologists from three different universities. The results of the interviews were
analyzed qualitatively using a grounded theory research design. Based on the analysis of in-
depth interviews with ecologists, it is known that there are differences in the scope and depth of
ecological content to be mastered by elementary, junior, and senior high school teachers. At the
elementary level, teachers should master the concept of environment and survival. Junior high
school teachers should master the concepts of healthy lifestyle and energy. Meanwhile, senior
high school teachers, in addition to mastering the material taught to elementary and junior high
school students, should master concepts related to science and technology and ecosystem
services. It is expected that the results of this study be a reference for the adjustment and
reorientation of biology material, especially regarding the concept of ecology at the elementary,
junior, and senior high school levels to meet student needs and current developments.

The analysis of initial achievement of crosscutting
concept: cause-effect and critical thinking of Junior
School Students in ceramics crafts-integrated natural
science learning
Y A Priambodo1, I Wilujeng2, K Huda3 and R N Suwarno4.
Science Education, State University of Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Correspondence author:

Abstract. This research is aimed to analysed initial achievement of crosscutting concepts:

cause-effect and critical thinking in ceramics crafts-integrated Natural Science learning. The
research utilized analytical descriptive by using 32 students as the respondents. The research
instrument utilized ceramics crafts-integrated test questions. The data analysis technique was
performed by using quantitative percentage. The result indicates that the levels of crosscutting
concepts; cause-effect, and critical thinking skills understanding are low. This research was
utilized as the base of Natural Science learning instrument to increase the initial crosscutting
concepts: cause-effect and critical thinking.

Keywords: Crosscutting Concepts: Cause-Effect, Critical Thinking, Ceramics Crafts

A premilinary study of students initial technology
and engineering literacy
A M Usnia1 and Z K Prasetyo1
Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Job opportunities in the 21st century require candidates to have skill on critical
problem solving, create a creative solution and involve technology and information. Literacy of
technology and engineering are important to be emphasized on students so it can prepare them
to compete globally and are able to solve 21st century issues. This research is aimed to describe
initial technological and engineering literacy of students of SMP N 6 Purworejo. This research’s
type is descriptive analysis. Sampling technique which is utilized is random sampling. The
populations are students at grade IX of SMP N 6 Purworejo. The data is obtained from test
instruments of technology and engineering literacy. The validity and reliability of test
instrument are qualitatively analyzed by using Quest application. The score of reliability and
estimate is 0.77 which means the test instrument has high reliability. This preliminary research
result indicates that 3.1% of students are included in a very poor category, 25% poor category,
34.37% acceptable category, 31.25% good category, and 6.25% very good category.
Meanwhile, result of technology and engineering of students for each indicator is divided into 3
categories, which are three indicators indicate low category, one indicator is very low and the
other is moderate.

Keywords: 21st Century Skills, Technology and Engineering Literacy

Causing of student misconception analysis in work
and energy concept
S Jatmika1, Warsono1, Pujianto1, H Hamidiyah1, A I Anggraini1, Leni2
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
MA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract: Work and energy are interesting chapter to be studied. This study investigate the
causing of student misconception in understanding work and energy concept. The research had
been conducted in MAN 2 Yogyakarta with 42 students in grade tenth. This research is
quantitative descriptive with mix methods (interview and survey). Instrument used in this
research was ten essay questions. The research results were (1) student initial concept of work
and energy in junior high school were planted firmly, (2) teacher and student are seldom to
review previous chapters/topics (vector and Newton’s Laws), (3) students’ mathematics ability
(especially in trigonometry) and graphic analysis ability among student and teacher are low, (4)
students are not commonly to answer question systematically and to draw sketches before

Keyword: Work, Energy, Misconception

Online science learning implementation during the
covid-19 pandemic at SMP N 1 Singorojo
A Handayani1, A Jaedun2 and E Apriani3
Educational Research and Evaluation, Graduate School, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Physics Education Magister Program, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. The purpose of this research aims to analyze the implementation of online science
learning during a pandemic in SMP N 1 Singorojo. This research is quantitative experimental
research. The sample of this research consisted of 89 students of VII grade and a teacher. The
sample was selected using a random sampling technique. Data collection in this research using
a questionnaire for students and teachers. The result of this research shows that the
implementation of online science learning in SMP N 1 Singorojo went well. However, several
aspects need to be improved, that is the assignment discussion and feedback, accessibility,
student engagement, and stakeholder support.

