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Sexual selfhood- defines s how one views or thinks about himself/herself as a sexual individual.

Persepectives of Human Sexuality

Historical- In Ancient Greece it was pressumed that the dominant role is the Male. The Male
symbol is the Penis which symbolizes Fertility. Women were considered objects to be possesed
Gyne- Bearer of children

The middle ages(476-1450)- The church decreed that sexual acts that do not lead to procreation
were considered evil. Women were labeled as either a Temptress(Eve) or a woman of
virtue(Virgin Mary)

In the protestant Reformation of the 16th century(1483-1546)- Reformation against the

corruption of the roman catholic church. Led by MARTIN LUTHER, JOHN CALVIN and
other protestant leaders.
Protestantism- believed that sexuality is a natural part of life and priests should also be able to
marry and have children. They believed that sexual intimacy was to strengthen the physical and
emotional bonds between husband and wives.

By the 17th and 18 century England

The puritans- English Protestants
They had positive views on marital sex and did not condone premarital sex.

In the victorian Era(1837-1901) -Homosexuality and Prostitution were rampant and were a
threat in the societal order.
Beliefs that proliferated were
Sex for women was just for marital duty was assume pure and asexual. And were told that
they should not enjoy sex and if they did, there was something wrong with them.
For Men, Masturbation and Ejaculating could lead to Blindness, Insanity, and death.
20th century
 Period where pregnancy can be controlled by natural and artificial contraception
 Increased incidence of STI’s
 Feminism- equality between genders

-knowing the structures and functions od the reproductive system is essential to thee
understanding of sexuality.

 Primary Sex Characteristics

-Seminal Vesicles andd prostate glands

 Secondary Sex Charavteristics

-Fallopian tubes


Chromosomes- Threadlike structures found in each nucleus of each cell of the body.
Genes- Basic unit of Heredity
Human Beings have 23 pairs of Chromosomes
Autosomes-first 22 pairs chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes.
Sex chromosomes- 23rd chromosome. Determines whether an individual is Male or Female

According to the sociobiological theory, Natural selection is process by which the organism best
suited to their environment is most likely to survive.
Beauty is not just a cultural standard. It is primarily an evolutionary standard for attracting the
best Male and female.
Sexual preference for men are big breasted females and for Broad shoulders and muscle torsos
for females.

Sex Instinct or libido
Death instinct

Erogenous zones- areas of pleasure

Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
 Oral stage
 Anal stage
 Phallic stage
-sexual attraction of the child to the opposite sex parent
-Oedipus Complex(Boy to Mother)
-Electra Complex(Girl to Father)
 Latency stage
-sexual impulses lies dormant as the child is occupied by social activities
 Genital Stage
-Sexual attraction is directed toward others
Id- Pleasure principle
Superego-Moral principle
Ego-Analytical principle

 Judaism
-positive and natural look on marital sex
-blessed by god and both pleasureable for man and woman
 Islam
-Family is the outmost importance
-celibacy is prohibited
-muslim can have up to 4 wives whereas women can only have 1 husband
 Taoism
-sex is not only natural and healthy
-also a sacred union necessary to peoples physical mental and spiritual being
 Hinduism
-Sexulity as a spiritual force
-love making is an act of celebrating andd transcending the physical
 Roman Catholic
-marriage is purely for intercourse
-Evangelical Vitae- married couples should engage in intercourse for the purposes of procreation
-homosexual is not evil but homosexual acts are
-birth control is opposed but they agree on family planning and prohibit abortion.
Clarifying sexual terminologies

Sex is derived from the latin word Secare which means “to divide’’ while sexuality means
“to unite”

Psychologist Shirley feldman

Sexual Arousal has emerged as new phenomenan in adolescence.

