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H/O 7 – Translation

Activity 12 Translation

Fingerprints - the offender's identity card

Since he operates with his hands, it is almost impossible for the offender not
to leave at least a fingerprint at the crime scene. Even if he wears surgical gloves,
the impressions of his fingers or palms remain imprinted on the touched objects.
Because there are 1 to 64 billion chances that two people have the same
dactyloscopic characteristics, the real offender is easily caught after comparing the
fingerprint in question (left involuntarily at the crime scene) with the impression
(fingerprint taken from the suspect in the labor).
"There are no two people on this earth who have the same fingerprint
characteristics. Not even twin brothers have identical fingerprints. If the offender's
fingerprints were found at the scene, it's like being caught. The impressions made
by the victim and those made from other persons that are taken out of the suspect's
circle are excluded and only the traces of the criminal remain, which incriminates
Be a small trace as it may, even a small fragment of the digital impression is
exploited by forensics. They reconstruct it in a complete fingerprint and the
offender is caught. This is a kind of identity card of the criminal ", declared the
head of the Brăila Forensic Service. To reinforce what was said above, the head of
the Forensic Service revealed how his team, which has an average age of about 26
years, managed to solve some complicated cases. "A robbery was committed in the
Obor street. By specific methods, the anthropometric data of the perpetrator were
established. Samples were taken from a light bulb and, surprise, the perpetrator's
fingerprints were found. The forensics team also considered the possibility that the
intruder may have tampered with the lighting system."
Although there are often voices among those who break the law that
challenge forensic expertise, their grievances and actions in court fail miserably.
"Even if the criminal challenges the forensic expertise, in the end we are still
right. There were lawyers who tried to challenge our conclusions, but could not
administer evidence that would invalidate the expertise of the Forensic Service. A
wrong expertise could put an innocent man behind bars. And we don't play with
freedom and human life. If the entire population were fingerprinted, there would be
no more cases where, following a road accident, for example, a body would remain
unidentified for months. At least let's think about it ... ", says the head of the Brăila
Forensic Service.

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