Keyword: Online leaning, Science learning, Covid-19

Group investigation to improve science at primary
H S Saputri1, H Retnawati2, W P Hapsari3
Pendidikan Dasar, FIP UNY, Yogyakarta
Pendidikan Matematika, FMIPA UNY, Yogyakarta
Penilaian dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran, Pascasarjana UNY, Yogyakarta

Corresponding Author:,

Abstract. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA melalui metode
pembelajaran Grup Investigasi pada siswa kelas VB SDN Gedongkiwo, Kec. Mantrijeron,
Yogyakarta. Jenis Penelitian adalah Classroom Action Reasearh yang dilaksanakan dalam dua
siklus. Tindakan dilaksanakan dalam enam tahapan yaitu; 1) seleksi topik dan mengatur siswa
ke dalam kelompok, 2) merencanakan tugas yang akan dipelajar, 3) melaksanakan investigasi,
4) menyiapkan laporan akhir, 5) mempresentasikan laporan akhir, dan 6) evaluasi. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode pembelajaran Grup Investigasi dapat meningkatkan
hasil belajar siswa. Pada siklus 1 rata-rata hasil belajar IPA mencapai 75,61 dengan presentase
ketuntasan belajar sebesar 57,13%. Pada siklus 2 nilai rata-rata kelas meningkat menjadi 80,95
dan presentase ketuntasan meningkat menjadi 90.47%.

Exploring students’ decision-making ability in the
context of socio-scientific issues
D Ardwiyanti1* and Z K Prasetyo2
Science Education, Postgraduate Student, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
Science Education Department, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Decision-making is a vital competence for a participatory living in 21st-century

societies, which is plausible to prompt sustainable development goals. The purpose of the
present study was to describe students' decision-making ability in the socio-scientific context
focusing on three aspects: stating the option, describing the decision-making strategy, weighing
the criteria according to personal values. This survey study involved 169 junior high school
students through a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using an open-ended
questionnaire in the context of the future of grouper fish's issue. Data were analyzed
quantitatively using percentage calculation and qualitatively based on excerpts of students'
responses. The results showed a disparity in the students' decision-making abilities in each
aspect. The ability to state the option was mostly at level 3 (high-developed), with 66.86%.
Mastery of describing the decision-making strategy was mostly still at level 2, with 48.52%.
Meanwhile, on weighing the criteria according to personal values, most students could only
achieve level 1 (low-developed), with 95.27%. These findings urge the science education
researcher to innovate the most appropriate decision-making-oriented learning.

Keywords: Decision-Making, Science Education, Socio-Scientific Issues

IoT: is it suitable for game based learning on science
middle school?
A Husnanda1 and J Ikhsan2
Science Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Making education media particular serious game for middle school based on
technology trend need more notice and discussion. So that, the aim of this article was discuss
what we need to develop education game engage IoT ecosystem. To discussion about that, there
are some research about IoT, IoT gamification, and IoT education analysed on this study. There
is compatibility from student and teacher need when run and after run IoT as their game platform
on classroom. How to build and what are guidelines of developer and teacher also was
discussion. In addition, the challenge of establishing IoT such as security term got discussion
and found the solution. Therefore, the general guidelines and requirement can be reasoning for
developer or teacher who interested to exercise IoT on game based learning.

The student's knowledge of volcanic eruption
mitigation in Magelang Regency
N F Wardaya1 and Jumadi1
Science Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to study aims to know student's level of Student's Knowledge of
Volcanic Eruption Mitigation in Magelang Regency. This research is quantitative descriptive.
The sample were 92 students class VII and VIII SMP Negeri 3 Muntilan and SMP Negeri 1
Kota Mungkid in Magelang Regency. Sample was recruited using a simple random sampling.
The instruments was a questions consisted of 10 items about volcanic eruption mitigation. The
distribution of the data was normal,homogen, valid, and reliable based the analysis used IBM
SPSS Statistics 22 software. The results of this study indicate that students class VII and VIII
SMP Negeri 3 Muntilan dan SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mungkid had enough knowledge about
volcanic eruption mitigation with percentage 31,86%.

Keywords: Disaster Knowledge, Disaster Mitigation,Volcanic Eruption.

Profile of scientific literacy in student’s SMPN 1
Kesamben with local potential toga village
K Huda1, I Wilujeng1, D Puspitasari1 and R N Suwarno1
Natural Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the profile of scientific literacy in student’s SMPN
1 Kesamben with local potential toga village. quantitative descriptive research.. This research
was conducted at SMPN 1 Kesamben, Blitar Regency. The sample used was random sampling,
which was class VIII students of 62 people. The instruments was 15 multiple choice test
questions of scientific literacy. The data analysis was performed with a quantitative percentage
analysis, so as to determine the category of scientific literacy of each student. The instrument
for students consists of 3 aspects with 5 indicators. The results of the analysis of the question
found an average of the aspect 1 was 61,8; aspect 2 was 50; and aspect 4 amounting to 31,2.
The average of this result indicates level of scientific literacy is 49 which belongs to the medium
category. Then based on these analysis of each of these aspect and indicators of scientific
literacy can be concluded that needed teaching materials integrated with local potential toga