Santrock 2014
Sexuality is a normal period of adolescence. Adolescence is a period of exploration and
experimentation which includes sexual fantasies and realities.
Sexual identity includes sexual orientation(Homosexual or heterosexual), ability to manage
sexual feelings such as sexual arousal and sexual activities and his capacity to regulate his sexual
behavious to avoid undesirable consequences.
Gender refers to the charavteristics of people as males and females. Lived role as a boy or girl,
man or woman
Gender role is the set of expectations set that prescribes how males and females should think, act
and feel

DSMV 2013
Sex and sexual refers to the biological indicators as male and females or having the capacity to
Gender assignment refers to the initial assignment as male or female that occurs at birth
Gender reassignment denotes an official and usually legal change of gender
Gender identity is a category of social identity that refers to an individuals identification as male
or female
Masculine refers to the qualities of behaviour judged by a prticular culture to be ideally
associated with or appropriate to men and boys Feminine for girls and women
The Phases of human sexual response
Refers to the physical and emotional changes that occurs as a person becomes sexually aroused
of participates in sexually stimulating activities such as Intercourse or Mastubation
Masters and johnsons categorized the human erotic response into four stages which they
called Human Sexual Response Cycle(HSRC)
 Excitement
The body’s initial response to sexual arousal
-characterized by an increased in heart rate and blood pressure
-blood flow to the genitals resulting of swellinng of Clitoris and labia minora and the erection of
 Plateau
Period where sexual excitement is prior to orgasm
-characterized by intensification of the changes began during the excitement phase
 Orgasm
Shortest phase which typically lasts for a few seconds
-characterized by waves of intense pleasure(climax)
-contractions of the genitals of the females
-ejaculation of semen
 Resolution
Phase of the body returns to its non-excited state
-all swelled and erected body parts revert to its normal size and color

According to Rosenthal he included the Desire prior to excitement which always seeks out
sexual objects or to engage in sexual activities
Triaphasic model of sexual response by Hellen singer kaplan which includes only Sexual desire,
exciement and Orgasm
The erotic pathway theory of David reed
He did not focus on the physical changes of sexual respnse but on Psycghosociall aspects of
sexual response.
 Seduction-actions that enchance attractiveness
 Sensation-includes sense of smell, touch and sound
 Surrender-orgasm
 Reflection-a positive or negative sexual exp. That affects future sexual patterns


ATTRACTION is a characteristic that causes pleasure or interest by appealing to a certain
person’s desires or tastes which causes the person to be drawn to another.
The criteria for beauty are subjective and it varies in different cultures.
Fisher believes humans evolved three core brain systems for mating and reproduction: lust,
romantic attraction, and attachment.
Chemicals in attraction:
Dopamine: Increased dopamine is associated with motivation, reward, and goal-directed
behavior—hence the drive to pursue your loved one or create them in fantasy if you can’t be
with them. 
Norepinephrine is responsible for the extra surge of energy and "racing heart" that you feel, as
well as the loss of, in some cases, both your appetite and your desire for sleep.
Serotonin: Scientists think serotonin probably decreases at this stage, but more studies need to
be done. Low levels of serotonin are found in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and are
thought to cause obsessive thinking. In one Italian study of 60 students, those who were recently
in love and those with OCD both had less serotonin transporter protein in their blood than regular
(not recently in love) students.
After about four years in a relationship, dopamine decreases and attraction goes down. If things
are going well, it gets replaced by the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which create the
desire to bond, affiliate with, and nurture your partner. 


The singer Robert Palmer compares love with an addiction.
Fisher, 2006, concluded that instead of defining “being in love” as an emotion, can also be
considered as a “strong emotion”―an addictive craving to be with the other person.