Development of STS IPA learning tools integrated
local potential of kacang Shanghai to increase critical
thinking skills and technology literacy: a literature
Z Nafiah1, WM Nisa1 and I Wilujeng1
Science Education, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Critical thinking skills and technology literacy are still slightly for students. It happens
because the learning process has not focused on improving critical thinking skills and
technology literacy. Learning has implemented the activities that including indicators of critical
thinking skills, however the implementation has not been properly as students do not emphasis
on learning meanwhile learning which links technology literacy has not been developed yet. The
integrated STS IPA learning device of local potential of kacang shanghai can facilitate students
to improve critical thinking skills and technology literacy. It raises the problems which are close
to students so that they are more interested in taking part of learning.

Keyword: STS, Local Potential, Critical Thinking Skills, Technology Literacy

The effect of principal supervision on teacher
teaching skills improvement
I M Kusuma1
1Selanegara Rt 01/02, Kaligondang, Purbalingga

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This research was conducted to know the relationship between the effect of principal
supervision on the improvement of teaching skills of teachers at SMP Negeri 5 Yogyakarta.
With the supervision carried out by the principal, the focus of this research are (1) to supervise
the implementation of the supervision of the principal on the improvement of teacher teaching
skills, (2) to analyze the method of implementing the supervision of the principal on improving
teacher teaching skills, and (3) how to overcome barriers to implementing principal supervision
in teacher teaching skills training. The method used in this research is a qualitative research
method using a case study approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation,
interview, and documentation study techniques. This study found three findings in the
implementation of school principal supervision of improving teacher teaching skills, the results
found were: (1) the implementation of principal supervision in improving teaching skills of
teachers in planning learning, implementing learning, and evaluating effective and increasing
learning based on the ability of teachers to receive the results of the evaluations carried out, (2)
the method used by the principal in improving teacher skills by conducting continuous
supervision and analyzing the results of observations and conducting feedback on the results of
implementing supervision, and (3) the problem managed by the supervisor was a large number
of teachers so that makes it difficult for school principals to supervise one by one, besides that
the teacher assesses the implementation of supervision as a teaching inability and senior teachers
feel they have long teaching experience. To overcome these challenges, the principal must be
able to ensure that the implementation of supervision that is beneficial to the teacher, the
supervisor's style must not be authoritarian so that the teacher does not negatively view
supervision and increase motivation to improve professionalism, thereby developing learning to
achieve educational goals.

Persception graduates science education in socio
scientific issues related with scientific communiction
and critical atittude

H Pramudawardani1
Science Education Program, Faculty of Mathemtics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to investigate the views of science education graduates about Socio
Scientific Issues (SSI) and SSI's relationship with scientific communication and critical
attitudes. The study used a sampling technique. The research data were collected through a
questionnaire that included five open-ended questions. The research data were collected in
August-October in the 2020-2021 academic year. This research is qualitative research. The
results of the study, it was found that the graduates of science education have different views,
but some samples have relatively the same view. The science education graduate is of the view
that SSI can be used to improve critical attitude and scientific communication. During the Covid-
19 pandemic, science learning could put Covid 19 into the context of SSI. Keywords: Socio
Scientific Issues; Bachelor of Science Education, Critical Attitude and Scientific
Communication, Covid-19.

Increasing students’ interest in learning through
local potential integrated science
W M Nisa 1 and R A Tyas2
Science Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Utilizing local potential in learning can make students understand the object of
material in daily life, its giving a positive impact on higher learning interests. This research
aimed to find out student’s interest in learning science after using local potential integrated
learning. The subject of the study was a class of students in one of Yogyakarta Junior High
School 7th grade, consist of 30 students. This was Pre Experimental research with One Group
Pretest Postest research design. The sample choosed by purposive sampling techniques. The
instrument used was learning interest questionnaires. The poll was developed by researchers, by
showing indicators of learning interest with 23 questions. The data analysis using paired sample
t-test and n-gain test. The result shows that the significance value in paired sample t-test is 0.000,
lower than 0.05, so it can be said that local potential integrated learnig is significance in
increasing students' science learning interest. The average N-gain of student's learning interest
increased before and after treatment by 0.60, belong to moderate criteria.

Keywords : Students’ Interest, Local Potential, Integrated Science

Multimode learning with higher order thinking skills
in pandemic covid-19 era
Y Arti1 and J Ikhsan2
Science Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University,

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The study is conducted to know the influence of multimode learning with higher order
thinking skills in the pandemic covid-19 era. As we know that the learning system is moved
from offline to online learning in the pandemic covid-19 era, every teacher is also required to
prepare the online learning. The online learning should be designed without decreasing the
students’ higher order thinking skills because we have to increase the higher order thinking skills
due to the result of PISA 2018 that the science ability is decrease. Thus the learning system is
designed with multimode learning because multimode learning is combined more than one
learning model so it can improve students’ independence. The multimode learning that
combined with technology gives the new experiences of the students. This result of this study is
analysed with quantitative method by T-Test with SPSS. There is an improvement of higher
order thinking skills with multimode learning that and no improvement without multimode

Teacher’s perspective on integration of traditional
games as media science learning in junior high school
D L Handayani1
Department of Science Education, Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University,
Colombo Street No 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. The development of science and technology is something that cannot be avoided, both
positive and negative impacts. Now, the traditional games have been forgotten by children since
the digital games are easily obtained through gadgets. Interesting modern games sooner or later
changes the position of traditional games as original in each society and culture of Indonesia.
Reintroducing to younger generation through the integration of traditional games as a media in
science learning very relevant to maintaining the existence of traditional games. This study
focuses on the science teacher's perspective on traditional games; integration of traditional
games as a media in science learning; and traditional games that are relevant as a media in
science learning. The majority of science teachers defined it as a traditional folk game played
by local children from ancient times where most of it was done in groups. The teacher has a
positive view of the integration of traditional games in science learning, namely introducing and
preserving traditional games while learning so as to provide a direct learning experience and
make it easier for children to accept. Traditional games that can be integrated as a medium in
science learning can be seen from the material elements and tools or materials used so that they
have a relationship between characteristics and content in science learning. Some things that can
be recommended are the need for in-depth socialization about the types and sources of
traditional games to science teachers and introduction of traditional games integrated learning

Developing a online mobile based diagnostic
instrument to identify misconceptions for junior high
school students
P Rahayu*1, Supahar1, Nurhasanah1, and Djuniar2
Science Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Physics Education, Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl Kolombo 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:,

Abstract. This research aimed to develop a test instrument in identifying misconceptions of

three tier skills in junior high school science learning.. This study used instrument development
model by Mardapi. The data method used a three tier misconception diagnostic test via Google
Form. The research was conducted at SMPN 1 Kepung, SMPN 2 Kepung, and SMPN 2 Pare
Kediri, East Java, involving 99 students of class VII IPA program. Analysis of the content
validity used the Aiken V. The dichotomous item analysis used the 1-parameter Logistic Model
(1 PL) or Rasch model. The instrument developed to identify misconceptions with three tier is
declared valid and suitable for use. The diagnostic misconception instrument assisted by Google
Form has met the expert validation with high validity. 10 items were developed, item 1 has a
low difficulty level, so the item is too easy and not good to use in item number 2. While the
other 9 items have a good difficulty level and can be used. The 10 items developed, the highest
misconception was item number 1.

Keywords: Instrument, Misconception, Three Tier, Mobile Online, Science Assessment

Awareness toward covid-19 among junior high school
student: a questionnaire based survey

M Pratiwi1 , Pujianto1, and S Atun1

Post Graduate Program of Science Education, Yogyakarta State University, Depok,
Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Indonesia now against catastrophic events due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stringent
preventive measures are one of the critical successes to control COVID-19 spread. The level of
public awareness influences adherence to preventive measures. This study investigated the level
of awareness among junior high school toward COVID-19. A descriptive survey study using
data collected via an online questionnaire. A total of 24 questions, ten questions assessed
knowledge, eight questions assessed attitude, and six questions assessed practices. A total of
157 students took part in this study, of which 119 females and 49 males. The finding of this
study shows that level of awareness among junior high schools toward COVID-19 is high.
However, a significant number of students lack knowledge aspect, especially at the clinical
symptom points of COVID-19, comorbidities that can aggravate COVID-19, the proper
procedure for using masks, and determining the effectiveness of masks recommended by WHO.
A comprehensive education program is essential to increase awareness and to reach sufficient

Students' perceptions of the full-day school
application: Its relationship toward science learning
S Mutmainah1, I Damopolii1 and H L Wambrauw1
Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Papua, Jl. Gunung Salju Amban,
Manokwari 98314, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Students' perceptions about full-day school (FDS) on student learning motivation
have been widely studied. However, the relationship found is moderate. Moreover, its
relationship with science learning motivation has not been optimally studied. The research paper
was aimed to reveal the relationship between students' perceptions of full-day school and
motivation to learn science. The correlational method was used in this research. Respondent was
87 students taken from an Islamic Junior high school in Manokwari. Validated questionnaires
were used to measure perception and motivation. Data were analyzed using simple regression.
The results showed that P <0.5, rxy = 0.726, and R square = 0.527. The findings reveal a strong
relationship between students' perceptions of FDS on motivation to learn science. The
application of FDS in schools has contributed to the students’ motivation to learn science.
Scheduling sains learning needs to consider motivating students to learn in science.