THREE PHASES OF ROMANTIC LOVE by Helen Fisher and colleagues, 1998

Lust Phase- intense craving for sexual contact
Attraction Phase- infatuated and pursues a relationship
Attachment Phase- long term bond between partners.
1. Eros- based on strong sexual and emotional component. This type of love creates initial
excitement of a new relationship.
2. Agape- this is the altruistic and selfless love
3. Storge- this is the love-related friendship and based on nonsexual affection.
4. Ludus- love is just a game
5. Mania- this is the type of love that is obsessive and possessive
6. Pragma- this type is the practical and business-like love

3 Components of Love by Robert Stenberg

 Intimacy- closeness, connectedness, bondedness in loving relationship
 Passion- drives that lead to romance, physical contact, sexual consummation, and related
phenomena in loving relationships
 Commitment- refers to being dedicated to one another


1. Liking (intimacy)- passion and commitment is absent.
2. Infatuation (passion)- characterized by feelings of lust and physical passion without
liking and commitment
3. Empty Love (commitment)- characterized by commitment without passion and intimacy
(ex. Arrange marriage)
4. Romantic Love (passion and intimacy)- bonds people emotionally through intimacy and
physical passion. Partners here enjoy sexual passion and affection.
5. Companionate Love (intimacy and commitment)- intimate but non-passionate sort of
love. Minimal or non-sexual desire. Intimacy and commitment are present in this type of
6. Fatuous Love (passion and commitment)- commitment and passion are present while
intimacy is absent
7. Consummate Love (passion, intimacy and commitment)- total form of love because it
includes all components which are passion, intimacy and commitment. “Ideal

Chemistry of Love

Why does people fall in love?

Chemical substances that responsible for the feelings we felt when we’re in love:
Dopamine (DA) and Norepinephrine (NE) - Neurotransmitter that are involved in mood,
motivation, attention, and excitement.

Serotonin - Neurotransmitter that are involved with mood, obsession, sex, and sleep.

Phenylethylamine (PEA) – Neurochemical that can increase the levels of DA and NE

(especially in Mood and Pleasure), This is also called “The love drug” (love and orgasm).

Oxytocin and Vasopressin – Neuropeptides that are important in trust, empathy, emotional
accessibility, pair bonding, and close relationship.

Endorphins – Named for “Endogenous Morphine”, body’s natural opiates. Involved in the
feeling of security, euphoria, and peace.

Theories on why people fall in love:

Behavioral Reinforcement Theory – When a person receive or felt (positive or negative)

something, the better behavior that the person felt, the more likely it will be repeated.

Physiological Arousal Theory – The bodies experiences a physiological change first, then the
brain will interpret and assign an emotion to that physical sensation.

Evolutionary Theory – This explain that love arose due to some sociobiological needs.

Factors that would determine with whom people fall in love:

 Physical Attractiveness
- People fall in love with physical appearances of an individual.
 Reciprocity
- People fall in love to the person who also like them
 Proximity
- People fall in love to the person who can always be with them.
 Similarities
- People fall in love with the person that shares with their characteristics.

Diversity of Sexual Behavior

Human Sexual Behavior – any activity, solitary, by pair or by group which induces sexual
arousal. It can be classified according to the gender and the number of participants.

1. Sociosexual Behavior – sexual behavior involving more than one person. It is generally
expressed in heterosexual behavior (male with female) and homosexual behavior (female
to female or male to male)
2. Solitary Behavior
- Self-masturbation or self-stimulation with the intention of sexual arousal, a feeling of
pleasure and often results in orgasms.

Erotic Dreams – involuntary images occur when people are asleep. These images alone can
result in vagina lubrication and penile erection and orgasm. In males, these are called nocturnal
emission or wet dreams.

Sexual Orientation – a person’s predisposition or inclination regarding sexual behavior.

Emotional attachment or physical attraction to one or both sexes.

Types of Sexual Orientation:

1. Homosexual – refers to a person whose sexual orientation is toward another of the same
 Gay – A man whose sexual and romantic attraction is toward men.
 Lesbian – A woman whose sexual and romantic attraction is toward women.
2. Heterosexual – “Straight”, a person whose sexual orientation is towards others of the
opposite sex.
3. Bisexual – Person who may be sexually oriented to both men and women.
4. Pansexual – Person who are sexually attracted to people regardless of their sex or gender
identity. (Gender Blind)

“Pan” is a Greek word for “all or every”.