Pandemic era education support technology: the
potential for augmented reality in science learning

H Puspitasari1 and Pujianto1

Science Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Currently, all sectors of life are limited, working from home to schooling from home
due to the spread of the coronavirus or covid-19. Many victims have died due to contracting this
virus so that activities that create crowds are tightened and reduced, both students from
elementary level to college students learning online through the help of technological
sophistication. Of course, in the field of science which requires students to do experiments and
observations both in nature and the laboratory, it is very hampered, so it requires technical
assistance that allows it to help give real forms to abstract concepts, especially in the observation
section. From the existing problems, in this article, we provide a systematic literature review
that analyzes the use of AR technology concerning the natural science context to highlight the
importance of the role for students so that it can be used as learning support during the Covid-
19 pandemic. To conduct a systematic literature review we used the approach developed by
Tranfield (2003), which followed the selection of articles that fit the keywords and were
analyzed in depth.

Development of Virtual Laboratory (VL-IPA)
learning media on lens experiment simulation

D Puspitasari1, Supahar2, K Huda1 and W A Pramusinta1

Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Practical-based learning during the Covid 19 pandemic was not optimal. Therefore,
the researcher developed a science learning media by utilizing virtual laboratory in the form of
application that runs smartphone. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the validity
of VL-IPA media; (2) to determine the practicality of VL-IPA media from the science teachers;
and (3) to determine students’ responses to VL-IPA media. Development VL-IPA used the
ADDIE development model. The instruments used were media validation sheets, student
response sheets, and science teachers’ assessment sheets. The result shows that: (1) the validity
of VL-IPA media is in very good category; (2) the practicality of VL-IPA media is in very good
category; and (3) the students’ responses to VL-IPA media are very good. In brief, it can be
concluded that VL-IPA media is suitable for use in science learning.

Keywords: Learning Media, Virtual Laboratory

Profile about initial soft skills understanding of pre-
service science teachers’
N Erlini1, I Wilujeng1, Susilawati2, M H Panjaitan1 and D R Haristy1
Department Educational Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Physics Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Pre-service science teachers’ understanding of soft skills is very important. Soft skills
are skills closely related to intrapersonal abilities that determines the success of individuals in
conducting their profession as teachers. This study aims to find out the initial profile of pre-
service science teachers’ understanding about soft skills. The design of the study is descriptive
quantitative research with a survey method. The questionnaire is used as the instrument to find
out the initial profile of pre-service teachers’ understanding of soft skills, as well as urgency,
and constraints. By the purposive sampling, 30 undergraduate students as pre-service science
teachers from Tidar Magelang University were investigated. The result showed that pre-service
science teachers understand soft skills literally, 78.1% students chose very important that a
science teacher should qualified of soft skills. This study generates to produce insight into the
importance of acquiring soft skills because it will contribute to improve the quality of teachers’

Keywords: Pre-Service Science Teachers, Soft Skills in Learning, Soft Skill Understanding

A quantitative analysis of Indonesian junior high
school science textbooks for scientific literacy themes
A R Agustin1 and Supahar2
Department of Science Education, Post-Graduate Program, Yogyakarta State
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Yogyakarta State University

Corresponding author:

Abstact. Textbooks are used to convey more information to students. The selected textbooks are
used to support student and teacher textbooks published by the Ministry of Education and Culture
of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze aspects of the scientific
literacy category in science textbooks. This study examines - through content analysis methods
for Indonesian Secondary Education science textbooks concerning the Indonesian Curriculum
2013 on scientific literacy. The population in this study were all pages of material in the junior
high school science textbook for grades VII, VIII, and IX in the 2013 curriculum. Sampling was
carried out using multistage sampling techniques in 2 stages. The results of the quantitative
analysis carried out on textbooks conclude that Indonesian science textbooks focus on the "the
knowledge of science" aspect, while the other three aspects of scientific literacy have an
unbalanced proportion.

Analysis of the needs for science e-book Tri Pusat
Pendidikan (three education center) approach for
junior high school students
W A Pramusinta1, I G P Suryadarma2, I N Khoiriza1 and D Puspitasari1
Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia
Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the needs for teaching materials in the form of
a science e-book with Tri Pusat Pendidikan approach for junior high school students. This
research used a descriptive method. The instrument of this research was in the form of
questionnaire which was addressed to 20 science teachers teaching in junior high schools in the
Sleman district. The instrument consisted of 5 aspects with 15 indicators. The results of the
analysis for each aspect obtained an average for aspects of student teaching materials of 88.75%,
aspects of learning media by 80.25%, aspects of Tri Pusat Pendidikan in learning amounted to
79.69%, and aspects of the needs of science e-book Tri Pusat Pendidikan approach of 86.75%.

Keyword: E-Book, Tri Pusat Pendidikan

Students’ environmental literacy understanding in
science learning at Indonesia: a preliminary study
M H Panjaitan1, N Aznam2, Pujianto3, N Erlini1 and R Elviana1
Natural Science Education Master Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Science, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Chemistry Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
CPhysics Education Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. This study examines the initial profile of students' understanding of environmental
literacy. Descriptive research with a survey method of junior high school students in Indonesia
which focuses on the initial profile of environmental literacy understanding which includes
aspects of understanding environmental literacy, the urgency of environmental literacy in
learning and for students, obstacles and obstacles and expectations for the future. With a total
of 156 research samples. The results showed that 71.9% of students considered environmental
literacy to be very necessary, which means that the understanding of the importance of
environmental literacy is very high but its implementation is still lacking because based on the
data there are still some students who have not received environmental literacy learning. The
results of this study can be the basis for further research by providing evidence of the importance
of improving students' environmental literacy skills to develop their potential and can motivate
students to solve problems in the environment.

Keywords: Environmental Learning, Environmental Literacy, Junior High School Students

Science learning and environment: analysis of
student’s scientific literacy based on Indonesia’s
waste problem
I N Khoiriza1 , W A Pramusinta1 and T Aminatun2
Science Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman Yogyakarta
Biology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman Yogyakarta

Corresponding author :

Abstract The purpose study analyzes 7th junior high school student's science literacy about
Indonesia's waste problem. The study uses a descriptive quantitative and survey method. The
subject of the study was 32 students of 7th-grade junior high school by using random sampling.
The instrument was arranged based on the scientific literacy aspect, according to the OECD.
The data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive. The result shows that all of the
competence domains are in the medium category and the average of all aspects was 58,6. The
acquisition of each aspect to explain phenomena scientifically was 57,14 %, evaluate and design
scientific inquiry was 58,95%, interpret data, and evidence scientifically was 64,3%. The
Student's scientific literacy was facilitated by Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on the

Keyword : Scientific Literacy, Indonesia’s Waste Problem

Augmented reality based on learning assessment – a
scoping review 2011-2020
N I Lestari1 and D Rosana2
Science Education, Postgraduate Program, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta
Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State
University, Yogyakarta

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Augmented Reality (AR) is the development of a new era of technology that
visualizes virtual objects (2D) to reality (3D). The application of this technology in various
aspects of life, including education. There have been many studies on the application of AR in
learning media innovations, so the goal of identifying AR-based learning assessment studies.
The research method used is a scoping study. The results of data collection after being reduced
based on the criteria used were obtained 5 articles from 32 articles. The analysis of the selected
articles shows that the use of AR in learning has a positive impact on the dependent variable and
suggests conducting further research.

Keywords : Augmented Reality, Assessment, Augmented Reality Based Assessment, Scoping


Interactive e-book in local potention-integrated
natural science contextual teaching & learning
during covid-19 distrubtion to recovery: a literatur
R N Suwarno1, Z K Prasetyo2, Y A Priambodo3, K Huda4 and H H Naimah5.
Science Education, State University of Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Correspondence author:

Abstract. Some competencies of students in this 21th century era required such as using critical
thinking, scientific culture, and making correct decision for problems solving on their daily life.
Students’s competencies in Indonesia still low and need to improved. Now because of the
pandemic period, students are limited to doing learning activities which ultimately forces
students to study from home with social distancing. Various attempts have been made by
teachers to improve during highly contagious corona virus disease since December 2019.
Therefore, an alternative solution can be used is an interactive e-book as learning resources.
This literature review aims to give interactive e-book local potention-integrated overview on
how it can motivate students to deeply learn science and more contextual so it can be improved
students’ competencies for this covid-19 distruption to recovery fase. It requires 6 contents to
help students for improving their ability: picture, animation videos, hyperlink, interactive
question, student worksheet, and assessment (evaluations) which Piayu Laut –integrated for
interactive and contextual teaching and learning.