5. Transgender – Broad spectrum of individuals who transiently or persistently identify
with a gender different from their natal gender.
 Transsexual – individual who seeks, or undergone, a social transition from male
to female or female to male.
Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) – diseases that are contracted primarily through sexual
contact with an infected individual.


1. HIV/AIDS – Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome, HIV van lead to infections that attack and destroy the CD4 of the Immune
system which is the body’s natural defense against illnesses such as tuberculosis,
pneumonia, and cancer. HIV without treatment can lead into AIDS.
2. Genital Herpes - This is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a large family of
viruses of different strains. These strains produce other non-sexually transmitted diseases
such as chicken pox and mononucleosis.
3. Genital Warts - This is an STI caused by the human papillomavirus, this STI is very
4. Gonorrhea - This is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria
gonorrhea which thrives in the moist mucous membrane linings of the mouth, throat,
vagina, cervix, urethra, and the anal tract. Complication for males may include prostate,
bladder, and kidney problems as well as sterility.
5. Syphilis - This is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacterium Treponema
pallidum, a spirochete. Syphilis has four phases, Primary (Chancre sore appear) ,
Secondary (General skin rashes occur), Latent (may last for several years without
symptoms), and Tertiary (Cardiovascular diseases, Blindness, Skin problems, etc.).
6. Chlamydia - This is one of the most common sexually transmitted infection, named for
Chlamydia trachomatis, an organism that spreads through sexual contact and infects the
genital organs of both sexes.

Methods of Contraception (Natural and Artificial)

Contraceptives – medicines and other devices that are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

1. Hormonal method of contraception -Prevents the release of an egg or ovulation.

A. Oral contraceptives (Pills) – These are daily oral contraceptives some contain estrogen and

B. The patch – It is a small patch that sticks on to the skin that releases estrogen and
progesterone, it stops ovulation.

C. The ring – Small plastic ring a woman inserts into vagina every month and releases
hormones to stop ovulation.

D. Implants – Small flexible rod that is place under the skin of the upper arm by health
professional and releases progesterone to stop ovulation.

E. Injectable – A long-acting reversible contraception does not depend on you taking it daily
and is very effective.

2. Barrier Methods - Methods that physically or chemically block the sperm from
reaching an egg and provide a barrier between direct skin to skin contacts.

A. Diaphragm – A soft dome made of latex or silicone and is used with spermicide. It is put
into vagina to cover the cervix.

B. Cervical caps – Similar to Diaphragm but generally always made with silicone.

C. Male and Female condoms or Spermicides – Made up of thin latex put over the penis to
stop the sperm from entering the vagina.

3. Behavioral Methods - Regulates the timing or method of intercourse to prevent the

introduction of sperm into the female reproductive organ.

A. Rhythm and Calendar Method – Way of determining a woman’s most fertile and infertile
times by charting the menstrual cycle. It is also known as natural family planning or fertility

B. Abstinence or Celibacy – The avoidance of sexual intercourse.

C. Outercourse – Sexual activity that does not include insertion of the penis into the vagina.

D. Withdrawal (coitus interruptus) – It happens when a man removes his penis from the
vagina and ejaculates outside of the woman’s body.

4. Sterilization - Procedures that make an individual permanently incapable of conceiving

or fertilizing a partner.

A. Tubal ligation/ Sterilization – Surgery for woman in which fallopian tubes are tied to
prevent eggs from travelling to the uterus so the woman cannot be pregnant.

B. Vasectomy – Operation which the surgeon makes a small cut in the upper part of the
scrotum then ties or blocks the vas deferens.

5. Intrauterine device (IUD) - Device that is placed in the uterus by a doctor to prevent

6. Emergency contraception - It is a measure that protects against pregnancy after

unprotected sex has already occurred. It could be through IUD or higher dosage of pills.

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