Keywords: Interactive E-book, Local Potention, Covid-19 Distruption to Recovery Era

Needs analysis of mangrove ecosystem matter in
junior high school science learning in Yogyakarta
Special Region
Ratminingsih1 and A W Subiantoro1
Science Education, Graduate School Program, State University of Yogyakarta,
Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the need for mangrove ecosystem matter in teaching
science at junior high schools in Yogyakarta. This study uses a survey method. Data collection
was carried out using questionnaires and interviews. The research sample for the needs analysis
questionnaire was 119 science teachers in DIY. Sample selection is done by random sampling.
Online interviews were conducted with 6 science teachers to confirm the data. The questionnaire
was analyzed quantitatively with TCR analysis while the results of the interview were analyzed
qualitatively. The results of the questionnaire analysis showed that 80.68% of the teachers
responded well to the statement items given. The results of the interview also indicated that there
was a need for mangrove ecosystem matter in science learning for various benefits both for
students, the surrounding environment, and the mangrove ecosystem.

Keywords: Needs Analysis, Mangrove Ecosystem, Science Learning

Advancing students’ environmental sustainability
awareness through science mobile learning: a
literature review
A A D Illahaqi1 and H Nurcahyo1
Science Education Magister Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Environmental Sustainability Awareness (ESA) should be built since early because
it is a very important component to support Sustainable Development (SD). Various attempts
have been made by educators to improve student’s ESA such as using different learning models;
using varied facilities, media or learning resources; and using scientific approach in the learning
process. However, some studies reveals that students had a good awareness of environmental
problems but yet had not changed in practice. Concept of learning independent of time and space
has gained importance. Science m-learning can be used as an alternative learning resources to
advance ESA. This literature study aims are to give overview how science m-learning advancing
ESA. Science m-learning has 5 content that will help student to advancing their awareness on
environmental sustainability: scientific content (i.e global warming, climate change, air
polution, water polution, biodiversity), instant notification. social network support, and
gamification. The authors suggest that it is essential to design science m-learning so that the
material to be taught inside and outside classroom is known.

Keywords: Environmental Sustainability Awareness, Mobile Learning, Science Education

The importance of collaboration skill in mitigation
earthquake learning: a literature review
S S Saputri1 and T Aminatun2
Science Education, State University of Yogyakarta, Sleman, Indonesia

Coressponding author:

Abstract. Collaboration skill is the most important skill in the 21st century for academic success
and career of the learner. The implementation of collaboration skills in the school can be done
by dividing tasks fairly, motivating group members to be responsible for their duties, and using
to their socialize well. The educator can apply the collaborative skill in mitigation earthquake
learning. The literature study aims to offer a view that the importance of collaborative skill is
used and appeared in mitigation earthquake learning.

Keywords: Collaboration Skill, Earthquake

Type the title of your paper here survey of junior high
school student’s critical thinking skills based local
potential of making kempul/gong reyog in Ponorogo
A N janah1, Pujianto1
Post Graduate Program of Science Education, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the critical thinking skills of junior high school students
based on local potential about making Kempul Reyog / gong. The study used a survey method
with a purposive sampling technique for sampling. The research subjects were 103 students
from Junior High School in Ponorogo. The research instrument used question critical thinking
skills based on local potential about making kempul Reyog / gong in Ponorogo, which
researchers developed and validated by experts. Data obtained from the score answered
questions using an assessment rubric for each item. The data analysis in this research used
quantitative descriptive. The analysis results show that students' critical thinking skills on
indicators a simple explanation 46%, linking 32%, comparing and differentiating 45%,
analysis, and evaluation 34%, skills in making and conveying conclusions 30%. The
result the critical thinking skills of integrated local potential learners about making
kempul/gong Reyog are still in the low category.

Correlation between students’ problem-solving skills
and conceptual understanding
S Suyono1, R Hidayatulloh1, and U Azizah1
Master Program of Science Education, Surabaya State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aims to determine the correlation between students 'problem solving skills
and students' understanding of concepts. This research uses descriptive quantitative research
methods. The type of research used is correlational research, which is one type of research used
to find the relationship between two or more variables, where the data obtained comes from
problem solving skills test instruments and concept understanding test instruments that have
previously been validated by experts. The subjects of this study were 35 students of class XI
SMA Wahid Hasyim 1 Surabaya. Subjects were selected through probability sampling, using a
sampling technique in the form of proportionale stratified random. Based on the research
conducted, a significant correlation was found between problem solving skills and students'
conceptual understanding, where the significance value of the correlation test obtained was

The influence of the discovery learning model on
student’s learning outcomes of momentum and
impulse fundamental material
E Ririn1 and D Rosana1
Science Educaction, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Education is empowerment (empowerment) of human resources. the purpose of this

research is to; (1) Determine the student's physics learning outcomes using the discovery
learning model; (2) Determine the student's physics learning outcomes using conventional
learning; (3) Determine student learning activities using discovery learning models; (4)
determine the effect of discovery learning and conventional learning models on student learning
outcomes. The sample for this research consisted of two classes of all X classes in SMA Negeri
1 Babalan TP 2017/2018 which was carried out using the technique of random cluster sampling,
namely the technique of group samples taken by random. This research used the quasi-
experiment methods with two group control designs. The experimental class was MIPA 4 class
X with 33 students and was treated using discovery learning models. The control group one was
MIPA2 class X with 33 students and treated using conventional learning. learning outcomes
Instrumen was used to measure student learning outcomes. The results of this study showed that
there was an effect of the Discovery Learning model compared to the conventional learning
model on the learning outcomes of students on the subject of momentum and impulse in the
classroom X semester II SMA Negeri 1 Babalan TP 2017/2018. This is demonstrated by the
difference in the learning outcomes of the students in the experimental class and the control
class. The average acquisition of the pretest students in the experimental class was 47.29 and
the average post-test score of the learning outcomes of the students in the experimental class
was 78.01, while the average acquisition of the students of the Pre-test of the control class was
43.05 and the mean student learning score after the test in the control class was 73.37.

Awareness and preparedness of natural disasters
based on students perception among junior high
school of Cirebon City, Province of West Java,
M I P Sari1, M A Khafid2, and Jumadi3
M.Ed. Candidate, Department of Science Education, Graduate School of Yogyakarta
State University,Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology,
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Science Education, Graduate School of Yogyakarta State
University,Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Indonesia is a country of geological conditions located on three active tectonic plates
that are almost entirely vulnerable to natural disasters. One of the cities with a high risk of
disaster is Cirebon city. An individual's ability to cope with disasters is directly proportional to
the level of preparedness and awareness in the face of disaster risk. The purpose of the research
is to know the level of preparedness and awareness of disasters in junior high students in Cirebon
city. The method used in this study is a case study with a qualitative research approach from the
study of 80 samples of students and structured interviews with descriptive analysis in Cirebon.
The results showed that disasters can be influenced by natural and human factors, the ability to
see disaster phenomena and countermeasures in every type of disaster around is good enough,
internet media exerts a great influence on the source of disaster information, students knowledge
of preparedness in the event of a disaster is almost entirely able to understand and analyze the
potential disasters they will face. Education on disaster response should have started from the
nearest neighborhood, namely families with government support through coordination with the
relevant agencies.

Keywords: Natural Disaster, Awareness, Preparedness, Junior High School, Cirebon

The effectiveness of aquascape media as a learning
aid for the interaction of living things with the
environment to improve students' mastery of
concepts and communication
J Febriandini1 and Suyanta1
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. For junior high school students, learning the concept of environmental interaction can
be learned from the environment around them, an example is the ecosystem. Aquascape media
is a form of real media to study Environmental Interactions regarding artificial ecosystems. This
study aims to (1) determine the effectiveness of the use of Aquascape media as a learning aid
for the interaction of living things with the environment in increasing the mastery of the concepts
and communication skills of students, (2) knowing the effectiveness of using Aquascape media
as a learning aid for the interaction of living things with the environment. Simultaneously to
junior high school students. This research method used a quasy experiment method with a pre-
test post-test control group design research design. In this study, the research subjects were taken
in grade 7 of SMP Negeri 12 Yogyakarta VII-A, a total of 33 students who were made into the
experimental group and VII-B of 33 students who were used as the control group, so that the
total research subjects were 66 students. The experimental class and the control class were taken
by simple random sampling by considering a supportive school environment for introducing
Aquascape media to students. Analysis of the data on the effectiveness of Aquascape media
used the Manova difference test with the help of SPSS 23 with a significance level value smaller
than 0.05. The results showed (1) the Partial Eta Squared value in the Manova test was 0.875,
this indicates that the effectiveness of Aquascape media as a tool in learning interactions
between living things to improve students' mastery of concepts and communication is in the
high category. (2) the results of the Test of Between Subject Effects on the Manova test show
that the significance value of students' mastery of concepts and communication is less than 0.05,
so it can be said that Aquascape media as a tool in learning interactions between living things
can effectively improve the mastery of concepts and communication skills of participants
students simultaneously.

Assessment of critical thinking skills in STEM-based
science learning through project assignments
B A Dewanti1, A Santoso2
Science Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Islam Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Abstract. Critical thinking skills are one of the 21st century learning skills that students must
have, considering that the rapid development of science and technology causes more problems
that arise in everyday life. Critical thinking skills are related to skills in using various reasons in
various situations, thinking systematically, and being able to make decisions and solve
problems. The development of these skills can be done through STEM-based science learning.
To find out how far the students' critical thinking skills are, it is necessary to assess them.
Assessing these skills can be done through the project assignment method. Project-based
learning can encourage students to explore their abilities and potentials, conduct experiments,
think rationally and logically, solve problems during the project, and find new knowledge or
verification of existing concepts.


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